Choosing a round bed for babies

Choosing a suitable bed for a newborn is not an easy matter. It should be as comfortable as possible, absolutely safe and at the same time beautiful. Today, not only classic rectangular, but also round designs with a large number of positive qualities are very popular. If you plan to buy a bed for the crumbs, then this option can not be overlooked.
Features, Pros and Cons
Currently, the range of cots pleases with its wealth and diversity. On sale there are both classic versions of a simple design, and original copies with various additional components.The choice of the best option depends largely on the area of the children's room, as well as the wishes of the consumers themselves.
Today, original round beds, featuring a more accurate and delicate design, are gaining in popularity.rather than the traditional angular options. In addition, these products are characterized by modest size and many different modifications. At the choice of buyers are presented and the usual stationary copies, and multifunctional folding designs that can "grow" with the child.
In stores selling children's furniture you can find beautiful round models painted in a variety of colors. Most often, buyers choose the classic white options that fit easily into any room design. Of course, it is possible to buy other copies of all colors of the rainbow. The main thing is that the paintwork is environmentally friendly and safe for the health of the baby.
Round beds have many positive qualities for which modern consumers choose them.
Being in a round crib, the child will always have a good overview of the environment (360 degrees).So, the crumb will not feel closed in a confined space.
Many consumers prefer these models of cribs, as they are often equipped with an addition in the form of a dresser. It can accommodate various things, such as children's clothing, accessories for sleeping or small toys. Thanks to this detail, it will be possible to refuse to place in the closet room, which will take up extra space.
Transformers products are very popular today, which are equipped with special mechanisms that differ in wear resistance. Even if they are used for many years, they do not fail.
Some varieties of round cradles have built-in mechanisms responsible for their special rocking. With their help, the crumb will quickly fall asleep without the participation of parents. There are no sharp corners or structural details in round beds, so the baby will be completely safe in them - getting injured is minimized. Most round beds have modest dimensions, so finding a place in the room for them is not difficult.
Complete with many models are maneuverable wheels, thanks to which they can be seamlessly moved from one place to another. If desired, they will block using a special device. Round beds have an aesthetic appearance and easily fit into almost any design ensembles.
In a round cradle, there is always excellent air circulation, which has a positive effect on the health and mood of the baby. If you supplement this furniture with a special ventilated mattress, then the crumb will be in ideal conditions for sleeping and rest.
This furniture is assembled very easily and quickly, even if it is equipped with different mechanisms and additional elements.
Modern manufacturers produce these types of beds as reliable and resistant to wear. In many variants of round models, it is possible to adjust the height of the bottom.
As you can see, round-shaped cribs have many positive characteristics, however, this does not mean that they are perfect. This furniture for the little ones has its drawbacks.
- Such constructions are more expensive than standard options, especially if they are supplemented by various mechanisms responsible for the transformation of furniture.
- Another disadvantage of such products is their size.The greater the number of functions available in a round crib, the larger dimensions it will have.
- Chests and drawers in these products, as a rule, are of modest size and do not differ in capacity, so you should not count on them. Most likely, you will have to buy an extra wardrobe in the room, if its space allows.
- The child will grow rapidly, causing the length of the crib will also increase, but the width of the sleeping space will remain unchanged (60 cm). Over time, this small user will not be enough.
- This children's furniture is not designed for long use, because it is permissible to use only for very young children. Of course, if used correctly, the beds will last for a long time, but in most cases they are not durable.
- For such furniture is very difficult to find a suitable mattress due to non-standard round shape of the base.
There are several varieties of round cots. Each has its own distinctive characteristics and design features.
One of the most popular and frequently encountered are the standard varieties of round beds for the little ones.Most often they are made from natural solid wood, equipped with removable wheels, as well as a bottom, which can be adjusted in height at any convenient time.
The disadvantage of classic products is their fragility. They are not designed for long-term use, even if you treat them as carefully as possible. In addition, to these options, as well as to any round beds, it is difficult to choose a suitable mattress.
It is possible to revive the interior and make it more gentle with the help of a charming round-shaped hanging cot. The baby will be very comfortable and cozy to sleep and relax in such children's furniture. Experts say that such cradles can have a calming effect on newborns, so they can be safely called excellent assistants moms and dads.
The cost of hanging products can not suit every buyer. As a rule, they are quite expensive. Provided that the beds are also used for not too long, their purchase may not be the most profitable from the economic point of view. When the child grows up, the suspension model will be for him not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous, since it is not designed for substantial loads.It is better to purchase the specified options for round beds only if there is an opportunity to pay a tidy sum for them, and soon to go for an already new model.
Pendulum round beds are also in great demand. They are considered as safe as possible and even useful for the little ones, especially if you compare them with traditional rocking chairs. Pendulum products are complemented by a special mechanism that does not allow the baby to sway independently in the crib.
The main disadvantage of these copies is that they quickly fail. Over time, this furniture may begin to creak, and the items in the drawers will roll and thunder. Pendulum models of round beds are more expensive than usual options.
It is permissible to install additional beds next to the adult bed. Thus, the baby will always be in front of the parents, but it will remain in its own place. Such a solution is safe. Moreover, the location of the crib next to the parent’s bed is favored by many psychologists.
Use this kind of round model will not very long. If the budget of the parents allows, then it will be an ideal choice.
Transformers can be used for babies from the day they are born and after reaching 5 years of age. These models can "grow" at the same time with a small user. They can be turned into a variety of pieces of furniture. Thus, it is possible to get a large rounded cradle, and playpen, and even a small table with chairs. You can easily and quickly rearrange the transformed model to a new place in the house, as they are usually equipped with wheels. The bottom in these cradles is also adjustable.
However, these models are pretty expensive - this is one of the most expensive round beds.
How to choose?
Round beds for newborns should be selected with the utmost care.
It is better to rely on the following criteria.
- Workmanship - children's furniture should be reliable, as well as to maintain stability.
- Security - the bed should not have sharp and protruding parts of the structure, as well as be in dangerous proximity to objects that can harm the baby if he gets to them.
- Quality of support, legs, in a round crib should be 100% resistant for the furniture to last as long as possible. If variants with wheels are purchased, fixing devices should be included with them.
- Material. Baby cot must be made from safe and environmentally friendly materials. Natural wood meets these requirements. When buying such a model, it is necessary to request from the seller a corresponding certificate of quality for the goods.
- Equipment. It is important to make sure that all the parts indicated on the package are included in the round bed set. It is advisable to choose the options in which the side walls are equipped with rubberized linings - they will be very useful when the baby starts cutting teeth, and he starts to gnaw these elements.
- Appearance. In spite of the fact that a bed for a newborn is being bought, it must still fit into the interior of the room in accordance with its style and the prevailing colors.
- Manufacturer. It is better to buy a round bed from a well-known brand, whose products have good reviews. Of course, it can cost a pretty penny, but it will not cause problems and does not harm the crumbs in any way.
Beautiful examples
- Charming transforming cradle 3 in 1, painted in a mint shade and complemented by a light, light canopy, will look harmoniously against the background of light walls and expensive furniture with carved elements or stucco.
- A classic snow-white cot of a round shape will sparkle with new colors, if it is decorated with a translucent canopy, light bedding and lots of pillows in brown, white and turquoise or black and white. This stylish design will easily fit into many interiors, especially if they are made in “warm” colors.
- An oval dark wood bed with a large diameter will look harmoniously against a gray wallpaper in a white flower, as well as accent walls decorated with wooden panels. If there is a floor on the floor imitating a rough tree, then the cradle will fit into the interior even more effectively. The rest of the furniture in this room is better to be light, and on the floor it is worth to lay a snow-white fluffy rug.
In the next video you will find a review of the 6 in 1 "Seventh Heaven" round transformer bed.