Turquoise sofas

A few decades ago, plain interiors were part of any apartment. Nobody could even think about very bright colors, everyone bought furniture of brown, white and black colors. But today, instead of the usual colors come bright colors, and this is especially evident in modern interiors. Turquoise sofas - a relative novelty and a bold design decision that can decorate any room.
Features, Pros and Cons
It is difficult to overestimate the cool freshness of turquoise. It is based on two shades - green and blue. Both tones wonderfully fit into the overall atmosphere, complementing each other. Green is one of the best options for decorating a room, it relaxes, soothes, brings harmony.The same function is performed by the blue color, casting memories of the spring sky or the calm sea.
Turquoise, close to blue, is also famous for its ability to visually enlarge the space. It is worth remembering that no matter what shade the sofa is, in different lighting it will play with new colors and change the tone.
A good feature of these sofas is the ability to place them in bright and plain interiors. Such furniture can be an accent, a “bright spot” in a room, or it can be harmoniously complemented and refreshed in rich colors.
Color solutions
Light turquoise (almost blue) color is very fond of the neighborhood of white and pastel colors. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to decorate your interior in such shades. Sand, beige, and peach tones are also suitable. Several bright elements will be able to diversify such a design: sofa cushions, paintings in cool colors, floor ottomans or small armchairs.
Deep dark turquoise will be well combined with all shades of yellow, but especially with mustard. Such a combination usually looks elegant even in small apartments.It looks beautiful dark turquoise with a gentle blue tone. You can choose a light blue finish of the room, or you can simply add curtains of this color to it. An excellent choice would be the purchase of several accessories dairy, pastel colors.
This color is rich, deep, and at the same time the sofa in turquoise hues perfectly harmonizes with other bright colors. Do not be afraid to experiment with pink, blue, green, red, brick, lilac. The main rule is not to force colors to compete with each other, they should all serve as support, and not overshadow turquoise.
Designers recommend to give preference to bright options not in the decoration of the room, but in the accessories.
Popular models
To date, the most popular option have become corner sofas. The reason for this choice is quite simple: the corner model is great for both large and small apartments. Roll-out transforming sofas have another great feature - if necessary, such a product can serve as an extra bed. It is best to buy corner models with the transformation mechanism "Dolphin".Ease of folding and use provided a lot of fans, but the frame should be only from very high quality wood.
Well-known eurobooks are not equally in demand. This is one of the most sustainable sofas that can last for many years. The mechanism of the eurobook is so elementary and simple that it cannot even be broken. The best solution would be the sofas of the classical direction. It is worth preferring the English or Italian straight models - with patterned trim or prints.
Sofa "Samurai" - one of the best models with the design of the "Accordion". Strict, calm and restrained, such furniture will be a great addition to the interior. The interesting design of the armrests, the durability of the mechanism and the presence of a large linen drawer allow you to comfortably use the sofa for a long time. In the assortment there are several "Samurai" - standard and mini. You can purchase in addition chairs or ottomans.
What curtains to the sofa to pick up?
The choice of curtains seems to be difficult and burdensome for many, but this is not quite the case.A bright turquoise sofa is a real space for imagination, and the selection of curtains can turn into a fascinating adventure. There are several ways to determine the appropriate option, without making special efforts.
- A reasonably economical method is to the choice of curtains is clearly the color of the furniture, in this case - under the turquoise sofa. Pay attention to your interior. If this style is close to the palace one, massive models with fringe and tassels will do. Modern trends (including minimalism) will be perfectly complemented by light curtains without frills. In a neutral classical atmosphere you can experiment with laconic patterns, but they should not be voluminous or in large quantities.
- A good solution is napprove the curtains in the color of the walls. Usually people who do not use the services of designers prefer to complement the turquoise sofa with an interior in light or sandy colors. Curtains of this shade - absolutely win-win, they look easy and unobtrusive. The only drawback - they will have to change with each update of the interior.
- Having bought neutral shades, They can be easily turned into a masterpiece.Try to order them turquoise pelmets, edging or drapery, and simple curtains will play with fresh paint. Light models with turquoise splashes will also look good - prints, stripes and cells will do. The main thing - do not forget about the accessories, be sure to get bright cushions, turquoise floor lamp, decorative napkins or tablecloth.
Beautiful design solutions
Light turquoise - the perfect companion for the interior in white shades. It looks especially elegant in modern studio apartments. Additional coolness will give a gray tone, they can be used in lamps or paintings. Refresh design green blotches - for example, live plants or a beautiful aquarium.
The abundance of turquoise color not only does not spoil, but also perfectly "revives" the room. Exquisite corner sofa of bright color, armchairs and ottoman in tone, as well as turquoise curtains make the interior rich and original. To such a situation, you can add yellow or golden paint. Complement the room and black and white zebra print.
You can create a luxurious modern style by adding a calm white tone to the turquoise and yellow.Romantic gentle looks bright sofa framed in white and yellow chairs. One wall made in similar tone will help to shade it. Greenish curtains, a mirror table and an elegant chandelier will be the final touch in the atmosphere of the room.
Stylish turquoise sofa can act as an accent, and addition to the interior. If you decide to choose this color only, diversify it with sand, beige and brown tones. Such neutral scale will help the sofa to stand out even more. But when the sofa itself serves as a supplement, pick up something to match. For this purpose, well fit lamps, chairs, curtains, vases, paintings.
Small turquoise sofas are very popular with children. All kids love bright, rich colors, so such an acquisition will clearly be in place. But do not overdo it with screaming shades - it will be enough to have curtains and a small decor on the walls or closet. The overall interior is better to arrange in sandy or milky tones.
How to choose a sofa, see the next video.