How to choose a shelf for flowers on the windowsill?

If an admirer of living flowers lives in the house, then a large number of existing plants often lack space. In this case, a good solution is to purchase a special shelf on the windowsill. However, when choosing it, you need to take into account a number of factors.
Special features
Flower shelves are small stands that allow you to place a large number of plants on the windowsill. Sometimes they look like smaller versions of shelving. In fact, such shelves are functional products that differ in the decorative component. These mobile structures can be easily moved to another place or removed altogether from the window sill.
Products are varied appearance. That is why they can be successfully used in any interior design style. They can also be used to decorate window designs, giving the room more comfort. Material for the manufacture can be any - it depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house and their financial capabilities.
Flower shelves are stationary designs that are installed on the windowsill. They can be supplemented with wall structures in a similar design, placing the add-ons near the windows or on the walls. Products can be not only factory-made: they can be made independently even from scrap materials. Such products give the house a special flavor: the house looks especially comfortable.
In fact, shelves for flowers can be called elements of the organization of space. They not only place more plants, but also make it aesthetically attractive.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is worth noting the advantages of flower shelves on the windowsill.
- They are original. Any design is different in its shape and is able to convey the tastes of home owners.
- Flower shelves allow you to create a composition of plants.
- These coasters are unique. They can be used for flowers, seedlings, and sometimes as organizers.
- They are comfortable. Often, such products allow you to place flowers without the need to fit the size of a particular pot.
- Coasters are variable. If desired, you can choose a design with holes or with a solid working surface.
- Models vary in size. The buyer has the opportunity to buy stands for specific window measurements.
- Products differ in color. This allows you to buy the appropriate option to suit your preferences (or to match the existing furniture).
- They are available. Today you can buy them in many stores, which simplifies the purchase and allows you to choose your favorite option.
- Models differ in cost. If desired, the buyer can update the design of window sills with new (cheaper or more expensive) products.
The disadvantages of such structures are associated with a decrease in the amount of light entering the room during their use. As a rule, any design prevents the sun's rays from filling the room with light in the proper amount.Therefore, in the rooms with windows on the north side, such shelves are not always appropriate. Also, multi-tiered options for windows are not the right solution. They visually change the perception of the interior composition and create a heavy atmosphere in the room. The goal of some varieties is strict functionality, for which reason they sometimes look ugly.
The ill-conceivedness of some factory models may not take into account the weight of the pots. Therefore, the question of choice should be approached with all responsibility.
Types and forms
Flower stand for indoor plants on the windowsill are varied. The configuration can be straight (linear) or angular, spacer.
- Direct models are similar to a square or rectangular case.
- In the line there are such varieties as: ladder, shelves, hanging shelves, racks. The number of tiers can be different, as well as the distance between them. In one case, the shelf space can barely suffice for small flowers (for example, violets), in the other, coasters can have one shelf and are suitable for tall plants (orchids).
- Angular varieties are remarkable in that they can be closely brought up to the slopes,saving valuable centimeters of a small sill. Often these products are a compact rack.
Tiered construction is often intended for temporary placement of plants. This is a peculiar way of staffing boxes for seedlings. Products are normal or illuminated. This is convenient in that it is possible to provide the plant with additional light, which is valuable for growing seeds.
Depending on the material of manufacture, the shelves for flowers on the window sill can be:
- glass;
- wooden;
- metal;
- plastic.
Each material has its own characteristics that determine the thickness, shape and design of the shelves. The most massive are wood products. They are distinguished by their great weight and create a three-dimensional effect (be it a straight or angular model). Analogs of metal produced forged. Wrought flower stand on the window sill looks especially beautiful if made with an openwork pattern.
The glass stand looks light and airy. However, glass sheets do not have special shaped lines, which affects the brevity of the design. Plastic is convenient and differs in small weight.However, it is necessary to select such a shelf especially carefully: cheap options and a thin canvas do not keep their shape well. The downside is also the instability to mechanical damage and burnout under the influence of UV rays.
Often in the construction of materials combine with each other. Sometimes tapes are used as fasteners, in other cases metal corners are used for this.
Subtleties of choice
When there is a desire to decorate their home stylish and beautiful shelves for flowers, many are lost when choosing (because of its diversity). Indeed, creative and classic kits are presented on store shelves. Can help in choosing a few tips.
- Buy shelves need at the same time for several rooms. If the models are different in design and color, it will break the balance of the design. Need to repel from the overall design concept. If you do not take it into account, the products will not look beautiful.
- The size of a double-glazed window matters. If the window is large, it is allowed to use the model in the form of a bookcase or mini-rack.
- In order not to conceal the luminous flux, you should not overload the window with the placement of massive products.Therefore, undesirable models in the form of deaf thumbs, which block the access of sunlight to the room. It is undesirable to use for design windows of a design of a black subtone They reduce the amount of light in any room.
- The shelf should create a feeling of lightness. This will allow you to place flowers on it without the clutter of the window sill.
- Material production should be resistant to watering and constant spraying of plants. Raw materials for shelves should be easy to maintain, as it will have to be constantly wiped from water stains, to remove dust and particles from the ground from loosening.
It is also important to build on the cost. To create a beautiful design of windows, it is not at all necessary to invest a large amount. It is necessary to build on the functionality and external aesthetics, and not to overpay for the name of the brand. When you have experience with metal or wood, you can make flower stands yourself.
It is important to take into account the number of products: the more unusual the shape and design, the smaller the shelves should be (and vice versa). In addition, it is worth starting from the appointment of a specific room: it is no secret that the atmosphere of the kitchen, living room, bedroom and study is different. So, in the kitchen some enthusiasm is welcome. The bedroom is appropriate smooth lines and openwork elements.In the living room you need to show the uniqueness and unusual configuration. If you want to decorate the window sill of a study with a flower shelf, you should choose a strict product without excesses.
When the shelves are bought to decorate the windows of the verandas or closed gazebos, the situation is different: you can buy luxury forged structures, creating the illusion of a design ensemble. When the window is one, they are allocated a certain functional area. For example, accentuating bay windows with flower shelves will create a greenhouse feel.
How to do it yourself?
If you are thinking about self-manufacturing structures, you should choose the material with which it is easiest to work. For example, wood or plywood is most often used to create shelves. To make such a product is easy, following the step by step instructions. The basis you need to take hanging structure for small colors. And directly the shelf can be made of two wooden boards of the same size of a rectangular shape.
- Boards are ground and then treated with an antiseptic composition that prevents destruction.
- The material is painted in the desired tone or varnished, emphasizing the natural texture of wood.
- Take two identical leather belts from the bags and fasten them with nails (or other fasteners) to the boards. The distance between the tiers should be the same.
- It remains to perform fasteners on the frame.
If you want to make a more elegant design to decorate the window sill, you can make a shelf of tempered glass. This option is suitable for wooden windows and does not require much financial investment and knowledge. For this you need openwork forged corners and glass cloth of the desired size. You can fix the corners on the side of the window or frame, putting a glass sheet on them.
If the interior of the room is made in an eco-friendly style, and the windows are large and wide, then you can make a shelf of ordinary brancheswhich is easy to assemble when walking in the fresh air. This shelf will look stylish. At the same time it will be unique and will perfectly fit into a non-standard interior. In addition to the branches, for the stand will need plates of a round shape of medium size.
- The collected material is dried, cleaned of bark, dirt.
- Separately select several thick branches of curved shape. This will be the pillars and the location of the supports-circles.
- The branches are ground with sandpaper.
- The same is done with the round elements of the future stand.
- Fragments of the future shelf are treated with antimicrobial impregnation followed by drying.
- The composition is collected together, forming the supports (there should be 4 of them). Curved branches can be placed between the supports, securing them with glue.
- It is important to place the pot holders at different levels.
- On the places where the pots are located, glue round billets of wood.
- After assembly, the product is painted or varnished.
In order for such a shelf to be strong, and the flowers on it were securely fastened, they try to make the interlacing of branches dense. The uniqueness of such a product lies in its natural and natural basis. This shelf will look beautiful and harmonious.
In order to avoid mistakes, you should follow simple tips.
- If the shelf will be used on the balcony, you can make it look like a mini-greenhouse. To do this, adjust the size of the product along the length of the window sill and choose similar material as the material. Will look beautiful and forging.
- If the product is necessary for giving, and you don’t want to invest big money in a purchase, you can use a rack for dishes with pallets as a shelf.
- Options in white will look organic on the windowsill.
- You need to choose those models that have a reliable and solid support. It must be sustainable. In addition, you need to take into account the mechanism for opening windows.
- It should be preferred compact models.
- You can choose different options with the simplification of the irrigation system.
Beautiful examples
Beautiful examples of decorative and functional flower shelves will help. An example of the use of pallets and wooden joints. Compact shelf for three pots. Stylish solution in the form of forging. An example of a spacer model. With a small size, one rack can hold up to 7 pots of flowers. Interesting metal arched design with additional places to accommodate flowers. A shelf under the flowers on the windowsill in the shape of a heart. Lightweight and weightless metal construction with stand restraints.
How to make a shelf for flowers on the window sill with your own hands, see the following video.