Foam for sofa

Foam rubber is often used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture. It is used for sofas, chairs and mattresses. The internal filling of upholstered furniture is very important because it depends on the convenience and comfort of the product.
What is better - spring or foam sofa?
Today is often found sofas of two types: spring and foam. Each option has advantages, therefore it is in demand:
- Spring block consists of biconical springs made of high quality wire. They are interconnected with staples or wires. This design is characterized by rigidity.It ensures the correct position of the body during the night rest. The load is not on the entire spring unit, but only on those places where contact occurs. When a person lies on such a sofa, the load does not go on the spine, but is evenly distributed throughout the body.
Due to its stiffness and increased strength, the spring block can withstand a lot of weight, so it is often chosen for people who have a weight greater than 110 kg. To avoid unpleasant sensations from the springs, a batting, spunbond, felt or polyurethane is placed on top of them.
- Foam or polyurethane foam is a high volume material of porous structure. It can be used both separately and in tandem with other materials. Foam rubber consists of thick-walled cells that are filled with air. Due to this structure, it is characterized by elasticity and lightness. Foam rubber is quickly restored to its original form, is distinguished by durability, reliability. It can be of different stiffness, which is especially important for upholstered furniture.
This material is ideal for people prone to allergic reactions. It is safe for health,since it is processed by antivirus, antibacterial and antifungal compounds before use in furniture production.
The spring block and foam rubber are durable materials. They are characterized by convenience and comfort in use. But foam is relatively cheaper. Therefore, it is impossible to give an exact answer to the question which sofa is better. Each option is suitable for a pleasant pastime and sleep.
Modern sofas are represented by different forms, colors and designs. We are accustomed to frame sofas, because there are a lot of them on sale. Manufacturers are used to frame natural wood or metal. To create a comfortable and comfortable sofa, be sure to apply the filler.
Today a sofa without a frame of foam pillows is in great demand. It is often purchased for children's rooms. Frameless sofa is characterized by convenience and comfort.
A sofa without a frame, but with foam cushions will ideally fit into many styles. It looks luxurious in high-tech and fusion style, avant-garde and pop art, eclecticism and ecostyle.
If you like Japanese minimalism, then such furniture will be a worthy adornment of a modern interior.
Frameless sofa with foam rubber has many advantages:
- Minimalism in configuration and style.
- Convenience and comfort. Ideal for everyday use.
- It fits perfectly into various styles and also looks harmoniously in an ensemble with original accessories.
- It can easily be moved to the right place and used as an extra seat.
- It can be used for zoning space and as a place for joint pastime.
- A beneficial effect on the body. You can relax on a comfortable sofa.
Varieties of brands and their purpose
There are many brands of foam rubber that provides freedom of choice for both buyers and manufacturers of upholstered furniture.
Main varieties:
- ST - standard (its density ranges from 16 to 35 kg / m³). Due to the low cost, many manufacturers of upholstered furniture use it. But it will serve no more than a year, therefore, if you buy a sofa with such a filler, then to give.
- EL - high stiffness (from 22 to 35 kg / m³).It is not intended to create upholstered furniture.
- HL - hard (density 25 and 40 kg / m³). This option can be used in the manufacture of sofas for offices or at home. It is suitable for people who like to sleep on a hard surface. For children, this filler is strictly prohibited.
- HS - soft (from 20 to 45 kg / m³);
- HR - highly elastic (from 30 to 50 kg / m³). Great for upholstered furniture. This foam rubber is called artificial latex, since latex is added during its manufacture.
- HR * - highly elastic with a high level of comfort. (from 30 to 55 kg / m³).
To indicate the brand of filler are used not only letters, but also four digits, of which the first two are responsible for its density, the last two indicate compressive stress. For example, the brand EL 2535 has a high stiffness, has a density of 25 kg / m³ and a compressive stress of 3.5 kPa.
What furniture foam rubber is better to choose?
When choosing a sofa be sure to pay attention to its convenience and comfort. Filling upholstered furniture plays a huge role, so you should ask what foam rubber was used as a product filler. A variety of brands can lead to confusion,but you should not be guided by the price when choosing a filler for upholstered furniture, since the important criteria for choosing this material is thickness and density.
An excellent filler for upholstered furniture is foam rubber with a density of 30 kg / m³. The sofa with it is ideal for both sitting and lying. It is practical, because over time the filler does not sag.
The lifetime of upholstered furniture directly depends on the density of foam rubber.
The higher the density, the longer the product will be as new.
Typically, a filler of varying density is used for sitting, armrests and backrest. For armrests, it is common to use low density material.
Another important criterion is the thickness.
If you plan to use a sofa for sleeping, then the thickness of the filler should not be less than 4 cm.
Manufacturers take this indicator lightly, and, to save, use foam rubber with a thickness of 2 to 3 cm.
To find out the density of foam rubber, you should pay attention to its labeling, since the first two digits are used to denote it. If you are looking for a hard sofa, then the last two digits will help.Usually this figure is 40 units.
How to replace?
If the sofa after long operation has lost elasticity, and it is inconvenient to sleep on it, then you can replace the filler. This process is time consuming, but it can be done independently if you follow the basic steps and have basic skills in this area:
- the sofa needs to be taken apart;
- remove the trim from the product;
- remove old filler;
- make a pattern;
- attach a new filler to all parts of the sofa: sidewall, back and seat;
- win over each component of the new upholstery;
- assemble the product.
How to replace the foam rubber at home, see the following video.
To make the process of replacing the foam quickly and correctly, you should follow several rules:
- When removing the old filler, you need to thoroughly clean the frame, and also remove all the brackets.
- The pattern should be done, given the allowance of 7 or 8 cm, which is calculated for the inside. Allowance should be done only where the foam goes to the inside. Otherwise, you can not then fold or fold the sofa.
- On the seat, the filler is usually placed on a block of springs, but first you need to lay a thick fabric and, with a strong thread, grab it in several places. After it is already possible to put foam rubber.
- For seat cushions, the filler is usually applied in two layers. This ensures softness and durability.
- To improve the comfort of upholstered furniture after fixing foam to the frame with staples, it should be covered with canvas cloth.
How much is?
Modern brands of foam rubber are presented in different cost. Filler pricing is influenced by its quality, density and thickness. Usually, manufacturers of upholstered furniture order filler directly from manufacturers, bypassing suppliers.
In the building stores you can buy foam sheets in solid sheets. They are represented by such sizes - 1000x2000, 1200x2000, 1600x2000 and 2000x2000 mm. If you need small trim, then they are sold per kilogram.