Features of the use of moisture resistant insulation
Substances with the help of which the insulation of houses is made, often suffer from getting wet. Therefore, the attention of people deservedly attract those funds that are resistant to contact with water. But even such reliable components should be applied thoughtfully and carefully, taking into account specific features.
Special features
When visiting a hardware store or a large hypermarket, people who have little knowledge of the scope of heaters face big problems when choosing. And even when the most suitable option is chosen, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all its features, because resistance to moisture often leads to certain drawbacks.
Water-resistant heaters are classified according to the following criteria:
- heat retention rate;
- steam permeability;
- specific gravity;
- compatibility with various exterior finishes;
- safety for health and the environment;
- tendency to ignite;
- cost (you need to think about it last).
When they talk about waterproof insulation, first of all associations arise with foam. The structure of the substance ensures complete impermeability to the liquid and at the same time lightness of the warming blocks. But the use of foam is limited by the risk of fire, the toxicity of combustion products.
Penoplex (deep modification of foam) is perfectly suitable for outdoor thermal protection and does not even require auxiliary barriers. However, the addition of flame retardants significantly reduces the environmental safety of the substance.
Where to use such substances and how to do it
Moisture resistant insulation is widely used in places where there is a high risk of flooding or flooding for another reason. In this situation, the use of mineral wool is the least promising. Even reinforced waterproofing in the form of an additional layer only partially solves the problem.
Expanded polystyrene is much more effective, it can be used in humid environments, provided vapor barrier.Foil and reflective types of wall insulation based on its use are suitable for indoor use.
If you want to provide heat protection in a wet room, you should pay attention to the fiberboard. Auxiliary waterproofing when using fiberboard does not hurt.
If you need the most versatile material for moisture-proof insulation, then it is difficult to find an alternative to extruded polystyrene foam. In most cases, EPPS is used for insulation of external parts of the bearing walls. Extruded polystyrene can be well tolerated in compression and weathering.
When insulating the foundation with the EPS, it is supplemented with:
- ruberoid;
- bituminous mastic;
- sprayed waterproofing coatings.
The reason is simple: even the increased resistance of polystyrene to moisture does not give a reason to leave the coating unprotected. After all, the moisture in the earthen layer will always affect it, and inspection and prevention (for obvious reasons) are very difficult.
If EPPS is used to insulate the ceiling in a damp room, it is possible to enhance protection against moisture with the help of exterior and penetrating compounds, powder treatment or paintwork materials.Extruded polystyrene is allowed even as insulation for bath floors.
Foam can also be used for thermal insulation of pipes. But in this case it is necessary to reckon with its low strength and lack of bending ability. Therefore, you will need to buy ready-made industrial products, made in the form of profiles for a particular type of pipe.
Much more practical polyurethane foam, which is made in the form of panels: it is useful for thermal protection and the pipelines themselves, and the fittings serving them. Another good option - polyethylene foam, which is produced in the form of tubes, providing a simple and convenient installation.
It is not recommended to use foam plastic for warming roof structures. Once again, the balance shifts in favor of high-quality extruded polystyrene foam.
Important: any rigid plate construction is poorly fitted to the required dimensions. The problem is solved using a slightly smaller block than required and filling the outer gaps with foam. We should not assume that EPPS is a material without flaws, it also has its weaknesses.
So, the differences in heat retention of extruded and extruded materials are insignificant.
It is worth remembering that even declared varieties of fire-resistant material are not able to withstand fire for a long time, they can withstand its effect only for a while.
Part of unscrupulous manufacturers can use hazardous flame retardants, so when buying a heater for residential premises, it is necessary to require quality certificates. It is undesirable to buy very cheap varieties of Epps, they are of low strength and easily destroyed.
About what are the features of the use of moisture resistant insulation, see the following video.