Choosing accessories for sliding doors

 Choosing accessories for sliding doors

Doors of swing type must be supplemented with all the necessary fittings. These details should be selected very carefully. Their proper installation is the key to the proper functioning of the door with swing mechanism. Today we will look at what elements are required for such door leafs and what you should pay attention to when selecting them.


Before considering all the existing options for fittings for sliding doors, it is worth considering what these canvases are. Currently, in the dwellings establish such popular door structures:

  • moving along the wall base - these options can boast a stylish design and a fairly simple installation - it is quite possible to cope with it without resorting to specialists;
  • opening into the wall - designs that have a retractable door leaf, make it possible to significantly save free space in the home, however, these instances are not so easy to install (it takes a lot of time);
  • folding - very popular today are designs of this kind, which take up little free space and act as doors in buses and consist of several sections.

Sliding doors are also present in modern wardrobes. In such pieces of furniture are usually present aluminum or steel systems, characterized by reliability and durability. These components also require fittings. Without them, the design will not act correctly.

The listed options for sliding doors are insanely popular today and are found in many homes. They not only boast a spectacular design, but also convenient use. These structures should be equipped with the following fittings:

  • guides - these are the parts necessary for folding cloths intended for moving the doors;
  • rollers with rubber seal - these elements are responsible for the quietest operation of the existing mechanism;
  • cassette - specialized devices that are needed for direct installation of door panels installed in the wall;
  • locking and locking parts - these components make it possible to limit the movement of the door leaf in one or another position;
  • locks - when it comes to interior sliding canvases, here in most cases high-quality mortise options in the form of latches are used, which do not prevent the opening of the valves;
  • door handles - the purpose of these elements is no secret for anyone - it is much more convenient to use the doors with the use of handles;
  • Scenery - these additions are usually intended to close the mechanism responsible for opening the doors.

Door designs

The mechanisms present in the sliding door structures may differ not only in design and opening / closing method, but also in the installation method. There are structures of the following types.

  • Thresholdless systems. In such constructions, the guide is mounted on the wall with upper rollers. This type of design is ideal for neat doors, having a small weight and modest dimensions. For example, it can be beautiful glass canvases that are wildly popular with modern style lovers. Non-threshold systems can boast ease of use and easy installation.
  • Systems with a rail located on the floor. To increase the level of convenience when moving, the guide may be drowned a little in the floor, however, we must bear in mind that this will have to spend extra time and money.
  • Systems with both top and bottom guides. Such constructions are considered optimal when it comes to installing heavy and large sliding doors made from natural solid wood, for example, expensive and good oak.


In the modern market, you can meet a huge number of different options for fittings designed for sliding doors. And it can be not only interroom designs, but also elements for closets popular in our time wardrobes.Only when choosing high-quality branded products you can be sure that the system will function correctly and for a long time.


Palladium is a major manufacturer of high-quality fittings for sliding doors, represented by the widest range.

The catalogs of the company include the following products of the highest quality:

  • handles suitable for sliding door leafs of various modifications;
  • handles equipped with locking systems;
  • the silent and wearproof rollers differing in durability;
  • both lower and upper guides with a parameter of 1 m and 2-3 m (manufactured from aluminum);
  • the brackets used for fixing the guide bases, such as “swallow tail”.

In the range of this manufacturer, you can find accessories for a variety of prices. It can be both cheap and rather expensive parts. However, they all boast excellent quality and wear resistance.


The Door-Handle company specializes in the implementation of various sliding fittings for over 10 years. During its existence, a huge number of arms, hinges and other required high-quality accessories have been sold. Many consumers order fittings for sliding doors from Door-Handle via the Internet.

Clients of this company are firms that implement high-quality interior doors, as well as organizations specializing in the installation of various door panels. Of course, Door-Handle products are no less popular among ordinary consumers, who are looking for really high-quality and durable products for arranging sliding doors.

"500 doors"

“500 Doors” is a major center for door assembly. Its products are incredibly popular and are found in various shopping and business centers, as well as in large enterprises, factories, mills and many other objects. In the assortment of the company, you can meet a huge amount of quality products of various modifications. Consumers can choose a suitable product from the following positions:

  • different interior designs;
  • entrance doors;
  • construction and fire-fighting products;
  • accessories for all listed door panels made from a variety of materials.

Trading House "500 Doors" offers consumers a choice of high-quality and reliable products, made to last.


This famous manufacturer from Germany offers a choice of buyers.high-quality aluminum systems with a wide choice of profiles designed for sliding doors of wardrobes. The only drawback of products is not the richest selection of acceptable coatings. Of course, the original German is not very cheap, but it can boast of excellent performance and long service life.

Fittings from Raumplus can be easily purchased when it comes to installing large and heavy sashes.


This popular manufacturer produces steel profiles that are more common in low-cost wardrobes. It should be borne in mind that the systems from Komandor do not come complete with rubber seals for glass, so they need to be inserted just into the profile groove, and this is not very good. In addition, one should not expect increased rigidity from such products. Moving the door is usually accompanied by an extra noise (similar to rustling), which can attract the attention of neighbors. And the owners themselves, such sounds are unlikely to please. However, one can not fail to mention the low cost of fittings from this manufacturer - any consumer can afford it.


The products of this Chinese manufacturer is a good option in the price / quality ratio. Due to this feature, today many furniture makers turn to Rolla fittings in the manufacture of wardrobes. With the use of these parts get good quality and affordable furniture items that are in high demand.

Tips for choosing

Fittings for sliding doors must be selected very carefully. Do not forget that the quality of such parts will depend on the life of the door panels, as well as the convenience of their operation. Today in stores you can find a huge amount of products with different prices and quality. When choosing the best options should be based on the following important criteria.

  • The weight of the sliding door. Note that the greater the weight of the door leaf, the stronger and stronger the guides should be. In addition, there should be more rollers. If you do not adhere to this rule, the accessories simply will not withstand a large weight of cloths and deform.
  • The number of opening flaps. In most cases, designs are made that have only one or two leaves, for which one or two guides are required.
  • Raw materials manufacturing. Pick up only high-quality hardware items made from reliable and durable materials, not afraid of wear and heavy loads, especially when it comes to installing large and heavy doors. It is advisable to give preference to metal structures - they are not susceptible to rotting and destruction over time.
  • Workmanship. Carefully inspect the selected hardware. None of the parts should not be damaged, chipped, curved lines, scratches, dents and other similar defects. If they are present, then it is better to refuse to buy products and look for better options, albeit with a higher price.
  • Manufacturer. It doesn’t matter if you choose accessories for interior doors or closets of the wardrobe - in any case, you should buy only branded products of brilliant quality. Such products will surely last for a long time and will not cause much trouble during their use. Of course, the cost of such products can be quite high, but their quality and durability are worth it.

Installation details

Let us consider in stages how the installation of the sliding door mechanism with all the elements of fittings takes place.

  • Keep in mind that the guide must necessarily come out a little on one side of the opening at least 5 cm. In order for the door leaf to move smoothly, on the side of the opening you need to use a profile whose length increases by the width of the canvas.
  • It is necessary to calculate the level of height for fasteners sliding mechanism. This value consists of 2 basic parameters: the height of the door with rollers, as well as the gap under the door leaf (approximately 15 mm, depending on the degree of mowing of the floor).
  • Next you need to choose the interval location of the guide part from the wall based on the level of unevenness of the wall bases.
  • If the walls in the room are absolutely flat, then the guides are attached directly to the specified bases, where the necessary holes were drilled in advance.
  • If it is a question of a sufficiently curved wall, then the guide moves away from it for a short distance. Next, a wooden lath is attached to the wall base and a guide part is placed on it.

Next steps.

  • Install the door leaf on the guide part. For this purpose, rollers are fixed in the prepared base on the side.
  • The door must take the correct position.
  • Now to the sexual basis should be attached resistant part.
  • The door opens as wide as possible, but it is important to ensure that it does not leave the framework of the previously prepared slots.
  • In the inside of the rail, you will need to fasten a rubber cushion using self-tapping screws. It will play the role of a kind of limiter.
  • In the groove of the canvas below, you should move the support halfway and fix the part using the dowels attached to the floor on one side.
  • Next, the canvas will need to move in the direction of closing the opening. Pick the best position for him.
  • Attach the upper limiting part of the door stroke.
  • Fix the support on the floor.

Useful tips

If you are going to equip fashionable built-in doors, then you should take into account that they require additional hardware parts, and this is extra waste. Such designs are more expensive.

If you install the fittings for sliding doors yourself, then you should act as carefully and carefully as possible, because improper installation of at least one of the necessary elements can lead to the fact that the whole mechanism will be inoperative.

Experts advise to use only metal fittings, since it is more robust, reliable and durable. If you decide to turn to cheaper plastic options, then you should know that they are usually used only in exceptional cases. They are not designed for heavy loads and serve not so long.

Independently installing the sliding mechanism with all necessary accessoriesIt is recommended to use the construction level (bubble and laser tools are considered to be the best and most convenient). This adaptation will be necessary to maintain the horizontal direction of the guide profile for moving the door.

Experienced craftsmen recommend contacting such constructions in which the rollers are present both from above and below (double set). These options are considered more reliable and functional.

Consider that all the elements of fittings you have chosen must necessarily fit together. If they are not compatible, the quality of the final design may be questionable.

When buying complete sliding doors, you need to check their equipment.There must be all the required details. The absence of certain elements can cause a lot of problems during the assembly of the structure, so make sure that they are present before making the payment, so that there will be no unpleasant surprises.

It makes no sense to spend money on an unnecessarily expensive design. If you live in a small apartment, then a huge glass door in it will look disharmonious.

For tips on choosing sliding interior doors, see the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
