Two-storeyed frame houses: drawings and design diagrams

The housing issue does not lose its relevance in our country. For many families, it comes first. An alternative to an expensive apartment can serve the construction of a wooden house in the suburbs. The most popular are frame houses. At installation of similar objects new technologies and qualitative materials are used.
Special features
There is a huge number of projects of residential buildings, which are based on a wooden frame. Wide recognition received a two-story frame houses. In Russia, in most areas there are frosty winters,two-storey houses fully meet the requirements and standards and can be fully used for the coldest seasons. The frame is the basis of such houses.
There are two types of frames:
- Platform. This view involves the phased construction of the object. The advantages include the fact that it is easy to install and has a minimum number of prefabricated elements.
The work algorithm is as follows:
- the overlaps are assembled at the base of the house, they are guides that will hold the whole frame of the house;
- then secured racks of the first floor;
- overlap of the first floor, which will be the basis for the second;
- racks of the second floor are put, overlappings are assembled, which will also be the floor of the attic.
- Through. To implement the through-frame method, much more effort is required. Through racks are fixed at certain intervals with other nodes in such a way that there is no deformation. The racks themselves are placed without interruption through the entire frame to the roof.
Very often, preference for frame houses is given by people who are impressed by the classic style, when the supporting structures are the basis of the interior.The frame is made of timber, which is rigidly fastened with steel anchors or bolts. The walls of the building are sheathed with special plates (DSP). All wooden elements are treated with antiseptics and primers that ensure fire resistance and protection from insects. Firms, professionally engaged in the construction of such objects, give a guarantee of 40-50 years.
Two-storeyed frame houses have such advantages as:
- in the design of a two-story frame house laid the advantages that are not in stone buildings. At such facilities requires much less heat and ventilation resources;
- from the point of view of ecology, the frame house can be called a benchmark, since it is made of a material that does not contain toxins;
- fire safety issues are resolved at the proper level: the wood is treated with a special primer, it successfully withstands high temperatures;
- efficiency in the construction of the object (3-4 months);
- low cost
The list is far from complete, because there are a number of technical characteristics that make such objects attractive to many owners.
The factors that influence the operation of a frame object are as follows:
- the quality of the materials used for the walls;
- heat insulation used;
- type of construction technology.
The disadvantages of frame houses should include the following:
- the ventilation system must be well thought out in a constructive manner;
- in order to reduce the risk of short circuit to zero should conduct the wiring correctly;
- Sound insulation is also an important factor, so when building, you should pay special attention to this factor;
- in the interfloor spaces should be placed a cure for mice and cockroaches, since there is a probability of their appearance.
Two-storey houses of frame type are in great demand in Russia, especially such formats:
- 10x10 m;
- 9x9 m;
- 7x9 m;
- 6x8 m;
- 8x10 m;
- 8x8 m
For them, there are typical drawings that are easy to find on the Internet. Often practiced options when the main project is taken and finalized by the homeowner for their needs. Designing is often ordered in a construction company that is engaged in the construction of frame houses.The total area of such housing ranges from 50 to 120 m² or even 150 square meters. The roof is most often made of materials such as metal, slate or ondulin.
The frame house in two floors provides a sufficient amount of space. If you wish, you can make an extension to the main house: a terrace or a verandah of size 6 by 8 m or 6 by 12 m. Often in frame houses on the second floor you can find bay windows that are carried to the facade. These lightweight structures are used as a veranda, are made in both summer and winter performance. The basis of the bay window can be either a metal channel or a wooden beam. It is worth considering some projects in more detail.
Frame two-storey house 8x8 m
There are many modifications of frame houses of this format. The total area of the building is about one hundred square meters, of which the usable space is 68 square meters. meters, which is enough for a family of 4 people. The foundation can be tape or from concrete blocks. Recently, it is often possible to find also a pile foundation, which is not inferior in strength and longevity to a concrete base.
The advantages of the pile foundation are as follows:
- no need to wait half a year until the material shrinks, as is the case with a strip foundation;
- the installation of piles takes 1–2 weeks, their cost is lower than the casting of the foundation from concrete.
Traditionally, the first floor houses a kitchen and utility rooms, on the second floor there are usually rest rooms and a living room. Exterior finishes are allowed varied.
Two-storey house 6x6 m
Such an object is an area of 65 square meters. m
It can be presented such premises:
- economic;
- wardrobe;
- children.
House size 6x4 m
The area of 6x4 m has a minimum of rooms. The useful area inside the object is about forty square meters. On the ground can be located utility rooms, kitchen and living room. The second floor is usually reserved for such premises as a bedroom, children's room and living room. The foundation is usually made of reinforced concrete.
The framework is made of 10x10 cm timber. The overlappings are beams of 12x15 cm in size. Outside such a house is sheathed with OSB. The insulation of the external walls of the 1st and 2nd floors is made of Isobox basalt plates with a thickness of 20 cm.The building is finished outside with siding, and inside the walls and partitions are sheathed with clapboard and plasterboard.
DIY building
Step-by-step instructions for the construction of the house makes sense to differentiate into several stages.
- Preparatory and design work. The site should be cleaned and identify slopes. After the level ground is ready, the markup begins in accordance with the pre-approved plan. Accuracy must be maintained so that in the future the object is not observed deformations and distortions of walls.
- Foundation. The weight of the frame house is relatively small, and the load on the soil is negligible. If the house is located in a valley where there is an excessive level of moisture, it is wiser to build a pile-screw foundation. Often make the foundation of reinforced concrete slabs, because it is inexpensive, characterized by versatility, durability and durability. Sometimes slabs are used as a base for a concrete floor, which saves additional resources on floor installation. If the object is located on a hill, then you can also make a ribbon with a slightly submerged foundation.
- Floor. Floors can be both concrete and made of boards and boards. If the foundation is tape, then the concrete floor is created from lightweight expanded clay, which is inexpensive. If the floor is mounted completely wooden, it is necessary to create a harness from a 10x15 or 15x15 cm timber. The choice of beam size depends on the wall thickness and the size of the space between the piles. The greater the distance between them, the thicker the timber should be. Often used timber 150x150 mm or 150x200 mm. The binding of the beam allows you to evenly distribute the load over the entire plane of the floor, strengthen its rigidity and strengthen the additional frame of the object. The easiest step is to fix the log. The distance between them is determined by their parameters. There are special tables where all standards are written in detail. A heater is laid between the guides, which should be wrapped in a vapor barrier film.
- Walls. First you need to determine what will be the height of the walls. If their height will be 3 meters, then the vertical racks are made 285 cm. The distance between the racks is dictated by the parameters of the sheet insulation. If the insulation consists of technical cotton wool, then it is made 1.8 cm less so that the installation is carried out by the method of insulation.Racks are mounted using metal corners, which are screwed with screws. Between racks in the mandatory order jumpers are made. Much depends on various parameters. How many jumpers to put should be determined in working order. In the process of mounting the structure, it is imperative to use a plumb line and a good two-meter level. These tools are simple and effective, they do not allow vertical guides to deviate. After the racks are installed, the top trim is made, the same board is used as for the floor. The top piping is obligatory, since it creates the necessary rigidity, which will not allow the vertical guides to "walk" in different directions if they are subjected to loads. Covering the house outside OSB sheets also gives the entire frame extra rigidity. The guides of the internal partitions are used as additional stiffening ribs.
- Roof. If the frame is made correctly, the installation of the roof does not take much effort. The choice of roof depends on the features of each project and the personal preferences of the customer.Flat roofs are not very popular in Russia, since in winter a lot of snow accumulates on them, which gives an excessive load. The most popular are duo-pitch or single-pitch roofs. The angles of inclination in them can be from 10 to 47 degrees.
It should be remembered that the presence of additional slopes complicates installation.
The optimum angle of inclination of the roof depends on the material from which it is made:
- professional flooring - from 11 degrees;
- slate - from 12 to 58 degrees;
- euro slate (ondulin) - from 7 degrees and above;
- ceramic tiles - 12–58 degrees;
- polymer tile - 17–62 degrees;
- shingles - from 11 degrees without limiting the maximum slope;
- metal tile - from 17 degrees.
Basalt slabs are a very effective and inexpensive insulation. It is used to process walls and walls, the floor, the roof, and the space between the floors.
Beautiful examples
Typical 2-storey frame house factory assembly is a classic option.
The frame house of more than 100 square meters with a balcony looks stylish and elegant.
The two-storey frame house with the presence of a fireplace looks charming.
How to build a frame house from a bar, you will learn in the next video.