Types of glass entrance groups

Modern buildings have an attractive and original design. The facades of most of them are decorated with beautiful, elegant and unique glass entrance groups. Thanks to such groups, the entrance to the building looks more attractive.
Special features
The glass entrance group is a specific structure, which is the central part of the facade of the building. This building is the main entrance to the building. All-glass products are suitable for both private homes and cottages. It is advisable only to choose high-quality fasteners.
The design should have the following characteristics:
- should be practical and easy to use. The dimensions of the structure are very important, as in the course of operation, a huge number of people will pass through it, perhaps they will carry in and carry out large-sized things, pieces of furniture;
- serves as protection of an entrance to the building from an atmospheric precipitation, drafts and cold;
- insulates the heat in the building.
The design includes the following elements:
- a door. It can be either single-leaf or multi-leaf;
- small playgroundlocated in front of the building;
- porchequipped with a railing or a special fence;
- reliable canopyWhich is located above the porch, is additionally equipped with a bright and original lamp to illuminate the site and entrance.
Modern glass entrance groups are very often decorated with various elements, such as:
- beautiful railings;
- columns;
- various ladders, different shapes and sizes;
- elegant forged designs;
- other details, devices and decoration elements.
Types of glass
For glazing entrance groups, ordinary glass will not work, use a special one. There are quite a few varieties of such glass, but one should single out the most popular and widespread ones.
- Triplex. A distinctive feature of this type of glass is the absence of small fragments at breaking. It has a special strength, consists of a film with an adhesive base and several glasses.
- Tempered glass. Due to the special production technology of this type of glass, it has high strength.
- Oppite. This type of glass has a very useful property - it transmits the maximum light, does not distort the space and colors at all.
- Double glazing. For the production of glass used glass identical to plastic glass.
- Armored. Such models are thick glass made by gluing individual thin strips of glass. Distinctive features of this type is a large weight of the product and a considerable thickness.
- Darkened glass. Such glasses will help protect the building from sunlight and prying eyes.
Glass entrance groups are divided into several types depending on the type of construction: a building with or without a vestibule. It is very often possible to meet designs with doors in the form of an arch. It should be noted that the shape of the doors can be different, as well as the size of the entrance group. It is conditionally possible to divide the input groups by type of glass and by type of glass used in the manufacture of the structure. For the manufacture of input groups are most often used single-chamber and two-chamber double-glazed windows, tempered glass and triplex. The last version of the glass is safer, as when breaking the glass does not form small fragments.
Triplex has a high strength, so the probability of damage is extremely small.
There are protective entrance groups, decorative and decorative and protective. For various buildings with a high probability of breaking and penetration of unauthorized people, protective and decorative-protective structures are used. The peculiarities of such entrance groups are that the probability of strangers getting into the building is practically zero. Decorative entrance groups have an interesting, original appearance and decorate the facade of the building.
Glass entrance groups are also divided into two main types.
- Internal. Such structures are installed in the building, at the entrance. From the interior of the entrance group is separated using a special partition.
- External. This type of construction involves the installation of the structure outside, before entering the building.
These glass input structures can also be insulated or cold. For insulation of entrance groups, double glass panes are additionally installed. Finishing of the structure is made by special heat-insulating building materials. Warm the group allows the installation of various devices for heating. In addition, the doors of the entrance group are also equipped with double glazed windows.
Cold structures, as a rule, are made of a single layer of glass, both doors and walls of a building. At production of entrance groups generally two types of building materials are used: the tempered glass and aluminum. The second material is necessary for the manufacture of durable frame design.
Types of doors
Doors are the main and integral part of the entrance groups. The appearance of the door leaf mainly depends on the architectural style of the building and the imagination of the craftsmen. In addition to the original appearance, the doors of the entrance structure should have high strength and high resistance to various loads and mechanical stress.
Additionally, door leafs are equipped with durable and reliable fittings and high-quality locking mechanisms. From the quality of these elements mainly depends on the life of the door leaf.
The most popular are the following types of doors:
- swing;
- sliding;
- carousel;
- pendulum.
Fencing and construction arrangement
Installation of the structure is made on a previously prepared, low foundation or parapet. Proceeding from this, the mandatory installation of a small porch with several steps for the convenience of visitors is implied.
An integral part of the porch and the entrance group as a whole is a ramp. This is a very important element, since there is a high probability of the building being visited by disabled people and mothers with children in wheelchairs. To protect the porch from precipitation, snow fall and icicles from the roof, you need to install a special visor.
Glass entrance groups of modern public buildings can be equipped with automatic sliding doors. The work of such structures is based on special sensors that react to the approach of a person, and electric drives that drive the door leafs.
Additionally, entrance groups are equipped with a special rubber flooring so that dirt from the street does not fall inside the building.
A person passing through such a coating automatically cleans the sole of the shoe from contamination, therefore, much less dirt gets into the main building.
Canopies and canopies
Recently, very often for the manufacture of a canopy over the entrance group a modern and practical material is used - this is polycarbonate. Technical and operational characteristics of this building material allow the use of polycarbonate as a roof for entrance groups.
It is also necessary to add that such material is easy to process, it is easy and simple to work with it. If necessary, polycarbonate can be quickly replaced.
In addition to polycarbonate, galvanized sheet is often used for sheds.
In modern buildings it is very popular to install corner entrance groups. Corner-type constructions are mainly used for public places with a high maneuverability. The design is placed at the corner of the building and has an entrance on one side and an exit on the other. The most popular and widespread is the installation of angular glass structures in modern large-sized shopping centers, supermarkets and subway stations.
According to many modern marketers, entrance groups are the main part of the building, its hallmark. In the entrance group, a person makes a general impression of the building itself. That is why the design and architectural style of this entrance group is in the first place. The design is given maximum attention, the owners invest a decent amount to make an indelible impression on visitors to the building.
You will learn more about glass entrance groups in the following video.