How to make a Christmas garland from paper with your own hands?

The days will fly by quite imperceptibly, and the time will soon come to take active preparation for the celebration of the New Year. During this period, it is very important to create a warm, magical atmosphere, and the garlands, which are the second most popular symbol of the main winter holiday after the Christmas tree, will help in this.
Together with your children, you can make a lot of different paper decorations.
What can be made from colored paper?
Interesting and original decorations are obtained from ordinary colored paper, and they are so simple in design that even a child can make them.
Rainbow garland
This is a very nice version of the New Year's decor, which, by the way, in the future can be an excellent photo area at family parties and parties with friends.
For production you will need:
- color paper, preferably double-sided;
- thick thread, it is best to take a kapron;
- duct tape.
Step-by-step technology is elementary:
- paper must be cut in small pieces so that the aspect ratio is about 1: 2;
- fold the accordion into the paper, then bend exactly in the middle and fasten the free edges with adhesive tape;
- the resulting parts strung along the sides on a thread, alternating so that one sticks up with the tip up, the next - down.
The best way to make such a garland is multi-colored, and the shades can be alternated alternately, and can be formed smoothly, moving from one to another.
As practice shows, the best decoration is a garland that looks if it is assembled in traditional blue-green tones.
Rainbow ribbons
Another option is simple, but at the same time very stylish garland. For its manufacture also need colored paper and scissors. If you have a sewing machine, this will greatly simplify the work., but if it is not there, do not despair, because you can always use a needle and thread.
To make the blanks, you should cut the colored paper into strips of about 1.5 x 10 cm and lay out in the right order so that the colors fit well with each other. Then flash through the center, leaving a couple of millimeters between the stripes.
When the garland is ready, you can twist the thread several times, in which case it will turn out more fluffy.
For those who are afraid of contact with piercing objects, you can give simple advice - use thinly sliced tape.
By the way, as a material for the bands, you can use multi-colored candy wrappers, it will be very original and, most importantly, free.
Christmas chain
This version of the garland is probably known to everyone - even our mothers made such decorations in kindergarten, then we adopted this tradition, and now we will teach our children.
Everything is simple here:
- cut paper into pieces about 10 cm wide and about 8 cm long;
- take the first segment and form a circle out of it, fixing the edges with glue;
- pass the second segment through the first one and also close the circle;
- repeat actions with all blanks.
Such garlands are very funny and cute, and their creation not only will appeal to the crumbs, but also contribute to the development of its fine motor skills.
Christmas garland
This is an incredibly beautiful openwork garland, which looks very advantageous in the window opening.
The manufacturing sequence is as follows:
- draw triangles on paper, they will be the outline of our Christmas tree, and draw transverse lines with a step of 1-1.5 cm;
- cut a triangle, fold in half;
- on the markings make cuts, a little before reaching the edge with scissors;
- at the top of the Christmas tree to make holes using a hole punch;
- string through the garland.
These Christmas trees look volume and very modern.
By the way, for making garlands you can take not colored paper, but the leaves of old books, in this case you will get retro and vintage decorations that are so popular in recent years.
Apply candy wrappers
You can create a wonderful decoration from any available tools, one of them is the most common candy wrappers. It is no secret that a lot of them accumulate over the New Year holidays - relatives give presents as they are given in schools and kindergartens, and parents simply buy a lot of different candies, so hardly anyone will experience a shortage of material.
At first glance, such an idea may seem frivolous; nevertheless, as soon as you begin to create this unusual garland, you will immediately realize that the decision was right. To begin with, no one else will have such a garland, but then, it turns out to be very distinctive, extraordinary and, of course, beautiful.
To create such an unusual decoration, you will need the candy wrappers themselves, a sewing needle and harsh threads, preferably zero.
Garland can be done in two ways.
Option 1
- Wraps need to be straightened and folded along with an accordion - this activity will certainly appeal to young children, so you can safely entrust them to them.
- Cut a string about 2 meters long and insert it into a needle. You can, of course, take longer, but, as practice shows, in this case the garland will be confused at the creation stage. To give a special strength, the thread can be folded in half, then, accordingly, the total length should be increased.
- Take 3-4 wrappers, folded harmonica, connect, and several times pierce in the middle up and down crosswise - that you secure the thread.
- In a similar way, combine all the other candy wrappers in a garland, stringing them in the center and fastening.
The length of the garland depends entirely on the number of candy wrappers.therefore, they can be saved in advance.
Such a garland can be additionally decorated with small Christmas balls, cones and other New Year's attributes.
Option 2
This method is more simple - the candy wrapper should be straightened, its center should be determined and the center should be compressed. Prepare the prepared blanks on the sewing machine, enclosing them alternately under the line. In this case, you can mount the candy wrappers to each other tightly, and you can leave a small distance.
Of course, the child himself is not able to make such decoration, but a garland can unite children and grandmothers for a general exciting activity - the child will smooth and compress candy wrappers, and the grandmother will scribble.
Such a pastime will bring joy to both of them.
We use corrugated material
Corrugated paper is an indispensable material for the manufacture of various interior decorations, and the garlands for the New Year from it, too, are ideal.
And make it quite simple:
- for this, the paper is cut and stacked as closely as the scissors can take;
- on the first sheet you need to draw a circle and cut several blanks at once;
- each element should be rolled up in the form of a cone and sewed on the side face with small stitches;
- Repeat manipulations with several blanks, as far as a measured thread is enough.
Thus, you can make one long garland, and you can create an interesting decoration for window openings. To do this, they string on threads of different lengths on several cones so that the length varies from 20 to 50 cm, and then all the workpieces are fixed on the same rope so that they hang down and form a stylish curtain.
Figures and snowflakes
A win-win for making garlands are flags.
In essence, they are a piece of paper in the shape of a rectangle or a triangle, slightly curved near the edge so that you can pass a tape or a rope through the place of the fold.
Flags can be made from colored paper, and after one stick on any pattern - in this case, the garland will look much more fun.
If you are planning to decorate a room in a chebbi-chic style, then it is better to take the book pages, artificially age them (for this, the blanks are simply coated with tea extract and left to dry)and then pass through hemp rope.
The undoubted attribute of any Christmas decoration is snowflakes., they can be collected in a beautiful garland.
You can make thick snowflakes out of cardboard, and then make 4 holes at the edges and two in the center, thread the thread through them, and thus combine several snowflakes into one beautiful garland. By the way, in the same way you can make a garland of other figures - snowmen, Christmas trees or stars.
A good idea would be to make beautiful hanging jewelry. To do this, out of thin paper cut openwork snowflakes and strung on the almost imperceptible thread, such a design perfectly decorate the windows and ceiling.
Very impressive are the figures of snowflakes-ballerinas, which, of course, will attract the attention of your guests and bring a touch of charm and refinement to the interior.
Garland of figures can be made differently.
For a start, cut out the necessary blanks - these may be images of balls, bells, men - the picture does not matter, the only thing you need is a set of identical figures. Billets fold in half transversely, and connect with each other in halves.For each element, 4-6 blanks will be needed; in this case, the figure will be volumetric.
At the final stage, all elements are connected with tape.
Origami garland
The amazing paperwork technique is origami. It allows you to create the most interesting three-dimensional figures, most often without glue and tape. Decorations can be made of various sizes and shapes, especially beautiful are snowflakes for garlands and New Year's stars.
The easiest way to make an origami garland is to simply cut out rings from paper and fasten them together.
A more complicated method is making figures. To do this, make separate templates, such as snowmen, and cut them. Then glue to attach to a string or string on a needle with thread. The last stage is coloring, shining.
To learn how to make a Christmas garland of origami, see the next video.
Beautiful examples
Paper Christmas crafts and Christmas garlands create a feeling of celebration, fairy tales and magic in the house, and most often they can be made with your own hands.
Garlands-rings, spirals, fir-trees and rainbow threads look very original.
Decorations in the form of figurines will add New Year's color to any room and make waiting for the holiday truly exciting and endlessly happy.
Bulky snowflakes, lanterns and Christmas balls look original.
And if you add them backlight, the effect will be very atmospheric.
How to make a beautiful Christmas garland of paper with your own hands, see the next video.