The principle of operation of septic tanks "Eurotank"
The septic tank "Eurotank" is a modern autonomous sewage system - a universal construction, which is intended for permanent use within the country sites and cottages.
It is made from a special reactor with a biofilter and 3 chambers, due to which continuously circulating fluid flows are processed. And the septic tank can carry out both effective mechanical, and deep biological cleaning of drains from the sewerage.
The quality of filtration is achieved due to the large number of repetitions of the cleaning cycle and amounts to 98%. This means that the water from the septic tank does not require additional cleaning and is suitable for discharge into the ground or drainage well.
The manufacturer produces several varieties of septic tank, the characteristics of which differ.
- Eurotank 3 It is designed for use by three people, its capacity is 600 liters per day;
- Eurotank 4 already designed for 4 people, performance - 800 liters per day;
- Accordingly, the septic tank version Eurotank 5 designed for systematic use in a house where 5 people live, the performance per 24 hours is 1000 liters.
The maximum performance of the version 10 - 2000 liters per day.
Installation and principle of operation (PR)
Capacity, the size of which is directly dependent on performance, is installed in a special storm trench or gravity discharge. Before you install a septic tank, you need to prepare a "pillow" of sand about 10-15 cm in height. And on the sides you need to cover the capacity of sand-concrete sprinkling. All is ready.
The drain pipe passes through the tank, is cleaned, and the already filtered liquid is discharged into the drain.
The principle is simple but effective.
Advantages of the septic tank "Eurotank"
There are several positive characteristics of the device.
- Convenience and ease of use. Since the septic tank is completely autonomous in its work, you will not need to call a vacuum truck to pump waste.In addition, the cleaning process eliminates unpleasant odor.
- Structural strength. The septic tank has a cylindrical shape, due to which the walls of the structure have greater rigidity and are able to withstand severe loads, in contrast to rectangular containers. Moreover, the pressure of the earth is distributed more evenly.
- Long service life. The construction for cleaning will serve you at least 50 years. At the same time, repair and maintenance of a septic tank will be needed no more than once every two years.
- Practicality. The design is not deformed by exposure to low temperatures. Specially developed biological filler does not rot for years, while the septic tank is designed for a large volume of load. In addition, the device is quite economical, its work requires only 25 watts of electricity.
The disadvantage of this septic tank, some buyers call a great price.
However, in relation to the lifetime of the structure, it does not seem to be overpriced.
Despite all the advantages of the Eurotank septic tank, there are not so many reviews on it on the Internet. In addition, some users are distrustful of the loud statements of the seller. But there are opposing opinions.
So, customers were pleased with the large and convenient store of the company, where you can see and evaluate products. Besides, When buying a septic tank, the company offers a free installation service.. And this is a good savings for the family budget. Yes, and the idea of a convenient design is suitable for many people living in a country house or outside the city.
You will learn more about the principle of operation of septic tanks "Eurotank" in the following video.