Foil insulation: varieties, properties and possibilities of use
Foil insulators belong to the category of thermal insulation materials with a wide scope. Before buying it is recommended to study the varieties, properties and possibilities of using each type of products.
This material for thermal insulation belongs to the category of combined products. It is a layer with polyethylene foam and polished foil. With the help of a combination of two materials, high-quality thermal insulation is provided for enclosing structures.
Products with folded mineral wool can be used in different rooms. Depending on the purpose of the object, it is necessary to select the appropriate type. Insulation suitable for almost any surface, but most often it is purchased for the following objects:
- Pipeline plating. Operation for pipes of hot and cold water supply is allowed.
- Isolation of ventilation shafts and air ducts.
- Warming of a cloth, arrangement in a roof.
- Thermal insulation for walls from inside the house or outside.
- Laying the layer under the linoleum.
Depending on the purpose of products produced several types of insulation. They differ among themselves in terms of the density of the foil used and the type of heat insulating material.
Foiled penofol (second name: polyethylene foam, izolon, folgoizol). This is a roll product, which has a low price tag. In the role of insulation used foamed polyethylene stitched or unstitched type. Layer thickness is 3-8 mm, 10 mm. The foil layer is located on one or both sides. The self-adhesive basis is allowed.
Some types of products have a reinforcing layer in which there is fiberglass. Moisture absorption is 0.35-0.7%. Vapor permeability is about 0.001 mg / m * k.
The material is used to work with the system underfloor heating, for arranging the heat insulating layer in the room, as well as for split systems. Also the cloth can be used as a pipe heater.
This material can be produced in rolls or have the form of plates. Products with an aluminum coating help to increase thermal protection, and also protect the hygroscopic material from moisture.
Basalt is often used in the role of mineral insulation. It has high moisture resistance and is characterized by a long service life. This insulation can be used in different areas. Often it can be found in the role of insulation for chimney pipes, for arranging walls, ceilings, roofs.
This material is used for floor heating system. On the inside of the product there is a markup, which is intended for laying the cable system. The density of the material is 30-50 kg / cubic meter. The thickness of the product reaches 3-5 mm. The release of insulation is carried out in a roll 50 cm wide. Foil foam is not intended for other uses.
Basalt heat insulator
The heat insulator is able to cope with aggressive conditions of use. The material does not lose its qualities in the temperature regime from -200 to +700 degrees. Used during construction work of various structures.
All types of material differ in the general list of technical characteristics:
- Resistance to temperature extremes.
- Moisture resistance.
- High vapor permeability (value is 0.001 mg / m. H. Pa).
- High rates of reflection of thermal radiation. Thermal conductivity is 0.037 W / m ° C.
- Foil insulation - heat-resistant material.
- Sufficient sound insulation (sound absorption reaches 68%).
- Foil provides reliable protection from exposure to solar and radon radiation. Also, aluminum insulation does not require an auxiliary treatment with chemical agents, which indicates the environmental safety of the material.
- According to the manufacturers, the products are characterized by a long service life, which reaches 95 years.
Advantages and disadvantages
Foil insulation has the following advantages:
- Due to the metal layer, the material is not subject to corrosion.
- The product is able to provide an auxiliary sound insulation layer in the room.
- Insulation helps reduce heat loss.
- Increases the performance of the heating system. This is achieved by reflecting thermal energy.
- The canvas allows you to save heating costs.
- Insulation insulation does not allow the appearance of drafts.
- Wide area of use.
- A wide range of assortment, which differs according to the type of insulation material and the thickness of the canvases.
- Resistant to moisture.
- Low weight and good elasticity.
- Ease of installation.
- There are no toxic compounds in the ingredient list. For this reason, the material is considered environmentally friendly.
- Affordable price category.
Also, the insulation has disadvantages:
- Due to the soft structure it is impossible to use insulation under the finishing mixtures for construction work.
- If a product is used without an adhesive backing, special adhesives will be required. This indicates an additional cost.
- A small thickness of the layer is not able to provide a sufficient level of thermal protection. For this reason, the product is often supplemented with other insulation.
Installation Features
During installation, you should familiarize yourself with some features of the process:
- The thickness of the insulation, with which you want to warm the wall, ceiling or floor, should not be less than 50 mm. Experts recommend using the same material for complex work. However, if the insulation of the ceiling will be made with the help of a thicker web, this will not be considered a mistake, since the bulk of thermal energy goes through the ceiling. For this reason, the cloth should be given special attention.
- The properties of mineral wool are that it absorbs moisture. After wetting, the material loses its insulating characteristics. At the same time, the insulant poorly gives off moisture, and in cold weather, wet particles can turn into pieces of ice.
- To prevent crystallization of moisture, foiled insulation will need protection. In the thin aluminum layer, small holes or microcracks may be present that cannot be seen. At the same time, if even two barriers to vapor and moisture are present, the vapor particles will still be able to penetrate the insulation. For this reason, experts recommend creating insulating layers so that moisture can leave the cotton wool.
The order of heat insulation levels:
- Finish made from materials of natural origin. Most users use wooden wall paneling for this purpose.
- Steam-proof film. It is a membrane that helps protect against moisture and vapor. Laying should be made close to the finishing material.
- Ventilated clearance. It is an air gap, which is formed by creating crates.
- Insulation with foil for wall surfaces. Laying should be done in such a way that the reflected rays can return to the room to the main wall.
- Layer waterproofing. This is a membrane that will not let moisture through but allows steam to pass through. Laying is made close to the mineral wool.
- There must be an air gap between the foil and other surfaces. If we neglect this rule, the insulating material will not be able to reflect the infrared rays.
Thermal insulation material should be located between the guides of the batten. For these purposes, you can use wooden bars having a thickness that exceeds the thickness of the insulation.This quality allows for a ventilation gap between the foil and the finishing material.
There must be a distance between the guides, which is 3 cm less than the width of the heat-insulating canvas. The waterproofing layer is fixed against the wall and fastened with brackets. Since there is a difference between the width of the cotton wool and the cells in the crate, the insulation material shrinks tightly, without requiring auxiliary fixation. A vapor barrier is mounted on the crate. Finishing material should be laid on top of it.
Balcony Warming
Warming of a balcony or loggia is made with the help of foiled insulation with a base in the form of polyethylene. Polyethylene is foamed, after which aluminum foil is stuck onto it. The thickness of foamed polyethylene can reach 10 mm. The canvas acts not only as a reinforcement and damper, but also capable of preventing heat losses.
Most users know this material called penofol. There is a one-sided and two-sided material, the foiling of which may have a smooth or grooved surface.Also products with auxiliary protection in the form of a polyethylene film are produced. The layer is applied by lamination.
Warming a balcony without auxiliary insulation is not very efficient and does not allow to achieve the desired result. For this reason, penofol should be used in conjunction with foam or cotton.
The easiest way to work with foam, using self-adhesive glue-foam. Externally, it is similar to a simple mounting foam and you can use a mounting gun to apply it.
Warming is made according to the following scheme:
- Foam should be glued to the prepared base from the inside.
- Penofol is placed on the foam layer.
- On top of this, fix the wooden blocks that will be used for the finish.
- Then you need to sew the resulting "cake" with any material for decoration. You can use gypsum, siding or block house.
- Penofol overlapping is not allowed. Sealing of joints is made with a special aluminum adhesive tape.
To insulate the floor, it will be necessary to arrange the guides according to the level, after which the foam should be placed between them.Penofol should be laid on the guides. Next, there are two ways of laying:
- installation of the floor is made directly on the layer of penofola;
- the second level of the batten should be mounted, after which the floors should be laid.
Experts recommend using the second technique, since when using the first method it is not possible to obtain the ventilation gap required to reflect the insulation. If we exclude the arrangement of the ventilation gap, penofol is not needed either, since there will be no benefit from it.
Pipe insulation
Foil insulation for the pipeline is used during the construction of communications underground or by air. To reduce the heat loss of pipes, foiled insulation is used even in unheated rooms, which are located on the ground floors in country buildings.
Installation does not require special guidance, as the installation of insulation with foil is easy. It is enough to put the shells on the desired area and in some places remove the protective coating from the adhesive layer, which is located along the ends of the longitudinal cuts
Due to the reflective surface, communications are provided with protection from solar radiation, if the reflective sheath is located only outside. If the reflective coating is present on the inside, it promotes heat transfer back to the pipe.
Foil insulation used for interior decoration, and can also be used to isolate communications, which are located on the street. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyethylene foam is used as the basis for thermal insulation material. Insulation of wool and foam is used as a key insulation layer, and the reflective sheath is used as an auxiliary barrier.
Bath protection
If you plan to warm baths, it is recommended to purchase roll materials. This is due to the fact that it is easier for an unprepared person to work with rolls. For these purposes, you can use polyethylene foam or mineral wool of medium thickness.
Most often insulated wooden buildings. Begin installation from the ceiling, moving to the walls. Heat insulation material with floor foil is the last one to be laid.Work will also require parchment, which is glued to the ceiling paired with mineral wool.
Fastening of foiled insulation to the wall is made according to the following scheme:
- The first step is to create a wooden crate. Rolls are stacked in it. For fixing it is necessary to use glue.
- If the foil insulation has broken, the damaged area can be sealed with metal tape. Masters advise to use basalt wool with foil, which is rarely torn.
- Then should be attached to the crates of the strap. They are further joined by a ceiling covering. The foil film is fixed with slats.
- If foil basalt wool is not available, it can be replaced with another heat insulating material with foil. Installation of products is the same as installation of cotton wool.
- The easiest way is laying foam polyethylene. To install it, you just need to cut the roll into the necessary parts and carry out the upholstery of the ceiling. Heat-resistant scotch tape is applied on the seams.
- Installation of insulation on the surface of the walls is the same way.The difference lies in the fact that it is necessary to ensure an overlap of five centimeters, which must be superimposed on the floor and ceiling. Thus, the steam will not be able to leave the premises. There should be a small gap between the inner wall and the foil layer.
- Red-hot air vapors rise to the top, so the ceiling should be given special attention. Many users place basalt wool in two layers.
Outside the building
Warming of wooden houses is best done from the inside, since such an event allows you to keep warm. However, if interior insulation is not possible, cladding is allowed. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase folded mineral wool with an average layer thickness.
To ensure quality work, you will need:
- adhesive agent;
- gun for construction work;
- set of dowels;
- wind protection film;
- grinding brush.
Laying foiled insulation for exterior wall decoration is as follows:
- Works begin with the equipment of a metal cornice, which is fixed using dowels.A cornice is required to ensure that the slabs of mineral wool are placed evenly.
- Apply glue to the back of the basalt wool and press the slab against the wall surface. In the role of an auxiliary attachment, you can use plastic plugs.
- You need to level the surface with a sanding brush.
- A windproof film is laid over the insulation.
- The process is completed by priming and exterior finishing of the structure.
Also, exterior wall decoration can be made using penofola. It differs in easy installation and an affordable price range. For these works it is better to purchase perforated penofol. The product is able to protect the surface from getting wet.
When warming a wooden house, you should use antiseptics for processing walls. The corners of the structure need to be processed more carefully.
Warming with penofol consists of several steps:
- It is necessary to build a structure of the rails. On it sheets of penofol are fixed further.
- Butt seats should be masked with metal tape.
- If external facing is performed, it is recommended to use an additional frame.
- Laying foiled insulation outside is allowed only in positive temperatures and in dry weather.
Internal wall insulation
With the help of penofol, it is possible to warm the walls outside and inside. Installation of products is available even to the beginner. The thickness of the layer is 5 mm. If the building is located in a region with severe winters, an additional insulation layer is required for insulation. Experts recommend using foiled mineral wool in rolls.
Laying insulation consists of the following steps:
- cutting of material should be carried out in such a way that the length of the product coincides with the size of the walls;
- Penofol is attached to the wall with a stapler;
- after the installation of the penofol is completed, the joints should be sealed with tape;
- over the insulating layer is laid GCR.
Penofol can be replaced by foiled basalt insulation. However, its installation is accompanied by additional amenities due to the need to arrange an auxiliary frame.
For roofing
Basalt plates with foil are used to work with the roof.
Step-by-step guide to roof insulation:
- On the roof you need to repair all the cracks.You can use foam or tow.
- Then create a vapor barrier layer. For it suitable aspermin, fastened with a stapler.
- The next layer is waterproofing. Since basalt wool with a wood construction may start to rot, it is necessary to use polyethylene.
- Foil insulation fits last. It will require special formwork. Installation of the material is made with a subsequent fixation of the cord.
Comparison of foiled insulation, see the following video.