Plastic entrance groups and their features
Plastic entrance groups are a complex of structures that are used to design the main entrance to a room: the door itself, respectively, steps, canopies and other structures. Today, PVC entrance groups have become particularly popular, because they can not only attract the attention of visitors, but also give a reasonable appearance to the building. They can be found in any places - in shopping centers, catering, organizations and in private homes.
What are they made of?
Entrance groups are a whole system of different parts. In addition to the door itself, the complex includes the following elements:
- a shed or roof can be replaced by a balcony if the house has more than one floor;
- the staircase must be built at a certain angle relative to the horizon - no more and no less than 45 degrees. Otherwise, it will become inconvenient to use and will begin to bring discomfort;
- railings;
- vestibule;
- light sources;
- decorative items.
At times, there are elements to create a terrace or porch. The above composite components can be made according to customer preferences.
Thus, the appearance of the entrance zone will acquire unique features and bring in shades of solidity.
Entry groups are as follows:
- internal - in this case, the vestibule is located indoors;
- external - the platform is created outside;
- mixed - the platform is located both inside and on the street;
- front - it has additional decorative components, and is represented only by the wall of the building.
Plastic doors have many distinctive features that allow you to make a choice in their favor, namely:
- the possibility of creating a unique design;
- pleasant appearance of the entrance area;
- low price in comparison with other solutions;
- suppression of external noise - sounds from the street will not annoy;
- high level of thermal insulation;
- strength and safety of the material used;
- resistance to corrosion processes;
- ease of use.Care of such doors is quite simple and undemanding to special tools.
Plastic entry groups also have disadvantages. Despite the ability to hold a large amount of heat in the room, they are not as tight, so they do not cope well with insulation, such as a regular door. This deficiency is especially evident in the northern regions of Russia, in which the temperature in winter can reach -30 ° C.
Price formation
The final cost of the input group is formed depending on the following features:
- material of which the bearing structure consists. Manufacturers can produce them from various materials: from plastic to metal, for example, aluminum or steel;
- design. Working through the design of the input group and its production will require more time than the standard input group. Work on some of the details may also require more time;
- dimensions of the structure;
- door system. They can be closed and opened in different ways, so the manufacturing technology is also changing;
- used glass.
Some parts that affect the price of the input group should be discussed in more detail.
They have their own properties and are divided into certain types.
Door systems
They can be represented by several varieties.
- Swing. This is the standard and most common form that is found almost everywhere.
- Pendulum. They are able to open in two directions - from themselves and to themselves. They are used as an entrance to buildings where there is an active movement of people. They can be found, for example, in warehouses or in catering establishments.
- Sliding. Basically, they work automatically and are installed in shopping centers and hypermarkets. They are convenient in that they can significantly save space.
- Radial. These very attractive and unusual doors are a good design decision. Besides the fact that the doors give the room a more pleasant appearance, they have high strength.
- Rotating. They can be found in very busy places where there is an urgent need to regulate the flow of people. Adjustment of the device from metal-plastic is carried out mainly automatically.
In addition to external characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the practical features of the glass, which is an assistant in ensuring the preservation of heat inside the room and protect the building. The glass in the plastic entrance group can be of the following types:
- sunscreen - reduces exposure to ultraviolet rays. Such glass has either an additional layer or a special coating;
- triplex - This is one of the strongest types of glass that protects against negative influences. In some cases, triplex protects even from serious shocks. Unfortunately, it has poor transparency;
- acrylic or organic. It is noteworthy that it is two and a half times lighter than the standard one, and also retains heat better and allows the sun to pass through. There is a drawback: acrylic glass is fragile, therefore it requires careful handling;
- tempered Due to heat treatment, such glass gains an advantage - fragments arising after destruction cannot be injured;
- glass blocks - their purpose can be described more as decorative. In addition, glass blocks are available in a wide range of colors and a variety of reliefs;
- stained glass - This is also a decorative type of glass.
Additionally it should be said about soft coatings, which are also called soft windows. They are made of durable film with a high density.It is a reliable material that can protect against wind and rain. But such soft materials are used only for decoration of structures located on the street, or for the veranda. In general, soft coatings are inexpensive, so they will be a good alternative to standard designs.
They are easy to use and maintain, look elegant, and with careful attitude they can serve for more than one year.
If the customer wants to order an individual design, then the price of the input group will be higher as a result. However, this will be an additional way to highlight the beauty of the building. For design uses columns, made in both strict and luxurious styles, canopies, various forms of lighting and decoration of glass. By combining these elements, you can achieve a surprising effect. The process of working with glass inserts can be performed in different techniques.
- Stained glass window There is a whole mass of types of stained glass windows. So, you can lay out certain patterns with colored glass pieces or apply the finished image to the surface using printing. Together with a competent lighting stained glass window will look impressive.
- Fusing Included in the classification of stained glass, but the course of work is slightly different. In this technology, colored granular particles are used to create a drawing. Then he is treated with heat and in the final takes on a solid look.
- Sandblasting or artistic matting. Glass is processed by a special device. A strong air flow, which contains grains of sand, and a stencil will help to achieve beautiful and elegant patterns.
- Glass painting. In this case, the wizard works with resistant paints. Professional creates a picture for every taste. At the end of the drawing is covered with a protective varnish for additional effect.
- Relief glass. This option is considered an easy and not the most expensive method of decorating the entrance group. Glass is made with any reliefs: from standard forms to the most sophisticated. But in the latter case, the price may be increased.
How to prepare before installation?
Before you start working, you must clean the surface from debris, dirt, dust, excess moisture and other possible contaminants. Irregularities need to be leveled, and cracks and cracks should be fixed either with the help of cement mortar, or with the help of sealant. Further, the treatment is performed using a primer.
When setting up an input group, you may need the following set of tools:
- hammer;
- knife;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- perforator;
- polyurethane foam sealant in the gun;
- gon;
- rubber mallet;
- fasteners;
- Clamp for secure coupling parts.
As already known, the input group consists of a set of elements. The installation process consists in combining structures, doors and partitions. First, products are removed from the package. It is important not to lose the small parts that are included. Door handles better insert immediately.
Then you need to leave only the door frame - pull the door out of the hinges. Double-glazed windows are removed to avoid damage. To do this, use a rubber mallet and a knife. At this stage it is necessary to be especially careful. Next, you can proceed directly to the work process itself. Here you need to seal the details.
The frames are combined using mounting foam and connecting profiles.
PVC entrance group is an excellent design solution. The wide mass of available materials and manufacturing methods allows the use of entrance groups for various purposes from attracting the attention of visitors toThe additions of a private house are an attractive feature.
You will learn more about plastic entrance groups in the following video.