Doors "Garant": the pros and cons

The installation of new interior or entrance doors confronts the need to select a suitable product. We have to study the parameters that affect the operation and its timing. And although the doors have a protective or blocking function, the appearance of the interior as a whole sometimes depends on their type and quality. Choosing doors "Garant", you provide for yourself the optimal solution to the problem of finding doors of decent quality at the best prices.
The possibility of an individual order, as well as a wide range of products offered will not leave indifferent the most demanding customer. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the manufactured doors, which is confirmed by regular monitoring from his side.In addition to interior tasks, the installation of the doors of the company "Garant" will allow for a long time to use them without unforeseen breakdowns.
The ease of installation also confirms competent manufacturing, taking into account all the technological subtleties.
What are the advantages of entrance doors "Garant", consider below:
- The front door will provide reliable protection against unwanted intrusion. Consequently, the assembly of the fabric with high quality fittings, as well as good materials, will allow you to be confident in the reliability of the door structure.
- A wide palette of colors makes it possible to choose the overlap from the darkest to the snow-white hue. The harmonious combination of the color of the door with the decor of your apartment or house will allow this design to adequately take a central place.
- A special type of internal door filler will provide low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation. You will get rid of both sounds coming from outside and keep your privacy.
- For various purposes it is possible to manufacture both metal and wooden structures. It cannot be argued that one material is superior to another, rather, it depends on the preferences of customers.
- A special built-in sealant makes it possible to hermetically close the door, which will prevent warm or cool air from escaping from the room. Also, he will not miss the smallest particles of dust in your home.
- Veneering the surface allows you to have an appearance as close as possible to an array of wood. A special technology ensures reliable fixation of the material on the frame.
- The accuracy of the design of the mounting slots makes it easy to install the sash in the doorway and you do not have to incur additional costs.
- The manufacturer provides the ability to manufacture doors to order according to individual sizes. Therefore, if you have a non-standard doorway, there will be no need to remake it under the parameters of the selected door.
- Doors have fireproof protection, which increases their level of reliability. Special composition, impregnating the fabric, will allow them to withstand quite a long exposure to high temperature.
Choosing interior doors "Garant", you get not only an object that isolates room space, but also an interior object that has its own aesthetic value. Interior doors "Garant" have the following characteristics:
- The range of this brand has a large number of door models that have a characteristic finish.
- The framework of coniferous trees ensures the reliability and stability of the structure, preparing the raw material, experts dry the tree in such a way that it does not “lead” even under favorable conditions.
- Decorative trim adds to the overall appearance of the room a more complete look, you can also choose a product that matches the overall style of the room or room.
- A set of platbands will help to decoratively close the installation place in the doorway. This decorative element aesthetically hides the seam between the loot and the wall.
- Constructions are treated with a compound that will prevent ignition in the event of a fire situation.
- The fittings used for this type of product are always selected from high-quality and durable materials, ensuring durable use and reliable operation.
- The model range is presented by the whole lines of products of the most various forms, manufacturers can give an opportunity of a choice of color solution of the model chosen by you.
- Using simultaneously several materials for finishing allows you to create a contrasting and spectacular surface. The combination of wood and glass looks very advantageous in light and bright rooms where it is necessary to “let in” the light.
High strength construction
The next type of doors under consideration will be metal, high-strength structures, which have such features:
- A robust design will protect unwanted guests from entering your home, and will also serve for a long time due to its excellent quality.
- Modern locks with a high anti-burglar degree will guarantee your safety and peace.
- A special coating on the surface will prevent exposure to external factors: moisture, temperature extremes and other things.
- The hinges are made in such a way that the door cannot be removed for no apparent reason.
- Not a single layer of the seal will not allow air, dust, etc. to penetrate the door.
- Thermal insulation is on the main place when choosing a metal door. Manufacturers and here have taken care of customers by incorporating a layer of insulation in the design.
- The mechanism regulating the density of closing the door, will allow to transfer it to the "winter" - "summer" mode.
- Controlling the quality of each unit produced proves the responsibility of manufacturers, as well as the excellent characteristics of their product.
The company produces a variety of models of door designs that can interest the most demanding customers. Such products can be installed both on the premises of apartments and houses, and in medical, educational and other institutions where permanent contact with a person is expected. Health safety is guaranteed using materials that do not emit harmful substances.
The price of the doors is also pleasant: it is not overvalued due to the fact that the manufacturer is in the domestic market, and there is no extra shipping costs.
How to choose?
When choosing doors for your home, pay attention to some important features.
- Purchase only certified goods that have documentary evidence of this. Only a reliable manufacturer will be able to responsibly approach the submission of such information.
- Be sure to ask what materials the door you purchased is made of.High-quality products have a full description of the components.
- Be convinced of reliability and durability of the lock and other accessories. Such a company as "Garant", installs such parts of the highest quality.
- It is worth paying attention to the smell coming from the door. It may have a certain strength, but not be abrupt and corrosive. In the latter case, the overlap can bring a lot of trouble with health.
- Make sure that there is a special layer of material that provides a tight closure of the door structure. This will save you from extraneous noise, as well as provide reliable thermal insulation of the room.
- An important role is played by the outlet where you go to buy a branded door design. It is not recommended to look for similar products on the market or in too cheap points. It is better to contact quality stores with a good reputation.
Doors "Garant" will protect your home from intruders, cold and noise, as well as decorate the interior. The products of this brand collects only positive reviews and is very popular with modern consumers.
The following video will allow you to become better acquainted with the products of the plant Garant.