What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room?

Each parent seeks to arrange the room of the child with the maximum coziness and comfort. One of the decisive factors in the arrangement of the nursery is the choice of the correct wall facing. And if the choice of wallpaper for pasting rooms of adolescent girls usually does not cause difficulties, then the acquisition of analogues for the guys of many parents baffles. However, no matter how difficult the choice seems because of the wide range of varieties of wallpaper material, it will be easier to choose the right option after getting acquainted with the main nuances that you should decide on before going to the store.
Today, trademarks offer the attention of buyers a wide list of wallpaper products for every taste and wallet. However, not every type of wallpaper can be suitable in a particular case. And the point here is not so much in cost, but in the composition and structure of the wallpaper itself. Children can not buy options from vinyl, no matter how safe their ads may describe. During operation, they release toxins into the air.
Other controversial options include fiberglass. Of course, they are unique, because they provide for painting up to 20 times, as well as they are durable and can decorate the walls for two decades. However, these canvases do not breathe. There are such options (liquid wallpaper), which do not stick, and smear on the wall, rubbing and trimming, like plaster. These products, in spite of their originality, are also not used as a covering for the walls of the rooms of the boys, preferring to decorate this room with rolled wallpaper.
Today it is customary to decorate the rooms of teenage boys with paper, non-woven wallpaper and photo printing products.
- The first panels can have a different width, which allows you to simplify pasting hard-to-reach places.However, they are unstable to moisture and short-lived (serve no more than 5 years). If earlier they were mostly smooth, today manufacturers produce rough cloth with imitation of relief.
- Flizelinovye analogs are notable for the variety of surface texture that can imitate brickwork, plaster strokes, rough cement surface or stone. Such wallpapers are simpler than paper ones in pasting, have a longer service life, are slightly elastic, which allows to make their joining inconspicuous. They are often produced in special batches in which they include monophonic rolls and contrasting companions to them, intended for combination.
- Photowall-paper for rooms of teenagers represent a separate unique line of products. They allow you to make the background design of the room stylish, catchy and spectacular. Often they set the desired mood of the interior, hinting at the hobbies of the child and making the design of the room special. With their help, you can beat the disadvantage of any layout of the room, making it the main decoration of the background wall design.
Suitable coatings for different ages
Despite the general definition of "teenage", wallpapers for boys are different age themes. This is noticeable in the drawing of elements or their proximity to reality. Images can be not only drawn and sketchy: often for older children they buy or order wallpapers with images of soccer idols or the music industry. And if boys 10-12 years old can still buy cloth with stylized elements of comics, then for the age group of 13 and 14 years old they are already trying to buy wallpaper posters.
Such options are remarkable in that they can be different in subject and size. This, in turn, allows you to select and position the accent in the room correctly, without visual distortion of space. A plus can be called the variability of the texture of these panels. For example, the image can be not only smooth: today, trademarks offer to the attention of buyers options with a matte rough and even embossed texture.
This approach allows you to create the effect of a pattern applied over the base coat. For example, wallpaper can demonstrate the effect of a drawing made on a part of a wall over a stone, concrete base or brickwork.Especially noteworthy are such options for decorating the rooms of boys who know a lot about graffiti. They look at the walls of the room very effectively.
Guys 15 and 16 years old often prefer a more relaxed design of the walls, considering as sufficient design the pasting of surfaces with plain wallpaper. This is convenient for arranging pictures, emphasizing video or audio zones. Some adolescents consider the excessive selection of walls unnecessary, preferring the strict functionality of the wallpaper and the minimal design not only of the walls, but also of the entire interior. In this regard, everything depends on the temperament of the child, because if for some self-expression should be manifested in bright colors and sometimes rebellious drawings, then for others it seems overkill that prevents concentration.
Colors and combinations
Today, the colors of the design of the walls of a teenager's room are diverse. If desired, parents can choose the right option without any problems: on the shelves there are lots of noble shades. At the same time for guys the choice is no less wide than for girls. One of the most fashionable today are light gray, beige and gray-blue tones. The best combinations can be called combinations:
- light gray and beige;
- white, black and light brown;
- blue-gray and terracotta;
- brown, white and beige;
- gray and white;
- blue and white;
- white with woody and grayish brown;
- orange, white and brick;
- light green and gray;
- marsh, brick and white colors.
The presence of white in the design is not accidental: it is a means of introducing light spots into the interior. However, if it seems to be a brand, parents try to acquire variants with a light gray tone instead. Someone like mixing shades in the form of texture. From a distance, such wallpapers may seem monotonous, but upon close examination they may consist of two or three tones (for example, white, light gray and beige). Drawing such wallpaper can resemble a stone or even rough weaving of threads.
Preferring one or another color, it is worth starting from a few nuances, for example, from:
- the views of the child;
- the side of the room on which the windows overlook;
- sizes of window openings;
- the location of the central and wall lamps;
- pasting places (important for accented panels).
The color of the wallpaper should like the child, it is important to consider his opinion. When buying, you should pay his attention to the muted light colors of the color palette, since dark and dark, in addition to negative perception, will have a similar effect on the mood of the child. In addition to visually hiding valuable centimeters of usable space, such paints visually reduce the height of the ceiling and the width of the walls, demonstrating their boundaries. Light cloths have the feature to erase the hard boundaries of space, which allows you to create the illusion of space in the room. Along with this, they bring the feeling of light and air into the interior, so being in such a room will be comfortable.
However, the choice of temperature is important here, since the location of the windows is capable of distorting the color. Therefore, the seemingly beautiful color of the sheets after pasting may look very different. For example, if it is initially cold, in a room with windows to the north side, the tone will appear darker. Warm beige on the walls of the teenage room on the south side will render yellow. If there are small windows in the room, which, for example, is typical of an attic space, equipped for a child’s boy’s room, it should be glued with light wallpaper.This will allow to compensate for the lack of illumination and level the room, softening the broken prospect of planning.
Of course, children's wallpaper with the traditional repeating print in the form of machines or toys for the design of the room guys are not suitable. Undesirable and diverse cartoon characters that do not match the age of the child. Before you go to the store for wall cladding, it is worth asking about the views and hobbies of the child. The best choice for boys 12-14 years old will be racing cars, three-dimensional canvases depicting a football field, as well as marine themes made on photo wallpapers.
Vivid personalities will appreciate the extraordinary graffiti wallpaper. However, so that such a design is not tired too quickly, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of color perception. For example, not all colors of the color palette are combined with each other, since they are diametrically opposite in perception. Those who like three-dimensional paintings should pay attention to the canvases depicting the night or day city. These wallpapers look not just stylish: they visually fill the room with air and spaciousness.No less good for the walls of the teenage room and options with the image of a map of the world.
The design of teenage rooms differs from children's design in that in this case the interior style is more pronounced. Here the belonging of the interior composition to one or another design direction is already visible, in which wallpaper plays an important role. Of course, the guys do not like the classic style of the branch with their characteristic flashy luxury. They are more in love with simplicity and brevity, so most of the teenage rooms today are furnished in a modern style.
And yet, the style of teenage rooms of youths is multifaceted. If, say, minimalism is taken as a basis, then the emphasis is on simplicity and severity of lines, as well as functionality. Wall-paper in such rooms is plain, they are rarely complemented with contrasting inserts or panels, and certainly not stand out with photo printing. If the rooms are made out in modern or high-tech styles, you cannot do without some elegance.
In such cases, an important demonstration of modern technology, which can be expressed in the invoice wallpaper. Today, at the peak of popularity are the panels with a creative type of surface, imitating rough materials.It may be burlap, broken stone, concrete, plastered wall with a porous surface. If you choose a loft style, you should buy wallpaper for the texture of lime or concrete and combine them with the insert under the brickwork.
Coupled with creative lighting and imitation of communications, a brick wall will look not only stylish, but also spectacular. You can take as a basis for a similar design and when choosing a bohemian grunge style. If the guy is fond of anime, you can maintain his passion by decorating the walls of the room wallpaper in the appropriate style. This design looks extraordinary and bright, but for expressiveness, the contrast in the form of characters from Japanese cartoons should not be repeated.
What to choose?
- For the design of a teenage room, you will have to buy two types of wallpaper: solid and contrasting. In this case, it is worth buying two types of panels at once, in order to select the tone and texture of the wallpaper as accurately as possible. They should not differ in status: on the background of expensive cheaper ones will look too simple. Buying two types of wallpaper at once, you need to calculate where and how the panels will be located, taking into account the chosen combination method.
- If there is an opportunity, it is worthwhile to give preference to panels of meter width. Of course, half-meter strips easier to glue hard-to-reach places. However, wide wallpaper will reduce the number of joints, and, as a rule, they are easier to pasting.
- Choosing photowall-paper, you should have a rough idea about how they will look together with solid products. You should not combine incompatible just because they like each wallpaper separately.
- Do not take the cloths immediately, without having discerned: unfold them on the stand and move at least 2 meters away. From a distance you can see better how they look from afar. Pay attention to the print size: if the room is small, the giant image on the photo wallpaper will distort it for the worse. Too complicated picture, not corresponding to age, is also not suitable. It is worth going to the store with your child, this will make it clear what exactly he likes.
- If you are used to re-glue the wallpaper often, take paper linens. They can serve as a decoration for a room up to 5 years old, and if necessary, their replacement will not hit the pocket. However, if you do not intend to often glue the wallpaper, it is worth taking options more expensive and more durable.At the same time, take into account the fact that the interests of the child can change, which means that you need to take a variant with a neutral pattern that the young man does not get tired of with the change of his hobbies.
- Choosing a wallpaper in the nursery for teenage boys, pay special attention to the subject of drawing. Erotic undertones, stupid characters and aggressive heroes of films, manga and comics are all unacceptable - everything that can change the personality of a child on a subconscious level every day for the worse. Exclude from the selection of wallpaper for the walls with the image of incomprehensible creatures and monsters: grow light and natural in a child, do not let this become the norm for him.
Interesting design options
Choosing a stylish wallpaper for a room of a young man, pay attention to stylish design examples that clearly demonstrate the possibilities of wall decoration. Reception of contrast with the use of wallpaper under the brick and companions with inscriptions. The combination of photo wallpaper with the theme of the city and the texture of a brick. The solution for the design of the space of two brothers with the emphasis on the bedroom area.
Stylish solution using photo wallpapers in neutral colors.Unusual reception design teenage room in the attic space. Acceptance of the design features of the layout, with emphasis on the rack and protrusion in the sleeping area. Non-standard solution in the area of the entrance door, the method of selection of the whole wall.
Theme of London, wallpaper under the brickwork in the design of the room with a broken perspective. Photo printing with a world map that emphasizes the sleeping area. Space for two boys, equipped with a sports area, the use of racing subjects. Modern style with a combination of striped wallpaper and photo printing with a related tone. The original design of the personal space of a guy who is fond of music.
For information on how to choose wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room, see the next video.