What wallpaper to choose in the nursery for children of different sexes?

The decoration of the walls of children's wallpaper is a unique and creative process. It is from him sets the mood of the entire room, its atmosphere and comfort. If same-sex children live in the room, there are no problems with the choice of wallpaper. However, when children are heterosexual, the situation is quite different. How in such cases to choose the wallpaper, having harmonized the nursery as harmoniously as possible, we consider in detail below.
Special features
The first thing to consider when choosing a wallpaper is their color: no matter how much one wants to decorate a nursery with pink and blue at the same time, it rarely looks beautiful.In addition, more or less it can still be perceived normally when children are very young. Both pink and blue are diametrically opposed colors. They bring a completely different emotional coloring in the design of the premises.
It is impossible not to take into account the fact that not every boy is comfortable to be in the nursery, decorated in pink tones. Girls, on the contrary, feel great in a room, the main tones of which are shades of blue. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to glue wallpapers of boy tones onto the walls. Not at all: you can find a middle ground if you carefully consider the choice of colors suitable for children of different sexes.
For the decoration of the walls of the children's room, you will have to choose one common version of the panels, which can be supplemented with two accents suitable for both the boy and the girl. That is, you will have to buy three types of wallpaper: one common, the second - to highlight the zone of the girl and the third - to emphasize the space of the boy. Such a reception will allow to bring an unobtrusive organization into the room and clearly delineate the zone of each child, in addition to the common space.
What to look for?
For the design of the room to be stylish and appropriate, it is important to select the wallpaper correctly. One cannot do without single-colored or single-color textured wallpapers, since they are a softening link between accenting the zones of different-sex children.
There are several nuances that are important to consider:
- huge drawings are excluded, they spoil the interior of the nursery;
- if there are a lot of small objects in the room, a strip is undesirable - it will create a ripple in the eyes and add a clutter effect;
- there are enough household items in the room for two children, so an abundance of motley print is undesirable;
- unnecessarily bright tones will compete with each other, such a combination is aggressive and divides the room too sharply;
- You can not use different styles of interior design in the choice of wallpaper, highlighting the space of each child;
- dark and gloomy tones of a color palette are undesirable - such wallpapers are able to fill a children's room with an oppressive atmosphere.
There should be no competition in design, only general wallpaper can dominate the wall decoration. Otherwise it will seem that one space is larger than another.It is important to understand that the accents should not be much, otherwise they can lose expressiveness. Therefore, to allocate the space of each child, it is enough to buy one roll of contrasting wallpapers that will be combined with each other. So that at the same time they look stylish, you should pay attention to the texture and themes.
We are looking for a compromise
Flower idea is good, but it is more to the design of the walls of the room girls. If you want to take the plant theme as a basis, you should pay attention to the options with a variety of leaves or even branches. Today they are quite popular, and look on the walls will be better than flowers.
Considering the topics that are suitable for both children, it is necessary to identify several options. In addition to textured monochrome wallpaper for painting, on the walls of children of different sexes children will look beautiful wallpaper with a geometric print. Figure should be chosen in such a way that it was neutral.
To make the room look holistic, you can designate separate small zones in the space of each child.
For example, it could be:
- a small picture gallery of carved fragments of the original wallpaper;
- a certain part of the wall, indicated by a simply different monochromatic color and decorated in a molding;
- an imitation of a poster on the whole wall or a certain part of it;
- option in the form of a world map located above the work area;
- several small inserts in the niches of the working rack of each of the children.
Design options can be many. It is important initially to choose the right color, correlating it with the arrangement of the children's windows, the available interior elements and the arrangement of the lamps, because of which the original color of the wallpaper often appears quite different after pasting.
Combination Techniques
To make it easier to calculate the required number of rolls, it is necessary to pre-determine the places of pasting cloths, not forgetting the allocation of space for each of the same-sex children. An excellent solution that emphasizes the integrity of the room and will not create rival accent zones is the option of using two companions. For example, it is possible to take a plain wallpaper with embossed or simple surface relief. Accent wallpaper can designate the design features of a child's room.
These can be niches or, on the contrary, protrusions, working areas above the desks. A good reception would be the selection of the play area that unites the room. If the beds are near, you can designate wallpaper with a print of them. You can draw a contrasting wallpaper protrusion with the transition to the ceiling. You can designate the features of the layout in different colors, using different monochromatic wallpaper of the same texture. Good colors for the two floors will be light shades of green, light gray, beige, warm blue and light brown.
You can highlight the bright wallpaper and the existing area with two beds, lockers for clothes. If the corner itself seems to be bright, it is better to mark the playing area with contrasting wallpaper, but for the integrity of the design, cut out some fragments of the picture and paste them on, say, the doors of the cabinets or the facades or even drawers. This technique is much more unite the room than its visual fragmentation into two different colors.
For teens, on the contrary, the division of space is important. Borders are especially important at this age, so some creativity is allowed.And yet you should not sharply delimit the room: it is better to leave a single wallpaper background, denoting your space, for example, with posters or wallpaper with photo printing. However, visual protests in the form of aggressive drawings are undesirable, as they contribute to creating discomfort for both children in the same room.
The nuances of choice
Choosing wallpaper in the store from a huge range, you should initially exclude from the list too thick and non-breathing products. Of course, the best choice for the walls of the nursery will be paper canvases. They are easier to glue, not so expensive to change if necessary. In this case, the buyer has the ability to select the pattern and shade. Of course, not all such products have a surface relief, which somewhat simplifies the look of the canvases themselves. However, it is not advisable to take vinyl or woven wallpaper for the design of the nursery. Someone gets for sticking special options for painting meter width. They are convenient in that, if necessary, imply painting up to 20 times.
These canvases are unique, because if the parents are not satisfied with the result of the color combination, you can always correct the color.The disadvantage of such wallpaper is that not all of them have a breathable structure. The advantage of these canvases can be called their chaotic textured pattern, which looks on the walls stylishly and effectively.
You need to buy wallpaper in such a way that they look holistic and at least approximately match the texture. For example, pimply vinyl options are not combined with smooth cheap photo wallpapers. If you even want to apply a similar effect, it is admissible except in the form of a panel decorated in a baguette. This picture can look at the background of textured wallpaper. However, as an independent wall design, this combination is undesirable.
Do not look beautiful in the same room wallpaper, the pattern of which varies significantly by age. In this case, it is better to choose something neutral. You can paste the walls with plain wallpaper, emphasizing the boy’s and girl’s accent zones with the same neutral tone. The rest of the distinction is better to leave household items. For example, bedding, furniture color, bed mats can indicate age and gender.
On how to choose a wallpaper for the nursery, see the next video.