Bed for a boy over 3 years old

A bed for a child from 3 years is not only a place to sleep and rest, but also often shelter from troubles and bad mood. That is why parents should take responsibility for choosing a bed.
Features and tips for choosing
Today, the market offers a huge selection of beds for children from 3 years old, but not all of them respond to the functional qualities and characteristics of children of this age. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points.
- Dimensions. When buying furniture, it should be borne in mind that the child grows quickly, but at the same time you should not get a bed for growth. The best option would be the length of the bed for 30 cm more than the growth of the child.Especially if parents do not plan to purchase a new bed for 2 years. Still it is not necessary to get a narrow or wide bed. If the place is too narrow, the child in a dream may slip to the edge of the bed. If the place is wide, the child may feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Therefore, the optimal bed size for children from three years is 140x70 cm.
Even today you can order furniture according to individual sizes.
- Material. It must be safe and durable. For this you should choose beds made of natural wood. Since it is environmentally safe and durable, then the cost of such furniture is not cheap. You can also see options from MDF or particleboard. They are much lower in cost, have many color options and are quite resistant to wear. What should be discarded is the metal construction and parts. Metal badly retains heat and is a traumatic material.
- Safety construction. Often children at this age do not control their movements in their sleep, so they can fall out of bed. Therefore it is worth choosing models with sides at least 10 cm high.They can be both removable and built-in, as well as completely cover the length of the bed or only a part of it. In order to ensure the safety and comfort of the child, it is better to opt for products with a bottom, which consists of longitudinal or transverse rails.
- Mattress. For a quiet rest of the child, an important aspect is the choice of mattress. It should not be soft or too hard. The best option is a semi-solid or orthopedic mattress. It will relieve the spine during sleep. It is also better to choose a product with winter and summer upholstery.
- The presence of additional boxes, niches for items, as well as the possibility of transformation. This criterion is most important when choosing a product in a small room. Such designs will free up more space in the room, and all children's things will be hidden from prying eyes.
Given these criteria, you can choose the right and comfortable bed for a child.
Kinds of cots
There are quite a few models of cots, but all of them can be classified according to several criteria.
By location:
- corner;
- straight;
- bunk.
By transformability:
- modular;
- with sides;
- with drawers and niches;
- sofa bed;
- roll-out models.
A variety of themes and design is simply amazing. You can pick up a regular bed as well as a designer product in the form of an attic, house, car, locomotive.
Bunk beds will become indispensable furniture for a family where there are two children. This model significantly saves space, leaving room for games and activities. Design solutions of such furniture are diverse, so it can fit into any interior.
When choosing a bed like this you should pay special attention to the safety of the structure
The upper floor should be equipped with protective ledges and a sturdy staircase with wide steps. The frame itself must be securely fastened with screws and bolts. This is especially true for children of the same age. If the age of children is different, then the older one can be laid on the upper tier, and the younger child - on the lower one.
Transforming beds are more and more preferable in modern families. First, they save room space. Secondly, they have an original design and construction. Thirdly, they are more functional.So, the bed with removable sides can be used for children for quite a long time. As soon as the child learns to control the body in a dream, they can be removed.
Sofa bed when folding creates much more space than a standard bed. In the boxes of this model, you can fold bedding, children's toys or clothing. Bed-wardrobe is a very original solution. When assembled, this furniture is a wardrobe, and when disassembled - a bed. This option becomes relevant for small rooms.
Podium beds or roll-out models can be easily pushed in and out due to a simple mechanism, so even a 3-year-old child can cope with this task. In the assembled state, these beds turn into a full-fledged place for games and activities.
Thematic models, in addition to the original design, have high functionality. So, the beds that can be represented as transport are also a means for the development of children's imagination. They can also be the subject of the game.
A bed in the form of a house or an attic is a complete furniture for sleeping and organizing the game.The upper tier is designed directly for recreation, and the lower floor has a diverse purpose. There may be a sofa with drawers, and a desk with shelves. And also the bottom can be presented in the form of a hollow space with several drawers or niches for the organization of children's activities.
Such a variety of models will allow parents to choose for the boy not only an interesting, but also a safe and comfortable bed.
Models for boys from 3 years
Children's beds for boys from 3 years of age are distinguished by an unusual design and original design.
Today the favorite options are themed beds in the form of a car, a ship, a bus. In the daytime, such furniture becomes a place for games, where the child can feel like a captain and a driver. Some modern models are already equipped with nightlights, headlights, which gives them even more originality and functionality. In addition, these models can have drawers for storing children's details.
For brothers should choose a bunk bed. As a rule, it is equipped with a robust ladder, which can also serve as a wall bars.
Another model for two boys can be a retractable bed. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the second bed is hidden under the first bed. This design saves space, is safe and easy. The sliding mechanism makes it easy to push the second tier even to a small child.
Also, these options are equipped with removable bumpers, which ensures the safety of children during sleep. This model is one of the most reliable, as it is difficult to loosen or turn it over. Additionally, you can pick up any decorative elements, depending on the preferences of the child.
For young athletes, it is worth buying an unusual bed model in the form of a ring. It has a rather wide berth, while it has a standard height. Unusually stand side mounts as in the real ring, which can serve as a kind of bumpers for the safety of the child. Such models are most often equipped with drawers for storing toys, books and children's things, which significantly saves space.
Choosing a children's bed for a boy from 3 years of age is a serious challenge for parents.But if you take into account all the nuances of the bed, and the preferences of the child, then this can be a fascinating occupation.
How to make a bed in the form of a car, see the following video.