Making and decor of candles for the New Year

The new year is a favorite holiday of many adults and children. This is a time of miracles and surprises, so I want to fill everything around with a fabulous mood, including my dwelling. To decorate the house for the holiday, you can buy accessories in the store, and you can make jewelry with your own hands. Candles are one of the popular New Year attributes, and how to make it yourself, we learn from the article.
Appearance history
The custom to light candles during the evening feast on New Year's holidays has gone since the time when electricity was not yet invented. Despite the modern abundance of electrical and LED appliances, candles are often found on the holiday table.Often, the composition of four candles is used as a central decoration. This custom was adopted from Catholics who, during the fast before Christmas, light one candle per week for a month. As a result, at the time of the celebration of the Catholic holiday on the table formed a monument of four candles, which marks the end of abstinence.
In addition to decorating your own home, you can use hand-made crafts as a gift. Handmade gift candles will bring much more pleasure to family and friends.
Features of decorating tall candles
Among the colorful Christmas decorations, long thin candles of white color will become a harmonious addition and bring mystery into the festive atmosphere. In addition, these attributes are quite economical.
New Year's decor of such candles can be varied. With these accessories you can decorate a table or a fireplace. You can get a simple, and at the same time original decoration by laying Christmas decorations at the base of the candle. Matching tones, silver and gold specimens with different diameters will look stylish.The tinsel of green color can imitate a Christmas tree in the craft.
Well-burning accessories are combined with various glass candlesticks. As a container, you can use jars or glasses of any size and shape, which are decorated with both the outer and the inner side. Stickers, beads, rhinestones, special paint drawings, ribbons and lace can be used as decor. If you have imagination, you can create a very original item in a single copy.
Wine glasses in the role of candlesticks can be used in different variations. For the first method, a detail with a wick should be installed inside the glass, putting various decorative elements around - beads, cones, and pebbles. The second method involves the installation of candles on an inverted glass on its base. Another glass object in which you can put a high candle is a bottle. The luminous elements installed in the bottles will create a cozy atmosphere and proper lighting at eye level.
The effect of snow on the subject of decor will remind you of the weather outside the window. To achieve it, it is necessary to smear abundantly in the right places with glue, then roll it in coarse salt.Instead of salt, you can use glitter, sand of different colors or semolina.
A composition made by hand using natural materials looks stylish and laconic. The details may be conifer branches, rowan berries, cones, dried fruit slices. In addition to the aesthetic pleasure of the presence of such items on the holiday table, guests will be able to feel the light pleasant aroma of the components. A truly New Year's mood will create candles in candlesticks decorated with cinnamon sticks. You can attach them to glue or put a rubber band on the container and insert it one by one to one stick, closing the elastic band with a beautiful ribbon.
Another good option that does not require additions - shaped candles. Images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the symbol of the year on the Chinese calendar, Christmas trees and cones are very popular attributes of home feasts, especially if children are present at the celebration. The choice of color candles requires combining them in color with other decorative items of festive decorations. The burning color attributes assembled into a composition can become both the main central decoration of the table, and can be located throughout the islands.
Do it yourself
Long candles can be purchased at the store, and you can make yourself. To do this, buy a special form for the manufacture of candles, and a simple attribute in the form of a cone can be made without it. To do this, you must take the candle ends of the used candles, or carefully break the whole into pieces, and at the same time carefully remove the wick. Then you should prepare a water bath from a large pan and a smaller container and melt the paraffin pieces there. For the manufacture of color attributes in the capacity should be added wax crayons of the desired color, crushed with a grater.
To color evenly distributed, it is necessary to mix the contents. While the paraffin melts, you need to take a thick piece of paper, for example, a sheet from a magazine, and build a cone from it. Pass the wick through it and fix it in the sharp base of the cone at least a centimeter from the beginning of the rope, on the other hand fix the wick with a match or a toothpick in the middle of the hole.
That the cone did not turn, it is necessary to fix it with the help of adhesive tape. It is also worth fixing it so that it does not tip over during pouring and solidification.The melted paraffin is poured into the batch in portions, slightly cooling the previous layer. The future candle is left in this position until it solidifies. On the finished crafts can be irregularities, which can easily be removed with a hairdryer.
Festive table decoration
Magical and at the same time compact looks New Year's decor of the candle-tablets on the festive table. A little imagination - and the original design of the candle is ready. The best option would be the candlesticks with slots in the form of holiday pictures. You can make a stand for the candle yourself by making holes in the tin can. Such an attribute with the effect of the starry sky will decorate any celebration.
The glittering decoration of the table will be a composition of several tablets on a tray or flat dish., decorated with beads and rhinestones, Christmas balls and decorative pebbles. Gamma for such a composition is better to choose within the festive colors - metallic shades, red and green tones. The use of natural materials in the spirit of the New Year holidays is suitable not only for high instances, but also for tea candles.Only in the case of small sizes should additional candlesticks be used in order to ensure fire safety.
Interesting items are obtained from ordinary glass jars. Inside can be folded as parts of natural origin: cones, berries, leaves, branches, and Christmas decorations. To truly surprise loved ones gathered at the holiday table, you can make hanging designs for candles. Hanging over the table and in the corners of the room, they will give the room solemnity.
We use decoupage
One of the most popular and original techniques for decorating not only candles, but also other items is decoupage. This term is understood as a method of decorating various interior items by attaching a pattern, ornament or motif to it and further fixing it. Decoupage is suitable even for beginners, if you carefully study the sequence of actions.
To make a candle in such a technique, you must prepare the necessary materials. The main thing is to choose a candle made by modern technology, which, when burning, does not form smudges on the sides.You should also choose a three-layer napkin with a New Year's pattern in accordance with the size of the candle, scissors and tracing paper, a cloth from mahra, contours for drawing, a pencil without corners and a regular hairdryer.
First you need to decide whether the entire napkin will be attached or just a drawing on it. In accordance with this, cut out the necessary part, then take only the top layer from the napkin. Attach it to the candle and with a pencil, if possible, gently press the napkin to the candle. Then you need to cut tracing paper the size of a few centimeters larger than the candle in the girth. Candle with a napkin should be wrapped with tracing paper and firmly fixed in one position. For further manipulation, it is better to put on a kitchen tack so as not to burn your hand. It is necessary to turn on the hair dryer and blow the entire surface of the design with it until the tracing paper is soaked with paraffin. Then you need to turn off the hairdryer, wait about a minute and carefully remove the tracing paper.
If you need to bend the picture on the top or bottom of the candle, this can be done with the help of a heated spoon on the fire. To eliminate irregularities, you must walk on the surface with a terry hoe.
When the picture is glued, you can proceed to the decor. Using wax or acrylic contours, it is necessary to place accents in the image, highlighting some elements. Also with their help you can make an inscription and draw snowflakes.
How to make decoupage Christmas candles, see the following video.