Modern ways of exterior decoration of a country house

The theater begins with a hanger, and the house - from the facade. It is in the external appearance of the building that the guests form their first, and sometimes the strongest impression of the owners. This is the face of the house, emphasizing the individual style of its owners. At the same time, the role of the exterior is not limited to the decor at all: it protects the house, contributes to the extension of the durability of the main structures, and preserves heat.
Facade requirements
Exteriors are subject to a variety of quality assessment criteria.Consider the most important of them.
Any facade should be a stylish and well-recognized construction of architecture that will evoke positive emotions from those surrounding it with its aesthetics and harmony. The decor of the house, located within the city, must necessarily meet the general urban concept and be combined with the look of the environment.
Even if the house is equipped in the historic center of the metropolis, it must still be modern.
If a private building is being built on the territory of a closed cottage settlement, in some cases the owners are required to comply with the general design concept of the settlement. This point should be clarified before construction begins.
Any facade should reliably protect from adverse weather conditions, including rain, snow, wind and lightning strikes, and also serve as a lightning conductor. The design should support the ventilation of the house and free air circulation, thereby contributing to the formation of a favorable microclimate in residential premises.
The facade should be involved in the removal of excess moisture and condensate, which appeared as a result of human activity, to the outside.Exterior finishes should absorb extraneous sounds and prevent all street noise from entering the house.
The windows of the facade of the building should contribute to the greatest insolation of the interior. The design should be calculated with a slight shading, since only in this case it is possible to remove excess heat and ensure high quality lighting in the house.
Performance specifications
The facade must necessarily be such a structure that is not prone to pollution, and also has the possibility of high-quality self-cleaning. Materials that can be easily and quickly cleaned with water and standard detergents are allowed.
In case of deformation of some exterior elements, the lining should provide the possibility of prompt and pinpoint repair without replacing the entire coating as a whole. The facade must be organized so that at any time be able to make changes to its design. This is useful, for example, if a non-residential space turns into a guest space.
Exterior finishes should be made as durable as possible so that it does not require frequent repairs, for example, annual painting.The facade should be effectively integrated with the engineering communication systems of buildings, in particular, with ventilation.
Construction criteria
Any elements of the facade are sheathed technologically easily and quickly. The system must be distinguished by high endurance - resistant to any changes in the basic design. Example, to the natural shrinkage of the walls.
The exterior must effectively protect the house from the adverse factors of natural character and all kinds of radiation, such as ultraviolet radiation. It must be resistant to mechanical damage. Protection against falling of children and adults, and also home decoration is very important. That is why when planning facade work, special attention should be paid to the calculation of the height of the window fence, the glazing level, the parameters of the handrails and other elements.
The facade and its individual elements should not pour. It is optimal if an emergency exit system is equipped on it, for example, a fire escape. The materials of which the facades are made must be resistant to burning. By the way, the fire safety requirements should be given special attention.
To increase the resistance to fires, fireproof slit systems are provided in the design of any facade, which prevent the rapid spread of flame along the walls and over the floors.
Ideally, the materials used to make the house outside should withstand a temperature of about 1000 degrees.
The choice of finishing method
The construction industry offers a wide selection of all kinds of materials. Along with this, technology is developing. Which lining option to give preference may depend on a large number of factors. A variety of finishing methods are allowed. Conventionally, they are divided into "wet" and "dry."
In the first case, the use of adhesive mixtures and hydroprotective plasters. With this method of arranging the exterior, insulators with high hygroscopicity are used, most often on the basis of expanded polystyrene.
The facade can be equipped without heat insulation. However, this approach is almost a thing of the past. The most common option for insulation today is bonded thermal insulation (SST). This technology involves a "wet" finish.In this case, all layers function in a single complex with each other, and the facade itself can be called a real insulating composite.
In the overall structure of the FTA, there are 7 base layers, and none of them can be neglected. Otherwise, the coating under the “fur coat” will quickly crack or simply will not become warm. As a rule, the composition of components in a “wet” facade looks like this:
- glue;
- heat insulation material;
- draft waterproof coating;
- reinforcing mesh;
- waterproofing layer;
- primer mixture;
- decorative plaster.
Each layer is an important link that ensures the effective functioning of the entire system. Of course, any of its elements can be purchased and assembled separately. However, many manufacturers of "wet" facades offer ready-made solutions that include all the necessary components of the "pie".
The advantages of the wet facade are obvious:
- relatively low cost of similar finishes;
- ease of installation;
- good maintainability of the coating;
- possibility of use for facades with an abundance of complex architectural elements;
- Disadvantages also occur;
- the technology cannot be applied to wooden houses and frame structures;
- installation work is carried out only at temperatures above 5 degrees;
- the surface of the wall must be prepared and leveled at the stage of preparation for lining;
- the outer layer has a low impact resistance;
- plaster facade requires regular adjustments.
The “dry” facade is simpler, but it also has its own nuances. This technology involves covering the building from the outside using a batten, between the slats of which a layer of insulation is mounted. Thermal insulation material is covered with vapor-proof film, and then the walls are pierced with finishing finishing raw materials.
As a rule, for this, walls are sheathed with PVC siding, CIP panels, clinker. When arranging such facades between the penoplex and the main floor there is a small gap that forms the air gap and contributes to better ventilation of the living space.
Thanks to the frame, the finishing lining reliably hides small defects in the walls, and also makes it possible not to pre-clean and level the surface. The great advantage of the technology is the ability to work at any time of the year at any temperature, and in addition,All the work can be done by hand even without much experience in the construction and decoration.
"Dry" facades are divided into light and heavy. The first option involves facing materials that are lightweight. Most often these are boards or small plastic panels. Such materials are firmly fixed to the frame with the help of hardware or simply nailed.
Heavy technique involves facing large-sized coatings - it is stone slabs or porcelain. At the same time, quite high demands are placed on the overall strength and durability of the structure, since the overlap will have to withstand a new and rather tangible weight.
The advantage of lightweight technology lies in its availability and the possibility of using inexpensive materials. But heavy ones allow to realize complex and stylish architectural solutions, user reviews clearly indicate that such facades are durable and wear-resistant. However, the cost of such exteriors is high.
Types of materials and application features
When choosing materials suitable for facing, it is necessary to proceed from considerations of practicality, reliability,aesthetics of the facade and cost of materials. Many prefer low-budget options - this move is fundamentally wrong.
Any savings on the quality of materials when creating the facade in just a couple of years will turn into a new round of costs for its repair and maintenance of functionality.
In addition, the high-quality facade allows you to increase the insulation of the building several times, and all the costs of its equipment will begin to pay off in the first winter by reducing heating costs.
The materials used for the arrangement of exteriors must meet the following criteria:
- flammability, lack of ability to self-ignition;
- lining durability, its wear resistance;
- resistance to fading and other color changes under the influence of bright UV rays;
- resistance to temperature fluctuations;
- simplicity and good installation speed;
- complete set of necessary accessories;
- the total cost of materials and work on the installation of the facade.
Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular finishing materials.
The most popular and simple way to quickly decorate the house and change it almost beyond recognition.The modern market offers a wide range of plasters that perform not only a decorative, but also a protective function, including insulation and fire resistance. It is possible to choose the optimal composition for walls made of any material - wood, brick, foam blocks and gas silicate blocks or wood concrete.
The list of advantages is quite impressive:
- attractive appearance - the choice of shades of plasters is very wide, so it is not difficult to choose exactly the color that most accurately reflects the architectural and design concept of the building;
- hygroscopicity - the facade contains elements of hydro- and vapor-insulation, which are mounted before applying a fine putty, therefore it does not let water through and maintains dryness inside the premises;
- plaster is resistant to temperature fluctuations, it retains its functionality both in winter frosts and in the summer heat;
- the coating does not fade under constant exposure to UV radiation;
- perfectly absorbs sounds, forming a good sound insulation;
- simplicity of installation - any home craftsman will cope with applying plaster with his own hands; this does not require much work experience or professional equipment;
- affordability - the simplest plaster compositions have a low price, there are more expensive options, commensurate with the more expensive types of finishes.
Cons are also available:
- the likelihood of cracks and chips over time;
- frequent peeling of the coating layer;
- the appearance of stains on the surface as a result of exposure to natural human factors.
In fairness, it should be noted that each of these shortcomings is a consequence of incorrect installation. If plastering is carried out in compliance with all the rules, the coating will serve faithfully for many years.
Natural and artificial stone
By its external decorative parameters, as well as the degree of durability and strength, stone favorably differs from any other materials used in facing facades. Natural stone is expensive, so most homeowners equip them with only a part of the exterior - they make the facing of corners and the base, combining with other types of coatings, or use an artificial substitute - it is cheaper and weighs much less.
The advantages of natural stone are indisputable:
- durability - once spent on the purchase and laying of stone, you can safely forget about the facade for many decades;
- stylish design - thanks to a combination of different types of stone it is quite realistic to embody practically any design concept and the house will always look exceptionally stylish and expensive;
- stone is an environmentally safe material;
- hygroscopicity and resistance to all types of weathering;
- good wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage of small and medium strength.
The disadvantages are associated with the high cost of the material and its large weight; such a coating can be used for new buildings with sturdy walls that can withstand additional load. Even an artificial stone, which is much lighter than natural, creates pressure, which often leads to the appearance of deformation of floors.
The brick became one of the most frequently used materials in the facade decoration for the implementation of the ideas of classical and English design on the exterior. And here we are not talking about a simple building brick, but about its type - facing material.Depending on the production technology, there are several varieties.
It is produced from clay types of high plasticity by the method of firing and long pressing. To give the desired shade in the material are added special pigments. The advantages of this coating are long life and high strength. Such material shows resistance to frost, maintaining temperatures up to -50 degrees and at the same time retains its operational properties after 300 cycles of freezing and thawing.
The brick is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, has a good hygroscopicity, it does not require special care. In addition, this coating is environmentally friendly, because it is made from natural materials, does not contain harmful and toxic substances. The disadvantages include weight, ease of installation and relatively high cost.
This is a simple brick, which is also made from clay using firing technology. The decoration uses its facing modification, which is characterized by durability, thermal insulation, high noise absorption, resistance to ultraviolet and wind.It is a safe, environmentally friendly material that has a relatively low price.
The disadvantages include the often uneven geometry and the visually noticeable blotches of light limestone, which, as moisture is absorbed, turn a dark tone and are distinguished by their heterogeneity. From the point of view of operation, the ability to crumbling and even destruction can be attributed to the minuses, if mistakes were made when choosing a fastening solution or installing a coating, and the work was carried out not entirely correctly. Ceramic brick absorbs up to 10% moisture, which significantly reduces its resistance to low temperatures.
Hyper pressed
Such a product is produced by pressing cement, shell rock and special additional components. This type of brick is largely ahead of ceramic in its technical parameters, namely:
- differs in durability and durability;
- has clear lines and shapes;
- resistant to frost and moisture;
- characterized by ease of installation.
The obvious disadvantage of such a material is its ability to change its original color over time, as well as its great weight, which creates certain obstacles during the transportation and transportation of products.
Tile and slabs
Tiled materials used for the decoration of exteriors are presented on the market in several ways. Consider each one of them.
Porcelain stoneware
This material is obtained from natural clay with the addition of quartz, spar and water according to the technology of dry pressing. This coating is different from all the others in its exceptional strength and practicality, but in its user parameters it is not inferior to natural stone.
- resistance to mechanical shock and abrasion;
- durability;
- 100% moisture resistance, the material does not absorb water at all;
- resistance to temperature fluctuations and their extreme manifestations;
- invariance of appearance throughout the entire period of use;
- a wide choice of shades and textures, in the shops you can find finishing options that imitate wooden rounded timber, natural stone or brickwork, matte, glossy and glazed coatings are common.
The disadvantages are obvious - it is a lot of weight and high cost, as well as the complexity of mounting such a coating.
Cement Strand Board
The basic component of DSP is Portland cement, whose share reaches 65%.The structure also includes wood chips with a share of 24% and chemical additives, due to which the material becomes durable and resistant to mechanical damage.
Plate components are obtained as a result of long pressing, and the surface obtained as a result of such processing can be painted and plastered immediately after installation without prior preparation of the coating.
The main operational parameters of DSP are high:
- material is safe for people and pets;
- does not absorb water;
- discharges steam to prevent condensation;
- well absorbs noise and extraneous sounds;
- even in conditions of high humidity it does not rot and does not change its characteristics;
- resistant to temperature extremes and adverse weather conditions.
Manufacturers claim that cement-bonded chipboard is resistant to burning. But many consumers question this fact, believing that the material with wood content can not be fire resistant.
This material received great popularity due to the exceptionally high decorative and operational properties.The facade tile differs from the one intended for interior work by a smaller porosity, due to which water absorption becomes practically minimal.
This is a strong and wear-resistant coating with good fire-resistant parameters and resistance to external weathering. In addition, the material has a low weight, so it can be mounted on the walls of houses of any type.
It is made of cement, as well as quartz sand and special fillers. Such material differs in wear resistance, durability and strength. It does not absorb moisture and is not deformed under the influence of burning sunlight, and its prices are available to the average Russian.
The disadvantage is associated with a high percentage of defects in production - cases when in stores products with inaccurate geometry are implemented everywhere. This tile is used only for dry facades.
Nowadays, few people use directly logging blanks, logs, boards. They were replaced long ago by lining, eurolining and wooden siding, created from timber by drying and processing with special impregnations.The main advantage is a stylish design and a high level of environmental friendliness of such a coating. Facing by eurolining maintains fluctuations of temperatures, it does not collapse under the influence of rainfall and keeps esthetic appearance throughout all term of use.
However, this is achievable only under the condition of regular care for such siding and treatment with special impregnations, which protect the material from mold, fungus, insects and rotting, and also impart flame-resistant qualities.
Panels and Cassettes
Siding is very popular for arranging facades. It is a relatively inexpensive and at the same time easy to use modern material. It is distinguished by a good decorative effect and a wide variety of shades, including imitations of the textures of wood and natural stone. The life of the siding is 30 years, it is optimal for finishing any surfaces and for refining the old building. The material is available in several subspecies.
It is made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride. It has a long service life, it is resistant to temperature fluctuations, as well as to fire, metal corrosion and ultraviolet rays. Differs in ease that significantly facilitates transportation and installation of panels.
Among the disadvantages, an increased coefficient of linear expansion is noted. This is important when installing any structures and poor thermal insulation. In addition, in the case of coating defects, it is problematic to replace a separate facade element.
Made of stainless steel or aluminum. The metal is covered with a durable layer of polymer coating. Aluminum material is used in finishing quite rarely - this is due to its high price. But steel plates are quite popular in the arrangement of exteriors, it is best to take galvanized sheets or plates with a metallic coating for this purpose.
The advantages of metal siding:
- increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
- durability - the operational life of the panels reaches 50 years;
- resistance to temperature fluctuations;
- low flammability;
- resistance to adverse weathering;
- attractive appearance;
- ease of installation.
Metal siding is covered with a layer of polymers. Therefore, when part of the coating breaks down, corrosion does not occur, and the owners of such facades should not be afraid of rust.
These panels are made by mixing and further hot-pressing cellulose fibers with a fiber cement mortar; in terms of its decorative parameters, it may well compete with natural stone. The advantages of the coating - resistance to any mechanical damage, resistance to fire and atmospheric factors.
The disadvantages include considerable weight, which significantly limits the possibilities of lining this type of coating and a small selection of colors and textures. In addition, cement siding has a fairly high cost, so not every consumer can use this material.
Sandwich panels
This is a special multi-layered material. Its structure includes two layers of metal and a layer of insulation between them. This whole cake is connected with a long pressing, while the surface can remain smooth, and the relief and interesting texture can be created.
Advantages are undeniable:
- long service life;
- esthetic design;
- ease;
- moisture resistance;
- heat resistance;
- good sound absorption;
- availability of repair;
- high installation speed.
The only disadvantage of such panels is a high price.In addition to widely used materials, there are more modern and even innovative ones. The most interesting of them are:
- front cassettes - square or rectangular plates made of metal and coated with a thin layer of polymers;
- clinker thermopanels - an attractive and modern finishing material, which is also a good insulation at the same time, is made by fusing a layer of expanded polystyrene on a clinker tile;
- glass panels - decoration, widely used in shopping malls, but for residential buildings and cottages, it is suitable only in cases where the owners are not afraid to make the most courageous decisions.
Timeless options
Not all new products of the market met the expectations of consumers. For example, glass sheets. This is a finishing compound, in which expanded perlite is used as a base material, reinforced with fiberglass mesh on both sides. Bringing a novelty to the market, manufacturers assured that this is the highest class facing material. The technical parameters of such a composition prove its strength, density, resistance to mechanical effects.
In addition, it is characterized by exceptional fire resistance and low thermal conductivity. But as practice has shown, the material is good for insulation, as a heat-insulating layer and it is not suitable for the finishing of facades.
There are those who, in the old fashioned way, prefer to cover the facade with a professional sheet and corrugated flooring. Previously, it was bought everywhere for the installation of fences and roofing, now many summer residents use it to cover and protect the walls of their houses.
The unceasing popularity of the material is related to its affordability and ease of installation - working with this type of coating does not require special skills and professional equipment. The professional flooring, as well as the professional sheet reliably protect walls from mechanical damages.
These surfaces are now extremely rarely used for arranging the facades of residential buildings, and the reason for this is the ability to conduct heat, on hot days the metal surface becomes hot in the sun and any contact with it can result in a burn.
An even more rare variant of facade cladding is flat slate. This is an asbestos-cement composition, a wave-like variety of which is widely used to cover the roof.
The time of this material in its previous form has passed. It is replaced by more modern and technological compositions. However, supporters of slate have not disappeared - many still allocate this coverage due to its low price. The material has good moisture resistance, absorbs unnecessary noise and is not a conductor of current. Fungi and mold do not breed in this type of coating, it does not burn or rust.
The disadvantages are associated with the fragility of slate, it breaks easily when moving and mounting. But the main thing is the environmental hazard: in large doses asbestos is harmful, therefore, it is undesirable to use this coating where people live year-round.
How to fit into the design: general rules
When deciding to create a stylish exterior, you should not rely solely on your own wishes. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the natural climatic zone, the specifics of the landscape design of the area where the house is located, and the appearance of the neighboring cottages. There are several styles that are most often used in the design of facades.
The stiffness and impeccability - all of these concepts are invariably associated with England.That is why they became the main leitmotif in the creation of the English exterior, Classic rectangular lines, the use of expensive materials, brick or masonry, as well as the permanent roofing of shingles in reserved shades. Most often in this style draw two-storey houses with a mansard. The porch in this case is made small and decorated with semi-columns.
This trend in the arrangement of low-rise cottages originates from the shepherd's huts in the mountains. Nowadays, it is gaining more and more fans due to originality and comfort. Such houses are built only from wood. Arched and doorways, as well as balconies, the number of which is quite large, abound in their decor of a single-story log building. The roof in such houses is made in the form of a penthouse, so the ceiling often has a slightly sloping appearance.
Another notable feature of the chalet is a large gable roof with a wide ledge that goes far beyond the main building - this is the element that catches the eye, leaving neither guests nor neighbors indifferent.
This is a folk style with the motifs of the French province.Very cozy, warm, but at the same time exceptionally refined. The abundance of white color, masonry, imitating ancient pavement, semicircular arches and large rectangular windows - these are the main features of the Provence architectural style. It is noteworthy that there is absolutely no symmetry between the windows - even on the same wall there can be openings of different sizes, located at different heights. This style favorably shade flower beds and rabatki. They create the unique atmosphere of the real France.
This style is very popular in recent years, most modern apartments are made in this technique, but recently the exterior of buildings began to be decorated with respect for the traditions of the Norwegian settlements.
Here wood is used everywhere, which is not painted, but simply varnished. Only individual elements are decorated with shades of red and brown to create stylish accents.
Half-timbered houses
This direction originated in Germany, where the houses are made out on the model of the designer. The basic tone is light beige, cream or ivory, the covering is crossed by dark wooden beams, which can be arranged in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. The roof in such houses is tiled in one tone with beams.As a rule, it is made of shingles and decorated in the same color scheme as the beams.
This style is not for every home. Perhaps, only elite real estate - large mansions and even residences can harmoniously look in this pompous and pretentious design. Here the buildings look like real palaces, the verandas are decorated with massive columns, stucco and many-tier domes. The design is dominated by gold and silver tones, quite often decorated with artistic painting of the pediment.
Original ideas
National features are often reflected in the stylish design of private households. Architectural cosmopolitanism has led to the fact that today the use of elements of a national style is not limited to the borders of the state. That is why in Russia today you can find facades decorated in German, Scandinavian or Greek versions.
Country style for a country house or a country house, which is based on the use of natural stone as well as wooden materials, is quite popular. The industry everywhere produces artificial counterparts that are almost impossible to distinguish from natural ones.
This style is based on the use of subtle warm shades.It is ideal for buildings erected near forests and hills.
Provence is considered a variation of country music because it uses the national traditions of France. It differs from its classic prototype in that it uses white colors and shades of ivory more often.
Provence decoration seems simple, but in practice it is not. Such a facade requires a natural stone, which has a fairly high cost.
Therefore, modern designers are increasingly using sandwich panels or siding in the design of such an exterior, and only the base is removed to the stone.
Modern architecture often does not allow to immediately determine which particular stylistic direction this or that decor belongs to.
Usually, the question of the design of the facade arises already at the construction stage of the object, therefore, the stylistic idea here is usually combined.
In Western countries, the chalet style is very popular. It appeared as a convenient housing option for shepherds who lived at the foot of the Alpine mountains. This is a style for low houses without a full second floor. Today, this design has undergone significant changes and has become a design option for a truly stylish and luxurious home.
With regard to the construction of private households, the main trend in recent years has become the industrialization of facades. Among the owners of private houses at the peak of popularity is minimalism with high-tech elements.
To finalize the choice, it is worth watching the video review of current finishing materials for the facades of country houses.