Septic tank: the pros and cons

The septic tank "Tank" is a popular model of local sewage treatment, which is especially necessary if there are no nearby sewage disposal systems and sewer lines. Consider how the mechanism of the device and the principle of operation of the purification facility.
Special features
Septic tank is a large plastic cube with a ribbed surface and 1 or 2 mouths protruding above the surface. The ribbed surface increases the adhesion of the container to the environment of the sand-cement pad, with the result that the tank is securely held in the ground and does not float when raising the groundwater.Therefore, when installing the device does not require additional anchoring.
The material from which the septic tank is made is environmentally friendly.
It does not give in to decomposition under the influence of microorganisms, does not enter into a chemical reaction with various substances, does not undergo corrosion and soil erosion.
Inside the device is divided into 3 compartments, in which wastewater treatment takes place. Cameras are connected with overflows. The device is serviced through a throat, which is blocked by means of a manhole plug. Mandatory autonomous sewage mechanism is a ventilation system. It is equipped with a special valve that opens with increased gas pressure in the septic tank.
One of the components of the sewage treatment plant is an infiltrator, which is a vented plastic container without a trapezoidal bottom. The walls and the bottom of the mechanism have a large number of slot-hole microholes. Volume is 400 liters. It is intended for the purification of wastewater leaving the septic tank. It is installed on the rubble cushion, whose height can vary from 40 cm to 70 cm.
The number of required infiltrators depends on the characteristics of the groundwater. On sandy soils, a smaller amount of after-treatment wastewater is required than on soils with poor drying capacity.
The third section is equipped with a biofilter, the composition of the filling includes:
- wood;
- sand;
- rubble;
- expanded clay.
These are natural filters for liquids that effectively rid them of various impurities. Septic tank - cast, not having seams. They are available only at the junction of the body and the neck. Although the body is made of plastic, it is not fragile. The strength of the product increases due to the thickness of the walls (10 mm) and ribs (17 mm). Even with a high rate of groundwater, this device does not float, but this happens when the mechanism is correctly mounted.
The structure of this mechanism is modular. If the device is already installed, and the volume is not enough, you can simply purchase an additional septic tank of this brand and connect it to an already installed mechanism.
Wastewater treatment in a septic tank is performed in 3 ways: mechanical, chemical, biological.
Advantages and disadvantages
The use and installation of a septic tank "Tank" has a number of advantages:
- Autonomous and non-volatile mechanism. To give the question of electrical power is quite relevant. Mains may not be carried out or work intermittently. The autonomous operation of the purification plant allows for uninterrupted cleaning.
- Long service life of the mechanism, which is 50 years.
- The construction of the septic tank does not have complex special equipment that will require repair.
- Affordable cost of the device. Special maintenance of a septic tank does not demand big financial expenses.
- The plastic reservoir of the device is resistant to aggressive media.
- Features of the device, if necessary, allow to increase the capacity of the structure.
- Sludge is pumped out once a year.
- Easy installation system. Installation of the mechanism can be done by hand.
The septic tank “Tank” also has negative feedback from the owners who installed this purification plant.
The disadvantages include the following indicators:
- insufficient indicator of wastewater treatment, requiring mounting of additional equipment;
- for installation of post-treatment mechanisms additional space is required;
- if the septic tank is located close to the groundwater, the installation is more complicated and requires the installation of additional mechanisms;
- if the mechanism is used for temporary residence of owners, then before the onset of frost it is necessary to free 1/3 of the container from the liquid;
- improper installation of the system will lead to unpleasant odors in the house;
- Sludge accumulated in the cleaning mechanism cannot be used as a fertilizer, as it may contain harmful substances that can infect the soil and groundwater.
Principle of operation
Septic tank works similarly to other similar mechanisms. Purification of water occurs according to the scheme:
- Drain water from the room enters the acceptance compartment. As long as the container is filled with a sufficient amount of liquid, the waste wanders and splits. The procedure takes place by means of bacteria living in the waste, and favorable conditions for their life are created in the tank. During the fermentation period, heat and gases are emitted, which are discharged by a ventilation pipe.Otherwise, evolved volatile elements will accumulate in the reservoir and be vented through the sewer pipe into the living space.
- During the cleaning process, solid residues settle to the bottom and are compressed over time. Light fat-containing particles of waste rise up, forming a film on the surface of the water. In the middle part of the tank there is a purified liquid, which through the overflow mechanism enters the 2nd chamber. At this stage, water purification is 40%.
- In the second chamber, the cleaning process continues. The liquid is cleaned by another 15-20%.
- The third compartment is equipped with a biofilter, in which water purification occurs up to 75 percent. Through the overflow mechanism, water is removed from the septic tank for further purification.
The liquid from the septic tank can not be dumped just like that, so the next step is the additional treatment with the help of an infiltrator.
The liquid entering it passes through rubble and sand, finally being cleaned. The level of water purification reaches 95-98%. This is enough to use water for irrigation or technical needs. It does not harm the ecological system and does not pollute the groundwater.
Microbes are spread throughout the entire septic tank and are connected in bio-loading. Thanks to microorganisms, permanent fermentation and splitting of organisms occur in the purification plant. The effectiveness of wastewater treatment depends on the number of microorganisms.
The modern market offers a large assortment of ready-made special preparations, which include bacteria. Periodically adding them to the cleaning system increases the efficiency of the device. Also adding the drug to the septic tank, you can prevent some problems: unpleasant odors, the occurrence of thick deposits on the walls of the mechanism, compaction of sludge.
Prepared biologics are administered in such cases:
- After a long period of inactivity (for example, at the beginning of summer). If the device was suspended correctly, the microorganisms in the septic tank did not die. Only the number of bacteria is greatly reduced. Bioactivator helps to set up the system in a shorter time than it will naturally occur.
- After dropping into the sewer a large number of substances of household chemicals that contribute to the death of microorganisms.
- After freezing of water in the septic tank.This can occur if the tank is installed without an additional insulation layer.
About 40 liters of water are poured into the sewer system. To bioactivator got into the cleaning device, it is poured or poured into the toilet. Then drain the water 2-3 times. Before use, liquid preparations are shaken and poured into the toilet, and funds in tablets or granules are diluted according to the instructions. In some cases, drugs are diluted in water, while others must be poured into the toilet in a dry form.
After the bioactivator is introduced into the septic tank, it is necessary to control the water level in the purification plant for 2-3 days, adding it if necessary.
The lineup
Septic tank allows you to apply it to different volumes of wastewater. The construction market offers a wide range of these products.
"Tank 1"
Compact model having dimensions of 1200x1000x1700 mm. This mechanism is designed to serve 1-3 people. The weight of the structure is 85 kg, which facilitates transportation and assembly of the structure. For the manufacture of the mechanism used low-pressure polyethylene. The capacity of the septic tank is 600 l / 24 hours, and the capacity of the tank is 1200 l. The connection of the cleaning mechanism with the infiltration unit is carried out at the request of the user.
"Tank 2"
The mechanism is made in 2 variations: cumulative and three-chamber. Accumulative septic tank is intended only for accumulation of sewage masses.
Septic tank has an increased volume of fluid - 2000 liters, designed to serve 3-4 people. The performance of the device is 800 l / 24 hours. The tank is equipped with 2 mouths for cleaning waste. Device parameters: 1800x1200x1700 mm, the mass of the structure is 130 kilograms. The cleaning mechanism is designed to work in any climatic conditions, on a heterogeneous soil composition and at different levels of groundwater.
"Tank 2.5"
Capacity dimensions: 2030х1200х1850 mm, volume is 2500 liters. Efficiency of installation makes 1000 l / 24 hours. Designed to serve 4-5 people, the weight of the structure is 140 kg.
"Tank 3"
Septic tank "Tank 3" is designed to serve a large family (5-6 people). The volume of the tank is 3000 l, and the plant's productivity is 1200 l / 24 hours. This is the optimal variation of utilization of domestic wastewater for a country house, in which there is no connection to the central sewage system.
"Tank 4"
For a large number of residents in the house, a high-efficiency installation is needed, for this purpose a septic tank “Tank 4” is used.Its volume is 3600 l, and productivity is 1800 l / day. Significant device parameters (3800x1000x1700 mm) do not allow transporting and mounting the system without special equipment. The infiltrator is necessarily connected to a septic tank for high-quality cleaning of a large volume of liquid.
"Tank Universal"
One of the most popular models of the company "Triton Plastic" is a septic tank "Tank Universal". It is used to clean up uneven flow of effluent. The design, depending on the size, has 1 or 2 cameras. In 1 chamber, sedimentation occurs under the action of attraction. In each cell of the treatment plant, bacteria live that cause fermentation and the processing of residues. In the last chamber there is a cut-off with a hydro cyclone, separating the suspensions from the liquid. Wastewater treatment occurs at 80%, an infiltrator is installed to improve cleaning performance.
When mounting this device on an area with a high groundwater level, a transition well or drain pump is used.
The area of connection of the septic tank "Universal" and the well is equipped with a check valve; this is necessary so that water does not return back.
Septic "Triton mini"
This mini-model was made simultaneously by two manufacturers."Triton mini" is designed for single use by sewer 2-3 people. The hermetic case is equipped with 2 chambers in which biochemical purification of the fluid takes place. The level of water purification is 98%. System productivity - 400 l / day, tank volume - 750 liters. Dimensions of the design - 1250x820x1700mm.
"Triton Micro"
The Triton Micro septic tank has an even smaller volume. It is presented as a single filter chamber without additional devices. The rate of purification of the fluid will be very low (20-25%). If such drains are brought to the filtration fields, the smell will be suffocating. Bacteria are used to solve this problem, but it is better to install a three-chamber septic tank or 3 single-chamber ones that will be interconnected by overflow pipes.
The dimensions of the septic tank are 860x1500 mm, the volume of liquid is 450 liters. Treatment plant capacity - 150 l / 24 hours. Construction weight - 40 kg. This variation of a septic tank will not give a quality level of cleaning.
Experts recommend its use only with an additional reliable system of purification, but the purchase of such a device will cost several times more expensive than the purchase of a three-chamber purification plant.
"Triton Microbe"
This variation of the septic tank is equipped with 2 chambers and more powerful wall fins, and the inlet tube is located much higher, which makes it easier to mount the system. The scope of such septic tanks: a small cottage, sauna, garage. The best option for such a device would be draining gray drains (without flushing the toilet).
Before you install the cleaning mechanism, you need to think about how the special maintenance of the septic tank "Tank" will be carried out. It is forbidden to plant trees and shrubs around the device, plant roots can damage the mechanism. The minimum distance from planting trees to the installation of the purification plant should be 3 meters. Also, the passage of vehicles near the installation is prohibited.
First set itself septic. It is mounted as follows:
- Body inspection in progress Mechanism for defects and damage. It is necessary to do this, thanks to this check, the uninterrupted functionality of the device is ensured.
- In the second stage earthworks are being done, that is, a notch under the septic tank is prepared.The dimensions of the pit should be much larger than the dimensions of the installation (by 20-30 cm), the bottom is carefully leveled and compacted. A sand cushion is made at the bottom of the notch, its height is 20-30 centimeters. If on the installation area there is a high occurrence of groundwater, then a concrete slab is placed over the sand pad.
- Next stage - installation ditch sewer pipeline and septic-infiltration room. We must not forget that it is necessary to ensure the slope of the pipe (2 cm per 1 meter). It is necessary to transport water by gravity.
- The frame of the septic tank is lowered into the recess. This can be done manually, calling for help from friends, or through special lifting equipment.
- If groundwater is high, the septic tank needs to be installed on the concrete slab with the help of lines or nylon straps. Such a mount will not allow the purification plant to float when the groundwater rises.
- Installation of pipes and connection to the septic tank.
- A mixture is required to fill the pit.consisting of coarse sand and cement in the ratio of 5 to 1.Pour layers of 20 cm, which are carefully tamped.
- At the same time as the septic tank is falling asleep, water is filled. It is necessary to control this process, so that the water level exceeds the filling by 20 cm. It is forbidden to use special equipment to make the pit fall asleep. Improper water levels and backfilling can damage the device.
Installation of the infiltrator:
- departing from the septic tank 1-1.5 meters, digging a rectangular notch;
- the bottom of the pit is covered with geotextile;
- a cushion of rubble is installed, the height of which is at least 40 centimeters;
- installation of the infiltrator;
- the pipe is connected: a septic tank - an infiltrator;
- a ventilation riser is mounted at the entrance;
- Coarse sand is used for sprinkling.
If the cleaning structure works all year round, there will be no problems with cleaning. If it is planned to stop the flow of waste into the septic tank for a period longer than a month, it is necessary to provide food for microorganisms. For this purpose, fermented milk dressing is used, which is introduced into the sewer system.
In the winter period, conservation requires special attention, because during this period it is necessary to preserve the live microflora.
To do this, it suffices to take care of the insulation layer of the cleaning system.
Not recommended:
- Pumping out and flushing drains - during the recovery period the bacteria will have to be restored.
- Leaving the container empty - the structure may be squeezed out of the frozen ground and floating up when the groundwater rises (spring floods). In winter, the septic tank is filled with water for 2/3. This amount of water compensates for the pressure of the soil, and the empty space of the system ensures that the treatment plant does not break under the influence of the frozen liquid.
Recommendations for use
Terms of operation septic tank "Tank":
- Pumping sediment from the first chamber is performed 1 time per year, so that it is not compressed at the bottom of the tank. After 100% cleaning of the tank, it must be filled with water.
- Proper filling of the sewage treatment plant does not allow the mechanism to float.
- If an unpleasant odor and insoluble sludge appeared in chamber 2, the permissible rate of dropping substances with chemicals was violated, a large number of bacteria died.To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to add bacteria to the treatment plant, as well as to reduce the draining of liquid with detergents and fat-containing components.
- The use of biological products allows you to achieve effective cleaning fluid and reduces the need for cleansing up to 1 time in 4-5 years.
- If the groundwater is located at a high level, the septic tank is used as a reservoir, the effluent is pumped into the well.
- The infiltrator must be placed at a remote distance (30-50 meters) from the source of drinking water: a well, a well. The distance from the open source of water (river, lake, stream) must be at least 30 meters.
When choosing a septic tank "Tank", you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Before buying a device, you need to ask the seller to show you the operating instructions for this mechanism.
- Make sure that your site has enough space for the installation of a treatment plant, and also consider how many residents live in the house. If there is not enough free space, the device will function incorrectly, which will aggravate the situation.
- Make sure that the septic tank will be able to travel further to the septic tank to eliminate sedimentary elements.
- Conduct a study on the ability of the soil to absorb liquid, in some cases, you will need to install several biological filters.
If all this is done, you can buy and install a structure that will please you with high-quality and durable functionality.
Septic tanks of this brand are not inferior in their technical characteristics of Russian and foreign counterparts. Therefore, all negative feedback from the owners come from improper installation of the system or operation of the mechanism.
You will learn more about the septic tank "Tank" in the following video.