Facade tiles: variations and recommendations for selection

Residential private houses and commercial buildings, lined with facade tiles, look modern and attractive. In addition to the attractive appearance, this finish has a lot of practical advantages. Let's get acquainted with them in detail.
Features: advantages and disadvantages
For facing the facade of the building are used very durable types of ceramic products. It is they who have special characteristics that give the tile extra strength, the ability to withstand any load bearing. Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of facade tiles.
The undoubted advantages of such facing material include:
- Frost resistance. This is an important quality for a material that is designed for exterior decoration. Frequent temperature changes, constant freezing and thawing should not affect the quality and appearance of the product. In order to correctly choose the front tile, you need to pay attention to the frost resistance indicator on the label or product box. It is designated by the conventional image of a snowflake. The higher the value of frost resistance, the more preferable it is to choose a product with a predominance of cold, severe winters.
- Strength. The material is manufactured using strong pressing and firing (at a temperature of about 1200 degrees), thanks to this, each product has ultra-strong characteristics that are resistant to mechanical stress.
- Durability. The low level of wear allows the facade tile to serve for many years, without losing the decorative and utilitarian qualities.
- Easy to care. The facade, lined with ceramics, very easy and convenient to clean. Such a surface is not afraid of chemicals.
- Installation work can be done independentlyit is enough to have a little experience in this area.
- A tiled building keeps heat better while material is considered "breathable".
- Environmentally friendly products do not harm human health, do not ignite and do not sustain combustion.
- To finish the facade of the building tiles no leveling work requiredThis type of lining will hide irregularities and flaws.
- Manufacturers offer a huge number of design solutions. for facades, so everyone can choose the necessary option. The tile can be combined with other methods of finishing, for example, with plaster.
The disadvantages of this type of finishing material are minor compared with the obvious advantages. It is important to be able to choose the right material, taking into account the characteristics indicated on the package, as well as the climate of the area, to correctly choose related materials, such as glue or frame structures.
- Water absorption. Ceramics is a low-porous material, but it absorbs moisture. Freezing, accumulated in the pores of the liquid expands, thereby slowly destroying the texture of the product. Thus, the lower the porosity, the longer the attractive appearance of the facade of the building will be maintained.The norm is an indicator equal to 3%, however, the clinker tile or porcelain stoneware has an even lower value.
- Due to its weight and low adhesive properties, large-format tiles need special installation. on frame structures with metal fixings. This system allows you to arrange additional ventilation of the wall, as well as to lay a layer of insulation. Small-sized products are mounted on a special frost and moisture resistant glue for outdoor use. The technical characteristics of tile glue according to GOST include strength, density, shrinkage level, viscosity, drying speed, plasticity. The use of cement mixture is unacceptable for street work, as it does not have all the necessary qualities.
A wide range of facade tiles gives everyone the opportunity to improve their homes, taking into account individual tastes, climatic conditions of the area, as well as budget possibilities and stylistic ideas. In general, products differ in the method of production, raw materials, which are used to create them, practical characteristics, shape, size, appearance and design.Consider all types of tiles for exterior decoration of buildings.
From natural stone
Natural materials are always highly valued. Such a noble finish indicates the status of the owner of the house, but also requires serious financial investments. For facing the facade most often used marble or granite.
The texture of these types of stone has unlimited aesthetic value, has a number of utilitarian advantages:
- high degree of strength;
- frost resistance;
- does not undergo chemical reactions;
- safe for human health, as it does not contain harmful polyester resins;
- service life more than 100 years.
The negative properties include the high cost of natural material. It is due to the high-tech method of stone mining and its processing using special machines.
This type of finishing facade tiles also applies to natural, natural materials. A variety of special porous limestone rock is formed as a sediment that forms over millions of years at the bottom of water bodies. In Russia, there are large deposits of limestone in the Crimea, where it is mined and shipped to the east and north of the country.
The material received the name thanks to appearance. The texture of the plates and blocks is porous, often in the layers of limestone there are real shells, which give a special zest to the decoration of the facades of buildings and interior decoration of rooms. Unlike marble and granite, the price of shell rock is more affordable, so it is often used for cladding country houses.
Nice yellowish-brown color gives the structure a fresh look, and unusual texture originality. Some architectural elements can be made of shell rock blocks, for example, columns-supports for the design of the entrance area.
The density of the coquina, as well as its endurance, can be different. To select the necessary material, you need to know the appropriate labeling of the product;
- M35 - the most dense type of shell rock. Blocks with such indicators are used for the construction of foundations, basements. Differ in high durability, but also weight.
- M25 - the most popular type of material used in construction. Despite the reduced density, it is possible to build a one- or two-storey building from blocks with M25 markings, to build interior partitions in a high-rise building.
- M15 - the most porous material. It is used for the construction of fences and single-level buildings.
Due to its low weight, the cladding of the facade of the shell rock does not exert strong pressure on the foundation and bearing supports. Often, whole blocks are brought in for facing, which are already sawn and processed for installation on site. The finished product can be presented in the form of plates or in the form of bricks.
The advantages of shell rock slabs:
- porous material gives excellent adhesion to the base of the wall;
- due to its porosity, the finish perfectly retains heat and allows the house to "breathe";
- possesses high sound-proof qualities;
- environmentally friendly material does not affect human health;
- attractive decorative properties;
- relatively low price compared to granite and marble.
- The material is prone to absorb moisture, which certainly affects the service life of such finishes. To slow down the process of destruction of the limestone, it is treated with special water-repellent agents, thanks to which the finish will last more than a dozen years.
- Installation of plates can be carried out only in a clear warm weather, works in a frosty season and in a strong heat are not allowed.
From sandstone
To finish the facades, modular plates are used, which can be cut into a regular geometric shape or represent a free figure with torn edges. This difference only affects the appearance of the facade. The first version is more rigorous, the second - the original, fantasy.
Sandstone, as well as shell rock, is a stone of natural origin. May be more dense, and maybe porous. To finish the facade of the building, it is preferable to choose denser samples. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is necessary to knock on the stone: if the sound is deaf, you have porous material before you.
Most likely, such a finish will quickly begin to crumble, since water will linger in the pores after rain, and temperature drops will accelerate the destruction process. Sand-colored models are better not to choose - they are flimsy and unreliable. For finishing the facade are suitable samples of gray and dark gray.
If we talk about the practical properties of sandstone, then this finish allows the house to "breathe", is well ventilated, while keeping warm. Sandstone is a relatively inexpensive material, safe for human health.
Porcelain stoneware
This type of finishing material for facades is made of granite chips, spar, quartz, expanded clay and bonding agents. This mixture is subjected to strong pressing and high-temperature firing. Adapted to the harsh weather conditions, the product possesses more durable qualities than natural stone. In addition, the price of porcelain tiles is much lower, which makes it one of the most popular materials for facades.
The features of the products include the following characteristics:
- finished products are manufactured in square or rectangular shape, the length of one side of the facade sample is usually 50–100 cm;
- even with a wooden base can be finished with ceramic granite;
- most often this type of product is used when installing ventilated, suspended facades;
- material design is diverse, among various models you can find products of almost any color and texture;
- The glazed surfaces of slabs with imitation of marble pattern will be an excellent alternative to natural stone, as well as help to create an exterior design in one of the modern styles - high-tech or minimalism;
- In general, the characteristics of porcelain stoneware are similar to natural plates, however, the products are distinguished by an affordable price.
Shale clays with calcium carbonate impurities, salts, chamotte, flux, and a finely dispersed promoter produce clinker tiles. This mixture has a high degree of refractoriness, which allows the facade to withstand any temperature drops. Micropores that appear in the texture of the product tend to repel water, which allows the finish to serve for a very long time (more than 50 years) and are not afraid of even the most severe frost. Even porcelain can not boast of such quality.
The finished product without dyes has a non-uniform color - from yellow to brown. In this case, shades can vary greatly in different packages. Before the start of installation work, all products should be intermixed with each other so that, as a result, the facade has the same chaotic pattern from all sides. Sometimes manufacturers add dyes, which helps to diversify the palette of the material.
Because of the shape of the tiles, the facing of the facade resembles brickwork. However, performing an individual order, the manufacturer can perform products of other parameters.After obtaining the required shape, the tile is fired at extremely high temperatures, due to which the structure of the model becomes fine-grained.
The brick tile gained the popularity thanks to a number of advantages:
- installation work is fast and does not require special skills;
- if necessary, it is easy to repair the facade or replace a part of the lining;
- tile is resistant to mechanical damage, has a high impact resistance;
- the product can be used again;
- the tile is easily mounted even on a heater;
- A large number of colors and textures allows you to choose the most suitable option.
Kinds of clinker tiles include clinker thermopanels. Together with the facing material, a special heater is purchased. The thermoplate is presented in several systems. Insulation can be mounted directly together with tiles like a designer, when each element is inserted into a special groove and fixed to the base of the wall with dowels, umbrellas or self-tapping screws. Another option is when you first install the insulation, and only then the tiles.
This type of tile is obtained by pressing the chips of marble, quartzite, granite. The strength and wear resistance of the agglomerate gives quartz. Such durable finishes are often used for cladding commercial buildings. According to its characteristics, the product is superior to marble or granite, while it is much cheaper. There are models of agglomerate with an imitation of the pattern of natural stones.
Chamotte kaolin clay is used to make terracotta tiles. The composition of the mixture does not add any pigments, natural colors: light brown, red-brown, black. Different models have different textures. The tile can be with imitation of a stone, a brick and even under a tree.
Unfortunately, this lining is short-lived, eventually flakes off and crumbles. High levels of humidity and temperature drops are especially destructive for terracotta façades. More extensive use of the product received in the interior decoration of fireplaces, architectural elements.
Concrete tile
Decorative concrete tiles are light due to special aggregates with low weight.The basis of the mixture is sifted quartz sand, marble and granite chips.
In order for the characteristics of the finished product to meet all the necessary requirements, plasticizers, stabilizers and water-retaining additives are introduced into the composition.
Thanks to this recipe, a frost-resistant product with water-repellent properties is obtained, which is not afraid of mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes.
The decorative qualities of tiles depend on the form into which the mixture is poured during production, as well as the pigments and dyes that make up the mortar. Different shapes help to make concrete tiles that can imitate wood, natural stone, brick, to be completely smooth or rough.
Making concrete tiles with your own hands is possible, however, is a time-consuming and lengthy process.
When it comes to paving garden paths or, for example, for decorating steps in the garden or entrance area, independent production is justified, but for the facade of the house it is better to purchase the finished product.
Concrete tiles are a popular finishing material due to their qualities:
- a small mass of products does not bear excessive load on the foundation of the building;
- the tile, steady against mechanical damages, protects a socle and a facade of construction;
- special additives make products resistant to chemicals;
- not afraid of moisture;
- durability;
- low, affordable price.
The most common type of concrete tiles are the so-called tiles made of artificial stone. A facade with such a finish looks dignified and solid, and in contrast to the lining of natural stone, it will be much cheaper for the owner. And to make a partial repair over time will be easier.
Natural stone also imitate plaster tiles, but this material is more suitable for interior decoration, as it is afraid of severe frost and moisture. When buying, it is necessary to specify the composition on the label or from the consultants of the store in order to buy a suitable quality product that will last for a long time. Polymer tiles are considered to be another alternative to natural stone, they are more durable and are not afraid of strong temperature drops, and will serve in any climatic conditions.
Choosing a color scheme, it should be borne in mind that a house, especially a two- or three-storey cottage, is a rather big structure, it will always be visible in a small suburban area.Too motley colors on such an object can quickly get bored, eyes get tired of them. Monochrome options are more suitable for commercial buildings. Dark cold plates are not the best option for a residential building, as they can cause a pressing feeling.
So that the design of the exterior is not boring and caused pleasant sensations, it is better to choose light, natural tones, to combine them with each other.
Dolomite in the construction industry is used as an independent material, and as a crumb, for example, for the manufacture of porcelain stoneware and even cement mixture. Very durable stone has a pleasant beige-cream or gray color interspersed with small elements - "grains". Most often, the dolomite tile is polished, but for the facades of buildings you can choose polished, sawn, polished, antique or bardardirovanny models.
The main advantage of the finishing material is its strength, and its natural origin provides a guarantee of safety for human health. Dolomite tile is an expensive material, but it combines perfectly with cheaper options, such as sandstone or plaster.
Bituminous tiles - young mate material. Tile, produced by similar technology, has already managed to gain popularity among buyers who want to save. The very same tile in the process of installation gets the appearance, imitating brickwork, however, the installation is done in whole sections, shingles "overlap", similar to tiles.
Each shingle is nailed with 8 nails. Installation begins from the bottom to avoid rain from entering the base of the wall.
The bituminous tile is soft and flexible, therefore at installation a special adhesive composition - adhesive can be required.
The facade, lined with such material, will serve at least 30 years. The surface of the walls will not burn out in the sun, will not let moisture inside the structure, will be resistant to mechanical stress. Affordable price and ease of installation will help save a considerable amount.
Design options
The facades, lined with tiles of unpolished natural stone or imitating natural material, look rustic. Natural irregularities and roughness, protrusions and depressions, colored play play the depth and volume of the building.This finish is well suited for manor houses in the castle style, for alpine chalets, mansions in the English style.
Often, natural stone is a material that brings accents to the exterior of a suburban area, because it is in perfect harmony with other ways of finishing. The best companion of sandstone and shell rock is plaster. In such a combination, the nobleness of the decoration does not disappear, and at the same time it is possible to save well.
Porcelain stoneware is often used for finishing state buildings, commercial buildings, offices and shops. but cottages in the Scandinavian style, as well as high-tech or minimalism look best in the veneer of porcelain tiles. To create an original exterior design at home, it is better to choose several types of models, for example, with a glossy and rough texture, as well as models that differ in color.
Due to the fact that the clinker tile is not uniform in color, the facade lined with it looks three-dimensional and original.
The decoration of ordinary brick is not able to give the exterior such a variety of color transitions and combinations.Clinker perfectly harmonizes with natural and artificial stone, granite, dolomite and plaster. The color palette helps to greatly diversify design options for exterior design. From cold gray Scandinavian facades to light, warm Mediterranean styles.
Tips for choosing
- Faced with the question of how to revet the facade of a country house, the first significant criterion that narrows the range of possible options is the final cost of products and installation work. If you have certain skills, you can save money on workers and independently tile your house. A good savings will be the use of products that are mined and processed in the region of residence. The lack of logistics costs, as well as the ability to purchase products directly from the factory, simplify the selection, saves the wallet.
- Foreign firms (Italian, German, Spanish) offer high-quality products. Often their products are available in limited quantities. Because of this, the price of such a product will be significantly higher than that of domestic producers.
- Pay attention to the texture of products. Embossed models have a high degree of adhesion to the base of the wall. The textural facade of the building looks volume, original. However, dust accumulates on the ledges and is difficult to remove. Smooth, glazed plates create the impression of a flat surface, a monolithic smooth surface, it is easier to take care of them, but it is more difficult to assemble, this requires a high degree of alignment on the construction level.
- Choosing a color solutionIt should be borne in mind that a house, especially a two- or three-storey cottage, is a rather big structure, it will always be visible on a small country plot. Too motley colors on such an object can quickly get bored, eyes get tired of them. Monochrome options are more suitable for commercial buildings. Dark cold plates are not the best option for a residential building, as they can cause a pressing feeling. So that the design of the exterior is not boring and caused pleasant sensations, it is better to choose light, natural tones, to combine them with each other.
- When buying, be sure to check the integrity of each package., the presence on its surface of uncharacteristic divorce, delamination and swelling. Such signs may indicate non-compliance with the rules for storage of goods.
- Pay attention to all markings.indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Namely: frost resistance (not less than 50 cycles), flexural strength (not less than 180 MPa), water absorption (not more than 5%), material mass. Lightweight is easier to install, less often falls off, does not have a strong impact on the foundation.
- Ask your product consultant about ask what reviews real buyers were for a particular product.
Subtleties of installation
There are two ways to install tiles:
- laying the elements on the base with glue, the so-called wet method;
- mounting on the batten that is attached to the wall (“dry” method).
The first option is for a lightweight tile that will cover a brick or foam block wall with a relatively flat surface.
For the best adhesion of the material with the adhesive composition of the work is best done in the warm season.
For wooden walls or buildings constructed by frame technology, use the "dry" method of installation. Klyammer - a special holding device for the tile, attached to the screws to the crate, tile is inserted into its grooves.This method allows you to make additional work on the insulation of the facade, as well as to make it ventilated. Large, heavy elements will be better fixed in this way.
Installation begins at the bottom of the wall and moves up and to the side. The joints between the tiles are rubbed off, but if with a tile laid on the “wet” technology is obvious, then during the installation using the “dry” method, difficulties may arise with the design of the corners of the structure.
Special aluminum or plastic outer corners for tiles and tile layouts will help you to properly arrange the outer or inner corner.
Such elements with a holding side are enclosed directly under the corner tile, while the rounded front part neatly covers the seam.
Beautiful examples
- The most interesting and unobtrusive exteriors of the facades of houses are usually complex, consisting of several types of finishes, have a rich palette. Win-win options will be considered finishes using white tiles. This color gives a good contrast, refreshes the appearance, can be used to embody any stylistic project: high-tech, minimalism, Scandinavian, classic.
- Cozy and warm courtyards are obtained if any shades of red — brick, terracotta, and brown — are used to design the facade. Most often it is a brick tile, but for a variety of textures it is combined with slabs of natural stone, plaster, wood.
- Even elementary architectural forms look majestically, if for their decoration tiles of natural stone were chosen. Due to the rich texture, natural color transition, the facade does not look dull and monotonous.
- When choosing large-format tiles with glazed coating, for example, from natural marble, dolomite or porcelain stoneware, you should take into account the architectural features and purpose of the building. Houses “boxes”, finished with a material with a shiny surface, can look like a breech. For commercial buildings, this appearance is acceptable, but for a residential building such an exterior may look uncomfortable. Only unusual architectural solutions can be emphasized expensive, exquisite finishes.
How the facing of the building with a decorative fronted tile occurs, see the next video.