Table by the window in the interior of the children's room

The arrangement of the writing desk by the window in the nursery is not at all a stylish design decision, but a manifestation of concern for the vision of the child. If there is enough daylight in the workplace, the eyes do not get tired during long sessions.
The advantages of the table by the window
Artificial lighting never can not be compared with daylight in its benefits to the human body:
- natural light has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- promotes the production of vitamin D;
- maintains clarity and healthy vision;
- gives a charge of positive energy.
Lighting plays a big role in the development of the visual perception of a growing organism. And new trends in design allow you to combine business with pleasure. For example, to combine a desk with a window sill. Modern window blocks perfectly retain heat and protect from extraneous noise from the street. So, a table for classes instead of a window sill along the window will be not only a comfortable and well lit, but also a safe place to study.
What to look for?
A few rules that need to consider when creating a countertop near the window.
- If the windows face the sunny side, you need to purchase blinds or curtains to adjust the intensity of the lighting.
- Thinking through the table under the window, you need to take into account the heating battery under it. So that it does not interfere with moving the furniture close to the window.
- To save space and finances, installing a tabletop instead of buying a window sill and a desk separately will help.
- The table should not be too wide, so that it is convenient to open the window sash to ventilate the room.
Table at the window in the nursery can be equipped with shelves for books and drawers for stationery. A large tabletop will allow you to place on it everything you need for board games and exciting learning new and unknown.
Table for two children in one nursery
The window seat is ideal for the location of a working area for two children living in one nursery. The spacious table can be divided into two halves, each of which will be with shelves for individual use. Thus, each young tenant in the room will get his working corner. In the process of training, children will not interfere with each other, and the material is absorbed much easier. A desk built into the window niche instead of a window sill is unrealistic to purchase at a furniture store. Such designs are made exclusively to order by individual measurements. Most often they order a long angular model that combines educational and computer zones and has places for storing everything necessary for classes.
The window in front of the table does not need to block curtains. Otherwise, the meaning of the location of the table at the window is lost.Maximum - translucent tulle in the pickup or light Roman curtains, rising in the daytime to access the light in the room. Models embedded in the window sill can be absolutely any design. Everyone decides individually what parameters and materials to use for making the table.
The form
Thinking over the model of the table to order, first of all you need to proceed from the shape and area of the room where one or two children live.
There are several standard, but interesting solutions.
- A long tabletop, the length of the window sill or occupying the entire wall space along the window.
- Model of the angular type, advantageous in small rooms of irregular shape.
- Oval writing desk. Stylish move for spacious rooms in which there is no need to save square meters.
The option of an angular arrangement of a table allows to add a convenient case for books and souvenirs to a design. Also, it is often equipped with a wardrobe and shelves for equipment. Schoolchildren will need shelves for a printer, keyboard and system unit. Kids - drawers on wheels for storing and sorting toys.
Design and colors
Having decided on a design, the turn of a choice of color of facades of a future table comes. For the girl and the boy there are many separate ready-made solutions. But you can take the initiative and create a unique object for practicing at the window. Where your child will be most comfortable and pleasant to do all their business.
Girls are often happy delicate, pastel shades or bright patterns on the facades and glass cabinets and drawers in the table. Most preferable are peach, white, mint, cream, pink and turquoise. Or the compatibility of these colors in one set of furniture. Models made of natural wood, not painted in any of the listed colors, are also often chosen when decorating a desk in a girls' room.
Natural wood has a unique natural pattern and does not need additional decor. In addition, you can add grace to a girl's headset not only with the help of color, but also with beautiful accessories and decorative elements. The frosted glass in the door of a book case looks beautiful in the technique of “sandblasting”, decorated with a delicate pattern or intricate ornament.Handles on the drawers in the form of flowers or similar embossing on the facade is a great step that any little princess or maturing schoolgirl will appreciate.
Boys also prefer the natural color of wooden facades or the bright rich shades of olive, blue, blue, orange and gray. Their tables often resemble pirate ships and space rockets. And older guys make a choice in favor of minimalist forms and quiet inconspicuous shades. Having added such a working space with a comfortable chair, you can easily organize your favorite teenager free time. When planning a table design in a children's room, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child and his hobbies. Then he will be engaged with pleasure and benefit.
Designer Tips
Before going to the store to order at the table or order it from the master, in addition to the quality of the product, it is necessary to take into account such data as the child's gender, his age, height and preferences. The color range of furniture facades and tabletops is also important. Colors can influence the child's psyche. What shade prevails in space will directly affect the mood and performance of the child.
Children's table staffed by the age of the student. For preschoolers, simple models in the form of a tabletop and several drawers and shelves for books and board games are preferred. The school work area is given maximum attention. Carefully planned every 10 cm of space. After all, they can usefully accommodate a lot of the necessary elements for a growing person. At registration of a working zone presence of green color will go to the blessing study. Especially if it will be soft shades of green. Also, experts recommend, if possible, arrange a desk in the north-eastern part of the room. It is believed that it is in this area that the sector of knowledge and wisdom is located.
For the same reasons, it is better that the child is not facing the blank wall during class. A table in front of a window or balcony is an excellent option for gaining knowledge without psychological barriers and obstacles for receiving positive energy from external space. The corner training table by the window will save space and provide an opportunity to rationally place bookshelves and drawers for necessary accessories at arm's length.Design ideas for the design of the school zone will be an excellent incentive for learning new things in the world of science and the surrounding world.
Quality furniture for children
The table chosen must meet high quality standards and be environmentally friendly. This will help the child grow up not only smart, but also healthy. When purchasing furniture for the child’s activities, preference should be given to natural materials. From the furniture should not come a sharp and unpleasant odors. On a plastic table, you must take a certificate of quality from the seller. All parts must be safe, cuts - processed, without sharp edges. Hardware - reliable, drawers easily retractable, tabletop - smooth to the touch. Paint - resistant to abrasion and non-toxic.
Table selection according to the height of the child
Note that the height of the tabletop should be set according to the height of the child. Otherwise, he will be uncomfortable at the table. In addition, there is a risk of forming a bad posture.
It is easy to calculate the correct height if you use the following standards:
- for a child with a height of 130 cm, the height of the table top should be 52 cm;
- With the growth of a child from 130 to 145 cm, a tabletop 58 cm high is relevant;
- if the height of the child is within 145-165 cm, the table should be placed at a height of 64 cm;
- teenager height of 165-175 cm comfortably settled at a table height of 70 cm.
When purchasing a table for a child of a younger age category, during his period of active growth, a height-adjustable table is a good solution. Such a tabletop can be raised to the required height as needed. The chair can be chosen the same, with adjustable seat height. Normally, the feet of a child sitting on a chair should stand on the floor, in no case should they hang down. Only when properly seated at the table will you provide your child with high-quality classes and healthy vision and posture.
How to make a table by the window in the interior of the children's room, see the following video.