How to choose a bed for newborn twins?

The birth of children is always a joy and a long-awaited event, for which they begin to prepare much earlier than the expected appearance of a baby. But if there are two kids, then the joy will double, as well as concerns about how to adequately meet babies at home and create comfortable conditions for them. And one of them is a comfortable and practical bed for newborns.
Many parents since the birth of the child believe that he is a person. Therefore, even a place to sleep they should be separate. Today, the furniture industry offers a huge amount of furniture from various manufacturers - for every taste and financial possibilities. One big bed - this option is fraught with many advantages and opportunities:
- Usually, small children immediately after birth are inactive, so it’s enough to place them in one spacious bed. True, it will take a lot of space, but mother can simultaneously control two babies. Usually the size of such a model is 125x120 cm.
- If desired, the wide crib can be divided into two compartments with a linen screen, and then restless babies can fall asleep fairly quickly.
- Doctors have proved that “communicating” with each other in one area babies develop faster.
- It is necessary to make sure that the bed is made by a trusted manufacturer. Durable models will not sway and crack at the seams when the grown up mischievous people begin to move along it, shaking the bed, holding the railing.
Some manufacturers offer models for sale twin beds. Adjacent places are divided by partitions - rack or foam. The next option is two small cots. The main advantage of separate standing beds for newborns is the ability to move them depending on the situation. Ideal: one baby from the side where the mother sleeps, and the second - from the other parent.
Separate children's beds will allow parents to freely approach any of the kids. True, for the convenient location of the beds will require more space: they fit perfectly into a spacious bedroom. The cost of two beds can also be higher than the price of one big.
Surprisingly, the bunk bed exists not only for children of preschool age, but also for those just born. Often they are made to order. The convenience of this model is obvious:
- Bunk model saves space in a small bedroom. As a result, the room can fit other necessary accessories for newborns - changing table or chest of drawers for things.
- The lower bed has the ability to roll out forward, so it is quite convenient to take care of the baby.
- Typically, such models have a more thoughtful degree of protection so that the kids do not injure themselves.
- A significant disadvantage of a bunk bed is the short term of its operation - usually after half a year children should be “relocated” to more comfortable beds.
Recently, young parents stop their choice on the beds, playpen.Convenient and practical solution. In appearance, lightweight models have a fairly solid foundation - seven supports are built into them. Such a bed for twins is easy to transport, for example, to the cottage or to the grandmother.
In the case of twins, the bed is equipped with two cradles that can be put in the playpen, and during their wakefulness - to pull out. Then the bed turns into an ordinary playpen for games for the matured children. In the cradles, babies can stay up to 2-3 months, then the model is adjusted to a certain height and serves as an ordinary place to sleep. On the sides of the model are special pockets for various things - bottles, nipples and diapers. Sometimes manufacturers offer in the arena a special hole-hole, which will later become a playhouse.
One of the most convenient models - a transformer:
- In addition to two full beds, this bed is equipped with various lockers and even a place to swaddle.
- The bed itself looks like cabins, it requires a lot of space, but then each side plank reclines independently, which gives a certain freedom to the actions of the parents.
- Many models are equipped with a pendulum mechanism.
- Some manufacturers for greater convenience, build in a transformer retractable rear wall, which later turns into a real desk, and the beds themselves are converted into standard teenage beds.
The pendulum mechanism on one large bed turns it into a device for rocking. When lightly pressed, the bed will begin to sway, with only its upper part, and the legs remain stationary. There are two mechanisms of swinging - longitudinal and transverse. Some models can perform such swings alternately. Often these beds are equipped with canopies that will protect children from direct sunlight or insects.
Basic requirements for the manufacture of cots - is safety and durability. Children should in no way feel discomfort and should be protected from any traumatic protrusions and openings. Any model should be equipped with bumpers. Modern manufacturers offer beds for newborns made of metal, wood and plastic. For any material, the main rule is important: all sharp corners and joints of the future place to sleep should be carefully polished and closed from the baby.Despite the beauty of the product, it must be appropriate for its purpose.
Wooden beds have the ability to "breathe." In the stores you can find models of the following types of wood:
- Birch tree;
- Pine;
- alder;
- beech;
- aspen;
- ash.
Models from beech and alder, birch and ash are considered more durable. Pine is a soft material in comparison with the previous ones, and scratches and roughness can remain on the product made of it. A wooden bed should not be covered with paint or varnish, since during the period when the little ones begin to cut teeth, they will certainly “test” all the protruding surfaces. If the wooden bed is still covered with paint, you need to make sure that it does not contain harmful substances. Well, do not forget that the tree - the most environmentally friendly option of all proposed.
Metal beds - a very practical option. When buying such a model, you must make sure that there are no chips and sharp corners on its surface.
The advantages of metal products:
- they are perfectly washed, they can even tint;
- the service life of metal beds is much longer than that of wood;
- fire safety, which is especially important in a house where children grow up;
- metal is not exposed to rot, the bed will not deteriorate due to high humidity;
- metal models perfectly fit into any interior, and if there are forging elements in their design, they will become a real decoration of the room;
- metal beds, cradles with an original canopy, are very popular, they have a strong and stable frame.
Plastic models are lightweight, this is their main advantage. Choosing such a model, you need to make sure that the manufacturer used high-quality substances as part of the plastic, otherwise after a certain period of operation a specific odor will appear in the room. But externally plastic allows you to give the bed any, even the most unusual look. Sleeping bed made of plastic is much cheaper than its counterparts and is easily disassembled, which is very convenient when traveling with children.
Beds made from chipboard and MDF are considered to be economical options. They are light in weight, comfortable, but afraid of moisture and can lose their shape. With careful selection of material, such a model can last for quite a long time. The low price of the bed is also one of its advantages.
Options for the organization of the bed
Of course, to arrange a room for a newborn is a very crucial moment.And when there are two kids, this task becomes more complicated. It is desirable that each baby has “his own” territory, equipped with everything necessary - lockers and changing table. If children are heterosexual, the zones can be “marked” with a color solution - pink and blue rugs, canopies of the same colors.
If the beds for babies are separate, it is desirable that they are located close to each other, since children from childhood must understand that they are a single whole. When children grow up, the space between their beds can be enclosed by a changing table or chest of drawers, this will allow children not to disturb each other during sleep. The room where the children will sleep should be bright and ventilated. So that the suns do not disturb the little ones, usually their sleeping places are enclosed with special canopies.
One common bed will take up more space, but then the children will always be there, getting used to living together. To save square meters, you need to choose models equipped with drawers and places where you can swaddle the children. The beds are not placed by the window, so that the grown-up children do not take the opportunity to climb the window sill.All the furniture in the room should be fixed to the wall or be strong enough and stable, it will protect the future kids.
Bed requirements
The fact that the crib should be safe and comfortable is discussed above. But there are moments that will help facilitate the care of twins to parents:
- the height of the sides in any cot should not be less than 45 cm;
- the distance between the side rails should not exceed 6 cm;
- for convenience, the heavy model should be equipped with wheels, so as not to cause inconvenience to the mother who cares for the babies;
- all components of the bed, no matter what material it is made from, must be carefully fitted to each other;
- bunk beds can become dangerous for the grown twins, so it will be necessary for them to change the bed later.
What to look for when choosing?
- Beds for twins are usually sold without mattresses, so they should be bought on their own, not forgetting the mattress covers. They need at least three pieces.
- Side partitions for newborn twins should be equipped with soft tissue or silicone protective pads - this will protect children from possible injury.
- Children's beds for twins should be chosen with adjustable height, this will allow to use it as a regular playpen for children.
- The size of domestic cots is usually 120x60 cm per child, with foreign manufacturers - 10 centimeters more.
- The base of the crib should be lath, then it is better ventilated.
How to make a bed for newborn twins do it yourself, see the next video.