Sandblast pattern on the mirror: application and care

 Sandblast pattern on the mirror: application and care

The mirror is sometimes a mystical piece of furniture, the scope of which is undeservedly narrowed. Mirror surfaces are able to expand the boundaries, create the illusion of bizarre textures and the play of light. After all, a mirror is not only a mandatory attribute in every woman’s arsenal, a functional unit of a bathroom or a lonely hanging hallway detail, it is an opportunity to create your own mirror, a setting that meets your character and needs.

Today, giving a mirror an unusual shape or decorating it with an interesting frame is not the whole range of designers' ideas.Very effective is the application on the glass surface of the pattern using sandblasting technology.

Special features

Sand blasting is not only a chance to create a unique element of decor, but also a whole work of art. The mirror surface treated in this technique expands the space, gives a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, without losing its original purpose.

Sandblast decoration of the mirror area is an amazing opportunity to make any interior stylish, unique and at the same time practical.

The scope of such decorative elements is huge:

  • paintings, murals, mirrors;
  • furniture fronts, cabinets, kitchen aprons;
  • countertops coffee, coffee and dining tables;
  • ceilings;
  • interior doors and partitions, the doors of showers and saunas;
  • balcony and stair railings.

If you decide to use this design option for your room, you need to note its numerous advantages:

  • relatively low cost in relation to showiness;
  • production efficiency;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • accuracy of transferring any forms and penumbra;
  • the possibility of registration of any areas;
  • making the pattern invoice due to multi-level processing;
  • the option of drawing a pattern on the inside of the mirror is retained, leaving the outside completely smooth.

Images do not grow dull, not showered, have moisture resistance, can be placed in any area of ​​your apartment.


Currently, sandblasting technology includes several design principles:

  • Reflective area with frosted image. The mirror surface itself is not painted over, you can look into such an object of the room decoration. Only the stencil itself is matted.
  • On a matte background mirror silhouette. In terms of functionality - not the best visualization. The display plane is too small, the pieces are often fragmented.
  • Bronze with sandblasting. Colors can be added to the reflective object, for this purpose they use glass staining during production or when applying a mirror layer. Nowadays, you can get a mirror image of any shade. White and bronze colors are in the greatest demand - they are neutral and are suitable for many color solutions of the interior.Products are wear-resistant, durable, have excellent glare and therefore successfully used in the decoration of both residential and office buildings.
  • Matting the entire perimeter with the placement of embossed priorities. The surface does not reflect at all, the flow of sand abrasive is made with varying intensity. As a result, some details are highlighted.
  • Deep impact. The mirror creates an illusion of volume due to the multi-layered work.

There are also such interesting processing techniques as color and luminous sand blasting. The first is characterized by the addition of bright accents to the main stencil. For the second - the use of a special substance that accumulates light during the day, remaining dull when illuminated. The trick is that the outlines of the pattern are clearly visible only in the dark and retain their glow for several hours.

In addition, the same element applied on different sides of the surface will have a different effect. If the decoration is applied to the external level, it will be as if double, reflected. The pattern, placed from the inside, is placed in the very thickness of reflection. When organizing the right lighting, such a masterpiece acquires bizarre "special effects".

Popular Images

The sanding principle of applying an abrasive today can be found not only in private apartments, but also in offices, in commercial areas, in public places. If this is a workspace, then the illustrations are made, in accordance with the company's activities, reflect logos or slogans. The interiors with the listed options are quite progressive, fashionable and conquering a growing audience of fans.

This design method is able to reveal any style, for example:

  • Classical. Patterns are laconic, contours are clear, symmetrical and proportional.
  • High tech. Drawings of simple shapes, delineated faces, are folded into clear ensembles.
  • Modern Ornate shapes, smoothed corners and intertwined wavy lines.
  • Country A huge variety of flowers and flower arrangements, vegetation, animals and birds. The motives of rustic simplicity are pleasant to the eye, cozy.
  • Ethnos. For squares, beaten in this vein, you must have supporting each other furnishings that emphasize traditional features. For China - tiger, reptiles, hieroglyphs, bamboo, pagoda; for Egypt, unusual bas-reliefs in which color blotches can be added; for the subtle world of the East - intricate arabesques.
  • Art Deco.Graceful, light touches, luxurious, rich, perfectly traced textured ensembles, the complete opposite of minimalism.

For any room there are unspoken rules for choosing a decor:

  • For the hall you can pick up a wide frame, landscape, city sketches.
  • For the living room, which is the face of the house, you can choose landscape sketches, vignettes, sockets. Everything will depend on the overall concept of the room.
  • The hall is intended for reception of guests, holding banquets. The more reflective zones, the more solemn the situation will appear. Perfectly fit: oriental openwork, various ornaments, figures of simple geometry - squares, rhombuses, circles. You can count a myriad of different options.
  • Bedroom. Mirrors here are not only decorative, but also functional purpose. Monumentality and pomp will be out of place. More suitable are single instances of living or fairy-tale creatures, plants, plot sketches, abstract patterns.
  • Children's The selection is strictly individual for the age and interests of the child. It can be favorite characters of fairy tales and cartoons, as well as silhouettes of toys, animals, flowers, sweets.A good idea would be placing a height meter. It is possible to provide illumination, then the mirror will acquire one more additional function - a night lamp.
  • Bathroom. The obligatory element of decorating this space will turn into a real masterpiece if it is decorated with an abrasive coating in the form of inhabitants of the sea or underwater plants.

Note that once sandblasting is not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, it is safe to place it in high-risk areas.

How to apply?

It is understandable that such an unusual design object is becoming increasingly popular. The cost of work in specialized workshops is relatively small, but in today's crisis realities, even such costs risk being an unbearable burden. Let us see how you can perform such a spectacular project on your own.

There are the following options for exposure to the surface:

  • deep - recreating the volume and drawing the texture of illustrations;
  • color - multicolored and luminescent images;
  • printed - modeling of an opaque velvety picture;
  • engraved - the design of a well-designed rapport.

For the industrial method of sandblasting, special equipment is needed, which, of course, is not available to the average man. But there is always a way to create a similar masterpiece at home.

You can independently create several texture options:

  • reflective with a matte pattern;
  • matte with mirror elements;
  • different levels of dullness.

To implement our plan, you need to prepare:

  • work surface;
  • glue (preferably in the form of an aerosol);
  • ready stencil with a picture (you can cut it yourself);
  • matting paste (either quartz sand and fine sieve, but then you may need a blast gun with a compressor);
  • alcohol.

Stages of work:

  • Using alcohol, degrease the work area.
  • Fix the stencil. If it is cut by hand, it will be more convenient to do it on adhesive paper, so that in the process of work there is no shift, and the outlines are distinct.
  • Apply a thick layer of pasta. It can not be saved, because when etching the mass for fifteen minutes, it will be possible to remove its surplus and use it again in the future.Leftover pasta washed under running water.
  • If you decide to use a gun, abrasive particles will mat the glass under the pressure of an air jet. The size of the effect will depend on their size - velvety or coarse-grained.
  • The final stage will be a careful removal of the stencil, wiping with a dry cloth to give the work brightness and clarity.

The decor, created with your own hands, will be original in any setting, so do not deny yourself such a pleasant opportunity for self-realization and decoration of your home space.

For information on how to make an analogue of sandblast pattern on the mirror with your own hands, see the following video.

How to care?

Despite the stability of the drawings made in this technique, it is worth adhering to some recommendations for the operation and care:

  • Delivery of mirrors at sub-zero ambient temperature involves unpacking and retrieving them only under the condition of prior daily keeping in a warm room.
  • After unpacking, do not lay mats between two blades. Paper, polyethylene and other insulating materials are not recommended.The best version of the transportation will be the construction of a large furniture shield or pyramid.
  • Parties exposed to sandblasting cannot be kept facing each other. It is also worth excluding the possibility of covering the matted surface with a protective film. It is better to store the mirror before installation on special pyramids, or at least vertically against the wall.
  • Contaminants from these planes are removed only by liquid slightly alkaline compounds, the acidity level of which is close to neutral. It is possible to use slightly soapy substances, compounds based on neutral shampoos, in which the presence of abrasive is not observed.
  • Use implies the protection of mirrors from power effects, interaction with piercing and cutting objects, aggressive and abrasive compositions.
  • It is not allowed to hit the matted part of the mirrors of fat-containing liquids and oils.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use acetone-containing liquids, gasoline, white spirit, cleaning and washing powders, glass cleaning compositions for the care.
  • It is not recommended to take painted substances for processing.
  • The compositions are applied to the object with a sponge foam sponge or cotton cloth, washed with plenty of water. Allowed to take microfiber cloths.
  • The use of synthetic and fleecy fabrics, colored rags is prohibited.
  • These decorative items are recommended to be placed mainly in enclosed spaces without temperature changes, with relative humidity up to seventy percent.

Interesting samples

Thanks to fashionable trends, many mirror manufacturers quite quickly picked up the idea of ​​creating spectacular mirror cloths using the sandblasting method discussed above. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the original interior design options for the hallway, living room, bedroom, children's room, bathroom and other rooms using such mirrors.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.