Hardware for plastic doors: types and tips for choosing

Currently, plastic doors are often used in construction, due to their convenience, affordable cost and tightness. Together with such products, manufacturers make various accessories for them, which allows using structures more conveniently, as well as increasing their functionality. The choice of accessories should be made depending on the conditions of use of the door itself, as well as the place of its installation.
Good hardware for plastic PVC doors can be quite inexpensive. Such products can be purchased independently or order their individual production.In most cases, fittings are standard products that are designed for classic conditions of use and are mounted in the same way. To choose the best fittings for balcony doors, you need to know the main manufacturers who make original and high-quality products.
The functionality and durability of these products directly depends on the quality of their production. If such parts fail over time for various reasons, then you can buy domestic accessories or the one that was installed during the production of doors at the factory. This is an opportunity to purchase more expensive designs, which allows to modernize the door for a balcony from PVC.
Fittings are:
- pens;
- door hinges;
- magnetic devices;
- seals;
- combs;
- closers;
- stoppers;
- clamps.
These elements are the most mobile and are used regularly, and therefore experience heavy loads and often become unusable because of this. Handles are installed at a certain height and, if they fail, often require replacement, rather than repair. Using these devices, you can open and fix the sash in different positions.
Pens are:
- bilateral;
- one-sided.
These are movable elements of fixing the doors to the door frame, on which the strength of the doors and the whole structure directly depend. Products must meet the standards, as they withstand the main load. Conventional models are designed to withstand a weight of at least 150 kg. And also they need to be serviced depending on the season: produce lubrication and adjustment of all elements of the product. This is the only way to keep loops in working condition for a long time.
Since the weight of the doors may differ depending on the model and design, it is necessary to adjust the hinges so that they optimally press the doors and do not leave a gap between them. Therefore, it is often difficult to make the settings correctly on your own.
These accessories are also important and may be required during the operation of the door to the balcony. The design of PVC with magnets is fixed in the required position, which is important for a balcony or loggia. The flap itself will fit snugly to the base without creating drafts.
Regardless of the quality of the hardware itself, the PVC construction will not be tight if there are no seals. They are glued around the perimeter of the entire frame and provide tight closure of the valves.They are made of rubber and have special grooves on the surface. Often on such products is the logo of the manufacturer. When cleaning and cleaning such devices, it is important not to use aggressive chemical compounds.
The tightness of the design depends on the reliability and quality of the seal. Since the rubber does not tolerate the effects of negative external factors, it may eventually crack or shrink, and therefore these devices have to be changed frequently.
They represent a small lock, which is made of metal or plastic. With it, you can fix the mechanism in the closed or open state. The comb itself is small and is a supporting element that does not allow the door to slam when draft. Using a comb, you can adjust the door sash for ventilation or so that pets cannot enter the loggia.
The task of this device is to close the doors smoothly. As a result, they will not clap and fit tightly to the base. Such a mechanism makes it possible to protect against drafts and strong impacts of doors.
Closers are:
- lower;
- hidden
- external.
These elements make it possible to fix the balcony door in any desired position, depending on the requirements of the owner. Such products are made of plastic and do not have a complex structure. Placed between the canvas and the frame, and the fixation takes place at the expense of the spring.
They may be:
- latches;
- structures located inside the handle;
- special pens.
Each of these elements has its advantages and disadvantages. Espagnolette - a design that can be installed on the inside of a window or door. After closing the flaps, the bolt will securely hold them in the desired position. According to its design, the latch is simple enough, but at the same time it is distinguished by reliability and durability, and also ensures the sealing of the structure. To serve such a product can be a long time.
The main disadvantage is that when the structure is skewed, such devices will not function properly and normally. Some elements can be equipped with additional locks, which prevents the possibility of opening them without a key. This makes it possible to protect children from accidentally opening the window.
How to choose?
Fittings are of different quality, and therefore it is not recommended to save on it to ensure the functionality of PVC structures and their safety. It is worth refusing to purchase products from unknown manufacturers, since such parts may last for a short time and require replacement soon. It is necessary to give preference to proven firms that produce parts that are in demand.
Since the accessories are also a decorative part of a plastic construction, it is necessary to choose it in view of this moment as well. Today, you can find various options that are made in different styles, which provides comfortable management of structures and improves their appearance.
Since the door of plastic must meet certain requirements, namely: to protect the room from burglary, to withstand the load, to be comfortable and stable during operation, etc., therefore experts give advice on what to consider when choosing.
- Mass door. The greater this indicator, the more reliable the fittings should be.
- Ways of opening.
- The ability to make adjustments of accessories, increasing the functionality of structures.
All these elements are related and it is impossible to single out one of them. If you choose accessories with the above parameters, it will not fail soon and will function normally throughout the entire period of use.
How to install?
Installation of these devices is made depending on their purpose and location on the doorway. Usually, the work does not require a lot of effort, and therefore the replacement can be done independently. For this, the manufacturer equips all its products with fasteners that are only necessary to unscrew.
All of them are hidden under the decorative plates, and therefore invisible at first glance. If there are no skills in this case, it is recommended to apply for replacement of such devices to specialists. It will also allow not only to install the fittings with high quality, but also not to damage it in the process.
Rating of the best manufacturers
Currently, door fittings are made by various manufacturers. Among them are companies that are familiar to everyone, but also present and little-known. Products from well-known brands are more expensive, but they are distinguished by quality and durability.
If the company is unknown in this market, then it is necessary to carefully inspect the purchased items so that they do not have to be changed later. Preference should be given only to quality products and not to look at their cost.
A wide range of products from different manufacturers allows the customer to choose the necessary accessories depending on its functionality, location of use, cost, and other parameters. Among the most famous world manufacturers can be noted only a few.
- Maco. This is an Austrian company, which appeared in the last century. Today, manufacturers provide an opportunity to purchase various accessories at an affordable cost and appropriate quality.
- Roto. The manufacturer is from Germany and has proven itself in this market. It offers high-quality products that can last for a long time. All products are guaranteed for 10 years.
- Kale. Produced in Turkey. At the same time, the company offers the opportunity to buy accessories not only for PVC structures, but also for glass or metal products. The company was founded long ago and has proven itself during this time.Products from this company can be found often. They differ in the acceptable cost and quality.
- Siegenia. Manufacturer from Germany and makes a variety of accessories, which is of high quality and tested for decades. The factories of the brand are located in Europe, which guarantees the delivery of cheap products to the market at reasonable prices.
Fittings in each case must be selected depending on the particular design, on which it will be installed. In this case, the cost of the product may vary from the volume of purchase, place of sale, status of the seller and other points. If you contact the official representatives or directly to the company, you can significantly save money.
If you need to buy accessories, then you can make a profitable purchase, taking into account the above factors. When choosing, one should pay attention not only to the price, but also to the quality of the products, as well as the reputation of the manufacturer.
In the next video you will find the installation of the door latch on the plastic door with your own hands.