House with garage: beautiful and functional design

Living in a country house requires a garage for one or more cars. Garage can be built as an independent building, and you can make it part of the house. The two-in-one option is often preferred because of its practicality. There are many ways of combining homes for people and cars. If you wish, you can find a solution that fully satisfies the requests both in terms of layout, and in design, and in the material from which the structure is being built.
Advantages and disadvantages
A private house with a garage under one roof has several advantages:
- Without unnecessary material investments the garage can be made warm by connecting it to the heating system of the house itself.
- You can also hold a plumbing and sewer in the garage, which will make this room even more comfortable.
- Heated storage space for a car can be endowed with functions of a workshop or gym, place a sauna here, or simply give a part of the space for storing inventory. It is also convenient to make a basement for vegetables and pickles.
- Residents of the house at any convenient time can go into the garage as easily as in any of the rooms in the house. Season and weather outside the window in this case will not play any role.
- Another advantage is the saving of free land area. This is especially important when you put on the minimum, and you want to have as much space for greenery as possible in your own possessions.
- Saving construction and finishing materials. Since the garage and the house share a roof, the foundation and one of the walls, the construction will be cheaper and the necessary work can be done faster.
- Security of property in the garage. It is almost impossible to steal a car from such a vault and take out valuables, since the noise created during the theft will be immediately heard by the tenants, unlike the situation when the garage is located separately.
There is a house with a garage and its drawbacks:
- possible penetration of technical noise and odors into the residential part of the building;
- the wall between the house and the garage has no window.
Although it is impossible to call all this insurmountable problems. There are opportunities to compensate for such inconveniences. In order to minimize the influence of the “garage life” on the life of the house, you can install a reliable door between the residential and technical zones or even make a vestibule. The garage itself is better located on the north side of the building, which, in combination with a deaf adjacent wall, will even reduce energy consumption.
Combined with the house garage can be attached in different ways:
- In the basement of the house. This option is good if the residential building is located on a plot that has a slope. But if the entrance to the underground garage involves a steep descent, it is inconvenient to use it. It should be borne in mind that the construction of such a technical room will be particularly expensive. His device requires serious excavation. Moreover, it is possible to venture on this option only at a certain level of groundwater.
- In the elevated part, under the living quarters. In this way, you can save some space.plot, but the house becomes higher and the whole life of its inhabitants passes mainly at the level of the attic floor. On the ground floor, as a rule, there is a kitchen with a dining room and a living room, as well as a bathroom. With such a home configuration, it is important to work out the ventilation system well, so that carbon monoxide from a running machine does not get into the living rooms.
- Elevated garage attached to the side. This option is convenient because this technical room can be built next to the house already in the process of housing operation, and not to build it simultaneously with the main building, as in the first two cases.
- Garage connected to the house by a shed or through a gallery. Such an object, in fact, can be called a separate building. But due to the single roof of the house for people and for cars, it is perceived as one. In this case, the garage will be harder to make warm, but you can also approach it without any problems in any weather and at any time of the year. This kind of configuration combining the house and the technical building allows you to eliminate problems with noise and smell from the car.
When designing you need to consider the size of the garage. Its area is very important in the conditions of country life. Even the smallest and simplest should allow for vehicle maintenance.It is necessary that on each side of the machine there should be no less than seventy centimeters of free space. This will give the opportunity to move quietly in the process.
The machine itself should easily enter and leave its “home”. The required entry width is at least 2.5 meters with a height of at least 2 meters.
Often it is necessary that the garage was really large, designed for at least 2 cars. If the land itself is very small, you will have to be satisfied with the built-in technical room, narrow in shape, in which the cars will be arranged like wagons on the railway.
This is inconvenient, because every time, in order to drive a distant car out of the garage, you will have to drive out from under the roof to the second one, which locks the passage. Or you need to design the garage so that it will be on two sides, although it will not be easy in a small area.
A serious question when combining a garage with a house is a roof device. Often, homeowners choose the option of a gable roof. Such a device will be the least financially costly and technically simplest to implement.Although over the house you can design a single-pitch roof, and above the garage is completely flat. Due to this, the silhouette of the house is quickened. Only it is necessary to give serious attention to the device of a drain. To finally get a house with a garage that you need, the easiest way to contact a professional. He will make a competent project, taking into account all the wishes of the customer and the technical nuances necessary for compliance with the construction.
The architect will provide the construction plan and drawings, on the basis of which you can correctly complete the foundation, all the floors, the roof, as well as engineering communications.
For a basis, you can take a typical project, which will only need to be tied to the area, and you can order an individual one. The second option will be much more expensive, but you will get a truly practical and unique architectural object.
Based on ready-made projects, you can develop your own, but even in this case it would be more correct to get advice from a professional.
The perception of a residential building depends largely on how the garage and the house are combined under the same roof. During construction, you can get not only housing with an attached garage, but also a garage that has an extension for living.Only the garage doors, which have impressive dimensions, detract from themselves a significant part of their attention when they perceive the entire structure as a whole. When designing, it is sometimes important to make sure that their sizes do not visually suppress everything else.
If we are talking about a country house with a bath, which is sometimes operated only in the summer, the owners may be unimportant that the residential part becomes the “appendage” to the building, which has significant economic importance. Although in this case there are decent composite solutions. If we are talking about a respectable suburban housing, architectural and design components come to the fore.
Getting to the point with taste and skill, you can build a building with a large double garage and a loft or residential second floor. Due to the beautiful silhouette of the roof and decent design of the walls, the structure will be perceived harmoniously. The garage in this case will not look like something heavy. Such a structure will look good in a narrow area. In order to have enough space for accommodation, it is necessary to "grow" up.
Arranging an overground garage, you can get a house with a terrace or with an extension to the garage located above it.It will be a good resting place, workshop or office - it all depends on the needs of the tenants. A house with a bay window and a small garage part attached to the side will look picturesque.
The garage in the house with the basement does not distract attention, giving a focus on the overall design of the building. At the same time, the owners have a building not only with a garage, but also with a basement, which can be endowed with additional economic functions.
A modern country house is perfectly combined with a garage, a swimming pool, and a sauna at the same time.
In the implementation of the architectural idea it is undesirable to allocate a garage with a special color. It must comply with the general style and be made of the same building materials as the main building.
The variety of materials
The choice of building materials will determine not only the price, but also the appearance of the house with a garage, as well as its functional features.
One of the most affordable options is to build a wooden house. from profiled bar or rounded logs. Living in such houses is comfortable, they breathe well. You can be calm for the environmental safety of being in them.The problems of decay and fire safety are also successfully solved in our time thanks to a special material processing.
Many companies offer their services for the construction of wooden houses, having in addition their own production of building materials and structural elements of future houses. You can choose a project from a huge number of standard or order a special one.
The tree allows you to build buildings in several floors. Turning to a reputable company, you can get a house made in accordance with the wishes of the customer and the requirements of regulatory documents. Elements of the future construction will be prepared at the factory, and in the course of manufacturing the assembly kit, a strip or slab foundation will be made. Building a log house as such takes little time.
You can select and technology frame housewhich has long been used in Scandinavian countries and in America. This is also a relatively inexpensive construction option. The basis for such a structure, which has a small weight, can be lightened, and therefore not very costly from a financial point of view.
For the construction of the house, you can also choose a traditional brick and various blocks produced by different technologies.
Brick house Traditionally, it is an indicator of prestige and respectability, since the construction of such a structure involves a large amount of manual labor. There are many typical projects of brick cottages. Documentation for the construction is done by architects upon the order of the future owner.
In this case, one-story and two-story houses, for example, from foam blocks, demonstrate their best qualities, starting with high rates of energy saving. It is not by chance that this material is widely used in Russia, especially in the northern part of the country. It is durable and lightweight, which reduces the load on the foundation. The cost of building a house is not exorbitant.
Residential buildings are also being built. from CIP panels. CIP is a structural insulating panel used in the creation of frame structures. Inside there is insulation, and outside - oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood.
Houses of such material are seismic resistant, they have good performance on energy saving and noise insulation.Due to the fact that the material is generously impregnated with a flame retardant, it is one of the fire resistant. Such houses are durable, they are easily and quickly built.
Although it must be admitted that not every manufacturer of SIP panels supplies truly high-quality material to the market, so you need to be careful in this matter.
Beautiful examples for inspiration.
To find exactly your version of the ideal home with a garage, you can first get inspired by the ideas that designers offer.
- If you keep a balance between the residential part of the house and the garage, you can get an excellent architectural and design solution. The house is not lost on the background of the garage, and the entrance to the technical room has a large size, which is important for economic affairs.
- The house, connected with the garage gallery, allows you to intelligently manage the available land area and perfectly equip it.
- If the house is spacious, the garage will not dominate its background and become a hindrance to everyday life. The device of the intermediate room between the residential part and the garage solves the problems of penetration of unpleasant odors and engine noise into the rooms, and in the vestibule itself you can arrange a convenient pantry.
- If desired, you can build a house on the site, to which garages are attached on both sides. One - for two cars, the second - for one. The structure as a whole has the shape of the letter P.
- When combining the house and the garage in a U-shape, you can get a rather compact structure with direct access to the back of the yard. At the same time in front of the house itself there is a cozy corner of nature and convenient direct entry to the garage.
- The house on the site can be done quite succinctly. A residential building with a garage, built in the shape of a pencil case, will not distract attention from the natural landscape of the territory.
- The original design of the garage door and decorative elements throughout the building visually facilitate it from the technical room. Due to this, the building as a whole gets rid of excessive visual rudeness, which often occurs when the residential and economic parts join under one roof.
Next, a video review of the project of the house with a garage.