What wallpaper is better to choose a room for a teenage girl?

 What wallpaper is better to choose a room for a teenage girl?

The girl’s children's room is a special room with its own atmosphere. One of the determining factors that determine how the mood of the space will be is wall covering. Wallpapers for a girl’s room are a way of expressing her inner world, hobbies and interests. Especially expressive today are the options for decorating teenagers' rooms, although the choice of such wallpapers requires consideration of a number of nuances.

Special features

To date, trademarks engaged in the production of wallpaper products, produce a wide range of materials rolled, packaged and ready-made bucket type.If earlier it was mostly half-meter wallpaper made of paper, today the choice is so great that it amazes with diversity. Wallpapers differ in composition, principle of creation; They are made even of glass fiber by weaving, as well as paste textile fibers on a special substrate.

A special place in the line is occupied by wide wallpapers, which are convenient in that they reduce the number of joints.

Successful and so-called liquid options that plaster the walls, like plastering materials. They are produced in the form of powder, which is diluted in water, left to swell, and then perform a seamless finish of the vertical and inclined (mansard) planes. There are ready-made liquid wallpaper, which does not need dilution and adjustment.

However, no matter how huge the range of wallpaper materials, not all of the varieties can be used for facing children's rooms. This is explained by the composition of the wallpaper, their ability to pass air and the presence of toxic substances released into the air during operation. For example, it is undesirable to glue vinyl sheets to children, no matter how beautiful they are. Fiberglass does not breathe, even if they are durable.

Colors and combinations

Not every girl prefers to live in a pink room. Often, to the surprise of parents, girls like blue, turquoise, mint and even dark tones. Many adolescents are particularly sensitive to the rhythm of modern trends. We should not forget that with age they begin to follow everything that is in the trend, this is also expressed in color preferences.

At the same time in adolescence, the girl no longer seeks to imitate adults: self-expression is important, which is often associated with rebellion. This is reflected in ambiguous color contrasts. Interestingly, they often look creative, but stylish and appropriate. For example, the combination looks good:

  • light gray with wine and white;
  • gray-pink, white and light gray;
  • gray with white and light purple;
  • white and purple;
  • blue with white and gray;
  • white with beige and black;
  • terracotta, blue and white;
  • brown with beige, blue and peach;
  • brown with pink and beige;
  • terracotta with white and gray;
  • gray mint with white;
  • pink with black and white.

    Appear their preferences not only in clothing and behavior: it is noticed not only the pattern and tone, but also the texture of the wall facing.Therefore, girls often refuse standard prints and prefer one, but bright and expressive accent. You can make it using stickers that are abundant in store shelves.

    However, it is better to buy photo printing or even order it according to individual preferences, choosing to a specific area of ​​the room.

    Drawings and prints

    The design of wallpaper for a teenage girl should be approached thoroughly. It is not necessary to glue over the walls with prints with soft toys and cartoon characters that are not appropriate for the child’s age. Few girls are not ashamed to invite their friends to such a room, because at that age the opinion of their peers will be much more weighty. However, it is not customary today to glue on the walls with exclusively monochromatic wallpaper: it is the reception of contrast or combination that makes it possible to beat the design flaws of the layout, turning them into advantages.

    It may be worth betting on the uniqueness of the texture of the panels. For example, it can imitate textiles, plush, stone, Venetian plaster and even brickwork. Textured wallpaper - a great solution for the design of a teenage girl's room.However, taking them without taking into account the views of the child is not worth it, because it is the interests of the teenager that will dictate the style of the interior, in which wallpaper plays one of the decisive roles.

    It is worth forgetting about the classics: there is no need in a children's wallpaper with monograms and gilding, as well as an incomprehensible alternation of wallpaper strips. It is necessary to treat the choice of contrast correctly, and this is impossible to do if you do not take into account:

    • location of different areas of the room (bedroom, work and leisure);
    • locations for central lighting and wall lighting;
    • structural projections or niches;
    • special ceiling design;
    • the size of the room, the width of the walls and the height of the ceiling.

    Of course, one of the main factors determining the subject of the drawing will be the age of the girl. For example, for adolescents 12 and 13 years old, flowers are still relevant, although they are better designed not in the form of accent walls, but in the form of panels. Let it and small inserts, however, so they will look stylish and tasteful. At 13, 14 years, you can also pay attention to plant-related topics - today this topic is one of the most popular in interior design.

    However, “a lot” does not mean “excellent”: it’s better that there are not many branches or leaves on the walls. So the focus on the wallpaper will look modern and harmonious. It is important to take the dosage method into account: the contrasting insert looks expressive if it does not fill the entire space of the room. When a child does not like floral and floral motifs, it can be suggested to decorate the walls in contrast with the ethnic print.

      If this is not to their liking, brands have quite stylish wallpapers with sketches of city landscapes. At the same time, they look light and airy, and therefore fit into almost any space. The storylines are definitely more modern.

      They fill the room with a special atmosphere, deprive it of platitudes and hint at the taste preferences and hobbies of girls.

      Attractive themes of glamor, made in a combination of pink, black and white tones. Some people like a silhouette line or contrasting plain wallpaper with silhouettes depicting people, animals, birds. Options for the panels can be very diverse, as well as prints. In this case, even road signs, various inscriptions, individual letters, hieroglyphs and even graffiti can look stylish in the room. Original look also wallpaper with prints, posters.


      The style for decorating a teenager’s room is one of the main factors in creating a comfortable environment for him. Therefore, the room, which at a younger age was rarely decorated in a specific style, can now transmit belonging to a particular branch of design. Of course, at this age, chaotic styles (for example, avant-garde or kitsch) are undesirable, because they will create a feeling of chaos and confusion against the background of an abundance of fine details of the nursery. However, most modern areas here will be most welcome.

      The choice of wallpaper should be carried out taking into account every detail of the interior, not even forgetting about the lamps. If the children's room has modern furniture in a minimalist design, and the décor of the lamps is laconic, the main wallpapers are textured, but solid. They will perfectly soften the bright contrast (second accent wallpaper). For example, if a children's girl is designed in a loft style, you can buy canvas with road signs, posters, guitars and graffiti to accentuate the space.

      If this is glamor, it is appropriate to buy wallpaper companions with a single base and contrast on the theme of urban sketches, the same silhouettes of glamorous fashionistas, dancing girls, silver stars on a pink and white base.Wallpaper with architectural elements (for example, Big Ben, sketches of London streets in gray on a white background) will look stylish against the background of LED lamps. However, in order for them to really be relevant, they should not only be selected for certain accent places of the room: such wallpapers need appropriate additions to the subject (accessories, rugs, figurines).

      If the room is made in a studio style, it should breathe lightness.

      There are enough plain wallpaper and a little contrast against the background of spotlights. It is necessary to choose canvases in such a way that, say, a large photo of an idol can be hung on the wall. In this case, it is important not to overdo it with contrast, since its abundance will simplify the stylish and modern design of the teenager's room.

      Anime is another style direction that girls pay special attention to today. So that the room does not turn into an incomprehensible stain, there is enough accent wallpaper with photo printing in the form of a panel. Support for such wallpaper can be expressed in interior accessories. No need to repeat the wallpaper anime inserts in other areas of the room: from this style will turn into bad taste.

      Suitable options for different ages

      Wallpapers for teenage girls should be purchased according to age. Over time, the child's own preferences appear. Ignoring them, you can create a certain discomfort in the room, at which it will be difficult or unpleasant for the child to be in the room. For example, no matter how teddy bears on the walls may seem to be the best decor of a room, a child may think differently.

      Need to take those options that are suitable for the child by age. For example, for teenage girls of 12 and 13 years old, you can buy wallpapers with fragments of manga, flowers, silhouettes of cats, glitter and stars. At this age, no less interesting will look the children's bedroom, highlighted by wallpaper with inscriptions. Strip, polka dots here will not look as impressive as geometric asymmetry.

      In 14, 15 and 16 years, the best wallpaper will be those that can match the inner world of the girl. For example, on the wall you can stick beautiful wallpapers with large hieroglyphs, combining them, in addition to plain panels, even with an insert under the brickwork. The graffiti at the head of the headboard or a place of rest will look gorgeous.For girls, who prefer lightness, one selected zone is enough, for example, with capital inscriptions on a muted monophonic basis.

      What to choose?

      You need to choose a beautiful wallpaper with a pleasant tones for the eyes. The abundance of black and gloomy will not only look ugly: it will affect the mood of the girl, will suppress her on a subconscious level. It is necessary to draw the attention of the child to the beauty of light colors.

      If funds allow, allow your daughter to choose canvases from the category of the middle price segment, because at this age, status is of great importance.

      Pay attention to the girls selection of wallpaper companions. They have identical tones and texture, so do not have to pick up similar panels. In addition, these wallpapers are markedly noble and clean shades, they will look favorably on the walls of the room. Try to avoid buying cheap photo wallpapers: they are not only problematic in sticking, tearing and have no relief. Their main disadvantage is the rapid fading and loss of attractiveness.

      Excellent look on the walls of children's non-woven canvas meter width.At the same time, do not overload the room with an abundance of print: one contrasting roll will be enough to highlight significant accent zones. If you prefer anime-themed photo wallpapers, they do not need duplication. Even a portfolio with a similar print will look better against the general background of the interior than repeating even parts of the design.

      Do not take complex compositions into the room: given the abundance of small objects in the girl’s room, they will exclude any organization of space, which is highly undesirable. If you can choose a story wallpaper, it is better to take them. They look better coupled with the existing furniture, lamps and carpeting. If there are many elements in addition to furniture in the room, it is worth confining to plain wallpaper (they will not annoy the child).

      Pay attention to the color of accessories and ceiling design. For example, if the ceiling has colored drywall elements in the shape of stars, this already determines the style and theme of the wallpaper. For studio themes, don't be afraid to experiment with graffiti. These wallpapers look great on the walls, while they will transmit the passions of the child, which is extremely important in adolescence.Such a design can be the pride of a girl.

      Making the walls of the reception panel, instead of molding, use more simple frames or frames. It is more suitable for decorating adult rooms. If the walls have protrusions, the wallpaper is selected so that the picture on them looks beautiful. As a rule, for such design features of the layout take canvas with a small print. For contrast inside the niches, shelving, you can take plain sheets.

      The resting place and sleeping area can be designated with contrasting wallpaper.

      Beautiful examples in the interior

      Evaluate the possibility of decorating the walls of a room with a teenage girl wallpaper will help the best design ideas. They clearly demonstrate the techniques of contrast where it will look most advantageous:

      • emphasizing the seating area in bright contrast with the inscriptions;
      • glamorous themes wallpaper with the concept of design of the ceiling;
      • original design of the accent wall of the nursery;
      • London style in modern child teenager with an emphasis on the sleeping area;
      • plain wallpaper in the room with an unusual ceiling design;
      • the themes of France will not leave indifferent many modern fashionistas;
      • modern stylish look at the design of the room with graffiti wallpaper on the background of shelves and creative design of the ceiling;
      • design wallpaper mansard space with the selection of the working area;
      • the easy and stylish decision for registration of working space;
      • the glamorous design of the walls of the nursery in pink and white.

      On how to choose the right wallpaper, see the next video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
