Interior doors in “wenge” color: shades in the interior

Interior doors of wenge color are represented by a large number of types and in a different design, which allows you to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the chosen style in the interior and purpose of the room. The color design of the premises can also be different.
Special features
Wenge - demanded color, which is used for doors and furniture. It is an imitation of the coloring of a natural material - the African wenge tree, whose wood has high strength, resistance to fungi and insects and belongs to rare and valuable species.
Wenge wood is dark: from rich brown to black-brown. It is given an attractive appearance by frequent thin streaks, alternation of lighter and darker layers. Due to the high cost and rarity of natural raw materials in the manufacture of furniture and doors, wenge wood is most often replaced with other materials, imitating its color and characteristic texture.
Sometimes imitations are made from other wood species (for example, from solid oak or from inexpensive wood, often coniferous wood, which is covered with veneer); the desired color is obtained by toning. However, wenge products from artificial and synthetic materials are much more common: interior doors are made of MDF with different coatings or laminated chipboard.
In the manufacture of some models are used both natural and synthetic materials.
Wenge color is a dark or black-brown color with lighter patches imitating wood texture. The color of wenge looks strictly and nobly and is successfully used in its various shades in a number of interior styles.
Depending on the type of leaf, interior doors in wenge color can be:
- Panel board (frame). Represent a flat canvas, have an internal frame;
- Paneled. They have a frame (strapping) in which the figured elements are enclosed - the panels, the inner part of the frame repeats the shape of the panels;
- Tsargovye. They are considered a kind of framed doors, inside the frame there is a number of transverse slats.
Depending on the presence or absence of glazing:
- Deaf;
- Glazed.
In the glazed can be inserted:
- art glass;
- frosted glass (almost black wenge is combined with both black and white glass),
- mirror;
- art mirror.
By type of opening distinguish:
- Swing. This is a classic, familiar to us type of door. Door leaf hinges attached to a single vertical element of the door frame. This is a simple and reliable design, with which you can provide good noise insulation.
- Sliding. With this type of opening, the door leaf moves parallel to the wall or the flaps fold in the process of expansion (folding sliding structures).It is convenient, allows to save space, gives a visual effect of its expansion. This solution is ideal for confined spaces. There are several types of sliding mechanisms, each of them can find its own advantages and disadvantages.
Both sliding and swing structures can be:
- Single leaf;
- Bivalous.
Sliding doors are:
- Coupe doors;
- Cascading;
- Cassette (door-case);
- Folding ("book" and "accordion")
The mechanism for opening the compartment door suggests that the door leaf / canvases move along the wall. Doors of cascade type have one fixed leaf, for which all the others move. In cassette construction, the door leaf is embedded in the wall. When folding type opening sash folded and fixed in the doorway perpendicular to the wall. Folding door "book" has two doors, "accordion" - from three.
Color combination
The color of wenge can be presented in different shades: from dark brown to almost black. The word “kroskut” next to the name of the color indicates the horizontal direction of the strips imitating the texture of the tree, the word “meling” - vertical.
Using the color of wenge in the interior, they play in contrast, so if wenge-colored doors are installed, the walls of the room are usually decorated in light colors, often in milky beige. If required by the chosen style in the interior, the contrast can be enhanced by using the white color.
One of the walls, in which there are no doorways, is sometimes decorated in dark colors and with the use of coatings of a different texture, but the rest of the walls must be made light.
When choosing paint, wallpaper or other material you need to remember that white or beige walls are the most common combination with wenge-colored doors.
In addition to these shades, for the walls also use light blue, pink, light green, light orange (peach).
The flooring can be either light or dark. When making a living room or bedroom, it is appropriate to choose parquet, laminate or linoleum, stylized as wenge.
If dark flooring is chosen, then the door is chosen according to the color of the floor of a suitable tone. In this case, it is better if the main part of the furniture is light.
If the flooring is light, then most of the furniture in the room may be wenge colored.Doors and furniture in this case stand out very effectively against the general light background.
The platbands and baseboards are usually matched to the color of the doors, but such a color scheme cannot be considered the rule without exceptions: dark door / white trim panels / baseboards are possible. Selecting a door under a light floor, it is worth paying attention to models with light decorative inserts.
The variety of materials from which wenge doors are made allows to choose models that will be well combined with different floor coverings, for example, with tiles, linoleum or laminate.
It is believed that the color of wenge is not very well combined with elements of the interior and decor, which have colors that mimic other types of wood or are made from another tree. However, the combination of colors of wenge / bleached oak is recognized as successful and is found among various manufacturers of doors and furniture.
Doors of wenge color can be made of a variety of materials, so they will become a successful component of the interiors, made in a variety of styles. It:
- Minimalism;
- High tech;
- Contemporary;
- Modern;
- Ethnic.
The style is characterized by utmost brevity and functionality, the use of color contrasts, the main role in the interior is played by open space (open space layout), lighting is becoming one of the main elements of the decor. Wenge-style sliding doors, contrasting with the light color of the walls and floor, would also be appropriate for this style. Doors can be not only of a dark shade of wenge, but also of lighter tones, if the interior is designed in beige and brown tones.
Style involves the use of natural materials in the decor, such as wood, which must be considered when choosing doors.
High tech
The hi-tech style is characterized by manufacturability and minimalism, the obligatory presence of state-of-the-art technology in the interior, strict straight lines, the use of modern materials, bright accents on a common monophonic background, among the most frequently used colors are black, white and metallic. Therefore, it would be most appropriate to choose the doors of the darkest shade of wenge, which will contrast with the light floor and walls.
Doors can be decorated with inserts of simple geometric shapes of metal or glass, since the style implies a minimum of decor.
In this interior, mainly sliding doors are used to increase the amount of free space in the room.
For contemporary, it is characterized by functionality and simplicity, uncomplicated, following modern trends, the use of furniture of typical forms and sizes, mainly modular. Perhaps a combination of objects of different styles. In the interior there is no abundance of technical innovations, as in the high-tech style, and the rejection of decorativeness, as in minimalism.
The style does not impose rigid restrictions on the choice of interior items, the main principle here is convenience. Interior doors can be completely different types.
This style in the interior involves the use of a large number of elements from wood, mainly from hardwoods with a pronounced texture. Therefore, wenge-colored doors would be very appropriate if there is a goal to create a modern interpretation of this style.
In the interior as a whole and in the design of the doors there should be smooth lines, floral ornaments, lack of symmetry, stained glass.
Doors in the Art Nouveau style - wide, arched or straight, decorated with glass inserts, stained glass windows or their imitation.Another characteristic feature is the glazed and stained glass space around the entire doorway or just above the door.
Ethnic style
Ethnic style involves the use in the interior of the elements of national color, the use of typical for different cultures details of interior decoration: household items, materials (including natural origin), characteristic colors, patterns and ornaments.
Doors of wenge color will look organically in rooms decorated in African style. Covering the door, imitating the type of wood of African rosewood, will help to create a color that matches the ethnic style.
Which room will fit?
The doors in accordance with the color of the African wood will perfectly fit into the interior of almost any room, if, when choosing a wall covering, a floor and when buying doors and furniture, take into account their compatibility in color and texture. These doors are considered an excellent option for the hallway and living room.
For the bedroom, this solution will also be very appropriate, especially if it is planned to use this color in its interior or furniture.Doors for different rooms of the same apartment or house should be purchased in the same color and style, if they all go into the same corridor. A number of dark doors will look spectacular in the corridor, decorated in bright colors.
Glazed models are installed in rooms where there is not enough natural lighting.
A variety of models, materials and textures allows you to choose the option that is optimal for each specific room, taking into account its specificity, purpose and features of the entire interior.
Beautiful interior design options
The color of African rosewood is appropriate for doors in almost any room in an apartment or house. A spectacular color scheme will choose dark interior doors for rooms with light-colored walls, floor and ceiling. Most of the furniture in the rooms may coincide with the color of the general background, the trim and baseboards are also light, and only individual pieces of furniture and decorative elements in the tone of the doors and similar texture play the role of color accents.
Black in such a bright frame looks festive and unusual, and the doors will become a real decoration of the room.
Solidly and comfortably look bedroom, study, hallway or living room with a wooden or wood-like dark flooring, which contrasts with light walls. The presence in the decor of the room items and furniture made of dark wood or with separate dark elements makes the interior logically designed. Wenge-colored doors become part of the overall composition, which is a balance of light and dark tones.
What material is better to choose interior doors, see the following video.