What should be the threshold of the entrance door?

Living space consists of a set of elements that perform certain functions, both useful and decorative. This also applies to the threshold. It decorates the entrance to the apartments of high-rise buildings, as well as private country houses and villas.
Purpose and device
The threshold at the front door is an important element in any residential area. This detail performs many useful functions, such as: protecting the room from dirt, moisture and dust from the street, isolation from drafts, a decorative component (the addition of decorative design).It is worth noting that with the help of the above design it is possible to increase the level of protection of an object against intruders. Also at the expense of the threshold align the dock differences between the door and the floor.
Many owners are interested in the question of how to independently make a threshold using certain materials and tools. Experts recommend creating this element with a height of no more than three centimeters. In certain cases, the parameters can be changed, especially if it is necessary to achieve a certain decorative effect.
In the process of manufacturing the structure, it is necessary to find a middle ground in order for the threshold to fulfill its main task - tightly joining the door with the floor, as well as decorating the entrance and not attracting much attention.
Before you begin to work, you should choose a certain type of construction, as well as materials for its manufacture and cladding. As a rule, the material is selected taking into account the overall style of the room, personal preferences and financial capabilities. The choice of performance characteristics of the threshold and its resistance to external damage.
Some people mistakenly think that if you make the structure taller, it will look better and better cope with other tasks. However, the height can interfere and cause a lot of inconvenience when visiting the house.
Properly chosen input threshold device should have optimal dimensions. Further in the article we will discuss the criteria for choosing the type of threshold at the entrance to a house or apartment.
Rules for the choice of design
In the event that the threshold for the threshold is included in the set with the door frame, then the buyer no longer needs to choose the design for the threshold. In this case, it is mounted when installing the door and box. If there is no such component, you need to choose the materials for the threshold and the design of this element. It should be noted that the installation should be carried out only at the end of the box installation.
Professionals from the field of repair and decoration of premises declare that when compiling design options, it is necessary to take into account these parameters:
- dimensions;
- raw materials for the manufacture of finishes;
- the density of joining the web to the threshold;
- shape of the product.
In order for the doors to lie as close as possible to the threshold, it is equipped with special locking connections.
Remember that the threshold is almost constantly under stress, and the more people live in the house, the more intense the load. If you want it to retain its appearance for many years, it is recommended to choose the most durable and reliable material for cladding.
It's time to talk more about their diversity.
We select the material
As with any element in each room, certain criteria have been developed for the threshold. The materials used are:
- Natural wood. The array is widespread in the field of interior decoration and construction.
- Metal. It is a reliable and durable material that retains its shape and appearance for a long time.
- Brick. Strong and, not least, affordable raw materials.
- Plastic. One of the most popular artificial materials.
- Cement. Budget option to make a strong threshold.
Moreover, the color and texture of the material should be in harmony with the door.
After the choice with a matter is made, it is necessary to pick up the form. Most experts agree that the most reliable design in the form of stairs. The most common material options for the threshold are concrete, metal and wood, however, the latest version is especially popular. Perfect hardwood.
Despite the fact that the construction of the array is not as strong and resistant as that of concrete or metal, it is much easier to repair and dismantle if necessary.
Next, we will talk more about the arrangement of this type of threshold: how to make a threshold out of wood. The tree has a special natural appearance, which is distinguished by aesthetics and attractiveness. In addition to oak, you can safely use birch. In order for boards to withstand constant loads without problems, they must be pretreated with a composition that protects against moisture and damp.
Required tools
- Hammer;
- saw;
- plummet;
- grinding machine (suitable for working with wood);
- varnish;
- nails;
- Bulgarian;
- a vacuum cleaner.
Workflow is carried out in strict sequence. First you need to remove dust and dirt at the installation site. After the board selected the required dimensions. Their size should be longer than the width of the lumen.
Installation steps
Now that we have talked in general terms about the entrance threshold and its meaning, it is time to look in detail at the stages of installation of a wooden structure.
Base leveling
Before you proceed directly to the installation, you need to restore order. If there is an old threshold, it should be dismantled. The base is leveled for robust installation. All holes, seams, cracks, etc. need to be fixed, plaster.
After the place for a threshold is carefully cleared and relieved of various kinds of defects, it is necessary to take measurements. Measure the gap between the vertical posts of the box, while the master selects the width for the design. Considering the chosen parameters, you should buy boards of the required dimensions or prepare the material yourself.
The form
Now follows the formation of the strip in accordance with the measurements taken earlier. In order to achieve a reliable docking, it is recommended to equip the threshold wider than the door frame.
Using the construction plummet, the bar is set to a new place. During installation, you should check how the entrance door works with the strip. A smooth opening means that the measurements were taken correctly and the dimensions of the threshold were chosen correctly. When the door is closed, its lower part must be securely docked with the threshold.The threshold itself is fixed in place with nails or screws. If you are using nails, before you drive them into the board, you should drill preliminary holes.
This is done to ensure that the array does not crack during operation.
As a rule, the wooden threshold is decorated with oil-based paint. If there is a desire to preserve the beauty and pattern of the array, it is better to use a clear varnish. He will save the tree from damage and at the same time will not block the beauty of the material.
How to install a metal threshold?
Metal powders are often used in tandem with PVC doors. To date, the thresholds of this type of material are actively used in the design of entrances to residential premises. Aluminum, stainless steel or brass are suitable as raw materials. The choice of this product is wide. Aluminum poroshek for a plastic door perfectly will be suitable for the apartment issued in modern stylistics.
It should be noted that metal constructions fit perfectly into the interior space.
The finished product can be purchased at any specialty store. After acquiring it is fixed with the help of zamoroze.In the process, special clamps and fasteners are used.
If necessary, the length of the threshold must be shortened in accordance with the size of the door frame. As you can see, the installation process is very simple.
How to cement yourself?
It should be noted that the process of creating such a structure is not an easy task. But if the work is done correctly, such a threshold will last much longer than an item from an array. In order to self-cement it, you will need the following materials and tools:
- level;
- roulette;
- putty knife;
- sand;
- cement;
- water;
- broom;
- formwork board;
- primer;
- self-tapping screws;
- mixer for cement and the required capacity;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- perforator.
Workflow can be divided into specific operations.
As in the wood version, the place for the threshold is thoroughly cleaned. The old product is removed. In the presence of cracks and potholes, they are filled with cement-sand mortar. The surface is primed.
Formwork should be installed for the concrete sill. It is made of planks or boards in accordance with the dimensions of the new design. It is firmly fixed. The work process is carried out by level.
In order for the design to be strong and reliable, it is recommended to screw in long metal bolts into the base of the new threshold. Their height must correspond to the height of the structure. This element will play the role of reinforcement, strengthening the threshold. Some use mesh or wire.
Making solution
Sand and cement, in a ratio of 1: 3, are needed to create a mortar. For increased wear resistance, plasticizers are sometimes added, this element increases resistance to high temperatures. The modern market offers ready-made mixtures that do not need to be specially manufactured.
As soon as the concrete solution is ready, it is poured into wood formwork. After that, the mixture is leveled. Make sure that the concrete poured all corners. Then it remains to wait until the raw material dries. While waiting, periodically moisten the surface with water, this will help get rid of minor defects and irregularities.
For information on how to set the threshold correctly, see the next video.
How to trim the door threshold in the hallway?
Depending on the material from which the threshold is made, the appropriate material for finishing is chosen.Also, the choice is influenced by various indicators: where the threshold is set, in the apartment, private house or on the street.
There is no need to make out the metal from the box that comes with the box. This is a complete item. As mentioned above, the wooden structure is painted or varnished.
Concrete thresholds decorated with tiles or linoleum. Thus, you can give it any color and pattern. It is necessary to choose one option, for finishing from within and outside. Choose a color according to the color of the door.
Before making the threshold carefully check the design for the presence of cracks, holes and other defects. They definitely need to get rid of.
Beautiful design examples
There are various options for a neat, beautiful and stylish design of the thresholds.
- Threshold from a light natural tree (massif). This option is ideal for a country house, decorated in a rustic style.
- Stainless steel construction. Practical, stylish and strict threshold for modern and concise stylistics.
- Concrete threshold with tiles. If there is a tile on the floor and you have a few pieces left, you can use them for setting the threshold.Get a neat and practical option.
- Powder made of concrete, decorated with linoleum. This method of registration will harmoniously fit into the hallway, if linoleum is laid on the floor at the threshold. The material of such decoration is easy to care for, it can also be changed if necessary.