Houses in the English style

Each of us, sooner or later, thinks about settling down and sinking somewhere outside the city, having our own plot and our own family nest. When planning the future place of residence, we unwittingly follow the famous proverb - “My home is my castle”. As a rule, families want to live in large and inaccessible houses outside, but elegant and cozy inside. These are the qualities that are built in the English style.

Special features

Traditional English architecture was formed in the XVII century, when England occupied a dominant position among European countries. She personified first of all the power and strength, but with the typical British restraint and conservatism. It should be noted, and the fact that the British three hundred years ago tried to combine beauty and comfort in their homes.

Country buildings in the spirit of old England often resemble locks, a characteristic feature of which is a combination of brevity and luxury.

The following features of the buildings in the English style can be distinguished:

  • the predominance of natural materials;
  • windows are most often located at the bottom of the wall;
  • panoramic windows to create a room filled with light;
  • the roof is usually high, has an acute shape and several slopes;
  • use of canopies as an architectural detail;
  • simplicity of form, clear and restrained lines;
  • the presence of small terraces and adjacent lawns.


The classic two-story castle in the spirit of the Tudor era is brutal and impressive, such a house can be safely called an impregnable fortress. The construction of houses in the Gregorian style is based on simplicity and sophistication. Small single-storey buildings in a rustic style with a porch or terrace are common. Victorian mansion can be found out from all the others by its impressive size and abundance of decor. This country house looks luxurious and pompous.

Exterior options

The exterior of the Tudor mansion has a rather gloomy look - thick and inaccessible walls, pointed windows and stately gables and buttresses.There is necessarily a chimney rising above the house. The windows are small, but they are many. The roof has steep slopes, so the overall appearance is slightly asymmetrical.

The Gregorian houses are symmetrical, here you can see a lot of windows of elongated shape, decorated with arches. Brick is the main material for the construction of such houses. Mandatory detail is the gable in the central part and pilasters on the sides.

Victorian country buildings are richly decorated with carvings and consoles on the facade. The general view is slightly asymmetric, this is the fault of a large number of towers and extensions, as well as the acute-angled roof of a broken form.

Particular attention should be paid to the general appearance of the house and the adjacent plot. A small house in a rustic style perfectly complement the modest fence and a small garden in front of the house. A prerequisite is the observance of landscape traditions and the creation of the effect of untouched nature. Large country mansions perfectly complement the smooth pavement tiles, built-in garage and neatly trimmed trees.


When building a mansion in the English style, several types of materials are often used, for example, clinker bricks and stone.A special highlight of the country house will give high gables and walls lined with irregular stone or hand-made brick. The finished projects of modern houses are striking in their diversity, architects skillfully combine natural materials, traditional canons and new innovations in construction. Thus, create a functional and meaningful classics.

Gregorian-style buildings lack decor, but greens and ivy, ivivayuschy brick facade of the house, perfectly saves the situation. The facade gets a neat appearance due to the low foundation, restrained shades, as well as the roof, covered with tiles. But the elegant chimney is usually stone, in this contrast is an unsurpassed feature of English architecture. As for the color, the preference is given to a dark gray roof and light gray walls. A wooden terrace around the house, with a wonderful view of the lawn or pond, will be a great addition. The red brick buildings that remind us of the castles of fairy-tale heroes look impressive.


Intricate and prominent roof dominates the entire exterior of the English mansion.As a rule, in each house it is unique, and this is remarkable. Sharp inclinations are not at all a whim of the English aristocracy. First of all, such a design was created on the basis of the harsh natural conditions of England, it is necessary to protect the facade of a private mansion from adverse humidity and damp.

The roof occupies most of the building, but there are no attic rooms, so quite often you can find small rooms like an attic for old knick-knacks and tools.


An important point in the design are large panoramic windows. In addition to the panoramic windows are often multi-fold with interlacings. As a rule, traditional window openings are installed on the first floor of the cottage, they are placed just below the usual one. If the project allows, the creation of a second light will be an excellent architectural technique.

Interior finish

The English interior is considered to be one of the most complex and difficult to recreate. All because of such a characteristic feature, as eclecticism, or, in another way, a mixture of styles. The traditional English interior is associated with the name of Queen Victoria.In this era, Asian motifs, romantic themes, and details of the Baroque and Gothic periods were especially popular. Thanks to the thoughtful plans of the architects, all these elements contrasting with each other perfectly merged together in the solemn British interior.

To create an interior in the English style, you must use natural materials., while sufficiently high quality. The English style is characterized by the presence of a large amount of wood. This could include dark wood doors, the floor, baseboards, curtain rods, and wall cladding with wood panels, which blends perfectly with the wallpaper.

Modern technologies make it possible to use panels that imitate wood, which has a positive effect on the wallet.


The ceiling is usually painted white, with a cornice at the edges. Often there are decorations for walls and ceilings with stucco. Ceiling painting is often very skillfully executed, which is a distinctive technique for the design of the English interior. In the kitchen and in the bedroom, it will be appropriate to look at the wooden beams that imitate antique floors. Sometimes instead of wooden beams use plastic analogues.


In addition to wall cladding with panels, wallpaper is widely used in the interiors of English houses. The winning options will be a wallpaper with the coloring of the Scottish cell, wallpaper with wide stripes. Preferred colors are considered to be dark red and dark green. Do not forget about the rustic style. For the design of the kitchen and living room are perfect wallpaper in a small flower, with rosebuds or with plain ornaments - Indian motifs, birds, exotic flowers.

Quite often there is a combination of two favorite elements - on top of the wallpaper, and on the bottom wooden panels.


The floor is covered with tiles of light colors. For offices and living rooms characteristic parquet of dark wood. Often you can find carpets and small rugs, this detail creates the comfort and warmth of the home. Much more attention is paid to the British clean the floor, but do not forget that the floor should fit into the interior and do not spoil the overall look of the room and the whole house.


Traditional English interior is hard to imagine without a sofa. English quilted sofas are produced using a special Chesterfield technology - this name is common for this type of sofa and is known all over the world.Also, the British interior can not be imagined without a large fireplace in the living room. It is not only an important accent of the interior, but also a gathering place for all households. Decorate the fireplace with a beautiful stone or precious woods.

It is worth noting that shelves, bookshelves, and a coffee table made of dark wood will perfectly fit into the English-style interior. A variety of books perfectly complement the interior. In the hall, it would be appropriate to place a couple of identical tables of different sizes, hang pictures on the walls, which will create the atmosphere of an old saloon.

Pay attention to details. - a lot of paintings in gilded frames, soft ottoman for legs, upholstered in velvet, stand for fireplace appliances and umbrellas. All this will add elegance to your interior. Dilute the severity and richness of bright heavy curtains or organize your winter garden on the windowsill, putting there flowers in beautiful pots.

Choosing a bed, you should pay attention to the massive model with an unusual canopy. The decoration of the bedroom is perfectly complemented by a round bedside table, several crystal lamps, as well as a strict wardrobe.A variety of curtains and decorative pillows will help to decorate the bedroom.

The interior of the kitchen is subordinated to household appliances, which is located there. But the main feature of the kitchen in the English style is that the equipment should be hidden as far as possible from the eyes of the incoming. This can be achieved by masking the refrigerator or stove by lining, and making the dishwasher and sink integrated. Especially popular in the modern market is vintage home appliances.


From the decorative lighting in the British interior there are candles in the candlesticks and candelabra, candlesticks made of crystal, table lamps and sconces. Mention should be made of large panoramic windows that let in much more light than ordinary windows, so the rooms look much brighter and more spacious.

Interior examples

The core of the house is a guest room with a large fireplace, an abundance of bookshelves, armchairs and a sofa. There you can see a lot of interesting interior details - trophies, antiques, porcelain figurines, flowers in huge vases. To create an authentic spirit, you will have to look more than once at the local flea market in search of unusualrelics and antiques. Do not be afraid to mix styles, light eclecticism will breathe life into your design.

All colors should be discreet and natural. The following colors will be suitable for this interior: lilac, gold, sand, blue, grass and wood color. The only bright accent can be made with the help of red - it is special for the British, as it is one of the colors of the national flag. Also, red improves mood and increases the stock of vital energy.

In the kitchen, made of light wood, a chest of drawers with dishes and open shelves will perfectly fit. In a chest of drawers should be placed in rows of great plates with views of the countryside or hunting. Place a floral print tablecloth on the kitchen table to create an atmosphere of homely warmth and coziness.

If you decide to decorate your country house in the English style, be prepared to stand in it all the rooms. After all, a truly authentic interior will only come out if it is thought out and executed to the smallest detail.

About what are the secrets in the design of the house in the English style, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.