Front thermopanels: features of choice

In the past few years, cladding with thermopanels for facade insulation has become increasingly common in our country due to the growing technical requirements aimed at providing the necessary comfort inside the room. Insulating any building is the first step towards saving heat and reducing its internal consumption.
When it comes to cost, performance and aesthetics - not to mention maintenance and long-term - the assessment of facing materials and facade systems is more difficult than ever.As with any product, you need to weigh all the pros and cons to achieve the desired result. A wide range of proposals facilitates the selection process, but individual qualities entail restrictions on the use of certain types of finishes.
Not so long ago, the insulation and decoration of facades were carried out only separately. Finishing processes required some materials, to create a barrier against cold, others. Today this method is also widely used, and often the perfect appearance is achieved to the detriment of thermal insulation inside the room. Recently, a good alternative has appeared, combining two in one, it is such an economical solution.
Front thermopanels do not need additional processing after installation. Inside there is a layer of insulation material made on the basis of polyurethane foam. Today he is considered the best in a long list of similar materials with similar properties and characteristics.
Polyurethane foam is significantly superior to polystyrene and other materials. Facade panels have a protective layer of composite material on the outside.
Builders and consumers were able to evaluate the product due to the variety of colors, reliability and aesthetic appeal.
Office buildings and warm private houses, decorated with such facades, look modern and luxurious.
Polyurethane is a synthetic polymer material that is a kind of plastic. It is obtained by the reaction of two liquid components - a polyol and isocyanate. When mixed, the elements react, foam and increase in volume. When interacting mass hardens, forming a fine-grained structure, which is more than 80% and consists of tiny gas bubbles. A distinctive feature is the minimum thermal conductivity of air.
Due to its unique structure, polyurethane foam has no competitors among all known insulating materials. The coefficient of thermal conductivity in various conditions is 0.02 - 0.03 W / (m • K).
Minimum performance allows you to reduce the thickness of the panel, thus saving valuable space. If we compare the brickwork and this material, the thickness in the first case is 50 centimeters, while in the second it is only 2 cm. Polyurethane foam perfectly maintains considerable loadings. With a high degree of elasticity, this insulation is able to withstand mechanical pressure in the middle range.
Lightweight foam allows you to perform installation work without much physical effort, it does not affect the overall structure and does not require additional fortifications. Moreover, it does not load the front and foundation of the structure. Having a closed structure, it is an excellent waterproofing material. Products from PPU are absolutely not afraid of exposure to water.
Thermal insulation protects against moisture, corrosion, mold, does not form condensation on the walls and is not exposed to microorganisms or small rodents.
The service life of the product ranges from 15 to 50 years and depends only on exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The only weak point is sunlight. Under its influence, the coating becomes yellow and loses its properties. In the absence of UV irradiation period of at least 50 years.
The material also has some other features. By design, it is a diffuse open and inert panels. The “dew point” does not exceed the permissible value, due to which there are no problems with tightness and ventilation (no gaps in the rear part of the facade are required).
Reliable and accurate connection of surfaces eliminates the appearance of "cold bridges", condensation, harmful microorganisms. The panels have grooves and protrusions that help to avoid collecting excess moisture in rainy weather. As a result, the building acquires not only the best aesthetic characteristics, but also excellent insulation, which retains heat in winter and cool in summer. Today you can buy material at very affordable prices.
The thermal cladding system includes the laying of a 6 mm thick ceramic plate on top of the thermal insulation layer, the thickness of which is determined in accordance with the calculations.
It requires a mechanically resistant support developed using a coating system and styling panels made of expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene with high mechanical tensile and compressive strength and a low modulus of elasticity capable of supporting the weight and stress created by the material and thermal expansion.
The insulating layer should have a rough surface, a square profile and not have protrusions more than the thickness that is set in the calculations. Achieving the desired result in terms of thermal insulation and durability of external coatings is closely related to a careful and correct design at all points that can create a thermal bridge.
He is the main culprit in the transfer of heat through the walls of a building, dramatically increasing the cost of heating and cooling. Panels offer the ability to reduce these zones by placing a barrier outside. Exterior insulation systems involve the installation of material on the outside of the wall with a finished textured facade.
Main characteristics:
- in this case, plumbing and electrical systems do not need to be moved, providing more efficient upgrades;
- meets current and future environmental standards;
- increase thermal efficiency and comfort, reducing moisture and improving the protection of buildings;
- meet a variety of environmental standards;
- reduced maintenance costs;
- visually appealing: exterior finish is available in various textures and colors, so you can choose the perfect combination for maximum aesthetic appeal.
Consumer is offered a long service life. Plates provide a unique palette of smooth and rough textures, ruddy, bright, muted and other colors as a material for lining.This type of finish is currently popular because it is attractive, aesthetically pleasing.
The production of thermopanels occurs by pouring liquid polyurethane components into specially prepared forms with ceramic tiles. During the reaction, the components foam and harden.
The material can significantly save on construction and decoration.
The thickness of the block is selected based on the climatic conditions in the region. Most of the new buildings are equipped with cladding made of heat-insulating panels that meets the necessary requirements for facade systems. It is installed directly on the outer wall, which eliminates the need to apply plaster and paint.
Decorative advantages: a variety of materials, a wide color range, a variety of textures, sizes, opening up new possibilities for the architecture of buildings in general and their individual fragments.
Ceramic tile panels have many advantages over other similar products, including:
- combine two properties - heat insulation and environmental friendliness;
- have a minimum load on the foundation and load-bearing walls;
- provide additional noise insulation and protection;
- maintain density with large showers.
As a building and finishing material, this facing product has the following varieties:
- under the brick;
- under the tree;
- under the stone;
- with marble crumb;
- metal panels.
Steel suitable for vertical or horizontal application. Ecoproduct is made for cladding facades on request with the desired pattern and is delivered ready-made to stores. For corners made of foam wall panel options at an angle of 45 degrees. There are transitions for window and door openings.
The classification may look like this:
- material - polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, their combinations, extruded polystyrene foam;
- joint method - “tongue and groove”, docking of rectangular elements with smooth edges;
- cladding material - granite, concrete, ceramics, clinker tiles and others.
Manufacturers Overview
Major manufacturers in Russia:
- "Facade materials workshop";
- FTP Europa;
- Termosit;
- Fried;
- Forska.
Among the major manufacturers is to provide FTP Europa - a company engaged in the implementation of not only its products, but also other plants. Has established itself in reviews as a manufacturer of high-quality material. The coating is created from porcelain, from the domestic only insulating layer.
There are good patented panels from Termosit. The production process is a complete cycle, the company has created a quality control service, and therefore high-level consumer characteristics.
Natural materials are used in the decoration of Russian production from "Frayd". Including this granite, ceramics, stone. As a heater polystyrene foam, the joints are made in the form of tongue and groove.
GammaStone AIR - is a modern environmentally sustainable system that can satisfy the most ambitious and modern stylistic trends of architecture. It also optimizes functional requirements, practicality and comfort. The material arose as a result of an intensive research process, it is a response to the widespread need for effective thermal and acoustic insulation for homes and public buildings.Used with structures and materials that at the same time guarantee a constant aesthetic beauty.
GammaStone AIR is an excellent and unsurpassed lining material, today it is the most suitable option available on the international market for ventilated facades.
This innovative panel system was developed in collaboration with the largest and most reliable companies. Painstaking work has allowed us to achieve the best results in terms of insulation, protection from weather and external noise.
The panels provide ease of installation, versatility in architectural design, original stylistic solutions with a wide choice of marble, granite, porcelain slabs and large stone products.
The ventilated facades of GammaStone AIR are really reliable. Panels are being rigorously tested. They are mounted on a metal suspended structure attached to the wall of a building with layers of insulation.
Pros and cons of the material
Among the main advantages are several advantages.
- Efficiency. Due to its production features and panel design, it simultaneously performs two functions. First of all, they provide thermal insulation of the building, as well as decorative cladding.
- High thermal insulation. Provided with seamless installation.
- High waterproofing. The walls and surfaces of the facades are protected from the natural effects of moisture. In addition, the front mineral layer resists mold and fungus.
- Range. The consumer can choose his version of dozens of colors and textures.
- Durability and ease of operation. Do not require any maintenance. Production technology in high-temperature conditions provides the desired strength and aesthetic characteristics that have been maintained for decades. The durability and reliability of the panels are confirmed by long-term operation in many regions.
- A light weight. Due to this feature, the construction of the building does not require additional work on the preparation and strengthening before the installation of the facade system. This condition eliminates overloading the foundation, which allows the material to be used for finishing walls over 70 meters high.
- Easy installation. Installation is carried out using special rails and simple tools.
- Installation at any time of the year. Do not require special equipment or certain temperature conditions.
- High aesthetic properties.
- Environmental friendliness. The basis of the design is rigid polyurethane foam. It is a non-toxic material that does not pollute the atmosphere with harmful substances. It is absolutely safe for people. The front layer is made of composite material and mineral particles. They are also harmless to people's health and life.
Like any material, this one also has some flaws, even though there are some of them:
- attracting professional workers;
- substantial costs at first.
How to choose?
There are many facade systems for exterior finishes with insulation to choose from. It depends on the type and scale of the building, the requirements of the layout, which may affect the appearance of the neighboring buildings.
Panel structures include structural elements that provide lateral and vertical wind resistance. and other environmental influences, as well as parts enveloping the building, providing resistance to weather conditions, and in addition, thermal, acoustic and fire-resistant properties.
This product allows you to change the appearance of the building in various ways. Diversity makes panels for a wooden house an innovative option for architects. There is a wide range of different formats and mounting options that create a completely different building character.
The gaps provided between the panels allow the facade to work as a ventilation system that retains moisture. Double tempered acrylic resins provide effective weather protection that is suitable for balconies and cladding. Other properties include optimum light fastness, double hardening, scratch and solvent resistance, impact resistance, cold resistance. The product is made in laminate presses under high pressure and temperature.
Choosing products, you should pay attention to the features of different models. Made a product under the stone will please a respectable appearance, but it has a high cost.
There is a wide variety of panels on the market that mimic wood texture in a quality manner. They are ideal for small houses, summer houses, where you want to create a special comfort.
If you choose a model for a brick, then such a material will resemble a real brickwork not only in appearance, but also in texture. It is not so easy to distinguish from the original.
In order not to be disappointed in this type of decoration, it is better to always choose a panel with insulation for exterior decoration. It is suitable even for a wooden house, the only difference is in the method of installation.
How to prepare?
Polymer finish outside the walls is mounted using frame technology. The main thing is to properly install the crate, which in most cases is made of wooden bars, and sometimes of aluminum.
The construction of the frame is the main preparation of the wall, if that level. If this condition is not met, then the preliminary work on the organization of the skin is reduced to additional processing and leveling the surface.
The first profile must be installed perpendicular to the ground, at a point that is considered to be the lowest at the facade. This is the so-called launch pad. The rest of the horizontal elements are mounted 50 centimeters from it.
Fastening is carried out through the use of screws and dowels.Now you can install vertical guides.
To understand what the need for a building material is, it is necessary to find the total surface area. The sum of the area of doors and windows is subtracted from the obtained value and 10% is added, which are taken away during the work of the cuts and overlaps. The resulting figure is divided by 4.55, exactly so many square. m is in one packing plate.
The number of required starting strips for insulated panels is calculated on the basis of the perimeter of the building. The width of the doors is subtracted from the obtained value and divided by 3. In order not to be mistaken, they add 5% of the obtained number.
External angles are determined by the sum of the heights divided by 0.45 m. For correctness, add 5% of the obtained value.
For one panel, 5 fasteners are required, the corner element takes 4, and the curb is 2. The fastening of the starting strip is at least 10 elements if the fastening is done after 30 centimeters.
When making calculations it is necessary to take into account not only the covered area of the walls, but also the heat loss, according to which material of the required thickness will be selected in the future.
- U value It is a measure of how much heat is lost through a given thickness of a particular material, but includes three main ways in which heat loss occurs - conductivity, convection and radiation. This is a measure that is always applied in the Rules of Construction. The lower the U value, the better the heat insulator is material. The value of U allows you to understand the consequences that a thermal characteristic has when they are aimed at meeting current building codes.
- R-value is a measure of resistance to heat flow through a given thickness of material. Thus, the higher the value of R, the higher the heat resistance of the material and, consequently, the better its insulating properties. Heat moves inside the building and leaves it in several different ways, and the value of R takes into account only the conductivity, but does not include either convection or radiation.
Subtleties of installation
Plates should be laid with wide gaps in accordance with local climatic conditions. Constructive connections are set in accordance with the dimensions of the unit. Expansion joints should also be used along the corners and ridges (and in any case, every 9-12 m2).
The clinker tile flooring is protected from water penetration and damage by installing suitable seals or metal openings at the top and bottom.
In the construction of the material - polyurethane foam and a composite mineral layer. The first component is the basis of the entire structure of the product, it also implements the function of isolation. The layer of polyurethane foam is protected by a material with a relief texture. The front is environmentally friendly and almost indistinguishable from natural wood or stone. The finished product is a complex whole.
Working conditions are directly dependent on the workload. Facade panels are installed easily and without any additional tools. A screw screwdriver, screws, a circular saw are sufficient for this.
For proper installation, you must perform several operations.
- Mark the horizon around the perimeter of the facade. Place vertical beacons.
- Install the first row of panels on a horizontal profile. To process seams polyurethane foam.
- Set the next row.
- Process the existing seams qualitatively using a special tool. The procedure is performed at a positive air temperature.
It is possible to mount the facade at any time of the year, since the installation does not provide for work with building mixtures.
The panels form a self-supporting structure, since there are practically no vertical loads in it. They are mounted on various solid surfaces: cellular concrete, beams, brick, plaster. There is no need to create an additional basis. However, if the facade geometry is broken, it is advisable to use a tie. By adjusting its thickness, you can quickly level the surface.
Due to its low weight, the material is easy to install. Installation of facade plates is carried out by installing plastic dowels. This design is not too complicated, but at the same time quite reliable.
The terminals form a flat surface without cracks. They protect the surface of the building from the effects of precipitation, temperature changes, thereby maximizing the service life of the entire structure. For corners there are special panels.
Modern techniques offer a wide range of work and mounting techniques. This range includes the manufacture and sale of aluminum facade consoles and aluminum substructures.
It consists of installation systems and the main grid. Both consoles and the rack are designed exclusively for ventilated cladding, which makes this product first on the market. All elements are designed in such a way as to ensure ease of assembly of aluminum and the possibility of adjusting their position in three planes. All this avoids the problems associated with the uneven surface of the wall.
There are elements of the fixed bearing structure of the facade on the superstructure of the building and sliding elements that allow other elements to cope with the expansion of aluminum. The offer includes a number of different sizes and a special extension that allows its use in a wide range of dimensions.
The advantages of the aluminum frame:
- high strength;
- weather resistance;
- a light weight;
- low transport costs.
The absence of galvanic corrosion at the junction with other materials and the stamped production method make it possible to prevent stress, microcracks and scratches occurring at the place of cold bending.
Although the aluminum pillar is designed primarily for installation of cladding, it can also be used with panels of the same material.There are two main types of T-bar mesh, which are used to join plates and corners, and also as a retaining profile. The use of decorative elements can mask the visible edges of the plates or horizontal seams through which the substructure layer can be seen.
Beautiful examples in the exterior
Polyurethane foam is the most perfect material for insulation of facades of buildings and structures. Ceramic tile panels are effective thermal insulation and have a decorative function. The panel consists of two components: decorative outer side, insulation.
In modern architecture there are many options for how to transform the facade of the building with the help of polyurethane plates. A large variety of colors, finishes and special effects provide a huge range of creative possibilities to create the perfect facade. The unique cellular structure of the finishing systems ensures uniform diffusion of natural light and provides excellent thermal insulation, providing maximum resistance to impact and hail.
Building design specialists can hide various elements of a building or create intriguing visual contrasts by combining panels with ordinary glazing. By jointly offering superior ultraviolet radiation protection of superior quality, facade systems guarantee a long building life.
Insulated panels provide unlimited design possibilities, controlling humidity and reducing energy consumption. Modern manufacturers produce versatile, ventilated systems that contain an extensive range of cladding options.
Recently it became popular to use slabs with stone or various types of brickwork. Particularly spectacular among themselves are several types of such finishes, which make it possible to select several basic elements on the facade, including corners and the foundation. An interesting design solution creates a unique and in its own unique style of the building, conveys the special mood of the residents or adds respectability.
About what features of the choice of facade thermopanels, see the following video: