Variants of door design using laminate

No matter how high-quality and reliable the doors are, in many cases it is necessary to further decorate them.
Using laminate, you can significantly improve the appearance of the door, but it is required to do it as carefully as possible.
It is important to understand in advance all the nuances and take into account the peculiarities of the finish, to choose the color.
What can sheathe?
Doors with a laminate coating can be any, the main material is chosen at its discretion. They are permissible to use both in an ordinary apartment (house) and in the office. Over the metal structures most often put panels with a thickness of 0.7 or 0.8 centimeters, even a layman will be able to perform such work without any special problems.
But note that a deviation from the basic technical requirements can lead to damage to the lining and unnecessary costs instead of savings. Acting skillfully and competently, you can significantly improve the entrance or interior doors and not only aesthetically. Laminate does not accumulate static electricity, so there will be less dust.
Steel (iron) door after lining the laminate more effectively performs its functions - it will be more difficult to destroy or knock out. In today's volatile conditions, security guarantees are not superfluous.
Decorative panels will create an equally beautiful look for exterior and interior doors, which is hardly distinguishable from a coating of fine wood.
No less important is the fact that the technology of metal and wood plating has been developed thoroughly; with its observance you can sheathe anything.
Laminate boards are not always the same size, most often the length is 126 or 138 centimeters. For obvious reasons, elongated blocks (up to 1.84 meters in length) are more difficult to use, their adjustment and installation make it difficult. The fewer cuts made on the material, the better is its original appearance.
Laminate width 9-16 cm reproduces the type of parquet, most often oak.Such boards are considered narrow (according to the generally accepted classification). Panels from 18.5 to 19.5 centimeters, which imitate ordinary wooden boards, are mainly used; it is the easiest to lay such a covering. Attracts consumers and their low cost.
A thicker panel, other things being equal, will be more stable and durable. Even with a strong impact, it is almost never deformed, but also, the thicker the layer of laminate, the lower its thermal conductivity.
This circumstance is especially important for the doors that go directly to the street.
In the production of thick panels (from 1.2 centimeters), minimum tolerances are used, so that the deviations of its value will be small.
Laminate 32th category is available from 0.7 to 2.2 centimeters thick, it serves for a long time. Although no one will walk on the door, it makes sense to choose the coverage of a higher group - the 33rd, 34th, since he has better sound absorption, and the heat in the house will be greater. Do not be afraid of overpayment, because the material will need very little.
Plating materials
The use of flooring for decorating doors allows you to implement the most ambitious design ideas.
It is not difficult, for example, to take a laminate of oak wenge color or another exotic color and apply it in the interior. It is much easier than creating an original coating from real wood.
If you want the door to resemble brickwork, stone wall, ceramic or tile - special panels again become the best way out. Simple, fast, easy and without weighting the structure.
The inner part of a metal door is best decorated with patterns depicting wood of various tones. When using any color, the visual rigidity of the material will be reduced.
Regardless of the option chosen, it is undesirable to use a floor covering of identical tone.
This completely negates all the aesthetic advantages of both elements. But nevertheless, it is necessary to keep at the design of the doors and the floor of the same color range, that is, tonalities that are close enough to each other.
For bright rooms it is desirable to use panels of neutral and dark shades.
Advantages and disadvantages
Of course, it is good that laminate is inexpensive - just use a few strips and a completely new type of door block is ready.The speed of the work will be quite large, and without any problems it will be possible to imitate expensive material. In this case, all care is reduced to wiping the surface with weak solutions of household detergents.
In addition, the laminate:
- Immune to sunlight.
- Strong, keeps warm well and prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds.
- Completely safe in environmental and sanitary terms.
There is only one drawback - the danger of changes in temperature and humidity, they can ruin the material. Therefore, its use from the outside of the room is undesirable. Consider also that it is better to sheathe the doors of metal with laminate with the help of experienced specialists or after a thorough study of the whole technology.
Finishing features
Fix laminate on a metal surface is not so difficult, you only need to strictly follow all the steps. If necessary, it is necessary to insulate the entrance, and the heat-insulating material should not be thicker than the ribs and the sheathing. The ends make out strips of veneer suitable color. Laminate strips can be attached in both longitudinal and transverse ways.With a horizontal connection, its bottom and top are firmly attached to the edges of the frame.
Vertically mounted strips should be fixed in the middle and from the sides.
In order to avoid mistakes, they are sure to prepare a project that reflects:
- The size of the canvases.
- Brand of material and its thickness.
- Estimated consumption.
- The composition of tools and consumables.
Sheath the door with laminate should be, removing it from its hinges and placing at a comfortable height for themselves.
Making the steel door laminate do it yourself, you need to take measures against corrosion.
If it has already appeared, you will have to do the cleaning and subsequent processing with special compounds. Embedding slopes with mortar, with all the strength and reliability, limits the possibilities of registration. Thoroughly consider whether this will be meaningful to you or not.
The slopes will also need to be decorated with laminate, otherwise the design solution will be implemented only partially. But even before finishing it will be necessary to seal the box on both sides, otherwise no coating will help to retain heat.
To decorate the slopes will have to use or exactly the same laminate as the door itself,or combined with it.
When slopes are placed in parallel, slats of uniform thickness are used for launch panels. But when mounting at an angle, the bar located at the door itself should be made wider, and those located at the very corner should be narrower.
To fix the supporting panels, you will need dowels, and all other decorative blocks are glued or screwed with screws. Do not forget that the caps of the screws should be masked with plugs to match the coating. Silicone sealant will help close the seams.
Improve the appearance of old doors can not only by covering the laminate. Not bad will look textured plaster on the slopes. But the consumer is not limited only to it, there are only isolated cases when the desired material is incompatible with others.
Creating an arch, it is easy to improve its perception at the expense of additional elements. To coat the surface with veneer is not difficult, but the effect will be impressive. Translucent materials make the structure somewhat livelier.
Opportunities for decorating the doors from the inside of the apartment are much more than outside and, in addition to the laminate, you can add mirror surfaces, for example.If you don’t cover the entire canvas with one material and leave the open parts, you should consider options with carved platbands, with foam overlay decor.
The design of the door design can harmoniously fit into the surroundings, as well as sharply contrast with it. Both solutions with the right approach are very attractive.
Consider the features of the style:
- So, for the hallway in the format of high-tech decorative items are contraindicated, the plan should disclose the basic design.
- If the room is decorated in the spirit of minimalism, then try to choose an option that simultaneously creates a feeling of simplicity and elegance.
- Japanese style is incompatible with the use of bright colors and variegated colors.
- For an empire room, a monochromatic blue or red laminate on the door will be preferred, an alternative is golden and white paint.
Famous manufacturers and reviews
The overwhelming majority of consumers who have purchased Laminely brand laminate are satisfied with its quality and give positive feedback. Products from Quick Step are notable for ease of installation, while their design is in no way inferior to the best examples of competitors.Ecoflooring Country products also cause positive emotions among customers in different regions of the Russian Federation.
If you do not want to choose for a long time, just purchase goods from any well-known manufacturer.
Successful examples and options
Quite a good idea - to choose such a laminate in the doorway, which will show all the originality of your approach. Imitation of marble and animal scenes, floral motifs and ancient castles, rainforests and sea coasts - the space for decoration is almost inexhaustible.
In the video below you can see the combination of colors of laminate with doors.