Sofa book

Upholstered furniture is not only a place to sleep and rest, but also creates a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. Among the existing furnishings sofa is the most democratic thing for the premises of any purpose and footage, different planning and stylistic orientation of the interior. In all the variety of modern sofas, classic book-type designs are in consistently high demand, which is a logical explanation.
Features, Pros and Cons
The main differences of such furniture are a reclining backrest, a seat sliding forward and guides. A few simple movements, and on the couch it will be possible not only to sit, but also to fully sleep.
The main arguments for its purchase:
- Durability and reliability.The book is a classic, time-tested. Soviet models of sofas - a vivid example of the implementation of such a design. The maximum that threatened products of the times of the USSR is the loss of appearance due to long-term operation;
- The durability of the transformation mechanism. The simple principle of the layout system serves as a kind of protection against damage and damage. Modern designs can be transformed up to 40 thousand times, without fear for their safety;
- Practicality. Use for upholstery dense high-strength fabrics resistant to abrasion, increases the duration of operation;
- Compactness. Furniture of small size solves the problem of the shortage of square meters, which is so urgent for small-sized housing. Saving usable space there;
- A variety of model range: a huge selection of shapes, sizes, configurations, colors and upholstery materials;
- Adequate price that does not break the budget.
We turn to the shortcomings of the furniture. The main plus of the book's sofa - the transformation mechanism is at the same time its disadvantage. With this method of layout, the upper part of the structure in the unfolded form protrudes beyond the body. If the furniture is close to the wall, then it will have to be pushed back each time, which is not only inconvenient, but also fraught with damage to the flooring.
When the sofa is folded, there is a free space between the wall and the back. The procedure for moving will need to be repeated, returning it to its original place in its original position. With daily use of the “book” in the “back and forth” mode, in the morning and in the evening, even the most durable laminate flooring or floorboard, not to mention linoleum, sooner or later will lose their visual appeal.
There are two more points:
- It is not necessary to count on the ideally flat surface of the sofa in the unfolded form, as a result of the transformation, the back and the seat form a functional joint.
- After a certain time it will be possible to notice a clear difference between the state of the upholstery on the back and the seat due to the different intensity of their operation.
Against the background of an impressive list of the merits of the book, such “trifles” no longer seem so significant.
In the furniture salon, it is easy to fall into a state when the “eyes run up”, even to those buyers who come here not to look after something, but go with a specific goal, having studied the market and prices in advance. Paradox, but the abundance of furniture can complicate the choice.You can simplify it by determining the model and familiarizing yourself with its performance characteristics. The aesthetic component is also important, but still secondary. So, what are the models of convertible sofas?
Rollout book
Roll-out sofa is reliable, very easy to use and great for everyday use. Such a transformation mechanism appeared not so long ago, but it had already become popular due to its simplicity and durability. A place to sleep form three parts: one is hidden in the back, and another pair - in the seat. The sofa unfolds with the help of a secret (hidden under the bottom) strap, pulling that up and towards itself, the seat will slide forward, thereby setting the movement of the rest of the parts into action.
Unlike other folding mechanisms, there is a lower berth, which compensates for its flat surface and comfort. No other cons. The metal frame is equipped with bamboo slats.
The width of the bed affects the size of the book itself. The compactness of the sofa is another plus in favor of its purchase for those who have not yet managed to acquire a huge living space.
A practical solution for daily use and an opportunity to save money without losing the quality of the product. Model boat - an updated version of the classic book. Its main feature - the lack of armrests, which often alarming buyers. Instead, they have a mechanism that raises the seat from the sides, due to which the structure is being straightened.
The correct operation of the mechanism does not depend on the frequency of folding and folding, which is due, like all books, extremely simple principle of operation. In such sofas, the frames have increased strength and withstand the maximum loads without problems.
The design of the boat deserves special attention: thanks to the smooth lines and the bends of the bed, the muscles relax completely, which contributes to a strong, healthy sleep.
With orthopedic base
Doctors unanimously agree that mattresses with orthopedic properties are good for health. This mattress is useful because:
- ergonomic, as it provides anatomically correct placement of the body in the process of sleep, taking care of the health of the spine, joints and relieving muscle tension;
- comfortable - to sleep comfortably on a perfectly flat surface;
- environmentally friendly - the use of predominantly natural or recommended synthetic materials as a filler guarantees the absence of allergic reactions.
The orthopedic base is a wooden or metal frame in which a spring block is provided. With the development of innovative technologies in production without any problems, bases are installed with corrective possibilities in the design of sofas, which does not affect the appearance of the furniture. For other models of books, you have to buy a solid piece of foam rubber or a mattress, which is recommended due to the functional joints formed on the bed.
Choosing an orthopedic sofa, do not forget to inquire about the type of mattress installed on it. The constructive solution of orthopedic blocks can be of several types:
- Bonnel (Bonnel) is a classic spring block, where dependent springs with a large diameter are used. Density 150 pcs. / m2, which indicates the average stiffness of the product. The orthopedic effect is low.
- TFK (TFK) - there is already a density indicator above 280 pcs. / m2, so that the load is distributed evenly over the zones of stiffness, contributing to the rapid relaxation of muscles, joints and spine.
- System Multipack - luxury products with a density of 750 pcs. / m2. The mattresses exactly repeat the curves of the body, providing maximum comfort, but they will also be worth it.
- Springless mattresses, where latex or coconut fiber is most often used as a filler. Any of such products is harder than analogues on spring blocks.
Thanks to the built-in mattress, as a result of the transformation, a complete double bed is obtained with an absolutely smooth, uniform surface without seams, joints and height differences. The thickness of the mattress recommended by experts. In terms of health benefits, the sofa is universal, since the orthopedic effect of the base works in a disassembled and assembled state. Models are recommended not only for adults, but also for adolescents who are in high school.
European Book
The model with separate seat and back is called recoil because of the alternative folding mechanism of the book realized here. The seat is equipped with rollers, sliding along the frame guides. The design is transformed due to rolling out (pulling) forward of the seat and subsequent soft translation of the back into a horizontal plane. After that, it remains only to drop into the vacant niche.
Such actions will require some effort, so if you have back problems, it is better to abandon such a system of layouts in favor of other options.The seat is very wide, which is not always like undersized people. These are insignificant, but minuses.
As for the advantages, unlike the classic book, the bed has a more even surface without much noticeable depressions, since there are no loops at the functional interface. In the case there are no nodal connections like other models, so there is simply nothing to break. It is best to give preference to models with orthopedic armor and spring block or molded elastic polyurethane foam in a soft back and seat area.
Here it is necessary to say about the superbook. Thanks to the innovative “throw-over mattress” technology, an ideally flat sleeping surface is formed, on which there are no joints and cavities. Visually it looks as if they turn the page of the newspaper. The special design of the rollers provides an easy transformation of the mechanism of the superbook.
The original transforming sofa with a new folding mechanism, which is implemented mainly in the overall and expensive upholstered furniture. Its main advantage is a stylish, beautiful, spectacular appearance, but the practicality here is minimal.This mechanism provides convenience solely assembled.
Transformation is reduced to a change in the position of the back, the plasticity of which can be compared with the work of the spine, with the result that it takes on a convex or more even shape. If the priority is to buy a large sofa in the living room and it is not planned to be used as a place to sleep, or if you follow fashion trends it is crucial for you, then this option can be safely considered.
French book
Model equipped with a Meralatte unfolding system. A constructive solution provides for a belt mesh, an alternative option is a metal mesh and longitudinal-shaped curved plates that support the entire system, and on top, most often, like a tent, a strong fabric is stretched. All this is done so that the furniture becomes more elastic and can withstand the additional load. The most practical option is considered a constructive solution with a transverse arrangement of the plates in relation to the sleeping surface.
The folding mechanism works according to the following principle. Cushions and armrests are completely removed from the seat, and then they are pulled forward, unrolling the mattress links like a roll in three stages.As a result, the structure is transformed into a full-fledged bed, where the legs are made of steel.
Cons of the system Meralatte:
- will not be able to please with a perfectly smooth bed without joints;
- lack of linen box;
- annoying every time to free the seat, removing the cushions with armrests.
For everyday use, the model is not particularly suitable, but as an option for guests - completely.
Three-position book
Customers often choose a multifunctional model with a click-click layout. Stylish and spectacular transforming sofas invariably attract attention. The main advantage of the modernized analogue of the book is the additional intermediate position of the backrest - relax. Here, to the standard two positions - sitting and lying down, a third is added - half-sitting or half-lying, as you like.
To unfold the sofa, the design is tilted back and, holding the seat out of the frame, wring out until they hear a second click. At the same time, characteristic sounds will be heard: “click” is the first click, and “click” is the second. Hence the name of the mechanism. Of the other advantages of the three-position book, it is possible to note the presence of a linen drawer and a berth with an almost perfectly flat surface. To improve orthopedic characteristics, frames are completed with lamellae.
Straight sofa book
Model with an extremely simple and reliable transformation mechanism. A constructive solution is represented by only two moving parts - the back and the seat. To transfer the sofa from the sitting position to the bed position, the seat is lifted upwards, lowering the backrest on the frame basis. The rise must be continued until a characteristic click is heard, after which the seat is lowered.
- The assembled model is compact and does not require a lot of space;
- suitable for daily use;
- there is a clothing department.
- to disassemble, you need to move away from the wall;
- has an uneven surface in the unfolded form, as the back and the seat form a functional joint.
To make it even easier to navigate the huge range of sofas books, it is worth bearing in mind that models are classified according to several criteria. Let us consider in more detail each category.
According to the functional
The presence or absence of upholstered furniture such details as the armrests, is perceived ambiguously. Some consider this element to be an integral and indispensable part, while others are happy to get elegant and elegant models without armrests.
The advantages of the latter include:
- Since there are no extra details, the furniture visually looks compact and does not look bulky;
- The lack of armrests does not affect the comfort of the furniture, but it does affect security. For families with small children, such a moment is extremely important;
- The presence of a larger usable area in contrast to analogs with wooden armrests;
- Lower cost.
Due to the lack of support, pillows often slip down, so choosing such a sofa will have to get elastic elongated pillows. Some models are equipped with special cushions with velcro, which eliminates such problems.
Models with wooden armrests still remain relevant. Wooden handrails have the following advantages:
- wear resistance and durability;
- the possibility of using them as a stand for various objects or support for a tablet or laptop;
- just take care of them;
- suitable for people with impaired locomotor functions.
Among the sofas with soft armrests, the most practical option is leather furniture. The armrests are the most vulnerable element of upholstered furniture,as pollutes faster and more often than other parts. And if the skin or wood can be cleaned without any problems, then you will have to tinker with the fabric.
Equipping most models with convenient and roomy storage systems expands their use. In addition to its main purpose - a place to sleep and rest, a sofa with a box for linen becomes an alternative to the closet where pillows, blankets and other sleeping accessories calmly fit.
A brief overview of the useful features of the models:
- With rollback from the wall. Existence of the additional vykatny mechanism gives the chance of placement of a sofa of the book closely to a wall. To translate the backrest into a horizontal plane, the seat is simply rolled back towards itself and raised;
- With back wall. Here, too, a sliding forward layout mechanism is provided, so the sofa can easily be placed close to the wall;
- With backrest. Mobile or simply high back at the folding sofa allow you to relax with the greatest comfort;
- On legs. Such elements make the furniture sustainable and perform purely decorative functions. Minus - mechanical damage to the flooring, if the legs do not have special felt stickers;
- With removable case. It is stylish, comfortable and practical.The sofa is subject to various kinds of pollution, but the use of blankets does not guarantee full protection from dust, wool, dust mites. Sleeping on such furniture over time becomes dangerous to health. With a cover that is easy to remove and wash, the upholstery will always be clean;
- With additional benches under the legs. This design feature provides maximum convenience while watching TV or reading. You can stretch your legs and relax completely;
- With a high berth. The formation of a high sleeping area during the transformation makes such a sofa in terms of level a full-fledged analogue of a large bed;
- No pillows. In this case, the backrest acts as a pillow. The direct model of the book easily turns into a bed thanks to a simple folding click-click mechanism;
- On the metal frame. The presence of a steel support frame makes such designs the most reliable and durable;
- With independent spring block. Thanks to this block, an orthopedic effect is created, which ensures uniform distribution of the load on the sleeping area.
To destination
Transforming sofas are relevant for any dwelling.The task of the buyer is to take a responsible approach to the choice of size, it is advisable to expect it in advance, and not to do it in the store. We remind you that for daily use are best suited to direct models, boats and transforming sofas with draw-out mechanisms.
Choosing office furniture, look at the leather sofas or models of eco-leather or vinyl leather. The combined upholstery looks beautiful when the seat and back are veneered with jacquard or flock, and the armrests are leather.
Arrangement of children is always an easy task. The situation in this room should be interesting, comfortable, functional and please the owner himself. In many ways, it is designed to make it modern furniture. Safety is equally important. If a baby grows up in a family, then it is better to refrain from buying models with sharp corners, protruding legs and wooden armrests. In adolescence, the absence of such elements is no longer so fundamental.
RAuditors often choose a transforming sofa for children, because it is both practical, convenient and beautiful. The child will easily master a simple transformation mechanism and will independently lay out the sofa, getting ready for bed.Color solutions are presented in a huge amount - it remains only to choose the appropriate colors, taking into account the palette of the interior and the floor of the child. A great option - roll-out sofa.
By the number of places
Depending on the number of seats, sofas are one-and-a-half - the smallest and most compact models, double, triple, four and five-seater. The latter are the real giants. The seat can be of any size, there is no uniform standard for it.
Separate attention deserve bunk transformers. There are children's, teen and adult models.
In stores there is upholstered furniture, which has completely different dimensions, but you should know that there are standard sizes for products in this category. The introduction of a single standard of functional and overall dimensions for household furniture was due to the need to protect the buyer from purchasing potentially harmful products for health. This takes into account the recommendations of physicians and the results of numerous anthropometric tests.
The state does not oblige furniture manufacturers to strictly follow the system of standards, but only to adhere to it.Only the width and length parameters are standardized, and each manufacturer has the right to decide independently a question with such a furniture size as height.
Find out what sizes are considered standard for models of sofas of different types:
- Angle type. It is considered large-sized furniture and requires a lot of free space to accommodate. The berth width of the corner models - a dolphin, an accordion, a canape should not be less than 140 centimeters, and a length - less than 190 cm;
- Straight type. In the standard full-size models - books and eurobooks, where wide armrests are often provided, you need to take into account the dimensions not only assembled, but also disassembled. In the “bed” position, such sofas occupy an area twice as large. The standard dimensions of the bed are 140x200 in the classic book, 200x160 in the eurobook with a seat height of 45 cm. And the 200x180 models are suitable for those who want to sleep spaciously without disturbing their spouse. The greatest demand is for sofas 190x120;
- Cots. Vykatnogo type models or folding forward have a small length. Here the size of the furniture in the unfolded state is important. As a guest option the sofa 120x190 will do,and for daily use, choose a model 190x160 or 120x200 with a click-click mechanism;
- Couch sofas. Narrow models are able to become a complete place to sleep for only one person. Length 180 cm in unassembled form for mini-sofas is standard;
- Triple sofa. Such a large and spacious furniture has dimensions of 210x120. Therefore, in small apartments it is better not to consider it, since it takes up a lot of space. But owners of spacious lofts should look at this option;
- Double room. Compact furniture, width - 120 cm, the seat has a depth of 70 cm. An excellent solution for owners of small-sized housing - this sofa will look great both in the kitchen and in the living room. Double models are often purchased in offices, because of their convenience and practicality;
- Children's furniture. The size of the small sofa is 110x190. The 170 cm wide sofa is suitable for a child’s bedroom or in a teen’s room if it’s not too high. When the transformation mechanism unfolds forward, then usually choose a model with a length of 170 cm, and if along the length of 200 cm or more.
A well-known system of sofa cushions, which includes a spring block and a frame base with a gasket, was invented many years ago.Such a system serves as a guarantee of long-term operation of upholstered furniture and comfort for users. All the other options have the main advantage - an attractive appearance, and you can’t count on long-term usability.
What is the role of springs and are they needed?
Budget furniture manufacturers use soft polyurethane foam (90% air), polyurethane foam, synthetic padding (artificial wool), latex - all of these options are spring substitutes. In modern materials, where the basic component of the composition are polyester fibers manufactured by the “Thermopol” technology, they are represented by sintepuh, spandbond and dyurafil.
When you are not planning to buy an expensive sofa, you can get by without the spring. In this case, you need to select models with a filling of solid material and avoid products with foam rubber. The presence of a spring block is the best option, and even better if it is a sofa with steel springs in large quantities.
In a quality unit, the springs are fixed with each other like a net, which eliminates the displacement of elastic elements. The structures are reinforced with a metal mesh, plus a felt pad is provided here.An alternative to the material made of wool is sometimes laying cotton or wool batting or coconut coir.
The strength of the frame also deserves attention, since this parameter affects the service life of the furniture. In the manufacture of models of economy class used pine timber, the quality of such wood is low.
For the production of products of the middle price category, the high-quality pine timber and plywood are already involved, and for visible parts - beech. The most expensive furniture is made of beech array, and this applies to both visible and invisible structural elements.
Chipboard with a laminated surface is not only cheap, it is also a short-lived material. The only part of the sofa that can be made of chipboard without loss in terms of the quality of the entire product is a laundry box. The presence of a metal frame automatically puts such furniture on a higher level among analogs with a wooden frame basis in terms of reliability.
Modern furniture makers give preference to synthetic flooring materials - polyurethane foam of cold molding (PUF) and block elastic polyurethane. The density of these polymers determines the duration of operation and affects the final cost of the product. On average, the life of high-quality sofas is limited to 7-10 years, which is considered normal.
If it is important for you to feel a surge of vitality in the morning and not indifferent to the health of the joints and the spine, then the quality of the sofa is not the item of expenditure that is worth saving. The use of an independent metal spring block, high-density cold-formed polyurethane foam and natural materials is the best combination for a sofa. Such furniture is the most comfortable and soft, it is equally pleasant to sit on it, relax and sleep, plus it is seamless and reliable in daily use.
Upholstery materials are presented in a huge variety, manufacturers in this regard are able to satisfy any user needs. Let's find out which sofa upholstery will not disappoint: it will last a long time and will not lose its decorative properties.
The list of the most popular materials for upholstery includes:
- Flock - imitation suede or velvet. It is soft, durable and easy to clean.Quietly withstands exposure to direct sunlight, almost without fading. The flock "is not afraid" of pets' hair and their claws, possesses anti-dusting properties. For this reason, the material is often called anti-vandal;
- Chenille. Hypoallergenic, abrasion-resistant fabric with a fleecy structure into which extraneous odors will not be absorbed. The composition is in many ways similar to jacquard, and the fact that there are cotton fibers in it makes it possible to consider the material to be somewhat environmentally friendly. As for synthetic additives, we are talking about acrylic or polyester, the content of which greatly simplifies maintenance. Dry cleaning increases the service life of products, allowing you to avoid deformation of the fibers;
- Jacquard. The composition of polyester (50% + 50% cotton) A dense material that can withstand the effects of ultraviolet radiation, without losing its original brightness. Jacquard packings are represented by a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose a sofa, taking into account almost any color scheme of the interior;
- Velours. Knitted furniture fabric with a fleecy surface. Upholstered furniture of complex shape is most often faced with such materials.Textured polyester and polyamide yarns, chemical and natural fibers of cotton or wool are involved in weaving, which accounts for the high thermal insulation properties of materials. They are resistant to deformation and practically do not stretch. The fabric is easy to clean without loss of strength properties and brightness of color. With prolonged use, the nap may thin out, which is the main disadvantage;
- Tapestry. To make it, you need to alternately use threads of different shades. The basis of the tapestry often taken jacquard weaving. Buyers are interested in the durability and practicality of the fabric, which, moreover, is able to give a lot of pleasant tactile sensations;
- Gunny. Material with aesthetic texture "under the burlap" that provides chess weaving, will be a great addition to the interior, which is dominated by natural materials or imitations of those. The use of different types of fibers affects the appearance of the fabric, which can be neat and rather brutal. If representatives of the feline family live in the house, it is better not to consider the upholstery of the mat, as it will certainly interest the mustache-striped, which will quickly make the sofa unusable;
- Cotton is a beautiful, safe and pleasant to the touch material. Due to its environmental friendliness, it is perfect for upholstery of children's furniture.
Let's talk separately about the use of leather and its derivatives in upholstery:
- Vinyl artificial leather. Artificial analogue of natural leather, which is characterized by high strength properties, a variety of textures and colors. Regarding the external attractiveness of the kozzamenitel is not much inferior to natural material due to the use of unique methods of embossing and drawing the picture. When finishing the leatherette, a polyurethane coating is used, so it has exceptional organoleptic properties and surprising durability;
- Ecoskin - artificial high-tech material of the new generation, the texture of which is identical to the natural. It is waterproof, resilient, pleasant to the touch and resistant to mechanical deformations. It is well ventilated, vapor-permeable, frost-resistant and environmentally friendly, due to the absence of toxic compounds in its composition;
- Genuine Leather. This highly resistant premium material needs no introduction and is worth it. It is durable and is much easier to clean than any fabric.
What it is worth knowing when choosing a leather sofa:
- High-quality skin is soft to the touch, but it should not be excessively thin.
- Strongly stretched skin is a bad sign: the longevity of such a product is doubtful. Over time, we can safely expect the formation of creases, cracks and even tears.
- Unobtrusive specks on leather upholstery - not a cause for concern. Here we are talking only about the individual characteristics of the natural color, or the appearance of a wreath and veins has an “animal” origin. Both that, and another is considered normal, and in any way not upholstery defect.
Tips for choosing
Choosing furniture, you need to consider its intended functional load. What exactly the sofa will be used for: only as a place to rest or to relax and sleep on it.
Sofa bed
In this case, you need to pay attention to the back and seat. It is crucial here how smooth and even the surface they have, on which your convenience in the process of sleep directly depends. After a busy working life, a person, having finally reached the bed, simply falls and falls asleep. At first, he may not notice the unevenness of the bed, but the body cannot be deceived, especially when the degree of discomfort due to height differences becomes critical.
If at night to take comfortable for yourself, but harmful to the body, posture, then the load on the muscles, spine and joints will increase many times. The result - a broken state in the morning and a bad mood. To avoid this, the bed must be moderately rigid, and the filler must be of high quality.
The best option for upholstery is fabric. To buy a beautiful and stylish luxury leather sofa as a bed is at least unwise. Bed linen will begin to slide and "stray", so in the morning you can find a sheet in the chest area or a lump in the legs.
Premium leather furniture to a greater extent performs a decorative function, allows you to advantageously beat the interior and emphasize the status of the owner. Sit comfortably, sleep, definitely not. Sleep in full as soon as possible on the simplest classic book, if you spend a few minutes with a purchase to check the operation of the transformation mechanism.
The first requirement for a folding mechanism is high quality, the second is ease of operation. Be sure to ask about the presence / absence of restrictions on weight.In the conditions of daily use it is extremely important to provide yourself with a sleeping place, putting a minimum of effort.
In a quality product:
- the layout system works well: without jamming and without extraneous sounds;
- fasteners and hinges do not creak or grind, touching the surface of the case;
- wooden elements do not make creaking sounds that indicate insufficient drying of wood;
- for a secret strap to hold comfortably.
The use of the sofa from time to time
Modern sofa in the living room is one of the main attributes of the situation. Therefore, the main criteria for his choice - the external attractiveness and spaciousness of the seat. Furniture in the living room should have enough seats. The wave with a transforming back, large couches of a book with a high back in a retro style will suit the best here.
You can also consider luxury models with leather upholstery. A good example is the Chesterfield sofa made of genuine leather, which impresses with graceful curls of armrests and deep diamond-shaped clasps. No less spectacular view of large corner structures with fabric upholstery, and if the area of the living room allows, you can add an interior with a French book.
How to assemble and disassemble?
For transportation of a sofa book, it will need to be disassembled in order to simplify the task of transporting such large-sized furniture. Since it does not fit into the elevator, then in parts it will be much easier to carry along stairs, and large details will not be stuck in the doorways. You do not have to order trucks with a large body, because in a disassembled state, the book can easily fit into a regular Gazelle.
Each lined part is wrapped in stretch film to protect it from mechanical damage, water and dirt. For fasteners need a separate package, which is glued with adhesive tape to any part of the disassembled structure. Upon arrival at the place of assembly and installation of furniture does not take much time.
In which case it is better to use the services of professionals:
- If the sofa is imported and it has special fasteners. Without a specialized tool, it will not be possible to dismantle parts without damaging the structure.
- When fasteners hide upholstery. When dismounting the edges of the lining, it is necessary not only to observe the utmost accuracy, but also to know where to do it.Specialists have all the necessary skills and tools.
Consider the principle of disassembling the sofa on the example of the classic book mechanism. All actions are performed with a spanner key.
The sequence of work: lift the seat, laying on the back. Next, unscrew:
- fixing element, which fixes the side parts of the structure (if available). Remove them and set aside;
- the nuts of the fastener that secures the seat. Remove and put it aside;
- nuts fasteners that fixes the back.
How are other models laid out
Three-position books dismantled in a similar way. With the eurobook more difficult: it will have to be limited to disconnecting the lower withdrawable part and sidewalls. Since the seat with the backrest is a single unit, this part of the structure is transferred in the unassembled form.
At the new place, when the sofa is assembled, you need to check how the mechanism works and, if necessary, adjust it. To do this, the sofa will need to be turned over to make sure that the fixings are fixed. After that, disassemble the book to the position of the bed and the intermediate position of the half-lying.If there are no suspicious sounds - gnash or squeak, and the mechanism works smoothly, then the assembly is done correctly.
You can see more clearly the mechanisms for transforming sofas in the following video:
Reviews of sofas book and other models with a modified classical transformation mechanism, most of them are positive.
Users tag:
- Modern design;
- The practicality of products in everyday use;
- The optimum width and convenience of the seat, most often we are talking about models with dimensions of 190x140. A wide berth, originally designed for two people, allows you to easily accommodate guests with a child, or even two;
- Quality upholstery "under the burlap", that is, from the mat. The fact that she is unmarked and easy to care for is especially valued by women;
- Comfortable and smooth sleeping surface at the eurobook with a spring block;
- Long warranty - from 18 months and more from different manufacturers.
There are also those whom the new acquisition was not 100% satisfied. Usually this budget furniture buyers. So, what disappoints in some models of economy class:
- The sofa is too hard, so the back quickly gets tired.
- The combined upholstery of the armrests of fabric and artificial leather relished the cats and for this reason quickly became useless. Claw marks on the fabric are less noticeable.
- Narrow bed, which is provided for two people.
- Metal legs scratched the laminate.
- The side parts of leatherette creak when unfolding.
One of the advantages is the smooth and smooth operation of the transformation mechanism, the ability to perfectly keep the shape of the models with springs and beautiful appearance.