Inflatable sofa Lamzac

To rest on the beach turned out to be truly unforgettable and carefree you should definitely buy an inflatable mattress. You can swim on it and soak up in the warm sunshine without burning yourself on the hot sand. The only drawback of this accessory is the need to constantly inflate it, for this you need a pump and time.
The inflatable Lamzac sofa easily solves this problem. You can take it with you to the beach, picnic, cottage, hiking. It will not require much space and will be ready for use in just a few minutes.
What is it and how is it called?
Sofas "Lamzak" appeared on the market of goods for recreation quite recently, but almost immediately became widely known and world-wide popular.Today such models are known under various names, including “lazy sofas”.
They represent a kind of inflatable bag, the top layer of which is made of durable, waterproof fabric - nylon. The inner layer is coated with a polymer material, which ensures absolute tightness of the bag for 12 hours (time depends on the weight of the person).
Magnetic locking tape also contributes to additional tightness.
The main advantage of such a sofa is the ability to inflate / inflate it without the help of a pump. This is an important factor, since it is not always possible to pump them a lounger.
The ready-to-use product is a well-inflated air sofa 2 meters long and 90 cm wide (dimensions depend on the model chosen). When folded, these dimensions are reduced to 18 * 35 cm. The folded product in the case can be carried in the hands, on the shoulder, in the bag, in the bag, transported in the trunk of the car - it will not take up much space and will be ready for use at any time.
An inflatable sofa is not a solid, flat surface, but interconnected compartments filled with air. In the recess between them a person can settle down to relax, sunbathe, spend time reading a book.
Such a sofa is an excellent substitute for a bench, trampoline, bench. The material used to create it perfectly tolerates temperature extremes, so it can be used both in summer and in winter.
The innovative development of the company Lamzac has become so popular among consumers that the product lineup has expanded, and today you can buy various types of goods, for example, a hammock, or Hangout sofa chaise lounge.
Hangout lounger is useful in the country, on a hike, on a beach holiday. It can easily replace a bench, a beach cover and even a bed where you can comfortably relax in the shade of the trees. It is multifunctional, easy to use, practical, reliable and outwardly attractive.
Such a lounge chair will become an indispensable piece of garden or cottage furniture. When folded, he can always be in the car, if necessary, for a few seconds to turn into a comfortable bed or bench.
Advantages and disadvantages of a "lazy" sofa
The advantages of air sofas, loungers and hammocks include the following points:
- In order for the product to be ready for operation it will take only a few seconds.It is inflated spontaneously in windy weather, simply deploy it. The self-inflating sofa without a pump is therefore called "lazy."
- The use of high quality modern materials. Nylon has not only high strength and water resistance. This is a very practical material, lightweight, resistant to temperature changes.
- Compactness in the put state, small weight (no more than 1.3 kg), a spacious berth in the spread-out position.
- Multifunctionality (such a sofa can be used in nature, the beach, cottage, and even at home).
- Bright, stylish design, rich colors.
- Excellent performance characteristics (durability, reliability, durability).
Among its shortcomings can be noted:
- incomplete tightness, despite the presence of magnetic tape;
- You can use such a sofa on a sandy or rocky surface, but not where there are stones with sharp corners or even glass. In this case, the inflatable bag will quickly fail.
Lamzak sofas are available in several basic sizes:
- STANDART. The model can withstand up to 300 kg of weight, while the weight of the product is 1.1 kg.The sofa is suitable for people whose height does not exceed 1.65 m.
- PREMIUM. In the unfolded state, its length is 2.4 meters. It can simultaneously accommodate up to 4 people. Withstands loads up to 300 kg. Net weight - 1.2 kg.
- COMFORT. It is recommended as a chaise lounge or a berth. Equipped with a special headrest for more comfortable use. Product weight - 1.2 kg, can withstand loads up to 300 kg. The length in the unfolded state is 2.4 meters.
In the kit to the original models attached instructions, a special peg and a loop for fixing the sofa, corporate cover-bag for carrying.
The versatility of Lamzac inflatable sofas consists of a wide range of applications:
- Beach lounger. Ideal for relaxing on a sandy or gravel beach of the ocean, sea, lake or river. A beach cover or a towel, of course, is a comfortable thing, but they get wet, through them you can clearly feel sand, gravel or sharp stones. They crumple and prevent fully relax. All these problems in a few seconds solves an inflatable lounger.
- Inflatable boat. Waterproof material and a large amount of air allow you to use such a lounger and as an inflatable mattress or even a boat.It will be stable even with small waves, while it will not be necessary to fear that the product will burst, tear or begin to leak water.
- Chaise lounge The high temperature range that inflatable loungers withstand, allows you to use them not only in hot summer. They will certainly be useful to lovers of ski resorts.
- Trampoline. Bright inflatable bag will be an excellent participant in children's games and entertainment. In the country, garden, beach - it can be inflated anywhere and the problem with children's leisure will be solved.
- Bench. The 2.4 m long sofas are a great replacement for outdoor furniture. For example, at the time of a picnic in nature or rest in the country. They are soft, comfortable, spacious, unusual.
Ideal for outdoor accommodation.
In addition to the fact that an inflatable lounger (hammock, deck chair, bench) is a multifunctional item, for more convenient and comfortable use of it, the manufacturer has provided several more useful details:
- Each product has small convenient pockets for storage of various necessary trifles. There you can put anything you like - from keys and a mobile phone to the small size of a beach towel or an interesting newspaper. There are models without pockets.
- The air bag, of course, becomes very light and mobile, especially in windy weather. To fix it in the right position and place, small pegs are provided, and the beds are equipped with a loop.
Color solutions
One of the main advantages of Lamzac products is its attractive appearance. All models are presented in bright, saturated, rich colors - the perfect solution for a hot summer.
Such bright colors will be perfectly combined with yellow sand, blue water and lush greenery.
The model range of sun beds and sofas Lamzac is available in several colors: yellow, red, blue, purple, green, pink.
Black sofa is universal. It looks great on the beach, in the garden, and at home.
Suitable for adults and children, men and women.
Instructions for use
The main "highlight" of the company's products - the speed and ease of inflating sofas. It does not require a pump or other aids. A few seconds - and the mattress is ready for use!
The whole process can be divided into several stages:
- Get a lounger out of the cover and deploy.
- Open the neck.
- Shake the bag several times, scooping up or drawing air into it. In windy weather it will be made even easier - you just need to turn the neck against the wind. If the street is calm, it is better to turn around your own axis several times or run a few meters, taking in air in turn into each compartment. At the same time it is necessary to hold the neck with your fingers so that the air remains inside the chamber.
- The magnetic tape is twisted and fixed in a closed position.
From the first time, it may not be possible to inflate the sofa in a few seconds. However, after several attempts, the necessary skill will appear.
The following video will tell you how to inflate a Lamzak sofa correctly:
How to care?
In order to use this modern convenient invention as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations given by manufacturers:
- To place the sofa, you must choose a plot of land or sand without sharp stones, glass, wire, other prickly or sharp objects.
- The same rule applies to clothes in which a person sits on a sofa: there should not be any spikes or sharp metal fittings on it.
- It is also necessary to clean the products with care: not any means will be suitable for this. Especially if the composition contains abrasive particles. Do not use powders or gels with chemically active reagents. Only soft, most gentle care products.
- When cleaning or washing, be sure to ensure that water does not get into the product.
- Small scratches and cracks on the outside of the sofa can be fixed with ordinary duct tape.
The approximate service life of such a product is about five years.
No matter how colorful and convincingly the manufacturer advertised his products, the most accurate information about the merits and demerits of the product, its useful life, difficulty in caring will tell the responses of real customers who have had the opportunity to use the product for years.
Sofas "Lamzak" - a product very popular due to its stylish design, ease of use and versatility.
Therefore, on various sites you can find a lot of very different responses regarding the quality of these beds:
- The first plus that is noted in these reviews is the compactness and low weight of the products when folded.Even a child can lift a small backpack.
- The second plus is the lack of need for a pump and other auxiliary elements. The sofa quickly deflates and inflates almost independently.
- Another advantage, which is noted in the reviews - quality, practical, safe material, very pleasant to the touch, beautiful, bright.
Since the design of the sun beds and the very idea of using them is quite simple, today you can find a lot of fakes from different companies offering similar products at low prices. Buyers who compare several options recommend purchasing original sofas. Cheap counterparts are often made of low-quality fabric that quickly clings and breaks, and in addition is not always waterproof.
The material used for sewing the air chamber directly is often used of very poor quality, as a result of which fake does not withstand the declared weight.
Stylish, modern design and bright colors - the undoubted advantages of the original sofas. It is always good when the product is not only of impeccable quality, but also attractive in appearance. To use such sofas is a pleasure.
They especially like children who use them as benches, hammocks, inflatable mattresses for the pool or the sea, trampoline.
This lounger is recommended for people with orthopedic problems. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a suitable version of the sofa, so that her back would not get tired and not hurt. The Lamzak lounger itself takes the form of a body, gently and carefully clasping it on all sides. Air chambers hold a sufficiently large amount of air, which lasts for several hours of comfortable rest.
The undoubted advantages are the additional elements (a peg with a loop for fastening the mattress) and comfortable roomy pockets for small change.