Direct sofas with a box for linen

The sofa is one of the most important pieces of furniture in the house. It is necessary when making guests, daytime rest or even for sleeping. The laundry drawers built into it make it even more convenient and versatile.
Features, advantages and disadvantages
The straight sofa has a simple geometric shape, which makes it convenient for placement in an apartment. With him you will not have to think long about how to arrange furniture of unusual shape, for example, corner furniture.
Such furniture can easily stand along the walls, and in the middle of the room, dividing it into zones.
Most modern sofas are equipped with a box for linen. They are found not only in folding, but also in non-transforming models.
The main advantage of these sofas is ergonomics.. The folding sofa carries out three functions at once, being the place for sitting during a day and a berth, it is also possible to store linen or other things in it. The ability to expand and assemble a sofa is a way to save space, especially if it does not differ in large size.
A box equipped in a sofa is an advantage in itself, which can be an independent element in furnishing. It is a useful addition to the design of even non-folding sofas. Storing the bed linen in it allows you to free up space in the closet for other things.
Most often, sofas have an interesting or elegant classic design. Because of this, they often become the main focus in the interior.
The disadvantage is the need to disassemble the sofa, even if it does not have the strength, after a difficult day. Also, when arranging furniture in an apartment, it should be borne in mind that when unfolded, a similar bed takes up more space than in the assembled one.
There should be no other furniture in front of it, for example, a coffee table, otherwise you will have to move it every evening.
Finally, on some sofas there are too deep depressions - folding points,that is not suitable for people with sensitive sleep and loving comfort.
Types and mechanisms of transformation
Regardless of the type, each sofa is a modern furniture with linen box for the bedroom or living room. Transformation mechanisms differ from each other in the way they are unfolded:
- Eurobook. The seat must be pushed forward and the backrest laid on an empty seat;
- Accordion. It is a single structure that must be straightened to get a sleeper;
- Dolphin. One part of it is slightly extended forward. From under the seat you can pull out the pallet, which houses the lifting platform;
- Click-klyak. Parts of the sofa must be folded, after which it is easily decomposed into a single structure;
- Retractable. From under the seat, a pallet with a platform is pulled out.
The mechanism also determines how and where exactly the laundry box will be located. Most often, access to it appears only when the sofa is decomposed. But more convenient are the models with a pallet or drawers, which can be a single design or divided into several compartments.
In non-transforming sofas, for example, kitchen, without a berth, and models like "dolphin", the boxes are under the seat. That is, it needs to be lifted, after which it is folded into the opened space.
Another option is a box in the armrests. In this case, the compartments are vertical and narrow, but they are fully capable of accommodating bed linen, a blanket or pillows.
Upholstery material
The appearance and duration of service of the sofa often depends on the material of the coat. Among the common options:
- Chenille Durable and easy to clean;
- Gunny. Durable material for which you need easy care;
- Velours. Washable;
- Flock. Durable, easy to maintain, for a long time retains the original colors;
- Tapestry. Most often, such upholstery is decorated with various patterns;
- Jacquard. Durable, durable, decorated with prints;
- Boucle. Material with its own tangible texture;
- Leather. Used both natural and artificial.
How to choose?
The choice should depend on what the sofa is bought for and in which room it will be. For example, a kitchen needs a model that is resistant to absorption of odors and fat. These qualities have the skin.
A plus of the sofa upholstery in the nursery will be the ease of cleaning it.
The sofa in the living room should be quite attractive and elegant, because it will be seen by visitors to the apartment.
The sofa for the bedroom must be comfortable to sleep.
From the required functionality will depend on the fundamental point - the transformation. In the bedroom and, often, the living room, a bed is simply necessary - for the owners of the apartment or their guests. A comfortable sofa may also be suitable for sleeping, for example, in the nursery in a non-folding form. In the kitchen, he does fit only for sitting, and therefore it is not necessary to understand him at all.
It is necessary to consider in advance what exactly will be stored in the boxes. For pillows and blankets need dimensional models. But if we are talking only about linen, the compartments can be small, and, therefore, the sofa - small.
Beautiful ideas in the interior
The design in completely white colors creates a feeling of purity, lightness and airiness. The sofa does not fold out. In his pallet three separate boxes.
Minimalistic white and gray design with bright accents in the form of paintings. Sofa type "dolphin". The non-transformed part under the seat acts as a box.