How to make a highchair and a table with your own hands?

Baby grows by leaps and bounds, and all the time really wants to be like adults. The table and chair are one of those things that are not only “like adults”, but are also distinguished by great functionality. Most of these products in stores or sold at a very high price, or made of low-quality plastic with a specific smell and short-lived chipboard. But there is a good way out for parents - these pieces of furniture are easy to make on your own.
Required materials and tools
There are not so few materials for the independent production of a children's table and a wooden chair, they are available, you can buy them at any building supermarket.As the main material you can use not only natural wood, but also plywood or chipboard. But, of course, a much more durable and durable material - wood. It is environmentally safe and does not emit toxic fumes, does not cause various allergic reactions.
The list of necessary materials for the table includes an affordable range.
- Tabletop. You can work out its dimensions yourself. A worktop, like some other parts, is best made to order. Classic square or rectangular shapes are welcome. Round table for children is not a common practice.
- Four legs made of wood. They are also recommended to buy to order. Now similar products can be ordered in the joinery and even in some hardware stores.
- Boards for the power case. They must be purchased in the amount of 4 pieces.
- Screws, nails or spikes with glue at your discretion.
It is also necessary to purchase material for the hand-made highchair.
- Boards for back and seat.
- Bars for pens. They are purchased at will depending on whether you plan to make armrests or not.
- Four legs.They should be small, but carefully treated with sandpaper.
- Screws or nails of suitable sizes.
In addition to these things, you will need tools that will be needed for both the high chair and the table:
- electric drill;
- wood glue;
- sandpaper;
- roulette;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- hammer.
Design schemes
When purchasing materials from wood, it is necessary to check their quality. Bars and planks should be free of chipping, cracking or small protruding burrs. The wood must not be damp, rotten or damaged by pests. Table. The design of the table itself is not complicated, so the absence of drawings is allowed, the main thing is to carefully connect and “fit” parts of the future product to each other. Initially, you need to count on the fact that the height of the table will be no more than 50 cm. Such a height will be the most optimal for the child. It is important to consider that the size of the table and chair should be commensurate.
The design of the table itself may be different, but we will focus on the classic square version with 4 legs. A feature of the design of the table are its legs. They should be quite thick and firm.The cross section of each leg should be within 5x5 cm. Chair. As a rule, the design of all chairs with backrest (this is exactly what we are considering in this article) is identical, the differences can only be in the shape and size of the backrest. You can also experiment with the shape of the seat. It can be classic square, polygonal, round, threaded or upholstered.
Not so popular for self-manufacture, but quite real in design tables and chairs, assembled without the use of screws, nails or other fastening materials. Parts are fastened with the help of a special technique of fastening wooden bars in the joints. Such work requires experience and skills, therefore not quite suitable for non-professionals. With regard to the fastening of the structure, there are a large number of options - various screws, nails, types of glue and even spikes.
Upon completion of the process of designing the table and chair, it is necessary, as in the beginning, to check them for the presence of protruding pieces of wood and cracks. It is necessary to smooth as much as possible all sharp corners and uneven surfaces. But more about this below.
How to do it yourself?
Let us consider in more detail the process of making furniture.
- Preparation legs. Since the highchair is furniture with small dimensions, then, accordingly, its details should be small. In particular, the length of the legs should not be more than 30 cm for a 70-cm highchair. All the legs need to cut down and correct with sandpaper to the same length. Of course, the planks for the slats must also be ground.
- Prepare straps for legs and jumpers for the seat. This is done for the subsequent stable and sturdy design of the chair.
- Connect the entire structure. At this stage, you need to carefully check all the connections of parts.
- Glue the structure. Furniture glue is best used for this, but superglue from the hardware store is also quite suitable.
- Seat and leg mounting. This can be done with self-tapping screws or with a simple hammer and nails. Recently, spikes have gained relative popularity. The detail “sits on” the spikes and is fastened with glue. It turns out pretty secure mount.
- Sandpaper processing. This process is necessary in orderto remove all the potentially dangerous for the child notches in the tree and give the chair a nice look.
- First of all, you need a tape measure to measure the length of all the legs. If there is a difference in their length, then you need to correct them. A baby staggered table can bring a lot of inconvenience, especially when feeding a baby. This is done with a hacksaw.
- Drill grooves in each of the legs with an electric drill. You need to make a groove at the end of the part, and then make it rectangular.
- Measure the depth of the grooves. Next you need on each of the bars to measure the distance equal to the depth of the grooves.
- Correction. To do this, you need to file each of the wooden bars on all sides, and remove the excess with a knife or sandpaper.
- Connection details. At this stage it is important to check the accuracy of the corners, they should all be straight.
- Pasting of a design. The final stage in which all the details, if they are tightly connected to each other, are glued together with wood glue. For greater durability of the structure, you can use a hammer and nails.
Furniture decoration
The main thing when decorating children's furniture is the safety of coatings.Paint and varnish need to be purchased from a reliable manufacturer and pre-try on a piece of wood. Relatively recently, a special varnish for children's furniture was put on sale by domestic and western manufacturers. According to the manufacturers, it is safe to apply and does not emit harmful fumes after drying. The most common option for the design of the chair after painting are stencil drawings. They can be put with an ordinary small brush from an art goods store. The same applies to a variety of labels on furniture.
Colors of colors should be bright, but not poisonous. Primary colors are welcome - blue, red and yellow. As drawings, you can choose various folk ornaments, simplified drawings of animals, symbolic designations such as stars, hearts (for girls), machines (for boys) and even letters and inscriptions. The baby can be pleased and inspired by the opportunity to decorate their future furniture on their own. A good option in this case are the prints of his palms. Special craftsmen with golden hands can experiment with thread. It can decorate the back of the chair.To do this, you first need to put a drawing in pencil, and then start the work itself directly with a jigsaw. If you initially plan to make the thread, it is best to make it before you assemble the high chair.
Despite the apparent convenience, it is not recommended to do upholstery of a child seat. This will make the chair more uncomfortable for the child. Parallel upholstery is very difficult to wet cleaning.
Tips and nuances
Children's things are very often subjected to various mechanical and other influences, so it will be better to protect the surface and apply several layers of varnish. In extreme cases and with the urgent need to protect the surface of the table, you can use epoxy resin, which, while frozen, forms a thick film that looks like a glass surface. But this should be done only if the table will be used for drawing or will often be subjected to wet cleaning with chemicals.
Heads of nails and screws need to "hide." This can be done in several ways: deeply “plant” them in wood, attach special “caps” of plastic, or use the same epoxy resin or varnish applied in several layers.These "caps" are made of both plastic and rubber. It was said above that it is better not to do the upholstery of the chair, but if the child has already entered a conscious age, you can make a leather upholstery chair. Bottom leather cover will need to fix especially well. Its presence will greatly facilitate the care of the chair.
Optional, but it is desirable to purchase two types of (coarse and fine) sandpaper for grinding. After processing each of them you can achieve a flat and smooth surface. The process of making a high chair and a children's table can be fascinating not only for an adult, but also for a baby. The main thing in this process is patience and work, which, as you know, will grind everything.
How to make a chair and a table with their own hands, see the following video.