How to make a frame for a mirror with your own hands?

Diversify the interior with their own hands easy. An ordinary mirror can turn into a work of art thanks to its own frame. For decoration, you can use both expensive and valuable materials, and improvised means. Properly chosen design of the frame for the mirror will make any room more stylish.
Special features
Self-made frames for mirrors have their own features and advantages.
Among the most worth noting the following:
- You can choose the material yourself. So, you can create an environmentally-friendly frame. Often, manufacturers process products with chemicals that can harm you. In the case of self-production, this property is excluded.
- The budget of the product. Making the frame will require less financial costs than its purchase.
- Uniqueness. You are free in your imagination and you can create a unique product. Additional decor can be very diverse, from ribbons to carving. This item is especially important for those who love original solutions.
Material selection
If you decide to make a frame with your own hands, then get ready for creative dilemmas. When choosing a material, rely on your own preferences and the overall style of the apartment. The frame for the mirror can be built even from paper tubes or cardboard. By the way, the smallest family members can be attached to the manufacture of such a frame. Consider the most interesting materials.
Such products are lightweight and durable. Frames can be installed in rooms with high humidity. If you get the color of the product, just repaint it. Models of polyurethane baguette suitable for mirrors round and oval. Baguette frame is easy to manufacture, the material is easily cut and behaves obediently during operation.
Certain skills will help you if you need a metal frame.Aluminum frame will require less effort. This material is subtle and docile. Forged model - the top of professionalism. This frame will add luxury and charm to the room.
-Mirror glass
Oddly enough, the mirror frame is very popular. It is not difficult to make it, it is enough to get that special glass with a dusting. So you can build a frame of many small mirrors.
The soft frame is an interesting and original version. Leather design can be voluminous. To do this, fill it with padding polyester or other similar filler. Alternatively, leatherette can be used. So it will be cheaper. Such a frame for mirrors fit perfectly into the interior of a bedroom or living room.
Fans of non-standard solutions can make a frame of rope or rope. Such a model will perfectly fit into the style of any apartment. Avoid this framing of mirrors in the bathroom and in the kitchen, as moisture and temperature drops will not benefit the material. Moreover, such a frame is not so easy to clean.
-Mounting foam
Such material can be both basic and auxiliary.For example, you can fill a bamboo cavity with foam or just make such an original finish.
Interesting and noble material. If you have skills in working with wood, you can make a carved frame or burn a drawing. If there are no skills, then use branches. Of these, you can build an original decor with the children. Moreover, you do not even have to spend money on the material - just take a walk and collect branches of the right size. You can make a base of plywood and glue natural materials on it.
More often, the material is used as an addition, but the whole product can be made of plaster. Gypsum stucco is able to decorate a frame made of wood or any similar material. For more aesthetics, paint all coatings in one color. This model will fit well into the room with an interior in the style of classic, retro, baroque.
You need to choose the color carefully. Estimate the overall color scheme of the room and select either a similar or contrasting color. Black and white frames are considered classics. Such universal colors will fit into any interior. A great option if you do not want to focus on the mirror.
Decorate the living room frame in bronze or gold model. So, you will focus on the mirror. This product looks rich and elegant. Feng Shui recommends making the frame just so that they attract attention. It is believed that a mirror with this design brings good luck, and also attracts positive energy.
An interesting option is a colored frame. Such a product is suitable for any room, bring brightness to the interior. Colors should be chosen deliberately so that they do not enter into discord with the overall design. You can use not only the color base, but also colorful decor on a white background.
How to do?
You can make a frame for a mirror from any material that you like. Creating a product from improvised means does not require special expenses and can be a real family entertainment. Want to make a quick decor for an oval or round mirror?
Try this option:
- Using a marker and a ruler make a pattern around the circumference.
- Stick a tape or tape on the mirror that does not leave any marks. Go outside the mirror to make it easier to remove the film later.
- Armed with a special knife that does not scratch the mirrors, cut the lines in the film in accordance with the pattern.
- Take a can of paint and splash the entire surface of the mirror.
- After complete drying, remove the film and enjoy the result.
For mirrors of this shape, you can make a frame of 7-8 plugs from toilet paper. For a base take a thick plywood. Paint the workpiece in black, after drying, glue the mirror. Paint the sleeves in the same color, and after drying, cut them into circles of 1 cm, give the shape of leaves.
Next, follow the instructions:
- Glue the leaves of 5 pieces each: 4 leaves are fastened with corners, and the last one is glued on top. So, the blank is like a little man with legs, arms and head. We also glue all the leaves.
- Using hot glue to attach the workpiece to the base of the mirror. Here you can show imagination and group the workpiece at its own discretion.
- Next you need a mount for mirrors. For a thick and heavy product you will need 2 fasteners, and for a light one is enough. Pass a rope or wire through them, make a loop.
For a large floor mirror, you can make a massive, heavy frame. The usual, without surplus, wooden frame and the decor of small vases, in which you can put flowers or useful things, will work well.Such a mirror will be both beautiful and functional. For a rectangular and square mirror, make a frame of wood or ceiling moldings.
From wood
The self-made wooden frame will decorate any mirror. For the manufacture will require the following:
Key material is any. A simple wooden frame can be made from branches or from saw cut, even snags can be used. The main thing is to keep the material dry, otherwise it is impossible to avoid deformation or rotting. Carved frames are made from natural walnut, cedar or wenge. Threading requires special skills, so you may need sketches, but for beginners to do such work will be extremely difficult. You can also use MDF and similar materials.
All frame elements must be securely fastened. Otherwise, the product will simply fall apart into components during use. The fastening elements include corners, wood glue, screws. All this you will find in the nearest hardware store.
- Decor
This item includes paints, varnishes, ropes, stones and more. There are no restrictions, and it all depends on your wishes. Consider that a surplus of decorative elements spoils the aesthetics of the frame.
For the manufacture of a simple frame enough hacksaws for wood and a hammer. For more complex options you may need a screwdriver, electric jigsaw, circular saw. To create a carved frame, get a set of incisors.
Master-class on making a simple frame in 5 steps:
- For the manufacture of use door trim from wood. Knowledge of the basics of carpentry work will help you to make a concise mirror frame.
- We make 4 elements under each side of the mirror. The inner edge of the fragment should be 1 cm shorter than the corresponding side of the base. Trim parts need at an angle of 45 degrees.
- On the back of the slats, make small grooves to accommodate the mirror canvas.
- For fastening the slats, use the building corners They will serve for fastening the canvas itself.
- As a decor, you can paint the product and cover it with a special varnish.
-From ceiling skirting
The material gives vent to fantasy, so you can choose the pattern and width. The frame for the mirror of the ceiling plinth is simple. To begin with, fix the mirror itself on a chipboard or plywood. Such simple manipulation gives a guarantee of reliability.
Follow the instructions below:
- Cut 4 sides out of the ceiling plinth. The length of the inner edge should correspond to the length of the corresponding side of the mirror.
- Connect the parts with hot glue.
- Cover the product with putty on all sides. Wait until dry.
- The frame is almost ready to do it yourself. At this stage it is necessary to paint and varnish. To give it a vintage look, it is necessary to process the product with a sponge with gold paint.
How to make?
The frame design includes the choice of shape, color and additional decor. In this matter, you can give free rein to fantasy and make an exclusive work of art. Strict and laconic frames look good in some styles of interior and in rooms for work (cabinets). In other cases, approach the issue of design with creative.
Shape selection
Four classic frame shapes can be distinguished: a circle, an oval, a square and a rectangle. Such products are truly universal. Making a standard frame for a mirror is easy, and it will perfectly fit into any interior style. True, limited to such a set of forms is not necessarily. Geometry throws a lot of interesting options.For example, you can make a frame in the form of a polygon or parallelepiped.
Create a cloud-shaped frame and place some round mirrors there. Products in the form of animals will amaze your guests. You can put such a mirror in plain sight. Choose an animal is either among loved ones, or among those that are easier to make. Also look great frame in the form of flowers.
The design for the mirror may have abstract forms. Wavy edges or monograms in different directions will give the product originality, and also make the mirror one of the central elements of the decor. If you are using in the manufacture of branches, then just do not cut them under a single line - this will make a unique form.
The interior in a classic style with a predominance of natural shades will decorate a wooden frame. As a decor, you can make a carved and veneered pattern. The color of the frame can vary from natural to classic white and black.
The room in the Baroque style will decorate the frame with plaster molding. An abundance of openwork details can be achieved with the help of woodcarving, but special skill is required here. The color of the frame is gold, bronze or silver.
Romantic Provence or ethno-style welcomes the framework of natural wood with crossed slats. Floral print on the perimeter of the product - the appropriate decor. Choose the color of crafts among the bed tones, and flashy or too dark colors are not recommended. Also, these styles imply decorating frames with beads, embroidery, herbarium.
Experts recommend using a frame with a mosaic or pieces of plates in rooms with natural styles. Directions of fusion and art deco suggest a more daring decor. You can arrange a mirror with the help of old discs, clothes pegs, plastic spoons, and even an egg-shell.
Decorate art glass frames with rhinestones, rhinestones, coins or beads, and for the country pick up burlap and food supplies (coffee, cinnamon, figurine pasta, plant roots).
Have you chosen a retro style? Then we make a semi-antique frame. There are many ways to do this. You can use special tools, paint the product with golden paints or tear down the top layer of varnish. Aged wooden frame is also suitable for Provence style.
There are so many ways to design a frame that it is simply impossible to list everything.Consider the most popular options.
- Mosaic
A very popular decor that can transform even a plastic frame. As fragments, you can use fragments of tiles, porcelain tableware or colored glass. A standard decorative mosaic is ideal, the easiest to work with.
- Products
Glue coffee beans or spices around the frame perimeter. Often use curly pasta, which is subsequently painted from a can. You can glue the frame with bean grains.
- Seafood
To create a marine theme, glue the frame with seashells with stones. You can complement the decor with a rope and figures of fish or anchors.
Extremely interesting, refined and simple style of decoration. To do this, you need special napkins and a little patience. You can create a frame with a charming drawing without drawing skills.
-Disposable tableware
Disposable spoons - a popular way to decorate frames. It is enough to cut the handles, glue the perimeter, and then paint it with spray paint. Similarly, you can use knives with forks.
- Textiles
You can arrange the frame using textiles. The laced surface of the lace will make the product more romantic.With the help of skinned skin will be able to emphasize the individuality of the host.
- Paper
Decorate the frame can be blanks of paper. These can be both colored elements and various forms of papier-mâché.
Wall mount
Self-made frame with a mirror attached to the wall should be so that it does not collapse on occasion. Consider the most reliable mounting methods.
For such an attachment on the back of the frame you need to make a loop or a ring. Further actions are simple. Screws and dowels choose, based on the material of the wall. For example, for a plasterboard surface, you need "butterflies."
Fasteners and hooks are designed for a certain weight, which means that the mirror in the frame must be weighed. Next, make a few fittings. Determine the correct position of the hooks and fasteners on the frame so that the mirror hangs evenly. In the marked points on the wall, drill holes for the screws. Attach hooks with them.
With this type of fastening, it is recommended to glue special protective fabric linings to the corners of the frame. Thus, the mirror will not scratch the wallpaper on the wall.
- Double-sided tape
This option is suitable for products up to 1 kg.The surface of the wall and frame should approach the ideal of evenness and smoothness. Double-sided tape can only be used in rooms with normal humidity.
First, lean the mirror against the wall, make notes. It is impossible to correct the construction after gluing, therefore at this stage be as careful as possible. Clean the wall and frame from dust and grease. For this you can use alcohol.
Double-sided tape should be at least 2 cm wide. Stick it strips across the entire height of the back of the frame. Between them, leave a space of about 5-10 cm. Remove the top layer of protective tape and glue the frame to the wall. In the process, press on the frame over the entire area.
- Clay
This mounting method is suitable for small mirrors. Glue more reliable than tape. Can be used in the bathroom. Use a special construction glue, because no other can cope with this task.
The preparation is done in the same way as with the scotch tape. It is necessary to make a marking and degrease the surface. Glue is applied to the frame according to the instructions. Better to do vertical stripes and leave about 10 cm between them.Another option - apply glue points.
Ideas for inspiration
Designers and skilled craftswomen are ready to share interesting ideas with newbies:
- The unusual frame can be decorated with plates with staples for staplers. Brilliant product can be painted with spray paint in any color.
- Beautiful and budget frame of clothespins looks stylish and expands the functionality of the mirror. You can leave messages for households.
- Decoupage in oriental style - original and fashionable frame design.
- Decorate the frame with shards of broken dishes.
- You can make a frame of newspaper tubes or magazines, and then paint under the tree.
How to make your own elegant frame for a mirror, see the next video.