Christmas decorations in the kanzashi technique: types and manufacturing

The New Year is a special holiday; it’s not for nothing that they begin to prepare for its meeting in advance. Everyone wants to decorate their home in a special way, brightly, so that they will be remembered. A good help in this will be the New Year decorations in the kanzashi technique, the numerous types and ease of manufacture of which will allow you to create a decor for every taste.
Short story
Kanzashi - Japanese technology. Artisans of this particular country were the first to create unique, beautiful gizmos from pieces of tape. Hairpins, earrings, necklaces - this and much more can be created in this simple but effective technique. The square shreds of ribbons folded diagonally are assembled and attached to a pattern.This may be a three-dimensional shape (cone, ball, square, etc.) or a flat surface of any shape on which the workpieces are attached.
Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun appreciate good work, so it is not surprising that products made of thin satin ribbons almost immediately found their fans. In this technique, both accessories and interior decorations were created. And now the kanzashi technique has not lost its popularity. Fine jewelry is still appreciated by lovers of beauty in the whole world.
Christmas toys, cones and firecrackers
Habitual Christmas decorations made of plastic, cardboard, even many have already bored with glass. The range in the stores is often not happy with the variety, and the quality of toys sometimes leaves much to be desired. For these and some other reasons, self-made Christmas tree toys are becoming increasingly popular.
Kanzashi Christmas decorations are a great way to not only decorate the Christmas tree with unusual, unique toys. It is also an opportunity to create unique accessories for your festive look. After all, in the New Year everyone is trying to look perfect, stunning, and at the same time - unusual.
The kanzashi technique allows you to create both volumetric figures (for example, a ball, a cone), and flat elements (a festive collar to the dress, necklace, and earrings).
You can often find such a Christmas tree decoration on a festive table - a small, not always traditional green color, this decor element adds an extra touch of solemnity, fun to the interior of the room.
To make such a Christmas tree you will need not so much:
- Satin ribbons of the desired color, 3 centimeters wide;
- tweezers;
- glue gun;
- lighter or candle;
- scissors.
The tape is cut into squares. Each square is folded diagonally in half, then again - in half. The edges of the resulting triangle singe a cigarette lighter or a candle. It is better to fold the squares with tweezers - it will be more accurate, and it will be more convenient to work. In this way, the required number of petals is harvested. The next step will be the preparation of smaller petals. To do this, you need to roll the square shreds in the same way as described above (diagonally in half, and again in half), the only difference is that the corners of the resulting triangle are bent in different directions.
After a sufficient number of petals of both types have been prepared, they begin to be attached to the template. In this case, the template is a felt cone, on which the petals are glued with a glue gun. You need to start gluing from the bottom, from the base, gradually rising to the top. The result should be a cone-shaped Christmas tree, without “bald spots” - areas of the pattern that are not covered by petals.
In the manufacture of the ball the necessary tools and the sequence of actions is almost the same. Satin ribbons are cut into squares, fold into triangles, the edges of which are scorched on the fire, and are attached to a round-shaped blank. But, before proceeding to the fastening of the petals, on the top of the ball, you must carefully glue a piece of tape to close the place where there will be a mount and eyelet of the toy. Further, from the top, closed by a square, down to the middle of the ball petals are attached. In the first row there will be four of them, in each subsequent row the number of petals will increase. As soon as half of the ball is closed, and its surface will again begin to “taper” towards the top - the number of petals will again decrease.
In the same technique you can make a bump - both volumetric and flat.Even without additional decoration in the form of beads or beads, such a cone will occupy a worthy place on the Christmas tree.
Kanzashi Jewelry
In this old Japanese technique, you can create not only Christmas tree decorations, but also beautiful decorations. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry on the head (hairpins, headbands, tiaras, crowns) made in this technique will be a spectacular addition to the festive look.
To create jewelry, you must use the base on which the petals of ribbons will be attached. Most often for this purpose is taken felt. He keeps his shape well, does not stretch, light and thin. In addition, it is quite easy to attach the petals to them, they hold well on this nappy material.
The sequence of actions is the same as in the manufacture of Christmas tree toys. First, the ribbon is cut into squares, which are folded diagonally twice. The resulting triangles are scorched around the edges in order to avoid material crumbling.
When connecting the opposite corners of the triangle, it turns out the petals, which are the main element of any product. Thus, you can connect several triangles of different colors and sizes - you get a rather interesting effect, especially if you choose the right colors of the ribbons.
It will look great, for example, a monophonic dress in the floor in combination with a crown or a kanzashi diadem. Matching earrings and necklaces that match the style and color will fit well into the image. Depending on the color of jewelry, it can be the image of the Snow Queen, or the fiery Carmen, or Disney princess - it all depends on the desire of the creator.
If such “ribbon” ornaments are to be supplemented with artificial stones, rhinestones or beads, you will get a really chic set that will exist in a single copy. But for a woman it is so important to have unique things that no one else has.
In the next video, you will find a master class on making Christmas toys (a bell and a flashlight) on a Christmas tree using kanzashi techniques.