Insulators Ursa: advantages and disadvantages of materials

In the 21st century, manufacturers of building materials still cannot fully guarantee high thermal insulation. Very often, to achieve more or less acceptable performance in insulation it is necessary to increase the thickness of the floors in the building. As a result, the entire structure becomes huge, and therefore much more stringent requirements are applied to the frame, the foundation and the soil.
The use of Ursa insulators fully helps designers and builders not to face many difficulties and problems.The material significantly reduces heat loss, keeps a comfortable microclimate in the rooms. At the same time, the heater has a low weight, which significantly reduces the consumption of building materials during construction, and in subsequent operation of the building helps to reduce energy consumption for space heating, as well as increases the soundproofing of the walls and ceiling.
What it is?
Consider, what are its advantages and main differences.
- Heat insulator Ursa was created specifically for use at homeAt the same time, this material fully meets all the requirements of professional construction. The plates of this heater have increased rigidity and small size (at the same time, elasticity and flexibility are fully preserved at the proper level), this convenience allows you to easily install a heater on your own.
- Indicators of thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and sound insulation of this heater are maximum in their values. One of the main features of the Ursa Terra insulation is that it is treated with a unique water repellent during production,therefore, with a possible hit on the surface of the insulant, water droplets roll off it without penetrating the material at all.
- Heat insulator Ursa - incombustible materialIt is perfect for warming wooden buildings. And due to the use in the production of only environmental natural components, this insulation is absolutely harmless to humans and the environment, it is able to maintain the microclimate of houses built of wood.
The Ursa product range includes slabs and technical mats for insulating air ducts and pipelines.
Special features
Distinctive quality characteristics of Ursa insulation are at the same time its advantages.
- Thermal conductivity. In this heat insulator, it is designed in the range of 0.031-0.049 W / Mk, it remarkably holds the desired temperature in any building, and does not reduce the insulation performance at all at high humidity, even with direct contact with moisture.
- Strength. Insulation plates can hold loads up to 175 kPa throughout the entire operation (and this is more than 50 years old), as well as short-term pressure up to 500 kPa. Excellent bending strength allows you to mount building elements even on unprepared grounds, for example, on a sand pillow.
- Temperature mode of application. It is recommended to use this heater at a temperature from -55 to +80 degrees. At the same time, the products are very resistant to freezing, five hundred freeze / thaw processes are permissible. This insulation is recommended for use in buildings with a fairly frequent change of temperature.
- Security. The heat insulator Ursa is absolutely harmless to humans, because no harmful elements are used at all. Moreover, flame retardants have been added to the composition, and, as a result, the insulation belongs to completely non-combustible materials, that is, when the flame is near, a gas barrier that prevents oxygen from entering is created, resulting in the burning of the flame.
It is also important that thermal insulation is successfully used in constructions that are close to the ground or vegetation, and at the same time fully retains all its beneficial properties.
The basis of the heat insulator Ursa - specially treated fiberglass. In its production used an equal amount of dolomite, sand and soda. There are in the composition and other useful additives.
When in the process of heating all the ingredients of the ingredients the mixture begins to melt,it is passed through a special apparatus, as a result, after processing, the basis for the Ursa heater is obtained, which has a fiber structure, all the threads of which are glued together. The heat insulator Ursa is a truly original material, as it has a large number of advantages over other types of insulation.
In Russia, there are several branches of the company Ursa, which is a manufacturer of this insulation, it is based on a very strong glass fiber and mineral wool. With the help of Ursa, you can insulate any place in the house structure. Sound insulation and resistance to mechanical stress at the heater Ursa - at the highest level.
Excellent thermal insulation, compliance with all environmental standards, very good thermal protection, the life of this insulation is more than 50 years. Insulation Ursa resistant to temperature changes, versatile, non-combustible, flexible and flexible, easy to install, affordable, has a small mass.
Insulation Ursa is very vapor-permeable, biostable, not susceptible to decomposition and mold fungus.
There are also some drawbacks, for example, to work with it it is necessary to wear safety glasses and gloves.
The material is susceptible to alkali. The cost of Ursa insulation depends on the specific type and application, as well as on the density of the product. One set of insulation costs 390-1490 rubles.
The heat insulator is tested and named the most environmentally friendly. When preparing raw materials, all components of insulation are thoroughly checked, and the finished products of Ursa are absolutely harmless to human health and nature.
Note that any fiberglass materials manufactured by Ursa may emit some dust. It is recommended that all walls in the house be covered with a waterproofing membrane. Since the basis of this insulation is quartz sand, the material is non-combustible, which is very good for insulation in a wooden house. We note the great durability of insulation Ursa. Even after 40-50 years of operation, the characteristics of the material will remain original.
Another important feature of this heater is biological stability. All substances used in the production of this insulation are inorganic and do not attract insects and rodents. The fungus and mold will also not harm this material.
Types and characteristics
There are several types of heat insulator Ursa, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, different types differ in their characteristics.
Ursa geo
This heat insulator can save the heat of your home as much as possible. This is achieved by the length and elasticity of its fibers, between which there are several layers of air. Even the mineral wool does not usually give such a good effect as this heat insulator. Therefore, it is possible not to worry that with the arrival of winter the walls of the house will freeze. This type of insulation has a minimum thermal conductivity. The class of sound insulation of this heater A, it is confirmed by certificates and proved by a set of laboratory researches. Virtually all Ursa species absorb sounds well.
Ursa PureOne
This heat insulator is created using advanced technologies. For example, the main binder component of this heater is acrylic, a neutral polymer that does not pose any danger to human health. Thanks to the use of this component, glass fiber is obtained dust-free and non-spongy. So, this type of insulation can definitely be used for warming nurseries, kindergartens and medical institutions.
According to sound absorption, this material is better even stone wool. It is more flexible, as time passes, its shape remains the same.
Ursa XPS
This heat insulator has increased strength and is resistant to deformation. The material perfectly withstands significant stretching, and strong bends or compression. In the production of this type of insulation used carbon dioxide, and it does not apply to toxic substances. Therefore, the heat insulator Ursa XPS is completely harmless to human health and the environment.
Remember that toxic substances can begin to be produced when the temperature is too high. This material does not absorb moisture, so its thermal insulation characteristics remain the same even when exposed to groundwater. In the process of freezing and subsequent thawing, the properties of the products also remain the same, which significantly distinguishes it from any other heaters.
This variety, like other Ursa products, is considered to be durable and non-flammable. XPS is also successfully used to protect the foundation of buildings and road construction.
Ursa terra
Ursa Terra is more suitable for insulation of a dwelling house. The peculiarity of the Ursa Terra boards is their increased rigidity and compact dimensions. This insulation is best suited for buildings made of wood, because it is completely non-flammable. Ursa Terra is additionally covered with a special composition that repels moisture. Moreover, it has improved sound insulation and thermal conductivity.
By production of this heater only natural components are applied, as a result the heater becomes completely harmless to the person and environment.
Product lines
The company offers a wide range of insulation. We will tell about the entire line of thermal insulators from the manufacturer Ursa.
- Ursa M 11 - fiberglass heat insulator. Soft, light and elastic. Very pleased with the price. But there are drawbacks: it is not very flexible and can not boast of special strength. And when installing Ursa M 11, you must use a respirator and gloves in order to avoid small particles of fiberglass on your skin.
- Ursa M 11 F - on the one hand, it is covered with aluminum foil for vapor barrier, which prevents the penetration of moisture inside the insulation and prevents the formation of condensate. This insulation is very effective for use in homes with high humidity and having contact with water, for example, a bath or basement.
- Ursa M 15 - very elastic, has a good degree of compression. Mainly used for insulation of pitched roofs, floors, various partitions.
- Ursa M 25 - Available in the form of a roll with excellent thermal insulation and flexibility. But this type of insulation is used only indoors, outdoors, in the ground or in pipes it is unsuitable. The heat insulator Ursa M 25 has worked well for insulation of pipelines with a diameter of 33 cm. Ursa M 25 absorbs the sound of industrial boilers and tanks. It is recommended for warming cattle, attic and mansard roofs.
- Ursa P 15 - it is applied in warming of frame walls and partitions, and also cattle roofs. Installation of this heater can hold one person. Ursa P 15 is very light, but at the same time very elastic.
- Ursa P 20 - used for insulation of external walls. Mounted Ursa P 20 or in the middle layer of the wall, or outside. This insulation is very good thermal and sound insulation.
- Ursa P 30 - very elastic and flexible, thanks to these qualities, this insulation is perfectly mounted to the surface. Well proved when using in gas vents and air ducts of a rectangular shape.
- Ursa P 35 - Paronepronet and resistant to various vibrations. Basically, this insulation is used on railway, water and road transport in order to preserve heat and noise reduction.
- Ursa P 60 - fits well under the flooring (tile, laminate and similar coatings). This insulation has maximum sound-absorbing properties.
- Ursa Light - very light, elastic, durable, non-flammable material. And it does not respond to changes in ambient temperature and chemical exposure.
- Ursa Pitched Roof - Available in the form of yellow mats, this insulation has excellent sound and thermal insulation, good elasticity. One more plus of this heater: at installation practically there is no waste.
- Ursa Facade - Pasted over with very durable black fiberglass. Perfectly warms the systems having the ventilated gaps. It has heat and sound insulation, perfectly keeps its shape.
- Ursa Partition - suitable for mounting on frame partitions. The properties of this insulation: lightness, elasticity, noise absorption and heat insulation.
Which to choose?
Heat insulators Ursa do not burn, do not rot, do not emit harmful substances. If the heater slightly weighs, then it is perfect for insulating the room from the inside. Heater with a heavier weight is usually mounted on the facades.
It should be noted that all Ursa heat insulators use two types of materials, which, due to the optimal combination of advantages and disadvantages, are recognized as the best heat insulators. It is fiberglass and extruded polystyrene foam. Minvata and glass wool are a thing of the past.
Subtleties of use
Features of installation of a heat insulator Ursa are simple and fast.
Even one person who is not a professional in construction will be able to lay tiled or rolled insulation Ursa, and the installation of insulation is very simple due to rolls and plates having small dimensions and the necessary resilience. The main thing in laying insulation is a well-prepared surface., as Ursa insulation is mounted on the base (boards or plywood). To the surface itself, the material is laid tightly enough, fixed with screws.
If you correctly calculate the required amount of insulation, then at the end of the work there will be no residues and surpluses.
Installation of insulation Ursa
For laying such insulation Ursa you do not need any special knowledge and skills. Just need to follow a few rules. Important proper transportation and proper storage of material, protection from atmospheric moisture and physical damage. Insulation is recommended not to put too tight, as performance may be lost at high density.
If you plan to keep the insulation for a long time, it is recommended not to remove the original packaging until the application of insulation. But immediately before installation, the insulation must be held in unfolded form for at least ten minutes. Before starting work, always wear special glasses, as much as possible closed clothes and gloves, so that dust does not get into open skin. Use a medium-sized saw or a well-sharpened knife to cut material.
Try to lay the heat insulator plates as tightly as possible, and then lightly press them to the base.
If you plan to place the insulation in two layers, then be sure to close the joints.
For the installation of heat insulator Ursa is best to use compounds, based on having a cement or polyurethane.
The main advantages of using insulation Ursa
The heat insulator Ursa as the leader of the insulation market has parameters that take it to very high ratings from consumers.
Thermal conductivity
The main task of any heat insulator is to create good heat insulation, Ursa insulation cope with this task at the highest level, it is always cool in rooms during hot summers, and in winter the owners feel comfortable warmth in the winter. An important characteristic of insulation is its incombustibility, which makes it safe and significantly expands the scope of use.
Physical properties
The flexibility and elasticity of the materials allows the Ursa thermal insulator to adhere as much as possible to the surfaces of any size and shape, while completely free of gaps. The plasticity of insulation plates allows them to be transported without any risk of damaging it during transportation or during its shipment.
During installation and during operation, Ursa insulators do not emit any volatile chemicals at all; this insulator can definitely be classified as one of the cleanest materials that do not violate the ecology.This is achieved by the manufacturer through the introduction of the most modern technologies. Insulation Ursa can be used in children's institutions, and in hospitals.
Environmentally friendly - a heater is created using natural gas, and he, unlike freon, is completely safe for the ozone layer of the atmosphere of our planet.
Roof insulation
If during the installation of the thermal insulator you observe all the rules of technology, then you will save up to 50% of the heating bills on heating the house.
Ursa insulants are not subject to condensation, due to which fungal organisms are formed. And also they are not afraid of groundwater, they do not absorb moisture at all,
Fire safety and soundproofing
The basis of Ursa insulation is fiberglass, and it does not burn at all. If a fire occurs, fiberglass will not allow the flame to harm the building and significantly mitigate the possible damage from the effects of fire. If plates of insulation are put on the partitions between rooms, then all unwanted noise will not worry you and your comfort will not be disturbed.
Note that laying insulation will not interfere with air circulation.
Installation and operation
- The great advantage of working with the Ursa material is that at installation of this heater there is no waste, and the entire procedure can be performed independently, without outside help, all this is due to the low weight of the insulation material and its good flexibility. Insects are indifferent to the Ursa insulation and rodents are indifferent, and on its surface and inside no harmful microorganisms survive.
- The insulation perfectly keeps both direct sunlight and mechanical loads. The material is very strong - the plates withstand a load of 50 tons per square meter. meter. Ursa insulation is frost-resistant and resistant to moisture - even when in water it retains its properties. This insulation can be used in structures where the temperature often changes. Insulation is very strong material, it is able to withstand more than 500 cycles of heating / freezing. The service life of insulation after installation is 50 years.
- Ursa insulation is efficient and requires minimal labor costs during installation. The low weight of the material and its elasticity reduce the time spent on installation work. To install the insulation does not require any special tools and skills.
- The heat insulator Ursa is made of fiber safe for human health, even when ingested, the fibers of the material are excreted naturally, without causing any harm to the body. In this case, the fibers do not dissolve and are not damaged in ordinary water. Foil heat insulator - the best choice for home insulation. Confirmed by a certificate. The undeniable advantages that are inherent in the Ursa heat insulator will allow for many years to enjoy the dryness and warmth in your home.
Proper insulation and thermal insulation of the roof using a heat insulator Ursa
Note that competent roof insulation from the inside is best done during construction. And it is always better to insulate a concrete slab outside, laying a layer of heat insulator under a soft roof, it is more convenient and more efficient, better than hemming from the inside.
The scheme of such insulation is as follows:
- First we put a waterproofing membrane on the concrete, then Ursa insulation on top of it.
- Then we arrange a cement-sand screed on top with a minimum thickness of 30 mm.
- The end of the roof insulation - laying roofing material - roofing material.
The composition of the roof insulation kit depends on the material. But two rules are always the same for all variants of warming:
- A diffusion membrane should be laid under the roof covering. It does not allow moisture, but allows you to go out a couple;
- between any coating and the membrane should be ventilation through which air circulates.
Important: if there is no diffusion membrane on the old roof, then for insulation it is necessary to remove the coating (slate or metal tile) and lay the waterproofing outside.
Heat transfer always goes from hotter air to colder air. In winter, the heat in the rooms tends to go outside, and in the summer, it tends to warm inside the house. To make the house comfortable and cozy in terms of temperature, it is required to lower the thermal conductivity of the structures that make up the building.
The ability of materials to conduct heat characterizes the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The smaller its value, the better the thermal protection of the material. It is thermal conductivity - the main selection criterion, according to it, insulation is selected.
The properties of the whole structure are evaluated using the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer. The greater the value of this coefficient, the higher the energy efficiency of the building. The standard values of this coefficient are valid, they are calculated according to special building codes of rules, which take into account the climate and the type of building.
Sizes and shapes
To make the walls of the building meet the requirements of the standards, you will need to build:
- or a brick wall with a thickness of seven rows of brick (176 cm);
- or a wall of concrete 5 meters thick;
- or a wall that insulates 8 centimeters of Ursa thermal insulator.
After conducting a study of reviews on forums, websites and social networks, on the use of Ursa insulation, it can be said with confidence that 99.6 percent of reviews about this insulation are positive.
Among the shortcomings they note the difficulty of working with the material and the need to use means of protection during the installation of this heat insulator. The second (and last) disadvantage of the Ursa thermal insulator lies in its poor moisture resistance. When water enters the heat insulator, it partially loses its properties. Therefore, it is advisable not to wet the insulation, condensate should not accumulate inside the already constructed structures.
Use plastic sheeting, kraft paper or aluminum foil as insulators.
You will see how to insulate a frame house with the help of URSA TERRA in the next video.