Choosing entrance doors

If earlier a good quality entrance door was a luxury item, it indicated the status and position of a person, but today it has turned into a security element in many ways. Protection against hacking and preservation of personal property, this is why a person chooses a strong and thick expensive door. What you should pay attention to when choosing.
There are various groups of entrance doors according to certain criteria.
So, first of all, all entrance doors can be divided according to the place of installation. There are street or outdoor options, as well as interior, which are installed either at the entrance to the room, or used as a second internal door in conjunction with the outside.
Doors can also vary in the material of which they are made.
The most common materials for the manufacture of input structures are:
- metal;
- tree;
- plastic;
- glass;
- aluminum.
Most users choose strength and safety when choosing, therefore they prefer a metal door. It can be with forging, various monograms and textures.
The second most popular material is, oddly enough, wood, although it is inferior in strength to metal, still has a beautiful appearance that still attracts the consumer. In addition, there are combined options - metal elite doors. These doors have an internal metal frame, usually a fairly dense metal sheet, but from the outside the door is sheathed with a wooden coating, so this door has the strength of a metal and the appearance of a wooden door.
In addition, the outdoor entrance groups also differ in purpose.
The following main types of door structures are distinguished:
- shockproof;
- bulletproof or armored;
- fireproof;
- hermetic;
- soundproof.
The latter are rarely used for household purposes, they are usually installed in recording studios, night clubs, concert venues, when it is necessary to prevent sound from escaping from the premises.
Any door with high strength indicators is called anti-shock, today almost any manufacturer assures the buyer of the anti-shock of its goods. Maximum protection can provide armored and fire resistant models. Usually, these doors undergo special treatment with fire-fighting solutions, which means they prevent melting when exposed to high temperatures.
The way of opening also defines various types of entrance doors, allocate hinged and sliding options. Typically, typical flats use exactly swing type of opening, because sliding models require special preparation of the opening and walls.
However, their use as interior options is quite common. In addition, this type of door is often framed by the main entrances in private homes.
There is also a division according to the number of valves. So, the most common options are single-door doors, when one web is installed. Less common are one and a half patterns.
This option includes two canvases, one of which is noticeably smaller in size, and also opens only when necessary, for example, when it is necessary to transfer some fairly large items, and one sash is not enough. For private houses or places with high traffic, such as shopping centers, they use double-wing models, they have two equivalent flaps, both of which carry a functional purpose.
What is important to consider when choosing materials?
Each material has its own special characteristics and features that will be important when choosing, therefore it is worthwhile, first of all, to give a brief description of each type of materials.
The most popular material is definitely metal. It is great for making strong entrance doors. Models of this material provides sound and heat insulation, have an attractive design, and are also equipped with different degrees of protection against burglary. Such options are made in a huge number of colors,and by using a different number of metal sheets in the frame, it is possible to choose a model that fits any opening.
The second popularity is, of course, wooden models, it would seem that they are less durable than metal ones, but because of their neat appearance, they do not lose relevance.
Wooden entrance structures usually cost less than metal ones, if they are, of course, not elite options from expensive wood or solid wood, but they are quite reliable, and many different finishes and colors allow you to choose models for any interior.
This door has a number of significant advantages: it does not freeze through even in the most severe cold, so it can also be used as an option for a private house. Wood provides an amazing sound and heat insulation, and will also be able to last a long time with the right choice and proper installation.
If the choice is made for interior decoration and installation of interior doors, you can pay attention to wood counterparts, which look no less aesthetic, but their cost is noticeably different.So, for interior models often use MDF, as well as laminated PVC panels. The frame of the door is sheathed with these materials, and the consumer gets a strong door with high aesthetic qualities for installation in doorways in the room.
Plastic and aluminum entrance groups are most often used in private homes, as well as public places, such as shopping centers and various leisure establishments, educational centers. Such doors are able to protect against drafts and noise, but such a door probably will not protect against breaking.
Also for the design of the entrance group in private homes often use glass. Glass inserts in door designs always look very impressive and stylish, but these doors are quite expensive, since you need to use a special armored glass that will resist hacking.
When choosing a material for the front door, it is necessary to take into account certain aspects:
- The place where the door will be installed, it is better to use metal for the front door to the apartment, in a private house there is metal or wood, MDF and PVC are ideal for indoor use.
- CostThe quality and type of material will necessarily affect the cost of the final product, so the amount that a person is willing to spend on the purchase will also determine the type of material chosen.
- Reliability. Of course, metal is a more reliable material, however, wood is inferior to it quite a bit, especially since today manufacturers offer combined options that combine the properties of all the materials used.
- Sound and heat insulation. In this case, you can choose almost any material, as modern manufacturers create designs that meet the user's needs.
- Lifetime. Different materials have a different life, however, it is worth considering that proper and competent installation can prolong the life of any material, as well as violation of the installation technology and operating rules can kill any material.
- Protection against penetration. There are various classes of hacking, which are inherent in various materials, the choice should also pay attention to this factor.
What are the sizes?
When determining the required size, it is worth considering several aspects at once.First of all, the main measurements of any object are the height and width, in the case of the choice of the entrance fabric, its thickness, the dimensions of the doorway, as well as the parameters of the door frame are also taken into account;
The size range of door leaves will primarily depend on the type of design features of a particular model. So the most common options are:
- Single door This is the simplest model of the door, it is a rectangular smooth canvas, inserted into a special door frame. Typically, the width of such models is in dimensions from 100 to 110 centimeters. Diversify the interior when choosing such simple designs will help various solutions in the design, as well as the selection of interesting color solutions;
- One and a half. Such models differ in construction, consisting of two doors of different widths, the narrower part opens only in exceptional cases and serves more as a decorative element, rather than as a functional one. The width of such models can reach up to 140 centimeters;
- Bivalves. These are the widest models; in this case, the model has two equivalent flaps. They are of equal width and both perform their duties.The opening, in the case of installing such a door, is increased by one and a half, two times, which immediately changes the appearance of the building.
GOST also defines the standards of openings in which the door is mounted in typical apartments. There are three main sizes that have been named above.
The height of the doorway according to GOST is in the range from 207 to 237 centimeters. This size depends primarily on the height of the ceilings in the room.
The width must be at least 90 centimeters, special conditions for various designs are also determined. So single-leaf variants can have a width of 101 centimeters, one-and-a-half, 131, 151, 155 centimeters, and double-wing models should have a width of at least 191 centimeters.
As for the thickness of the canvas, GOST does not place high demands on it. However, in any case, it should be sufficient to meet the stated requirements for the doors. So, for example, thickness is decisive for an entrance door, it will not only protect against odor, frost and outside sounds, but also protect against hacking and penetration, therefore a large thickness is decisive in the choice.
For modern private houses and apartments in new buildings, manufacturers offer options that do not fit into the standards of GOST. In this case, the dimensions of the doorways can be as follows: the width is between 90 and 200 centimeters, but the height can reach 240 centimeters, with a minimum value of 200. A serious increase is possible only in buildings of public importance, if the overall dimensions of the building are much larger than standard, here aesthetic considerations come into force.
When choosing a color for the front door, you first need to focus on personal preferences, as well as on the overall design of the room. And if the majority of metal and wood exterior doors have quite standard colors, different experiments are possible for the interior space.
As already mentioned, street models are most often painted in standard low-key colors, since they should not be riveted to. The most common are black, green and brown metal models, as well as standard wood textures for wooden models.
As for the interior entrance groups, so there opens up a whole scope for creativity.The natural color of the tree will be an excellent option for rooms of classical style, also for rooms in the Baroque or Modern style.
Wooden textures are good to choose in apartments with a large number of doorways, installing identical doors will not create disharmony and fragmentation, on the contrary, it will tie the whole space together.
Cool shades such as blue and gray will perfectly fit into the interior in a minimalist style, and bright accents in the form of a yellow, violet or red door will complement the high-tech style.
White door can expand the space, it will add air, light to any room. It will be an excellent option for Provence style rooms. In addition, the white doors look quite elegant and festive, as well as combined with most colors and textures of design of any modern interior.
In addition, when choosing a color solution, you can focus on the color of the flooring in the room, so a darker floor, such as wenge, will be in harmony with warm shades or with an identical color option. You can also choose the color of the door 1-2 shades lighter or darker than the floor covering.
Also, the door can be matched to the color of the walls. As it was mentioned, white color will suit almost any color, and various versions of wooden flooring look harmoniously with almost any wall design. With bright color options, be careful, they can play a cruel joke, and the door will look like a thorn.
If the apartment has a lot of rooms of different styles, then in choosing the color of the door it is better to focus on the style of the room, which will unite all the others, usually this room is a hall or a corridor.
The color of the door can also be combined with shades of furniture in the apartment. So today, the choice of models of doors and furniture is so great that it is not difficult to choose the identical color of these two objects, but it is advisable only if you do not plan to frequently change furniture, otherwise there is absolutely no point in choosing the door leaf to the color of furniture.
If necessary, you can make a double-sided door, it is not so cheap, however, it will allow you not to think about choosing suitable color solutions for all rooms and focus only on the color of a specific room.
In some cases, you can choose a door with different stickers, such options will create an additional accent. Most often use photos of animals and landscapes.
How to choose a heater?
The level of heat and sound insulation when using the entrance door will directly depend on the type and quality of the material with which the door frame will be insulated.
The simplest and most common variant of insulation is a rubber band. This type of insulation is sold in hardware stores as self-adhesive material for self-insulation. This material is mounted in a gap formed between the door frame and the opening. The main thing here is not to overdo it and take measurements correctly, otherwise the door simply will not close.
When choosing a rubber tape in a store, it is worth checking the quality of its recovery, it is necessary to crush the material, and if it has finished quickly enough, then this type of rubber meets the stated requirements and can last for a sufficient period. But if the crumpled tape remained in the crumpled state, then this heater had either violated the storage temperature or the rubber had a shelf life.Such a heater will not be able to fully satisfy the hopes placed on it.
In addition, the backlight can be built into the rubber insulation, most often it is a simple LED strip with several LEDs, which lights up when the door is opened, which makes it easy to navigate in the dark corridor.
And if such insulation is usually sufficient for a wooden door, since the canvas itself does a good job with the requirements for sound and heat insulation, then a mandatory internal filler is required for metal doors.
In the cheapest models of metal doors, cardboard “honeycombs” are used as filler, which most often do not cope with the tasks, to the extent necessary, and draft and foreign noise penetrates into the apartment.
The best options for insulation are mineral wool and foam plastic, their cost is low, and the functionality is sufficient for high-quality insulation. Instead of foam, you can also use polystyrene foam. They have the same visual qualities, but the second material is presented in thinner layers and has a more dense structure.
So in the case of metal doors, a layer of insulation is laid between two equivalent sheets, which most often have a thickness of about 2-4 mm, the structure is fastened, and afterwards various decorative elements are installed on the door, such as forging or a bell, which perform not so much functional as pure aesthetic function.
In a wooden door it is common to use foam rubber as a heater. It allows you to create a high-quality coating that is capable of not only performing the functions of sealing, insulation and sound insulation, but also keeps its shape and has a long service life.
How to choose?
In choosing the front door you need to focus on the installation location, the purpose of the door and the dimensions of the doorway.
First of all, it is necessary to decide where the door will be installed, if this is an option for a typical apartment in a residential building the best options are, of course, metal or combined doors, you can also use high-quality, elite wooden models of high-grade crack resistance.
Metal options, however, continue to collect customer reviews with praise of their functionality, quality, appearance and possible options for execution.
In addition, choosing a door, you need to take care of additional protection against burglary. First of all, these are special hidden locks, as well as a thicker metal layer. Of course, no one is insured from burglary anyway, however, the more complicated the locks are and the thicker the canvas itself, the greater the likelihood that a burglar will spend more time on opening, and maybe he will completely abandon his undertaking.
Choosing a door, it is also important to choose the right insulation. After all, warm doors are much more worthwhile investment than options with poor quality insulation or without it.
In a private house, also suitable, and metal, and wood, and the combined options. In this case, there is more room for design. You can use the door with a window or with a transom. An interesting design will add sophistication to the facade of the house. Of course, for the street and home without a fence, you should not choose an attractive design, since it is he who often attracts thieves, but for a safe yard such options are the best choice.
In addition, you can stop at the option when the doors exist in the configuration of two in one box.Simply put, double door models. They look impressive and expensive in the center of a properly designed entrance group. Can be supplemented with flower arrangements, columns or hedge.
Room interior doors should be chosen based on the overall design of the room, the material in this case is not as important as the design execution. Often, people opt for a variety of decorative options, for example, framed doors, as well as models with different decorative carvings, are quite popular.
As a popular material for interior doors, wood, MDF and PVC are worth noting. They have a long service life, a pleasant appearance, as well as a large assortment of different design options.
In interior design doors play an important role. They are able to act not only as a separating element of the premises of the street space and residential, as well as perform safety functions, but also to perform quite useful practical functions.
The primary function of the door, after the direct appointment, is its decorative function.Properly chosen canvas is able to completely transform the space and tie it to the chosen style.
Classics to more simple shapes and colors, the room in the modern style requires a model with a drawing inside, Provence gets on well with white paneled variants, and if they are still with glass, then they fit perfectly into the interior in the country style.
Doors can also be used to divide a room into zones. The doorway will correspond to the extreme point of a particular zone, and the door will allow you to create isolated spaces.
In some spaces, heat and sound insulation plays one of the most important roles in ensuring performance. For example, for a recording studio or a rehearsal room, the right door is the main functional requirement.
The design of the door can be determined by its shape. So you can select simple standard models and non-standard.
Standard options, of course, include options for simple rectangular shapes, standard sizes, hinged and single-winged ones.
Non-standard models can be with multiple flaps, different widths,also sliding. Popular with the door and the arch, which also applies to non-standard models. And perhaps a design decision, in which the arch will be exclusively a box, the door will be absent in this case. The arch can be decorated with various draperies, tulles and pendants.
Sliding door models also look good, their use becomes advisable when space is needed. It is also possible to use the doors folding in the form of a book and an accordion, they are also able to save space and decorate it with an unusual shape.
Design features will also be determined by the choice of material from which one or another door will be made. For example, the metal has the smallest number of colors, the colors are the most serene and standard. Most often it is black, brown and dark green.
For an array of premium wood is also an unusual number of different colors, but the MDF provides a huge selection. There can be any texture, color or pattern, various inserts of glass, plastic and other materials.
Beautiful options in the interior
The choice of the correct shape, design, material and color solution of the entrance door will make it unique for any room, create a beautiful memory interior that will be in harmony with the overall design of the room.
The most difficult choice is the selection of the front door in the "Khrushchev", there are usually their own laws of size, so it’s not always easy to choose an option among the standard ones. However, if the choice is made correctly, and the installation is performed according to all the rules, very attractive options are obtained.
For information on how to choose the front door for the house and apartment, see this video.