Artificial grass in a pot: features of choice

Artificial plants appeared in houses so long ago that not everyone remembers how they looked. And there were flowers made of corrugated paper, attached to birch twigs, before the May Day demonstration. It was a symbol of spring, the birth of a new life and the desire to decorate your house in such a simple way.

Later, the attitude to artificial flowers has changed a lot. And not for the better. In the nineties, the two thousandth quality of such products has improved significantly. These were not only single plants, but also bouquets in pots and baskets. Still, the appearance of such accessories in the house gave a dubious assessment to the owners.

And now everything has changed again. Artificial palm trees and orchids, wall flower beds and grass in pots became a sign of aesthetics. And the question to the buyer is not "why", but "how to choose."We will try to tell about it.

Special features

From a psychological point of view, green is positive emotions, calm and peace. This is one of the reasons why people started growing plants for their home. From early spring, pots with shoots of herbal spices and greenery appear in the kitchen. There is a unique aroma of spring. Artificial grass in pots will be associated precisely with such emotions.

In addition to the above, there are other features of decorating the premises with artificial plants:

  • modern artificial plants are outwardly indistinguishable from real ones, but they will delight with their appearance for much longer;
  • you do not need to be a professional to care for them;
  • this factor saves time;
  • high-quality artificial plants are made of polyethylene yarn, which does not cause allergies, because it has no smell;
  • pets have no desire to nibble and spoil flower pots;
  • floral insects do not develop in the ground and on plants;
  • in the design of any style, you can pick plants in pots;
  • replacing one plant with another can change the appearance of a room quite strongly;
  • tall grass in pots or vertical artificial plants will help to zone premises at no extra cost;
  • wide range will allow you to choose a plant of a suitable price category;
  • materials used for the production of plants, fireproof, wear-resistant, retain their color for a long time under the sun's rays.


Speaking of artificial plants, it is worth noting that they are designed to perform various functions:

  • rolled artificial grass can serve as a covering for a lawn, a floor in the house and on a balcony, at offices and sports constructions;
  • even the windowsill can be protected in this way;
  • such material can be finished with mini-sofas and ottomans;
  • From this unusual material you can make lampshades, throw pillows or upholster a wall;
  • boxes and pots with artificial grass will hide the shortcomings of repair or children's drawings on the wallpaper; separate functional areas from each other; to act as a forbidden barrier;
  • ampellae pots with hanging grass and flowers will help get rid of the sensation of a well in homes with very high ceilings;
  • flowers, placed on the windowsills and shelves, will become an accent in the decor of the rooms;
  • tall plants will decorate empty corners and give comfort to a room of any size;
  • in a large winter garden it is enough to put a few strongly smelling live flowers so that their aroma suffices for a large number of artificial plants.

Thus, artificial plants are very different from each other and, depending on the variety, are used in completely different ways.


The size of the plant is also very different. Grass and flowers in pots can be a height of 10 cm, and the diameter does not exceed 10-centimeter flower pot. But there are higher specimens: spherical plants 40–90 cm high, grass sedge or other types of grass and flowers with narrow long leaves reach a height of up to 1 m. And bamboo, as it should be, has a height of up to 3 m.

In this case, you can pick up plants of the required length without any problems. To do this, you need to know where it will stand or hang and what function it will perform. Not only the height, but also the volume of the pot with the plant will depend on it.

For example, for artificial hedges or partitions, you can pick up tall grass (for example, bamboo) or other plants in pots that will be a real decoration.But the buyer can choose a different option to decorate his plot and home: artificial grass (norfolium or with curly leaves) in the form of a canvas, sold by the meter. Such a “plant” can be decorated with a fence or a wall in the house or used as a rug.

The price of products depends on the size, materials used, the pot and design in general.

You can buy a single bush of grass for 120 rubles, or a running meter of flat bamboo 2.2 m high at a price of 9,000 rubles.


Saying the word "grass" is seen, above all, green. And this is, indeed, the most popular color, which has a large number of shades. But he is not the only one. Imitating natural shades, manufacturers offer grass and other plants of various colors.

For example, you can buy zebra grass, which is a combination of white and green flowers. This calm coloring will soften the monotonous greens around or emphasize on a white background. There are ampelous flowers of pale green color or white lilies among green leaves. A lot of colored grass. For example, asparagus has several color shades that look very beautiful in a pot. And black calla among green foliage is generally an unusual sight.

If we talk about the combination of grass with flowers, then you can pick up very unusual and very beautiful bouquets. And this is the beauty of artificial plants, when in advance according to the catalog you can make a bouquet for home decor several years in advance.

How to choose?

Before you make a choice when buying any artificial plants, it is better to consult with a specialist. If there are allergies in the house, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a quality certificate. On this will depend on the health of the inhabitants of the house.

If the time for cleaning home space is sorely lacking, then it is better to purchase smooth-leaved plants. And it is the grass, not the flowers, that will be a salvation from the accumulation of dust.

If at the time of purchase there was a smell of plastic, this indicates a poor quality of the goods. Do not buy such products for the home.

To create home comfort you need to take into account the style of the room: grass in rectangular pots is very suitable for strict Hi – Tek. Small round pots with fluffy sedge will decorate Provence. Large floor vases of brick color with tall palm trees will suit the brutal loft.

For decorating any home, ample vases will be suitable for the holiday. They can be hung from the ceiling or on windows, walls and furniture.

If there are doubts in the purchase of such plants, it is never too late to turn to reviews on independent sites. It is there that users post their opinions about such products. With all the pickyness to find negative reviews we could not. Buyers like the variety of plants, ease of care, price diversity, quality of attachment. Some advise immediately to the simple pots in which plants are sold, to acquire suitable for the design of the house.

But if there is a possibility and desire, then an artificial plant can be made with your own hands. And the easiest way is to get some grass. To do this, in summer it is enough to dry the feather grass, reeds and dried flowers. And you can combine artificial flowers and dried plants.

Where and how to locate?

The beauty of artificial plants is that they can be selected for any premises.


In this room you can put floor vases with bamboo grass or placed on the window sills, dressing table, nightstand other potted plants.Here it is necessary to observe proportions: a wide window sill is suitable for tall large-leaf plants, and narrow - for small pots with low grass or flower bouquets.

At the same time pots can be rectangular, long, and not just round.

Living room

In the large living room, high floor vases with high fluffy or large-leaf grass and trees will be appropriate. But on the tables, shelves, wall, small plants will look no worse. If the living room requires a partition, then it may be green. Finishing in such an original way will make the room lively and original. Hanging grass can be diluted with small flowers to match the furniture or wallpaper.

Visually enlarge a small living room will be able to climbing plants. They can braid the entire wall and even the ceiling. For dark rooms do not need to use rich greens in large quantities. It is better to replace it with plants of warm yellow-orange shades. Fluffy grass varieties will also make the living room light. A wicker hanging pots, transparent round vases with spherical small aquariums will make the living room cozy and comfortable.


Living plants in the kitchen will help get rid of unwanted odors. But pots with artificial and live grass can stand at the same time. Such a gathering place for the whole family at the dinner table will always be green and peaceful. In the kitchen, you can put the plants on the windowsill, and on the refrigerator, shelves. You can also hang on the wall. Anywhere, just away from the hob. This will be useful for both living plants and artificial ones.


If in the room for children fresh flowers can be hung as far as possible from children (for the sake of safety and security of flowers), then artificial grass and flowers can be put anywhere. It is not worth refusing live plants here, as plants moisten the air and ionize it. But you can create a green corner of rest from artificial plants.

Hall and Hall

If the size of the hallway allows you to place flower pots, then tall plants in resistant pot or pots would be appropriate. Living flowers here will be uncomfortable because of the small amount of light, but artificial plants will be a good substitute for them.


In winter, looking out onto the balcony and meeting the greens in the pots, it will seem that it is a warm summer outside. This simple way will help to raise the mood for yourself and all family members, as well as guests. From the side of the street it will seem that the balcony is insulated, and that is why green plants grow on it. In the summer it will be a comfortable green area where you can drink tea or talk with loved ones.


Growing flowers in the bathroom is a thankless task: as a rule, there is no natural light and too high humidity. Artificial plants will be here as an accent in the design of the bathroom. Even if the room is decorated in non-standard colors, then 2-3 plants can lead to the harmony of those who are here. Small pots with low grass will be appropriate on the shelf. Hanging small plants will visually enlarge a small space.

Properly selected plants in each room will be able to transform a home into a real warm and cozy home.

As already mentioned, artificial plants require minimal maintenance. But still it should be.

In order for flowers, grass and trees to serve for a long time, you need to use the following recommendations of experts:

  • Daily dust dust with a whisk.Such a procedure does not take much time, but it will relieve dust accumulations.
  • Once a week to carry out wet cleaning of plants. Some of them can be fully washed under running water, others can be sprayed with a solution of water and vinegar, and others can be wiped with a damp cloth. This will remove dirt and dust and disinfect the plants.
  • Quality material should not have a smell, but if you want to create it, you can use essential oils. Then the house will smell sweet aromas of delicate rose and lavender, fir and orange. Buy these drugs can be in pharmacies and traditional medicine stores. Creating your own composition, you can find a fragrance that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and peaceful sleep.
  • Do not forget that the miser pays twice: cheap products should be alerted. If the flowers are burnt out in the sun, then this is also a reason to think about the quality of the product and get rid of it.

Beautiful options in the interior

Decorative grass, “grown” in an artificial way, can make the interior and exterior much more attractive. An example of such decor is this garden seating corner. The use of various types of artificial plants turned out to be very harmonious. Here it will be really pleasant to retire and relax.

Absolutely unusual design of this bouquet creates the illusion that the plants in the glass vase are real. But it is not. This bouquet will decorate the white living room in a classic style. It is necessary to put it in an open space so that the sun, passing through a transparent vase, lets glare all over the room.

Vertical design of the wall by different types of plants is a non-standard design step. Different shades of green attract the eye. There is a desire to touch this miracle, and therefore, to relax and push aside all working problems. That is why this wall will be an excellent relaxer in the office.

The original wall composition can consist not only of grass, but also of flowers, wooden elements and other materials. Using the original mini-vase, you can change colors according to your mood. The hue of the flower will reflect the mood of the host.

The value of this purchase is that a package is used instead of a pot. As if the greens just bought. Grass in this design can be used as a gift.

Lavender in a wooden pot very harmoniously fit into the interior of the Provence.And if you use lavender essential oil, the impression will be even stronger: a gentle, but strong smell will help you to relax and plunge into village life.

Manufacturers offer absolutely charming products for kitchen or handicrafts. Looking at such beauty, really, I want to create something with my own hands. And if this is done with the child, then the value of such an acquisition is doubly obvious.

An unusually beautiful solution in the Scandinavian style: only a few green grass dots make a sterile white interior homely and inviting.

This partition on the veranda will protect from sunlight, wind and rain. And at the same time, the plants will not suffer from low temperatures or strong winds. The perfect solution for organizing a place of rest.

The desire to join nature does not always coincide with the opportunity to go there. This table will help you feel calmer and more confident. Tactile sensations will help to relax and really relax.

This living room is a combination of warmth, comfort, tenderness and real familyhood. The harmony of colors, the skillful hand of the decorator make you sigh enthusiastically and wish yourself the same comfort.

For information on how to straighten crumpled artificial flowers at home, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
