Clinker facade thermopanels: application features and installation details
The facade, as is known, performs protective and decorative functions. For its organization use materials such as insulation, facing plates and panels, and in addition, steam and waterproofing films. However, today there is a material that combines the best properties of clinker tiles and polyurethane insulation. We are talking about thermopanels.
Special features
Clinker thermopanels are a material that simultaneously performs the function of insulation and the function of a decorative facade material. Structurally, the thermopanel includes several layers.
- Clinker tiles, as a part of which natural clay of special fat grades. Raw materials are subjected to high-temperature firing, thereby acquiring increased strength and moisture resistance.Externally, the clinker is similar to the surface of the brickwork. Depending on the type of material, it can imitate brick of different sizes and shades, aged brick, as well as stone surfaces from wild or processed stone. The thickness of the clinker is in the range of 7–15 mm.
- Heater, thanks to which low thermal conductivity of the tile is achieved. The most common because of its technical properties is polyurethane foam. When combined with clinker, it forms a non-combustible product, since both components are not exposed to fire, and under the influence of high temperatures do not emit toxic compounds. Polystyrene can act as a substitute for polyurethane foam. The thickness of the insulating layer is from 30 to 100 mm.
- A layer of marble crumb or compressed wood chips, which acts as a reinforcing component, gives the plate additional rigidity. In addition, if we are talking about a layer of chips, it also contributes to improving the thermal efficiency of the material. This is due to the fact that chips are made from coniferous wood, which is characterized by its ability to retain heat well.
All layers are securely fastened together, forming a monolithic thermopanel. This design is the most popular among crack panels.
There are also two-layer options, which consist only of clinker and insulation, and four-layer, similar to three-layer, but have an additional refractory layer.
Fastening products on the facade is carried out "dry", through fasteners and systems, or "wet", using adhesives and other mixtures, methods. Thermopanels of the type PK-1, PK-2, having special locks that interlock with the frame elements, are fixed by the “dry” method. Panels of type PK-1F and PK-2F are more versatile, they can be glued to the facade or mounted on the batten. The choice of a particular method of installation is primarily due to the state of the foundation of the structure, the bearing capacity of its facade, as well as the thermal conductivity of the facade walls.
Advantages and disadvantages
The clinker tile itself is a demanded finishing material, which is quite logical, considering its high operational characteristics. However, clinker does not differ in heat efficiency, while its combination with insulation made it possible to obtain an even more efficient material for interior and exterior decoration.
Thermopanels with a clinker surface have the following advantages:
- high strength;
- long period of operation - up to 25–30 years;
- thermal efficiency of the material;
- improved sound insulation performance;
- preservation of the color of the material due to the absence of dyes in the composition of the raw material - this or that shade provides certain grades of clay and small changes in the technology of its roasting;
- resistance to temperature extremes;
- biostability - no mold, fungi and other life forms of microorganisms appear on the surface of the material, rodents bypass it;
- environmental friendliness;
- simplicity of installation - warming is carried out easier and faster due to the rejection of the alternate installation of insulation and cladding;
- universality in use;
- the ability to hide small defects of the wall surface when choosing a hinged facade;
- attractive and respectable appearance;
- moisture resistance, vapor permeability;
- high rates of fire safety;
- frost resistance;
- weather resistance
It is not surprising that the material with such impressive characteristics has a higher cost than many others.
Calling shortcomings, professionals and ordinary users note the large weight of the material, therefore it requires strengthening the facade and the foundation, its fragility in the process of transportation, installation and storage. Even falling from a small height, the clinker thermopanel can go cracked or burst.
Thanks to high-temperature air technology, it was possible to obtain a wet-resistant clinker. Indicators of its water absorption are 2–4%. This, in turn, favorably affects the thermal resistance of the thermopanel. It withstands up to 150 cycles of freezing and defrosting (this amount is enough for 60-70 years of operation), without changing its technical characteristics. Insulation is also characterized by low moisture absorption, which is 0.5–1%.
Strength indicators are also quite impressive, averaging 3 kg / cm². This means that it will be necessary to apply a force of at least 10 kg to tear at least one element of the thermopanel from the wall. In practice, an attempt to divide a thermopanel into layers ends in the worst case with the destruction of the panel, but not with its division into layers.
All types of thermopanels belong to the class G-1, that is, they are materials that do not support combustion. A feature of polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam is unstable to UV exposure. Under the influence of the sun's rays, the upper polymer layer of insulation is destroyed, which causes a violation of the strength of the material. The use of a protective layer of mineral chips or wood chips in some way eliminates this disadvantage. However, the proper transportation and storage of material will help prevent the destruction of the insulation.
To transport and store it should be in the package, it is important to keep open packages with clinker thermopanels from sunlight.
The clinker panels can have various dimensions. There is no single standard governing size requirements. The most common plates 113x65 cm, as the most convenient to install. The weight of the material varies between 10–23 kg and depends on the thickness. The front clinker panels are usually larger and thinner, and the socle ones are characterized by smaller dimensions, but greater thickness.
Installation rules
The first step is to calculate the required number of panels.To do this, you need to find out the area of the facade (multiply its length by the width), as well as the sum of the areas of all door and window openings. Further, the second is taken from the first value. The resulting result is the area provided for the cladding.
Knowing the size of the tile, it will be possible to easily calculate how many pieces are required for cladding 1 m². Usually, this information even contains instructions for the material. The resulting number of tiles for one m² can only be multiplied by the number of m² to be finished. If a fractional number is obtained, it is rounded up. In addition, we must not forget that a reserve is needed - usually it is another 7–15% of the material of the total.
Facing the house should begin with the preparation of wall surfaces. They should be cleaned and leveled. If a hinged system is used, it is possible not to strive to eliminate all minor defects.
It is necessary to apply 2–3 layers of primer to the surface, which will protect the facade from moisture and microorganisms, as well as improve the adhesion of materials. Further, along the basement, 20 cm below the floor level, an aluminum profile is mounted - this is a kind of start for subsequent clinker rows.Begin laying the panels at the bottom left corner, laying out a horizontal row.
Glue is applied both on the surface of the walls and on the tile. Smear glue on the wall should be on the area, a little larger area of the tile. Apply glue to the tile should be on the wrong side, it is more convenient to do this with a notched trowel. Further, the panel is pressed against the wall, leveled and held for some time for better fixation.
The material should not be laid end to end, it is necessary to maintain a small gap between the elements. This allows the use of construction beacons. In its absence, a steel bar with a circular cross section of 6–8 mm in diameter will be suitable.
For the corners, you can use special corner elements or fasten panels from each angle of the sides, keeping the joint at the sharpest point. After the glue dries, all joints are sealed with a silicone-based compound. As the last sticking seams treated grout. It must be moisture resistant and flexible. The tint of the grout is selected in the color of the panels to create the effect of a monolithic wall or the tone is darker or lighter than the shade of the base material, then a very realistic imitation of brickwork is obtained.
A slightly different installation of the hinged system.
- A subsystem is mounted on the prepared surfaces from metal profiles or wooden logs.
- Metal elements should have anti-corrosion protection, and wooden surfaces of the sheathing should be impregnated with antiseptics and flame retardants. It is attached to the facade with dowels.
- Further, thermopanels are hung on the crate with the help of fasteners. In some cases, the wall under the crate is protected by a vapor-permeable film, for example, when laying panels on aerated concrete.
In this way, ventilated facades are usually organized. Their characteristic feature is the air gap between the wall and facing material.
Important point: when calculating the required amount of material for the facade of the hinged type, you should calculate the area of the batten, and not the facade. If we neglect this rule, then the material may not be enough.
During the work it is impossible to avoid situations when the clinker panel needs to be cut. To do this, it is better to use two tools: for clinker - with a diamond disc, a layer of insulation - with a thermal knife. This will avoid cracking tiles and falling out of particles of insulation in the place of the cut.
Manufacturers and reviews
Today on the market there are many varieties of thermopanels. Trust is only known brands with a good reputation. High-quality clinker has long been produced in Germany.
Today, clinker-coated thermopanels can be found in the products of German companies Feldhaus Klinker, Stroeher, ABC. They are of the highest quality, almost always have a reinforcing layer and fire protection coating. The latter guarantee the safety of products and their durability. Among the shortcomings is the high cost of production.
Polish panels are about 20% cheaper than German counterparts. However, leading companies carry out production according to German technologies. The result is more affordable products that are not inferior in quality to German ones. Among the Polish brands of thermopanels that have received high user ratings, it is worth noting Przysucha and Cerrard.
Among domestic manufacturers for a long time there were no those who produce quality products. Fortunately, today the situation is beginning to change - decent clinker panels Manufacturers from Russia, such as Front Material Workshop, Termosit, UMB and FTP-Europa, are now also offering manufacturers. Demonstrating good quality, these panels have a 20–30% lower cost compared to European products.
Plates based on polyurethane foam usually have a higher cost than analogs with foamed polystyrene. This is due to the best thermal insulation properties of polyurethane foam, the best indicators of environmental friendliness and fire resistance.
To learn how to make installation of facade thermopanels, see the video below.