Choosing a children's folding bed-wardrobe

Modern approaches to the design of living space are based on the desire for practicality, comfort and comfort of housing. The latest achievements of the furniture industry have created multifunctional and high-quality pieces of furniture that are easy to use. A reclining bed that is built into a wardrobe or turns into a sofa is the best choice for small apartment owners.
If you intend to create a modern decoration in the nursery, the best solution would be to install a folding children's bed. This design leans against the wall when necessary.The safe and durable mechanism of embedding in a dresser or wardrobe allows you to save more space in the room. At night, this is a place to sleep and rest, and in the daytime - a platform for games and homework.
For small apartments this option will be a good acquisition. The bed which is built in a case organically fits into a cozy interior of the apartment. A flick of the wrist transforms the bed into a comfortable sleeping corner. It allows you to avoid closeness and zaslennosti home.
There are several variations of folding sleeping modules.
- Vertical. Timeless classics. The sleeping bed leans back from the wall or rolls out of the dresser, the front side is selected in accordance with the tastes of the customer. Ideal in harmony with the small size of the apartment, but with high ceilings. It can accommodate 1 or 2 beds. Cabinet depth for a teenager is about 45 cm.
- Horizontal It has a completely different structure. She is only single. Since its size is much smaller, the height of the ceiling does not matter, but there is the possibility of placing shelves and drawers.
- Transformer. The bed turns into a module with a table and shelves, or a sofa with a wardrobe. Here you can remove toys, books, clothes.
- Rolling out bed. With the help of a roller mechanism, it moves out from under a cabinet or a furniture set. Good for installation in the living room.
- Single bed. As a rule, it is built into the cabinet, and shelves or drawers are located above it.
- Bunk folding bed. Suitable for a room in which two children live. She leans against the wall and is almost indispensable for limited space.
- Bed-table. This is a horizontal modification, on the back of which is attached to the surface of the table. For children the perfect option with a bright design. Here only one child can be accommodated on it.
This classification is based mainly on the location of the bed, without regard to its functionality. Vertical beds have gained great popularity and are sold at reasonable prices, in contrast to horizontal models. Often, additional racks and containers for toys and textbooks are built into them.
Functional characteristics
Built-in furniture must be firmly fixed to the wall. It is expected durability, reliability and safety, given the diversity of its purpose. The basis of this type of furniture is a metal tube with a diameter of 2-5 mm. The lifting module provides a silent sliding complex. Lifting mechanisms are spring, manual and gas lift.
In the first case, the module is brought to a horizontal position with the help of springs. The load on the surface is regulated by special screws. This system is used for beds that can withstand the impressive weight of a person. Springs tend to lose elasticity due to their constant stretching and therefore have a limited service life. It is necessary to change them once every 3-5 years.
The gas lift design includes a pneumatic piston, which is driven by the gas pressure in the mechanism. It is so simple and easy to use that even a child can handle it. The high price of such a device due to their strength and durability. Serves 5-10 years. The manual mechanism costs little money, but not for everyone.It takes some effort to lift the bed. For very young children, for obvious reasons, it is not suitable. But he serves for a long time and almost does not break.
Lamella system of wood or aluminum supports the mattress. If you purchase a mattress yourself, you must take into account its thickness - no more than 25 cm, otherwise the bed will not be able to fit in the closet. Strength built-in beds give retractable legs. Elastic belts fix bedding. The doors of the dresser or dressing table are selected in accordance with the style of the room. In it lifting mechanisms are located. The presence of light inside the cabinet for reading at night looks original.
Built-in folding furniture is made mainly of wood. The basis is chipboard or solid boards. Metal corners frame the bed. On the sides are used plates of solid wood - cherry, oak, pine. The lifting mechanism of the structure is made of metal.
Designers offer unconventional design options for sleeping space. For example, models where a section with shelves and a turning mechanism can act as a facade.Shelves with books and souvenirs are located on the sides of the bed and give elegance to the apartment. The vertical type of the folding sleeping section can be hidden behind the swinging-out doors of the dresser and the doors of the "accordion" type. Such copies do by individual orders.
No less popular beds, built-in closets. As a rule, they are represented by double models. A single section can be supplemented with bedside tables and a small table.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of folding beds are:
- release of living space;
- no need to spend time daily unfolding bedding;
- the ability to carry out a full cleaning in the room;
- ease of use;
- many uses;
- fashion accessory in the interior.
15-20 years ago, folding beds were not safe and stable furniture, they could not withstand the load and therefore were not in demand by consumers. Modern manufacturers produce finished products and goods for individual orders for every taste and wallet. In the manufacture of beds using harmless and environmentally friendly materials.Price depends on the type of material and a set of functions.
The negative factors include the following factors:
- improper use causes damage to the structure and the need to completely replace it;
- high quality modules cost a lot of money;
- there is a limit of permissible load;
- the device can be mounted only in walls of concrete or brick, in advance preparing them for work;
- consumer distrust of this design due to the fear that the bed may fall out of the closet;
- high-quality installation is carried out only by professionals.
How to make a profitable purchase
Bed prices depend on the manufacturer and modification of structures. It is important to choose a bed made of child-friendly materials. Vertical folding modules cost about 15,000 rubles. Choose products from durable wood that will withstand the maximum load. The folding mechanism must be of high quality to avoid injury to babies. Consultants will help to understand the variety of functions and configurations of the device, give advice and recommendations on the choice of material.Such furniture set will serve the child for a long time.
The designer will design a place for children's leisure and creativity, taking into account personal wishes and needs. Orders are usually completed within 14 days.
The work is divided into several stages.
- Consultation specialist and preliminary assessment of the order.
- Measurement of premises and drawing up a drawing. The final calculation of the cost of the order.
- Signing a contract and transferring an advance payment of the order in the amount of 30-50%.
- Manufacturing and assembly of the ordered house furnishing. The final payment under the contract.
Reasons for buying
One of the most weighty arguments is the need to use a children's room not only as a bedroom, but also as a place to play. The need to save free space encourages a family with 2 or more children to rationally approach home improvement. There are circumstances when a child does not have his own room at all, then the equipment of a personal corner is the only way out of this situation.
The teenager will like the horizontal transforming bed - it is easy to assemble it in a niche or a chest of drawers. If the bedroom is quite small, then it is better to order a vertical type of bed. For 2 children it is reasonable to install a two-tier berth, since two sections can occupy almost the entire area of the room. When raising the bed, the lower tier can be used as a sofa. This is an incredibly convenient and unusual solution to the problem of limited space in the room.
If the size of the room is sufficient to accommodate 2 reclining beds, then this option is suitable for adolescents who need personal space. Everyone can clean their own sleeping place.
Combine and different types of sleeping modules. For example, establish 1 stationary bed and 1 lifting. In this case, the child can rest or sleep during the day. Also combine the horizontal and vertical options for folding beds. Imagination and creativity will help to beautifully and stylishly equip a room for children.
On how to choose a children's folding bed-wardrobe, see the following video.