Choose and install fittings for glass doors

In the design of interiors often used glass partitions or doors. The use of glass doors makes it possible to make the room fresher, as well as significantly increase its visually. However, any door system is unable to function without the use of specialized fasteners and parts. As a result, fittings for a translucent structure are the most important part of it, which requires a special approach to selection.
A variety of auxiliary parts and components (accessories) for doors made of glass is determined by the variety of types of these structures.For example, for all-glass, sliding (sliding) and pendulum doors, you will need completely different fittings, and this must be taken into account when choosing.
Consider the main types of accessories.
- Fastener. First of all, it includes various types of hinges, most of which do not entail a violation of the integrity of the glass, and is placed without the use of drilling. The canvas is mounted inside due to a special clamping mechanism. To protect the glass in this place are installed plastic, adhesive or rubber gaskets.
- Shut-off. Locks for glass sheets in most cases also do not involve the use of drilling, and are fixed by means of clamps. Compared to doors made of other materials, glass is often equipped with peripheral-type locks, some of which are installed in the floor or in the ceiling. Their main distinguishing feature - inconspicuous.
- Opening Handles for doors made of glass are in the form of staples (mainly placed in rooms with intensive traffic) or a ball (another name - "knob"). Knobes, as a rule, are used for interior canvases, often they have a locking device (latch) in the configuration.
- Protective. It is a profile that can be mounted from the ends of individual types of glass doors, mainly sliding doors. Often a sealant is fixed on it, which is intended to reduce the impact loads, as well as gate valves (latches).
There is one more component of the fittings - these are door closers, they belong to the additional configuration, and are fixed to the canvases using clamping profiles.
What are the features of accessories for glass? Of course, in its design. It is created in relation to the specifics of glass structures. As a result, the design of hinges, handles or locks differs significantly from the design of identical hardware for doors made from other materials.
Accessories of poor quality can disfigure any design idea. Elements, of course, must look perfect, but, in addition, they must meet the exact requirements of the consumer. With its small overall parameters, the elements must withhold a large load with a margin.
The designers of fittings for glass doors extensively use pure metal of various textures: aluminum, polished to mirror state or unpolished stainless steel.If the color scheme of the environment of the room or the tone of the glass itself requires it, then brass-made elements or parts made of gold are applied by anodizing.
Tips for choosing
It is much more problematic to pick up auxiliary parts and parts for a translucent door than for metal or wood, and, besides, the cost of them deviates to a larger direction. But this is due to several reasons:
- due to the fact that the elements are mounted on a transparent surface, they must look great from all faces;
- not all types of components for doors fit under glass;
- Glass doors have higher requirements for fittings in terms of reliability, since these elements will have to become an integral part of a relatively fragile structure.
If it is possible to choose the most fittings for the doors of wood, to purchase a canvas, and with the help of a specialist to assemble everything into a common structure, then it will not work like this with glass doors. All stages from the selection of auxiliary parts and parts, and ending with their installation on the canvas, should be performed by professionals.As a result, these doors are made to order.
Of course, the customer in any case takes part in the selection of fittings, but if he did it himself, then the probability of buying the wrong product would increase significantly.
Lock selection
By way of fixing for translucent doors, only overhead modifications are applied. The most common are the two types of locks.
- Central. Equipped with push handle, used for canvases with a feigned strip.
- Corner. Used exclusively for pendulum doors, closed manually.
For bathrooms and toilets, a latch-type locking mechanism can be used. For sliding glass doors, special locks are practiced.
Handle selection
Glass door handles can be made from a wide variety of materials, such as:
- wood;
- aluminum;
- stainless steel;
- brass;
- bronze.
If you buy a door for a bathroom, the handle of wood must be abandoned in favor of the handle of metal.
Choice of loops
The cost of hinges for translucent doors is significantly higher than for doors made of wood. The reason for this is a large mass of glass construction - as a rule, it reaches 40 kilograms.In order to keep such a door securely for many years, hinges are made exclusively from durable materials.
No need to skimp on hinges, it is better to buy a more expensive product from a reputable manufacturer than to acquire a suspicious product, and thus jeopardize the health of your loved ones, as well as the safety of the entire door structure.
Choice of the door closer
For quiet and smooth closing of the door, a door closer is installed on it. It is not necessary to ignore this component of the fittings, since a glass sheet without a closer will serve much less. The use of such a mechanism greatly reduces the wear of the door hinges and the rest of the door hardware. For showers, it can be hinged on hinges, for pendulum doors on the floor.
Stopper selection
The stopper is necessary so that the door does not hit the wall and does not swing open wider than necessary. Usually integrated into the design of the door, but can be located on the adjacent wall or even on the floor.
Installation Guide
Fittings can be installed using different methods, consider them below.
Installation of loops without drilling
With your own hands, the most elementary thing is to put fasteners that do not need to be drilled. Specialized plastic sealant (for each canopy) is included in the kit for auxiliary parts and parts of this type. The mounting process consists of the following steps.
- On the door frame box, it is necessary to mark up the hinge fixing points.
- In accordance with the marking fix the fittings.
- Put the canvas translucent design. In this case, the internal part of the components must be firmly pressed down to the web, and the external clamping bar of the canopy must be additionally fixed with screws.
To obtain maximum strength, along the contour of fasteners it is necessary, among other things, to apply specialized glue. Then it is necessary to check the correctness of the installation of the blade and fasteners: the door leaf should closely adjoin the box, and the door itself should move gently. This is how the mounting of auxiliary parts and parts without drilling is carried out.
Installation of hinges with drilling
If for the glass doors we chose awnings with drilling, and you have never done this work yourself, it is better not to experiment, but to call experienced craftsmen for the installation work. Glass is a fragile material that requires some circumspection. In addition, in the conditions of the house is difficult to properly drill the glass. For these purposes, specialized equipment is practiced.
If you have experience with glass, you can do this work with your own hands. You will need to make a markup for the holes with a pencil, and then carefully drill them out.
Important! The marking must be made not only on the door leaf, but also on the box. After drilling the holes are set and fixed loops, then they are adjusted.
Installation of accessories on sliding (compartment or sliding) doors
To mount the mechanism on the sliding doors, it is better to invite an assistant. The entire installation procedure can be divided into several stages.
- The doorway is thoroughly leveled, and if necessary, mounted door frame.If there is a desire, then this element can be replaced with decorative decorative profiles.
- A marking is made for fixing the upper guides (rails) of the structure.
- Holes are drilled in the wall and the rail is fixed for the sliding door mechanism. It is mounted exactly parallel to the floor.
- Carriages with supporting rollers are mounted on the door leaf and fixed.
- The door gets hooked on the rail.
- A support groove is installed at the bottom.
After installation, all fastening mechanisms can be adjusted with specialized bolts placed on the carriage body or canopies. To do this, use a screwdriver to tighten or relax them.
Installation of locks, handles and additional parts
For doors made of glass, it is desirable to use surface-type locks, since they do not require drilling extra holes that reduce the strength of the glass. It is more rational to use latch knobs, as they combine two mechanisms in themselves.
Additional elements such as corners and slats, which increase the strength of the door, are fixed by means of an adhesive, as there is no need for drilling holes and installing bolts.
Not only convenient operation of a glass door, but also ease of installation of accessories depends on a competent choice of component parts. This makes it possible to prevent damage to the glass sheet and frequent repairs.
How to install hinges for glass doors, see the following video.