Which is better to put the doors in the rooms?
Interior doors - this is not an excess, but a way to isolate from each other functional areas in the room. Their presence is fundamentally important if there are children in the house, a study in one of the family members, separate bedrooms, and in the kitchen they like to cook a variety of aromatic dishes.
Which doors are best placed in rooms depends on the purpose of these rooms and the requirements for tightness, insulation and aesthetic properties of door leaves.
All types of structures and models
It would seem that when choosing an interior door there can be no difficulties, except that family members may not agree on tastes, and one will insist on a white door, and the other on a brown one. But the nuances of choice are not limited to this. There are a large number of models, the design features of which play a crucial role. The ease of its operation, durability and safety of a presentable appearance depend on how the design corresponds to the tasks.
The door, which is installed in the pantry, is not able to ensure the security of securities in the office, and the bedroom door is very different from the bathroom door.
The functions of interior doors are diverse and have different functionalities:
- They visually divide rooms in a room, be it an apartment, private house or office;
- Differentiate specific functional areas: bedroom, kitchen, gym, bathroom, toilet and other types of premises for a specific purpose;
- They provide various kinds of isolation of rooms: they retain heat, do not allow penetration of extraneous sounds, do not allow the formation of condensate in rooms with high humidity;
- Ensure the safety of valuable documents and things indoors;
- Help to maintain a cozy atmosphere of privacy in intimate areas;
- Provide safety for young children by blocking access to traumatic items in storerooms or in the kitchen.
In this regard, interior doors differ among themselves according to several criteria: type of construction, method of opening, purpose, materials.
Type of construction - a generalized concept. It includes the overall parameters of the product, and the shape and features of the door leaf.
In size
By the size of interior doors are:
- Single-leaf (single-leaf). They are suitable for standard apartments with standard doorways.
- One and a half. This intermediate size is a frequent phenomenon in the houses of the so-called “old stock” and “Stalin”, where the doorways are several tens of centimeters larger than the standard width and can differ in greater height. Door sills are up to 110 cm wide for one-and-a-half, and all that is more is double doors.
- Bivalves (dvupolnye). An indispensable option for installation in the houses of the old building - the last or the last century, when wide doorways between all types of rooms in the room prevailed.These doors are convenient to isolate the bedroom or living room or rooms in country houses and cottages, where an abundance of free space and large areas of the rooms require corresponding dimensions in the interior.
According to the shape of the canvas
The shape of the door leafs are divided into:
- Classic. These doors have a familiar rectangular shape. The width in relation to the height is less than 2-4 times, it depends on how narrow or wide the doors will be. They are installed in those rooms where the size of the doorway is designed for a single-door door;
- Arched. This design is characterized by a complicated upper edge line that forms an arch. Necessary for doorways of similar shape or maintaining a certain style in the interior;
- Swinging (stable, saloon). They cannot be called full doors, but nevertheless, this original product takes place in some non-trivial interiors. In appearance, they resemble double doors at the entrance to the "cowboy" saloon. As a rule, are made to order according to individual sizes and designs.
According to the design of the canvas
Depending on whether the fabric is made of single-cut or segmented, deaf and combined (open) doors are distinguished.
Deaf are divided into shield and panel.
Shield - This is the most common version of door designs. As the name implies, these doors have a flat front and back sides, without relief, decor and excesses. They are distinguished by reliability and high insulating properties due to the peculiarities of the structure.
The design consists of the following elements:
- Frame Gathers from bars and stiffeners that increase the strength of the product;
- Filler. They fill the space between the stiffeners for better thermal insulation and sound insulation. For this purpose, edged boards, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, foam plastic, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam are used.
- Covers. There are relief and smooth. With the help of embossed on the door creates a pattern, smooth differ only in color or the presence of wood texture.
Panel doors - it is a prefabricated structure, the basis of which is a wooden frame with grooves. Decorative relief elements of MDF, chipboard, pressed paper are inserted into the grooves. It is possible to assemble such a “designer” with any pattern and texture that will correspond to the interior design.
Door panels made of panels have practically no flaws, if the door is made by a bona fide manufacturer.
But the advantages are many:
- Aesthetic appearance;
- The ability to create original decor. Special design chic is framed doors with a patina, that is, with the decoration of figured elements and the relief of a door with a different color or material. One of the most luxurious examples is a white door with gold trim;
- Lower web weight, because inserts weigh less than solid wood used in panel structures;
- Long service life;
- Ability to replace damaged fragments;
- Cost reduction through the use of budget materials.
The combined include tsargovy and "open" doors.
- Doorside doors often referred to as fillet varieties, since the principle of their assembly is almost identical. However, the king doors have a more concise and elegant design. The “core” of the door is filled with special plates - rolls, of different widths and from different materials. When alternating wood with other materials, such as glass, we get an interesting and simple decor.
- Open doors are a combination of wooden, plastic or metal base and glass or mirror insert, which occupies a significant part of the canvas.As a rule, glass is used opaque, opaque. It may have a coating, sandblasted design, relief, or even be stained glass.
For absolute isolation of the premises, “spy glass” is used - transparent on one side and mirror on the other.
By way of opening
By way of opening the door are divided into:
- Swing. This is the standard option used in most residential premises and in all administrative areas. They differ in the number of wings (one or two, while double doors do not necessarily have doors of the same width) and on the opening side (right on themselves, right on themselves, left on themselves, left on themselves). Swing doors are considered universal and are not suitable only in those cases when there is not enough space to open the door. Pendulum doors are similar to swing doors, but they are distinguished by one peculiarity - they open themselves and from themselves.
Externally, this design resembles a door at the entrance to the subway.
- Sliding. Divided into several varieties:
- Retractable or mounted. The door leaf of this type “walks” by a special mechanism - a monorail on wheels.Rolls back to the left or right side;
- Coupe or suspended. The mechanism works on the principle of wardrobe doors and can consist of 2,3,4 or 5 canvases. This door will easily replace the internal partitions in the room, dividing the space into zones. Due to the fact that all the doors are on rollers, they can be moved with one hand movement, and if the rollers are gel, then this process will be absolutely silent;
- Cassette. The best option for rooms where space saving comes first. Cassette doors do not occupy space at all - opening the door leaf enters a groove in the wall;
- Telescopic or cascade. These are numerous door panels in the form of partitions, moving along guides on automatic control. By the principle of operation they are similar to the compartment ones, but the design is more complex and equipped with a remote control. Can serve as interroom doors and partitions indoors.
- Radius. These indoor doors-transformers can be installed only in spacious rooms, since their movement is carried out around the circumference and requires a lot of free space.The process of manufacturing radial doors of roads and time-consuming, so these products are elite.
- Folding. Along with the cassette, these doors are designed for small spaces. Their unique design allows you to optimize the space due to the fact that when folded, the door takes up almost no space. These include door-accordion and door-book. They consist of wide lamellae, connected by loops, which, when opened, are folded together like accordions, for which the design received such a name.
Their only drawback is that when assembled, they occupy part of the doorway.
- Swivel. Doors-roto is a unique mechanism that allows you to open the door both to the right and to the left, from the inside and outside. They have the same drawback as the door-accordion - "eat up" the width of the doorway.
To destination
According to the purpose, internal doors in the room are divided into doors for residential premises, for public and highly specialized.
In a residential building interior doors can be located on the border of different zones:
- Living rooms;
- Corridors;
- In the bedroom;
- Room office;
- Kitchen;
- For the bathroom;
- Mansard or attic.
- In some cases, when re-planning the interior doors become balcony doors.
Doors in public, administrative and municipal premises must comply with the status of the institution and isolate extraneous noise, the rest depends on the design of the room and the financial condition of the organization.
Specialized doors are:
- Demarcation;
- With enhanced sound insulation;
- With high thermal insulation;
- Fire resistant;
- Water resistant;
- Hermetic;
- Secret;
- Emergency;
- False;
- Protective (anti-shock, anti-burglar, anti-channel, bullet-proof, energy-saving, sealed).
Varieties of materials
The purpose and location of the doors affect the choice of materials from which the product is made. So, for a bedroom, doors with good insulating characteristics are needed, in order for extraneous noise not to interfere with sleep, doors with a washable floor are necessary in the kitchen, and doors in the bathroom should be resistant to moisture.
Modern manufacturers use different materials that are worthy of detailed consideration.
- Tree and its derivatives:
- From the array.These are reliable, often deaf constructions, distinguished by aesthetics of appearance and ecological safety. Such doors can be solid or hollow inside (mazonite). For manufacturing use Karelian birch, ash, parallel larch, pine needles, pine, oak. Less commonly used are maple, hazel and alder;
- From plywood. This canvas has almost the same properties as the doors of the array, but it is lighter in weight and lower in cost. The small thickness of plywood makes this material convenient for the manufacture of non-standard designs: "accordions", "books" and corrugated doors;
- From MDF, fiberboard, chipboard and chipboard. This is a budget alternative to the array, but it has fewer advantages. Doors of these materials keep heat worse, they let out sounds that are less durable and do not provide such wide possibilities in design without a quality layer;
- From the lining.
- Rack.
- Veneered.
- Laminated.
- Metal. It is used in cases when indoors you need extra protection for valuables, important papers and documents. The most reliable are steel doors. If there is no need to ensure the safety of the banking level, it is enough aluminum or iron construction.And so that such a door does not argue with the interior of the house, you can use models with PVC coating or veneer finish made of natural wood;
- Plastic. Ideal for rooms that require frequent wet cleaning, for example, the kitchen, or are characterized by high humidity (bathroom). Also, plastic and fiberglass doors can provide high-quality sealing and good noise insulation, but fiberglass doors look more aesthetically pleasing and are easier to decorate;
- Glass. Clean glass, even if it is manufactured using triplex technology (not fragile), is almost never found in the interior. Plexiglas, acrylic and plexiglass are used as glass, transparent, glossy or matte, colorless and colored, which are essentially varieties of plastic. These materials are much lighter, safer, less susceptible to damage and easier to clean from contamination. They look great in the shower and bath, are suitable for the kitchen;
- Combined models. These are doors with an interesting design, which is obtained by combining different materials: metal and stone, wood and glass, plastic and glass.
Advantages and disadvantages
The presence of interior doors is a necessity dictated by living conditions. However, it is important to understand that any model in itself and relative to the location in the room has its pros and cons.
From the array
- Material of natural origin, which not only does not cause allergies and does not emit toxins, but in some cases disinfects the premises (bamboo, birch, softwood);
- Exceptional quality products for any type of wood;
- The tree retains a pleasant aroma for a long time;
- Woodwork will always belong to the noble, expensive and beautiful looking in the interior;
- High wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage;
- Provide excellent thermal insulation and noise insulation;
- Ample opportunities for design: the tree is subject to processing, painting, impregnation with various compositions that affect the structure and color;
- The ability to make canvas constructors with variable details that can be changed with the change of the interior;
- Different types of finishes are available;
- With a suitable coating and impregnation that protects the wood from mold and mildew,can be installed in any premises - from the bedroom to the kitchen.
The disadvantages of wooden structures a bit. Among them is the large weight of the door leaf, if it is not hollow, the property of wood to shrink and “expand” from raising and lowering the humidity level is high in price. Especially expensive are products of valuable wood.
- Low dead weight;
- The method of making plywood (5-7 glued together with the help of resin wood plates) allows you to save the wood pattern on the surface;
- Strength;
- Moisture resistance:
- Good insulation properties;
- Environmental friendliness;
- The material does not shrink with changes in humidity and temperature, which is very important when changing seasons.
- At constant humidity "swells";
- Hollow constructions are not able to provide maximum comfort and protection.
From MDF
Plywood and MDF are often confused, but it is important to understand that these are two different materials, and the fundamental differences between them stem from the method of manufacture. If plywood is a multi-layered product of wood plates and resins, then MDF is a derivative of fine chips (sawdust) and bonding compositions.
MDF made compact, simple and lightweight door leaf.Wood fibers have good adhesion, so the product is characterized by consistency in size with changes in humidity and temperature.
The door surface is smooth, smooth and uniform, which makes it easy to handle.
The main advantage of wood chip doors is their attractive price. Also, lightweight structures make it possible to install them on any type of wall, and installation can be done independently. Proper finishing, such as veneer, helps to make expensive, cheap-looking doors. However, operational characteristics are in many respects inferior to wood or plastic.
Doors made of MDF are afraid of water, as they can swell up and begin to crumble, it is easier to break them, complex decor is not available to them, and adhesive compounds are not always environmentally safe.
From fiberboard
Close in quality to plywood and MDF products from fiberboard. Unlike other materials made by pressing wood dust and chips with the addition of adhesives, fiberboard is produced by pressing steamed chips, therefore fibreboard is less hydrophobic. But this technology does not allow making them thick, which greatly reduces the performance properties of the doors.They are distinguished by high density and hardness, but due to their small thickness the spectrum of their application is very narrow.
From chipboard and chipboard
This is the most common material for products of economy class.
At low cost, it has all the necessary characteristics for practical raw materials:
- Strength and density;
- Layering;
- The absence of internal voids, knots and irregularities;
- The presence of several varieties, of which even the best has a low cost;
- In the production of doors, E1 emission plates are used (the minimum content of formaldehyde resins per 100 g of weight), which is absolutely not harmful to the health of adults and children;
- Good for a different type of treatment. You can safely saw, plan, mill, drill, glue and paint;
- Biostable;
- Not warped from moisture and high temperatures;
- They have high rates of thermal insulation and sound insulation.
- The edges of the product may crumble during processing and in the places of screwing or fixing;
- Products of low emission class are harmful to health, and manufacturers do not always affix the label on the product. It is not recommended to purchase such goods;
- From high humidity chipboard exfoliates and crumbles.
From lining
In this case, we are talking more about the finishing of the door, and not about making it out of the wall paneling, but as the outer layer, it is she who is responsible for the duration of service life and the appearance of interior doors.
The list of advantages lining consists of all the items that are inherent in solid wood products.
Characteristics depend on the type of wood: pine well lends itself to various types of processing, lime preserves a beautiful appearance in conditions of constant humidity, larch is the most wear-resistant, oak makes it possible to paint it in the colors of precious wood species. At the same time, the clapboard sheathed panel has less weight than a solid one made of wood.
Lining has its own drawbacks: in the absence of treatment with special compounds, it is prone to rotting, top-quality products are expensive, the surface for finishing requires preliminary preparation (grinding, priming, processing).
Of metal
- Robust against burglary. Even ordinary metal doors have a third class of protection against burglary,and the products reinforced with bolts and platbands belong to banking protection at all;
- In the manufacture of steel doors used mineral wool as a filler. This material has unique characteristics, therefore, doors with such filler are warm, fireproof, soundproof and non-toxic;
- Any kind of finish is available, whether it is veneer, lining or stone;
- The longest service life;
- Anti-vandal, resistant to damage, shock-resistant.
- In many interiors, such a door looks cumbersome;
- The weight of the door leaf is from 100 to 250 kg;
- By type of opening can only be swinging;
- A good steel door will cost a significant amount.
From plastic
- Functional. The range of their application is the widest, since they perfectly tolerate both humidity and heat, and have high burglary resistance. Such doors will serve for a long time in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the office and even on the balcony;
- The basis of the doors is a metalplastic or aluminum frame that is lightweight and resistant to corrosion;
- Beautiful appearance. Plastic doors are available all kinds of finishes, so do not be afraid that they will look like the doors at the entrance to the supermarket.Even typical models are distinguished by an elegant and simple design, and according to an individual order, the manufacturer will make an ornament for the interior in the desired style;
- They are easy to wash, they are not afraid of moisture, therefore they are ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms;
- Silent. On many plastic doors, an "intelligent" mechanism of argument is installed, which allows them to close smoothly, without cotton;
- Plastic doors are of any complexity and they have different opening mechanisms available - from sliding to telescopic;
- Insulated layer is not required. Airbags are provided in PVC constructions, which are responsible for sound insulation and heat preservation in the room;
- Hermetic;
- Durable.
- The plastic is soft in structure and easily damaged. There may be scratches and dents from blows;
- Protective decorative coating does not save from the fact that plastic over time "grows turbid", turns yellow and becomes nondescript;
- Dust and dirt accumulate in the material over the years, and it cannot be washed without aggressive chemicals;
- It is highly flammable and releases toxins.
From glass
- Durable.Modern production technologies make it possible to use different types of glass: tempered, acrylic, triplexes. These materials are difficult to break even intentionally, and a protective film, if damaged, will prevent fragments from scattering around;
- Doors of almost all opening mechanisms are made of glass;
- This is an original design solution that not only decorates the room, but also helps to visually enlarge it;
- Glass does not have to be transparent, other options are also available: frosted, tinted, patterned, specular, colored, stained glass;
- Provide excellent sound insulation;
- They are not afraid of water, therefore they are suitable for all types of premises;
- Fireproof;
- Durable.
- Not suitable for rooms with a small area;
- High price;
- For glass doors does not fit the usual accessories, and specialized at times more expensive;
- Complex designs are heavy;
- Installation requires the participation of professionals;
- On the glass surface any contamination is visible, so they have to be washed extremely often.
How to choose?
Choose a good interior doors - a responsible event.Their installation and dismantling take time and money, therefore it is important to make a choice in favor of a high-quality, reliable and easy-to-use product from the first time.
And in order to minimize possible errors, it is worth adopting advice and recommendations of professionals in the field of repair and design:
- The first thing that everyone who thinks about which interior doors are best to put in an apartment or private house needs to do - that’s right evaluate the functionality of the premises, on the border of which a door is required. In places with high humidity, it is worth refraining from wooden products; doors with high-quality fittings must be installed in rooms with high traffic, in children's rooms you can install only doors made of natural materials or corresponding to GOST.
- The second important step is correct measurement. It is necessary to make measurements of at least two, and ideally at three points along the width and height of the doorway. It is also important to measure the depth (thickness of the walls) in order to understand whether we need holes and how wide.
- Door leaf must be purchased with a suitable box.Replacing the box and jambs is very important because it helps to avoid distortions and problems in future operation. In this case, the box (frame) should be wider than the thickness of the door.
- Door thickness - an important indicator that characterizes its insulating qualities.
The thicker the door, the greater the likelihood that it will perform its thermal and sound insulation functions as “excellent”.
- Opening mechanism plays an important role. Large space allows you to install doors of any type, but narrow rooms, for example, corridors of "Khrushchev", require compact solutions - cassette, compartment or folding canvases. Internal steel doors, as well as external ones, are most effective when the swing mechanism opens "on itself", since it is more difficult to knock them out and in any way damage them.
- Design features of doors - this is not only a matter of aesthetics. In some cases, non-standard solutions are simply necessary. So, for storerooms and utility rooms, doors with a ventilation grille are recommended so that things do not acquire a musty smell, and in houses of an old foundation with a ceiling height of 3-4 meters you need doors with a transom (the fixed part of the structure that builds above the door, visually making it higher ) to balance the proportions.
- It is also important to pay attention to materials of which the door is made, the presence and quality of the filler, the weight of the structure, the type of finish, the insulating properties (whether it retains heat, tightness, whether it blocks noise).
- Special attention deserves fittingsespecially when choosing glass doors. It must be of high quality, properly installed and, if necessary, easily replaceable, since its service life is only 5-10 years, while the door leaf itself can serve more than 30.
- The study of components and technical documentation for compliance with GOST, safety and warranty does not take much time, but it will save you from many problems in the future.
- Design doors must match the style prevailing in the interior.
How to choose the size?
When choosing the size of interior doors, it is important to make accurate measurements taking into account possible changes before installing them (laying tiles, porcelain stoneware, laminate and other floor coverings that will raise the floor level by 1 or more centimeters; expansion of the doorway).
The standard door leaf height - 200 cm. This corresponds to the doorways in typical buildings, taking into account the installation of the box and casing. Measurements are made at two points along the slopes and one at a time in the center.If the house has high ceilings and as a result of measurements, it turns out that the height of the opening is more than 250 cm, it is necessary to install the transom. With a height of more than 210 cm, it will be necessary to install wide door frames, and in the opening below 203 cm it will be difficult to “squeeze” standard doors with a box. You will need to trim the door leaf or make a small drunk in the opening.
The width of interior doors depends on the type of room. It can vary within 50-90 cm, with the narrowest doors installed in separate bathrooms and storerooms, and the widest - in the bedrooms and living rooms.
Classic solutions involve the choice of the door leaf at 7-14 cm already an opening. That is, with a width of 67-73 cm, you need a door leaf from 60 cm, with 87 - 80 and more.
The width of the door is divided into single-leaf (from 50 to 80 centimeters), one-and-a-half (80-120 cm), double or double (from 120 cm, with the sash may be the same width or different in size).
The third required parameter is the wall thickness. If it is more than 7 centimeters, the door must be completed with doors. Dobora are the strips framing a doorway in the event that wall thickness was more than box thickness.
Dobori are made of the same material as the box and canvas.
What is included?
In the accompanying documents on the interior door must be specified complete equipment of the product. Some of the elements required for the assembly may be missing in the kit, and they will have to be purchased separately.
Completion depends on the type of doors, design features and opening mechanism.
A set of standard hinged single and double doors, deaf or open, includes:
- Door frame;
- Shield (canvas)
- Platbands;
- Fittings: door hinges and handles, for double doors plus bolts. Handles are of two types - noby and turning. Nobs are round, cone-shaped, square, concave double handles that come in 4 types: stationary, swivel with a latch, swivel with a lock, swivel with a lock. Push - narrow, L-shaped handles, opened by pressing down. Also can be with a latch and lock.
Additional elements for swing doors:
- Dobori;
- Transom;
- Thresholds.
Accessories for sliding doors, including compartment doors, radius, telescopic structures:
- Door shields (2 or more);
- Guides (with upper or lower rail);
- Sliding system (carriage): rollers, thrust mechanisms, bearings, mounting plates;
- Metal cassette (necessary to hide the canvas in the wall when the device is assembled);
- Fittings.
- In some cases, anti-thresholds.
The kit includes folding doors:
- Door frame;
- Platbands and dobora if necessary;
- Long side guides;
- Short guide (upper or lower);
- From two lamels (shields of which the door-accordion or a book consists);
- Fasteners (clips, screws, gaskets);
- Roller mechanism:
- Stoppers (stops).
- Door handles, latches, hinges.
Assembling the door-roto (pivoting) is carried out from the following elements:
- Door frame;
- Shield;
- The unique tilt-and-slide mechanism: a guide with a groove, a swivel hinge with a roller, upper and lower levers, an upper rail with a carriage, a lower rail;
- Platbands;
- Fittings;
- "Smart" antiporog.
Color selection
There are no strict rules for choosing the color of interior doors. However, they occupy a sufficiently large area in the interior, and it is difficult to make them inconspicuous, so an unsuccessfully selected color can become an extra element in the stylistic composition of the room.
To prevent this from happening, experienced designers have developed a series of effective recommendations for the selection of color interior doors:
- Palette of natural shades. For many interiors there is nothing better than naturalness. The color of natural wood as it is, even if it is just a veneer finish, meets the requirements of classical interiors, some ethnic and modern trends, eco-styles, close to nature. To support the striving of modern interiors for brevity and functionality is possible with the help of deaf structures of different shades (beige, ivory, walnut, graphite, cappuccino), and the cravings for luxury in historical style will satisfy aged canvases in shades of expensive wood (cherry, mahogany, wenge, mocha, teak) and with a complex decor (gilded patina, stained glass, laser cutting).
- Warm colors in a warm interior. In order not to overshoot and not disrupt the harmony in a cozy interior of warm and pleasant looking shades, it is worth stopping the choice of color of the interior door on the same warm spectrum. It can be red, orange and yellow of different saturation, ocher, baked milk, mustard pear, nutty, brown, some green colors.“Golden” fittings are well combined with warm color.
- Here you can also note pastel colors. (peach, powdery, pistachio and others). At the same color temperature as red or yellow, they have less saturation, but they also harmoniously integrate into the overall interior composition.
- Cool tones for cool interiors. Such shades are characteristic of gothic, romance, Scandinavian interiors and contemporary minimalism, loft, techno. Blue, gray, cool white, dark colors, plexiglass, acrylic, plexiglass elements, chrome and mirror surfaces, silver fittings work fine here.
- Use contrasting shades. White is perfectly visible on black, and black emphasizes whiteness. This rule can be used by choosing dark doors under the light floor (cherry wood and light gray granite, black teak and white laminate), and vice versa (dark walnut parquet and white doors).
- Universal color. Using the basic palette, it is important to correctly position the color spots in the room, but due to the successful compatibility of these colors, the task is greatly simplified.The base includes white, gray, light lemon, terracotta, cream, sand, beige, coffee with milk, pearl, pure wood color, lilac, light pink, mint, pale blue, swamp green.
- Doors in the color of plinths. A common European method is the selection of materials of the same color. Also has a reverse technique - the use of contrasting colors.
- Under the color of the walls. This technique works great in rooms where the color of the walls is the same. Doors become less flashy, and the overall look of the room - more harmonious.
Under the color of the coating on the floor. The floor covering occupies a significant part of the room, and it is not that difficult to select a similar color stain on the wall. Particularly interesting is the combination of the same colors, but different textures.
- Under the furniture. The furniture group can also become a color point of support, the main thing is to correctly determine the prevailing shade, if the furniture is not monophonic or assembled from different objects in the same style.
- Under the window frames. This is the most elementary, but effective method. The only condition - the window frames should be visible through the curtains.
Otherwise, the color of the doors will have to pick up under the blinds or drapes, and change the decor of the window will be problematic.
Famous manufacturers and customer reviews
Another important nuance in the choice of interior doors - where and by whom they were produced. Firstly, different countries use different quality standards and different production technologies, and secondly, very often buyers overpay for the brand and the advertising myths around it.
Many believe that the Italian doors are a priori better than the Chinese “consumer goods” or domestic products, not suspecting that the fittings for these doors were made at Chinese plants from Russian steel, and wood was purchased in Russian forestry.
There is no definite leader in the list of manufacturers, but there are manufacturing countries whose products are time-tested and are considered to be of high quality and reliable:
- Germany. For many, the name of this country is a symbol of reliability, durability and excellent quality, and the German concerns Hörmann and ComTür confirm this truism. In the product line of these manufacturing giants you can find doors for every taste, but it will cost such pleasure to be expensive.
- Japan. This country, in addition to the impeccable properties of products, is also characterized by refinement, originality and laconic elegance. Japanese collections are rich in unobtrusive decor, sliding mechanisms, products for small premises. If a sliding module is needed in an apartment or a minimalist design lacks doors in the style of shoujo, they should definitely be looked for among Japanese manufacturers, which are still few in the Russian market.
- Spain. This country - the flagship in many industries. Spanish interior doors are made in different styles, from classic to modern performance, and 100% meet expectations, whether it is a steel monolith to protect valuable things in the house or lightweight bedroom doors. Especially loved in Russia are the products of the factories Luvipol and Fineza Puerta.
- Russia. Apartment interior doors of domestic production in no way inferior to European. Often, with a similar quality, this is also a budget option, since the raw materials for the manufacture of materials are not exported from other countries and cost less to the manufacturer. Among the large number of finished products there are options for the category “cheap and cheerful,” and products of the average price category, and elite doors of premium class.It is worth paying attention to the company "Volkhovets", "Art Deco", "Sofya", "Matador", and recently expanded production of the plant "Guardian".
Ideas and new design
Modern designers offer new items in the following categories.
The decoration of the room in a particular style is a great solution to revitalize the interior. As the dominant direction, you can choose the historical style, ethnic or modern.
In historical style interesting avant-garde with its tendency to bright contrasts. It welcomes extraordinary combinations and bold colors. For this purpose, suitable and wooden, and plastic, and glass doors of different colors and designs.
You should also pay attention to the solid and restrained-beautiful Victorian style, extravagant modern, democratic eclecticism, dynamic expressionism, giving complete freedom for creativity, comfortable and functional constructivism, most suitable for Khrushchev and small apartments, the richness of art deco in which the door can Become a highlight of the entire composition.
Ethnic styles help create a unique color indoors.Here, at the right time will come experiments with the design of doors. English, Russian, French Provence and Scandinavian styles are the right medium for traditional wooden swing doors with different types of finishes. It will be appropriate and veneer, and decoupage, and transom in different shades of precious metals.
Asian styles assume easy sliding and folding structures, in the east and Egyptian to the place will have a door-screen or fabulous curtains instead of a blank canvas.
African, Mediterranean and Moroccan have to concise coarse designs of natural materials.
Modern styles - freedom for creativity and experimentation.
Grange - this is a copied classic, but with cheaper and modern materials, the cult of accessibility of materials dominates in contemporary contexts, therefore the definition of style “simply and with taste” can be considered a synonym for style.
Loft - This is the realm of industrialism, space and contrasts, for example, a combination of glass doors with brick or concrete.
The minimalism is dominated by cream tones, simple textures and a mandatory bright accent expressing individuality.The bright door can be just such an accent.
Kitsch and pop art - this is contrast and symbolism - the door can be of red plastic or with an image of an idol of past years.
Techno and hi-tech - is the dominance of the latest materials, glass and metal structures, chrome-plated surfaces, smooth and clear lines. Acrylic door with chrome handles - an accurate hit to the target.
The form
The classic swing doors are increasingly replacing beautiful and non-standard designs: arched doors, semi-circular transom, folding designs, saloon doors.
Material and texture
New interior doors do not do without glass. The decor, panels, various inserts are made of it. All-acrylic or plexiglass canvas is very popular.
Transparent glass doors are great for the living room, and in more intimate rooms you can install frosted.
Experiments with door lighting, molding, unusual accessories (enamel and chrome handles, brass products, imitation of bronze, gold and silver), laser cutting, airbrush, stained glass elements are welcome.
Modern options in the interior
Implement market innovations of interior doors in the interior is easy. At the same time, the assertion that all the rooms in the apartment should have identical doors is already outdated. Today, you can use concise budget doors to the pantry and stylish design solutions to the bedroom.
Steel doors of the class Premium and Lux with natural veneer finish are perfect for the study. In the nursery it is reasonable to install interesting in color and texture, but resistant to damage to the canvas. Creative and fashionable sliding doors made of plexiglass will help to transform the kitchen.
Elegant doors with a porch are also available with non-standard sizes of rooms and doorways. For a private house, doors to order according to individual sizes from different materials and with variable opening mechanisms, from swing to telescopic, are relevant.
And in a compact Khrushchev it is most convenient to install cassette doors in all rooms, including a wardrobe niche in the wall.
What material is better to choose interior doors? The answer to this question awaits you in this video.