Ideas for interiors of houses from timber

A measured life away from the city bustle is not a fabulous perspective, but an achievable goal. Having decided to move out of town, you must be puzzled by the choice of material for a private house, and natural wood will be a good option. And there are a large number of ideas for the interior of log houses.
Special features
Many dream of their own country house. The wooden house from a bar - excellent option of environmentally friendly dwelling.
Bar-shaped residential building has an important feature, like any structure made of wood, it shrinks. But the shrinkage of houses from a bar has a percentage lower than the shrinkage of houses from logs - from 10 to 1% in the first year, depending on the type of bar.The waiting time for shrinking walls is a small price for the opportunity to live in a wooden house - a natural material that is good for health and has no flaws in brick buildings with artificial trim inside.
Build a house better in the winterwhen due to natural conditions the wood will be drier, less exposed to any physical impact.
Maximum shrinkage occurs in the first year after the installation of the log house, therefore the final design of door and window openings produced at the end of this period. Rounded logs will shrink the most - from 10%, profiled timber - 3-5%, and the least glued timber - about 1.5%.
It is important to choose lumber: all-natural wood (log and profiled timber) or with impurities (glued laminated timber).
The house of any timber requires insulation outside. Only to dig it in the conditions of Russia's climate is not enough. If you provide insulation, timber can be less expensive for the construction of the house thickness - from 20 cm.
Goals achieved by warming a house from a bar outside:
- reduced heating costs;
- tree protection from adverse effects;
- improvement of the facade of the house;
- preservation of usable area.
Cracks are formed in any wood, especially deep they will be in a log and a bar with a normal level of humidity. It does not affect the insulation, only on the appearance. Cracks and crevices need to be treated with special compounds.. The gaps at the joints caulk moss and jute felt.
Processing of wood with antiseptics prior to the start of construction work will provide it with protection against rotting and fungi.
Impregnation with oils will extend the life of the structure, improve the appearance and performance of wood.
Types of timber
The market of building sawn timber offers several types of logs, obtained by different ways of processing on the machine. This is a rounded log that has an equal diameter throughout the length and a profile, not profiled or solid bar of natural moisture (the log cuts the edge from 4 sides and it becomes rectangular or square cross-section), profiled dry bar or natural moisture, glued bar. Humidity of a dry bar makes up to 18%, a bar of natural humidity - from 20%.
There is also cheap lumber - imitation of timber, one side of which looks like timber. The shape of it looks like a more expensive wall paneling, but the external profile looks more like a bar.
Imitation of timber can sheathe the walls inside and outside the room. The paneling is mounted vertically, only horizontal mounts are provided for imitation.
Interior trim with imitation lumber completes the finish, creates a healthy microclimate and expands the possibilities of interior solutions. Exterior decoration imitation will provide complete similarity with the house of this bar.
A full-fledged country house is built from a rounded log, solid, profiled and glued timber - all types of logs require insulation, better than the outside in our climatic conditions.
The thickness of the dry planed timber (chamber drying) does not exceed 20 cm, therefore it is recommended to build baths from it - the thickness of the timber is from 15 cm, the outbuildings are 15-18 cm thick, and the houses for living in the warm season and in the fall are 20 cm thick.
The least expensive option for the construction of a natural wooden house with all the advantages will be a house from a simple cut timber. But The timber must be processed with all the necessary compositions for wood at the stage of preparation for the construction. And yet it must be externally insulated and lined, that is, sheathed. After all, trimmed timber - one of the cheapest lumber, it is not dried and not processed.
Advantages of this house:
- low thermal conductivity and low heating costs;
- warm;
- with excellent sound insulation;
- with the possibility of building a complex structure;
- no need to process the internal walls due to their natural decoration;
- breathable and eco-friendly.
This is an option for the owner of a modest budget and skillful hands: investments will require gradual, more personal labor costs are needed. In Russia, this is true for a large percentage of citizens who dream of their home.
A non-sheathed, more expensive house from a profiled bar will be cooler and increase heating bills due to high thermal conductivity - heat loss.
Types of partitions
In wooden houses, interior partitions are made from just a few materials using three main methods:
- frame technology method;
- shield;
- and the most expensive of 3, but also the most durable - by the method of construction of solid bar partitions.
The construction of internal walls is simple, the main thing is that the materials for them meet the standards of sanitary-hygienic and fire safety, are durable and light at the same time, in order to bear the minimum load on the wooden floors.
Choosing one of the methods, construct either:
- plank frame filled with noise insulation, thermal insulation and vapor barrier and subsequent plating with plywood or gypsum plasterboard;
- shield construction from perpendicularly located boards in 2-3 layers with cardboard or roofing material between them and finishing plaster;
- solid wall from a bar of small thickness with the desired plating - from sheets of fiberboard, drywall, plywood, imitation of a bar and without plating;
- metal profile batten for plasterboard partitions.
For beauty, extra natural light or to save space (in small houses) it is even possible to erect glass structures as partitions, they are cold, but they do not take space and let in light. Such unusual solutions are suitable for modern interior styles, such as eco-direction, which is also quite appropriate in a house of timber.
Construction options
Constructions of houses from a bar happen simple, typical and difficult. The exterior of log and lumber houses is peculiar and diverse, it can be made in the traditional Russian style, or it can be absolutely modern, which cannot be said about the interior.
The most technologically advanced styles such as techno, industrial style and hi-tech will be out of place in a house made of natural wood. Although the panoramic glazing at high ceilings, the lack of vertical partitions (open interfloor spaces) or plastered walls with modern materials of ceilings (when the natural wooden ceiling is sewn up, close the beams) expand the choice of interior solutions.
You can build a house from a timber yourself or order a design project to an architectural bureau, a company specializing in the construction of just such wooden houses.
For self-design there are special computer programs, using which you can take into account in the project the climatic conditions of your area of residence, as well as create the desired layout. For example, SEMA - software package for creating projects of houses from a bar,where you can accurately calculate the required amount of material and make a full estimate that will most beneficially affect the overall construction budget.
Houses can be of the country type - these are the cheapest options for wooden private buildings. Construction companies offer very convenient standard designs of very small buildings of 4x5, 5x6, 6x6 m in size - charming one-story houses with a loft or without it.
Attic can have a decent area for a bedroom or other rooms, and it is not a floor. Therefore, houses of the same area, but of different heights - one-storey with an attic and two-storey will have a different cost.
If you need to save money, then you should choose a house with an attic - this option will cost significantly less.
In typical one-story houses of a small area there will be a kitchen-dining room combined with a living room in which you can arrange an extra bed for 1-2 people, a vestibule, a bedroom on the attic floor, a combined bathroom, and an open small veranda. All of the above is enough for a summer holiday of a family of 3-4 people.
The interior of such a house should not be overloaded with details.It is better to paint the walls in light colors, the color “bleached oak” will be a very good solution.
Scandinavian style in a similar structure will help rational use of space, and the interior will not be boring or dark, thanks to the light painted walls and bright accents in the details and accessories.
For permanent residence choose more spacious two-story, three-story houses. They have a variety of layouts, can be at the request of the customer with or without a bay window, a complex interesting design.
There are a considerable number of ready-made ideas for the interior decoration of houses from a bar and a rounded log. Cottages of a large area and cozy houses of modest footage can measure - 7 by 7 m, 9x6 m, 12x15 m.
In large houses from a bar there are several bedrooms, panoramic windows, an emergency entrance, a spacious hall, and dressing rooms. They have balconies, covered verandas, terraces, separate technical rooms - boiler room, storerooms, open interfloor spaces may be present. The latter feature corresponds to the European trend in the design of rooms and allows you to choose the appropriate style.
Bay window, which gives new ideas for the design of the room - living room, dining room, increasing its useful area, gives a lot of natural light. The shape of the bay window in the houses of the timber is rectangular, pentahedral, trapezoid. It is arranged on the first or second floor.
So that the construction of the house does not weaken from this opening, it is strengthened with the help of unbroken crowns, reinforcing the frame, along the perimeter of the house above and below.
The roof should also be of a certain design, so as not to put pressure on the weak part of the facade. As the roof of the bay window can act as a balcony of the second floor.
Finnish houses are of greater interest - eco-friendly, decorative in appearance with all the simplicity of decoration and forms and comfortable inside. The size of the house, the number of floors, the layout is different. It can be mini-houses for 1-2 rooms and large houses, all have an original exterior design, in all layouts are carefully thought out.
The tree combines with stone, and the presence of an unusual outdoor fireplace is also characteristic. A modern Finnish house made of timber is fully consistent with the basic purpose of a wooden house: to bring people closer to their fundamentals - to nature.
The choice of style in houses from a bar or a rounded log has borders, but nevertheless it is various.
Wood implies a “warm” homely atmosphere, comfort, tradition. And this is not necessarily Russian traditions. This may be the rough charm of the chalet, the unusualness of the flexible forms of modernity, the sophistication of the classic interior, and the modern European trends organically incorporated.
Russian style in a luxurious log building will be one hundred percent hit, especially if you are truly in love with Russian culture and tradition. The processing of the walls requires a minimum, regardless of the chosen direction: the style of the fabulous Russian hut, peasant, merchant or noble directions.
That is, by the name of the direction it is already clear what the decor will be: coarse, exquisite or replete with complex interesting carvings. It all depends on the owner's personal preferences:
- Fabulous direction implies serious investments, because it needs a large number of complex woodcarving, which can not be much in this interior, it is present on almost all surfaces of furniture.And the stove, so necessary in any Russian interior, must necessarily be a true Russian stove. The walls can be roughly hewn, but at the same time polished and covered with oil or a thin layer of varnish. Textiles of a simple pattern should not attract attention, the main accents are carved wooden furniture, a stove and a raw look of log walls. The windows are small in relation to the size of the rooms.
- Peasant direction It does not need complicated carved details in the interior, here rough furniture of simple forms, slightly touched by a plane, chests that perform several functions, and all the same plain textiles are appropriate. The dishes for Gzhel or Khokhloma (you need to choose one type of painting) will fit into an antique-styled kitchen with wooden worktops and open hanging shelves with simple carving or painting. Zhostovo trays will decorate log or log walls.
- Merchants and nobles could afford a lot. By choosing one of the corresponding stylistic directions (merchant hut or Russian noble nest)Depending on your choice, you can order exquisite carved furniture with classical elements and ennoble the walls or decorate the furniture and other wooden interior details with beautiful carvings made in the characteristic Russian traditions.This way, wooden railing balusters, solid wood tables and chairs can be decorated.
A stove with tiles will complement the picture in either case, only you need to choose a model with a painting that corresponds to the overall design of the room. It may be thin graceful painting, giving the effect of airiness, lightness of the interior of the living room, dining room, kitchen (such tiles are used in the kitchen apron) in soft white-blue or beige-pink tones.
Another variant - painted with vivid floral ornaments or cheap prints. Monochrome tiles with deep dark glazes - purple, brown, and maroon - are also chosen. Highlighting the stove as an art object, they contrast with the light background of the walls and the calm colors of the rest of the interior decoration of the room.
The stove can be a central element of the style and carry mostly decorative load, or it can be an additional device for space heating, especially if you reproduce the old layout of the Russian izba, setting the stove at the junction of two rooms. The oven can have modern technical stuffing, and then it will be convenient to cook food in it.
The ancient spirit of the Russian style is contrary to the mood of European layouts. Choosing a laconic house from a profiled or glued timber with an open plan and a simple rectangular geometry of space, you need to give preference to one of the modern styles, Scandinavian, for example. Moreover, Scandinavians value natural wood in furniture and decoration. Will look beautiful wooden floor, parquet.
Ease Scandinavian style give space and lack of excess in the decoration and decoration. Therefore, having painted the walls and selected comfortable furniture and a minimum of accessories, it will be possible to close the issue of interior filling of the house in this style. Even if the house has a panoramic glazing, the curtains are hardly useful in the Scandinavian interior, if only unobtrusive, light, translucent, there should be a lot of natural light.
The walls should be painted in light pastel colors, warm or cold and already to them to choose the local color of furniture upholstery, modern and comfortable.
Accents should be arranged carefully: throw a cozy blanket using the patchwork technique on the sofa, hang a large photo on the wall and this will be enough for color accents.There should be as much functional furniture as necessary, but it should not clutter the room. Light racks and open shelves will be useful, so that everything you need is at hand, they are perfectly attached to wooden walls.
Such an extreme style option for a wooden house, as the loft is completely unsuitable for log houses, and the more log buildings. Its industrial design with huge areas, open communications, metal, concrete or plastic in the decoration and furniture is contrary to the very idea of a wooden house - proximity to nature, family traditions and comfort. And the Finnish interior in the house from a bar, on the contrary, completely corresponds to it.
Finnish interior style - This is a variation of the Scandinavian style. Here, the same functionality of modern furniture, light surfaces of the premises, a minimum of decor and color.
High technology of the house, coarsely finished large stone fireplace, which can be a bio fireplace (it does not harm nature), multifunctional furniture, when to save space, even in beds can be built-in drawers.Perhaps his main idea is the peace and comfort of the people living in such a house.
Styles of the interior with a lot of wood in the decoration and furniture, such as chalet, country, grunge also fit perfectly into the design of a wooden house. Together with the Russian style, these will be the most organic solutions for log and timber houses. But not only they convey the warmth of the hearth and the family traditions. Interior in english style able to compete with them in these parameters.
Not everyone likes a lot of free space, coarse ceiling beams or simple wooden furniture. In the English interior, all the space is filled with furniture and that’s what someone needs..
Leather sofas and chairs "with ears" upholstered in expensive fabrics or leather will be appropriate in the house of the bar, the main thing is that they stand by this fireplace in a classic style. It is better to paint the walls in light shades, not saturated, as in the original English style. Then expensive dark furniture from elite wood will not darken the space.
Many adopted in the English-style accessories on the background of light gray, for example, the walls will look harmonious.And in order to observe the principles of proportionality and restraint in the English interior, you need to pay attention to the design of the ceiling: it is painted in one light color with the walls or sewn completely and plastered.
The ceiling with wooden moldings will be a very advantageous option..
A large number of correctly arranged furniture (according to the principles of classical proportionality) will create a balance of furnishings and provide the room with home comfort.
For the English style, a closed layout is suitable, that is, if it was originally open in a timber house, then it will be necessary to erect walls and provide beautiful wooden doors in an elegant classical style too.
Modern will stand in one row with the styles used in the interiors of houses of timber. In it, all ideas are taken from nature - the wrong geometry of the furniture speaks of natural natural forms, plant motifs can be traced everywhere. It will be the most decorative interior among all listed for wooden houses.. Since the walls should be only a modest background for unusual objects of this interior, they should be painted in low-key colors,so that they do not over-attract attention and do not suppress with their natural textural decoration. Curtains with a floral motif is quite appropriate.
As you can see, there are quite a few ideas for interior decoration of rooms in timber and log houses, there are plenty to choose from.
Interior examples
Let's consider different stylish options for interior solutions in wooden houses:
- The Finnish style of this interior is devoid of decoration and attractive due to the use of 1-2 light colors in furniture, accessories and decoration. Everything breathes with peace of mind and warmth.
- The English-style cabinet in the house is made of timber with light walls, dark brown ceiling beams and curtains of the same color and leather upholstered furniture.
- Black and white interior with a dark floor in the house of a complex structure made of an open plan rounded log.
See more in the next video for even more interesting interiors for timber houses.