Children's swing: types, materials and sizes

Many people in the arrangement of their sites turn to the installation of a swing. Such designs are very fond of children. In addition, beautifully executed models can decorate a plot, making it more “alive” and aesthetic. Today we will examine in detail what types of swings exist, what materials they are made of and what sizes they can reach.
Special features
Comfortable teeter - beautiful designs, ideal for placement in the conditions of the summer cottage. Of course, such products are often located inside the house, but for this it is necessary to have an appropriate living space. It is possible to install a swing for children in any place chosen by the owners.The main thing is to allow free space. At the dacha such products look particularly attractive and aesthetically pleasing, diluting with themselves the familiar and boring landscapes.
In these designs may be a variety of seats, painted in a variety of colors. These elements can be bright accents of landscape design.
Despite the fact that the swings are interesting and eye-catching designs that make the plots more aesthetic, their main purpose does not lie at all in this. First of all, these are objects for children's entertainment and games.
In addition, the swing has a beneficial effect on the condition of the child:
- such constructions have a beneficial effect on the development of the young user's muscles;
- give an output of excess energy, which is especially important, because the period of childhood is inseparable from increased activity;
- the swing has a positive effect on the development of the vestibular apparatus of the child;
- Using the swing, the child knows the possibilities of his own body;
- thanks to the swing, children's agility develops;
- the child learns independence more quickly with such constructions;
- Swings also allow children of all ages to make contact with peers.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the swing is more functional structures that have a positive impact on many areas of the child's life. That is why it is impossible to underestimate these structures, and their choice should be approached with the utmost responsibility. Many parents buy similar products to occupy the child for a while. Such a pleasant pastime in the fresh air enthralls young users. In the meantime, moms and dads can do other things. Frolicking on a swing, the child will sleep sweetly all night long.
Such facilities should be not only comfortable and attractive, but also absolutely safe. Only if this requirement is met, it will be possible not to worry about the child. Of course, this does not mean that it should be left completely unattended, especially if it is still very small.
Today on the sites you can meet the swing of a variety of modifications. Some people set the rope rocking, and others - cozy hammocks or hanging cradles.Execution options very much. Let's get acquainted with the most popular and frequently encountered designs that young users simply adore.
Stationary street
Stationary outdoor structures are very durable and rather massive structures. Under certain circumstances, they can be further strengthened by fabricating a solid columnar foundation. Thanks to this solution, the swings are safer and more durable. However, such reliable options have their drawbacks. These include the fact that such swings can be located only on the street all the time, so they need appropriate care. For example, if we are talking about a model of metal, then it cannot be left without proper anti-corrosion treatment.
Despite these drawbacks, such structures are durable and can last for many years. The main structures in this case can be carousels, spring models or balancers.
Very often there are also suspended modifications of street children’s swings. Such instances are distinguished by the simplest and most understandable design, which was addressed in the distant past.Simply put, these models are an ordinary wooden beam attached to a rope. Of course, such instances can hardly be called comfortable, and the level of security here leaves much to be desired, especially if very small kids are going to use the swings.
These simple options can be installed both on the street and in the house. Some types of trouble-free understand, so they can at any time be removed in a designated corner, freeing up more space in the room or on the site. For such instances, only two types of fasteners are used - a rope and a chain. As for the seats of such a swing, they are both open and equipped with a backrest. For the manufacture of these parts using wood, plastic, metal or a combination of these materials.
In many Russian parks and courtyards you can find such types of children's swings. Balancers can not only entertain a child, but also have a positive impact on his sports skills. Similar options can be made by hand. It does not have to spend a lot of manpower and expensive materials - the independent production of the balancer is available to everyone.
These types of children's swings are usually made from the stump of a cut tree, a thick log or two thin logs. Such designs can be made collapsible.
On the spring
Interesting entertainment for the child will be the use of a special rocking chair on a spring. In such structures, there is mainly a car spring from a shock absorber. Moreover, this part can play as a supporting role at the moment of repulsion, and become a full replacement of the central support. In order for such an interesting rocking chair to function correctly, it is very important to attach the spring as firmly as possible to the ground and the balance bar.
There are also portable modifications of children's swings. Such varieties are especially relevant in cases where the dwelling and the plot have not yet become complete and they have a lot of rework to do. These mobile swings combine the advantages of both home and stationary street constructions.
However, it should be noted that not every swing can be used as a portable option. For example, it is almost impossible to construct spring products of a mobile type, because they need the strongest foundation possible.
The main advantages of these copies are:
- mobility, thanks to which such models can be protected from bad weather;
- Many portable structures are prefabricated - carrying and storing such models is very easy and convenient;
- As a rule, these models are small and of modest weight.
But similar variants of a swing are not designed for heavy loads, so it is permissible to buy them only for lightweight babies. The wear resistance and durability of these structures also leaves much to be desired - you should not count on their long operation.
Stationary single
Very often today you can find stationary single swing. They are made from different materials, but the most common options are made of wood. There are many variations of such structures, which differ in their shape and structure. Most often, people buy or make their own U-shaped single swing, which takes very little material.
The main features of these options are:
- they are fairly simple and inexpensive;
- presented only stationary copies;
- have excellent strength characteristics;
- there are not a lot of racks in their composition, which significantly reduces the risk of their use;
- for these structures is required to build a foundation base.
If the family is large, it is better to give preference to a more spacious double swing. Such designs are made of different materials. You can do it yourself.
Doubles feature the following features:
- if such a structure is made of good quality metal, it can easily withstand a load of up to 300 kg;
- similar constructions can be made without using the welding machine during the works;
- for such structures, it is necessary to additionally purchase various components, because they are not in every arsenal.
On such a swing, two children can simultaneously swing at once. Since this will create a significant load (especially if the children are large), experts recommend choosing such models of strong metal.
A hammock type swing is one of the varieties of pendant models.They imply the lying position of the baby during riding, so in most cases they are used for very small crumbs. In these models there is a rectangular bed, which is attached to the four straps at the top. The last parts are connected at the top with one fastener. To make the baby as comfortable as possible, the cradle is made from eco-friendly, safe and pleasant to the touch materials, characterized by a soft texture. As filling is used wool, rubber or foam rubber.
Hammocks can also be used by older children. These models are made from more dense and wear-resistant fabrics or conventional rope mesh. These types of nests are called. Basically, these kinds of swings are hung on two main fasteners. They can be used by children from 1 to 10 years.
Sun loungers
There are also swing chairs. Such models have a simple design. They are equipped with a single seat, supplemented by a protective coating. Sun loungers are suspended at one main point.
The biggest load that such a swing can withstand is 200 kg. Wear resistance of a chaise lounge is provided with a spring detail that is present at its design.
There are also special types of the children's swing having the memorable name - cocoons. These models have in their design an additional stand. Usually the last part is made of rattan, wicker or bamboo.
By itself, the construction of a similar swing is assembled from reinforcing arcsinterconnecting at the highest point. Between the reinforcement are tightly stretched threads or rattan. Such models are single, double, triple or even quadruple.
The sofas call the standard swing, in which the seats are complemented by soft cushions and a soft back. As a rule, these facilities are single. They are distinguished by their structure - the swing sofa has not only a padded back, but also rather high armrests. In use, these varieties are very convenient.
For babies special swing-sofas are available, equipped with various musical details.
For babies
Especially for newborns from 0 years old, they sell swing-cradles, in which there is an automatic system for motion sickness.It operates on the basis of the electric drive. With such models, parents do not have to independently swing the cradle with the baby. Many moms and dads choose more interesting options, in which there are various soothing melodies or vibrations, which have a beneficial effect on the mood of the baby. In such conditions, the crumb will feel completely safe.
Also for babies produce modern combined copies that can be used as a mobile cradle. Having disconnected the bed from the straps, the place of the small user will be easy to move, without delivering the inconvenience to the crumbs. Often these designs are put in cars.
There are swings for the smallest, representing a kind of chair. Such varieties are relevant if the child has already learned to sit independently. For crumbs are provided with fasteners on the straps or velcro. Such details are necessary to protect the baby from falling out of the swing. Grown up babies can buy a swing, equipped with solid seats made of plastic or wood. The simplest and simplest are the structures consisting of a horizontal bar suspended on the ropes.These instances are cheap, but still deliver a lot of pleasure to small users.
More complex modifications of the swing for babies consist not only of a soft seat, but also of a rather high horizontal back. Often in these products there are armrests. In such conditions it is very comfortable and safe for kids to fall from such a swing is quite difficult.
Materials and sizes
Children's swings are made from different materials. The various options differ in performance, reliability and service life.
The most durable, reliable and wear-resistant are metal structures. That is why such structures are found in many yards. Most high-quality metal models are designed for serious loads. Both children and teenagers can freely ride on such constructions. These structures are also good because they can be supplemented with various elements of decor. Often they are painted in different bright colors. A richly colored swing is able to decorate a plot, and it will be more interesting for a child to swing on them.
However, it is very important to take into account the fact that metal structures with their reliability and durability are subject to the formation of corrosion. The appearance of rust on the metal can lead to the destruction of the structure. That is why such swings must be treated with special compounds to protect them from the devastating consequences. Also, we should not forget about the high level of thermal conductivity of the metal.
Because of this, it can be difficult to use metal swings, for example, when there is hot or frosty weather in the yard. In the first case, the constructions will be too hot, and in the second - too cold. In addition, metal seats (if not upholstered) are slippery. During a long seat you can stick to them, which will also cause a lot of discomfort.
Metal options, especially if they are large in size, have an impressive weight. It is quite difficult to move such structures around the site.
Another popular material used in the production of swings is wood. It produces very beautiful products that can be adorned in various ways. Wood models have the following positive characteristics:
- wooden structures have excellent strength characteristics - it is rather difficult to damage them;
- wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not harm the health of young users;
- such models can last for a very long time, especially if they are provided with competent care;
- wood seats are not slippery and do not overheat in hot weather;
- wooden structures can be painted, giving them a more interesting appearance;
- Such swings are not affected by low or high temperatures - in the heat they do not overheat, and in the cold they do not become too cold;
- Self-production of a swing made of wood is quite simple, since this material is for the most part malleable in work;
- These models boast a wonderful natural aroma.
However, the popular wooden options have some disadvantages, which must be taken into account by owners of country or country plots:
- natural wood is a material that is prone to rotting, fading, and drying out if it is not regularly processed;
- wood constructions - a “tidbit” for many species of insects;
- when using such a swing, you can accidentally plant a thorn or get a minor injury, especially if the structure has not been correctly processed.
Wooden swings can also be found at many sites. Many owners make their own hands. If everything is done correctly, the result is very beautiful and original designs that attract attention. In order for such swings to last as long as possible and not to lose their outer beauty, they will need to be regularly treated with special mixtures - antiseptics. Without them, the wood will soon begin to "fade".
Plastic products are very common today. Most often, they are purchased or assembled independently for small children, since such models are not intended for large loads. It is worth understanding what the advantages of such options are:
- plastic swings can have a variety of shapes and colors - this material is easily processed, so there are a great variety of different models on sale;
- such structures are installed easily and quickly, because they are lightweight;
- plastic products are unpretentious and do not require special care, such as natural wood;
- These models are universal in use - they can be found both in residential buildings and in large entertainment complexes.
But the plastic swing has its drawbacks:
- such products cannot boast of high reliability and good strength characteristics, especially when compared with designs made from other materials;
- it is far from always that such models are permissible to use outside the enclosed space;
- plastic is not designed for harsh conditions - this material does not withstand temperature extremes, and under the influence of sunlight plastic swings can lose the brightness of colors;
- Only young children can use such structures, because such swings are simply not designed for heavy loads;
- High humidity is also detrimental to plastic swings.
As you can see, plastic swings are beautiful and easy to install, and do not require complex care.However, they can serve for a long time not in all conditions, so they are chosen less often than the same wooden versions.
Some masters design swings from non-standard materials. For example, it can be automobile tires. They make simple models that are attached to both chains and ropes. Also in the manufacture of such products, people turn to plastic pipes or pallets of wood. Some masters design a swing out of old boards for snowboarding, skating or basins.
Pediatric anatomy is very different from adult, so when choosing or making a swing for yourself, it is very important to consider the height and age of the young user. If a child fails to reach his feet to the ground, being on standard swinging structures, he will not be using them very interestingly. Let us consider in more detail which parameters of the height of a seat mat correspond to one or another of the growth parameters of the baby:
- with height up to 80 cm, the height of the suspension of the seat should be 54 cm;
- with the growth of 80-90 cm, the height of the suspension will be 58 cm;
- 90-100 cm - 63 cm;
- 100-115 cm - 68 cm;
- 110-119 cm - 74 cm;
- 120-129 cm - 79 cm;
- 130-139 cm - 86 cm.
In general, children's swings have more compact dimensions than the standard adult versions. If we are talking about models for the smallest, then they are completely very miniature. Only in such conditions, kids will be safe.
As for the specific size of the seats, it is recommended to give preference to options with a small margin. This is due to the fact that in such conditions children with different builds can comfortably ride.
Popular models
Not every person is ready to independently construct a children's swing, especially considering the fact that ready-made models are produced by many famous brands. Let's get acquainted with the list of the most popular ones.
The well-known Dutch brand Ikea offers a chic assortment of various children's products to choose from. Branded products of this brand are of good quality and long service life.
Children's swing from this brand are presented by popular suspended models of high quality. Similar copies are issued for the smallest users. Such items as Kung-kung, Sveva, Ekorre, and Rusig are in great demand.The listed models are inexpensive, but are made of sturdy materials. For example, the hammock "Kung-kung" is made of thick and high-quality fabric. The lion's share of Ikea swings is designed for use by young children. Products of the Dutch brand collects only positive feedback. Buyers like the good quality of materials, as well as the affordable price of a swing.
The enviable demand today is the electronic rockers Capella. These models are the most convenient and absolutely safe. Such products are characterized by smooth rocking. For a more restful sleep of a child, such instances are equipped with pleasant musical additions. In addition, Capella rocking chairs have backs that can be fixed in two positions.
Seats in branded designs are very soft and comfortable.
A lot of high-quality and bright swing for kids offers brand Tako. Brand models have the following features:
- equipped with soft and comfortable seats, equipped with leg fasteners;
- complemented by a removable handrail;
- have protection against arbitrary folding;
- equipped with a safe and comfortable back with lateral support;
- Many models have seat belts and soft handles;
- Tako's signature swing folds and unfolds quickly and easily.
In addition, Tako swings for kids are inexpensive and have different colors. On sale you can find red, orange, pink, green, yellow and other rich designs. The most popular models are Enjoy, Swing and Classic.
The baby swing Babyton can boast of excellent quality and charming design. These models are electronic and have the following positive qualities:
- easy to assemble and understand;
- convenient in storage and transportation;
- have reliable framework bases;
- equipped with very soft deep seats;
- have adjustable backs;
- are inexpensive;
- perform pleasant and soothing melodies;
- presented in models of different colors;
- Equipped with a strong and safe belt.
Recommendations for selection
The choice of the ideal teeter should be approached very responsibly. It is necessary to rely on the following important criteria.
- The material of manufacture. Experts recommend to give preference to stronger models of metal or wood.Of course, they have their drawbacks, but they are more reliable than plastic ones. The last options do not withstand significant loads and can not be bought for the garden.
- Allowed load. Buy models of swing with the maximum permissible load. These options are more reliable and last longer.
- Reliance and fasteners. Be sure to pay due attention to the mounts and supports of the swing. These parts must be of high quality and free from damage. Otherwise, the use of swings may be unsafe.
- Build quality. Pay attention to the build quality of the seesaw as a whole. Individual elements of the structure should not stagger or make extraneous sounds. If they are observed, then it is better to refuse to buy the product
- Additional features and equipment. Initially decide on exactly what kind of swing you want to buy for your child. In the shops you can find a lot of thoughtful options with a different set. The most convenient are electronic copies with musical additions.
- Colour. Choose a swing of a pleasant and positive color.For example, a cute pink model is suitable for a girl, and a blue or purple one for a boy. On designs there can be different images, for example, the sun, clouds, various animals, cartoon characters. In addition, the selected designs should harmoniously fit into the landscape design of a country house or cottage.
- The size. Choosing a swing, you need to pay attention to their size. Designs should be comfortable for the child. To do this, take into account his height, age and complexion.
- Manufacturer. If you decide to purchase high-quality and durable swings, then you should familiarize yourself with the range offered by well-known manufacturers.
Do not save on the health and safety of children. Of course, branded versions usually cost more, but they are made conscientiously and have a guarantee.
To learn how to make collapsible mobile baby swing with your own hands, see the next video.