Features hidden door closers

Currently, many companies produce fittings, and therefore a large assortment of various devices can be found on sale, which allow closing the doors and keeping them in this position for the required time. A well-known example as a closer is a spring made of steel or rubber, which was used before the advent of modern appliances. The main purpose of the door closers is to close the doors and keep them closed.
Today, the constructions of the closers are more complex systems and allow you to close the doors without noise and shocks, which is important for structures that have glass inserts.And also some models can open doors at a certain angle and hold them in this position for the right time.
At the choice of these devices it is necessary to consider the device of products
Are the most common and are used for interior partitions. They are installed by attaching doors to the canvas and are often used in public buildings or offices where many people pass through the doors. The main purpose is to close the doors and hold them in that position. By their design features, these closers are:
- guides with a rod;
- with gear drive.
The differences between them are the mechanisms that are located inside the devices, which determines their principle of operation. Models with a gear mechanism transmit movement with the help of gears moving along the pin. Typically, such devices are used for heavy structures.
Products with a sliding rod can transmit forces from the door leaf to the spring using thrust. All these elements are located in a single housing, which is filled with oil. This makes it possible to regulate the course of the door.The installation of these devices is made taking into account the direction of movement of the doors.
These devices are different hidden installation method, and with their help, you can open the door in different directions. Often they are installed on glass doors in sales areas. Such devices can withstand a lot of weight.
A special feature is the design of such devices - this is a rod located vertically, on which there are springs. When you open the door, he winds the spring, and then returns to the opposite position. The mechanism is attached to the door with screws.
Such devices are used for interior flaps, and they are called frame. A feature of the design of such a device is a mechanism that slides inside the case. The advantages of this model are small dimensions, which makes it possible to cut them directly into the canvas and maintain the integrity of the door.
Loop closers
These devices appeared quite recently, but already have popularity among users and are distinguished by great functionality. They are difficult to distinguish, at first glance, from ordinary loops,and it is not required during installation to install additional structures on the door leaf. These mechanisms differ from standard loops by slightly larger sizes.
But they also have some drawbacks. Among them are:
- weak effort;
- installation complexity;
- the inability to withstand a lot of weight;
- short duration.
The most frequently used such devices for installation on interior design with low weight.
Sliding Door Closers
Usually they are used in the manufacture of furniture, the main purpose is to reduce the force of impact when closing the valves. The design of such products is quite simple, and they themselves are small in size. Inside the case is a spring mechanism.
The disadvantage of such devices is that they have pins sticking out of the body, which can be damaged, and therefore they are often placed in inaccessible places.
Installation and technological features
Such devices can be installed before the installation of the door itself or after its installation. Everyone should choose the method that will be more convenient for him to produce.
To work will require:
- cutter;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- hammer.
During the work, there may also be some difficulties in determining the desired attachment point of the mechanism. When inserting it is necessary to make all the work correctly and firmly fix the mechanisms in order to avoid mistakes, otherwise the closer will not work well. Often closers are placed in the end of the canvas, which provides ease of use. If necessary, you can quickly remove the design from the hinges, freeing the doorway. Such a closer will not be noticeable to outsiders, and it can be quickly replaced.
To install the device, you must adhere to clear recommendations from experts and follow the following rules:
- check the availability of the necessary elements and parts, among which should be fasteners, levers, mechanisms and installation scheme;
- use the scheme to determine the order of work;
- correctly assemble the mechanism and mount it in the right place;
- adjust thrust.
Adjustment process
After installation, it is necessary to perform work on setting up the door closer. It is also important to check how the door will close or open.The canvas should move slowly and silently. If such moments are not observed, then it is necessary to make an adjustment in advance. The process is quite simple, and its basis is the tightening or unscrewing of the bolts, which weaken the action of the spring or hydraulics.
To carry out the work it is necessary to remove the cover of the closer where the bolts for adjustment are located. Next, you need to decide which bolt is designed to bias the mechanism in one direction or another, and twist it, periodically checking the performance of the door. Bolts must be pumped in turn.
But it is also important to consider that the built-in closer can work differently depending on the temperature in the room. If the room is cooled or overheated, then under each of the temperature regimes produce settings.
In this adjustment is carried out when turning the bolts 1-2 turns. To avoid the need for often such events, it is recommended to use those devices that are undemanding to temperature indicators, for example, with spring mechanisms, and also to maintain the temperature in the room that is optimal for the mechanisms.
How to choose?
When buying such a device must take into account the weight and width of the door leaf. Dorma products usually work according to EN 1154. If the model is chosen incorrectly, it will soon fail or will not function properly. This will bring some difficulties when opening and closing doors.
Each closer is divided into gradations and is designed for a particular weight and width of the door. All these moments should coincide with the parameters of the canvas.
Choose a ball system is on optimal performance. It is also supposed to be able to install closers with higher characteristics, which will prolong their service life.
For exterior doors, it is recommended to purchase special models that are not afraid of frost and heat, and also have a special design and are filled with frost-resistant oil. Included with such a device are usually all the necessary materials and elements that allow you to install the device on any door, regardless of the material of its manufacture.
You will learn about the hidden door closer of the new generation from the video below.