Living trees: types, sizes and useful tips

On the eve of the New Year, we are increasingly thinking about the design of the main symbol of the holiday - the Christmas tree. It is she who creates a truly fabulous and solemn atmosphere. However, in recent years, the issue of the feasibility of installing a live Christmas tree has become increasingly frequent. Fans of living wood say about the incredible coniferous scent, and the owners of artificial - about its practicality.
Living trees for decades and even centuries remained the main symbol of the New Year. Recently, many myths have arisen around them that we want to debunk.
- Myth 1 - live Christmas trees are cut down in the forest than cause significant harm to the environment.Well, if you buy a tree on an unauthorized market, then perhaps it will be so. But most of the outlets in our country work officially, and the origin of coniferous trees there is no doubt. All of them are grown in special leshozes and have the necessary documentation. Both Russian and foreign suppliers of Christmas trees always plan in advance for the turnover of all their landings, environmental degradation, air quality and soil is absolutely unprofitable for them. That is why, as soon as the trees are cut down and transported to all the festive events, hundreds and even thousands of new seedlings are immediately planted in their place.
- Myth 2 - an artificial Christmas tree is much safer, more convenient and more practical. In previous years, this was exactly the case: in order to install the Christmas tree, it was necessary to sharpen the trunk almost under the rod, otherwise it was simply not to stick the crosses into the narrowed hole. However, some put the plant in a bucket of sand, this option was also quite troublesome, because the sand in the winter still need to try to find. But modern stands allow you to quickly and easily install a tree of any size without any additional preparation.By the way, the modern Christmas industry offers such an excellent device, as a Christmas-tree cover, which is attached below. When it comes time to say goodbye to the tree, they simply take off the toys and pull the cover from the bottom like a stocking. Such a tree can be very easily carried out without leaving a large number of needles on the floor of an apartment.
A live tree has a unique aroma, it gives off volatile production, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, which is why a live tree should be preferred by people who suffer from nervous disorders, asthma or allergic diseases. All you need is just to choose the most suitable Christmas tree.
Traditionally, most families put pine - its fluffy branches with long needles look perfect, and such a tree stands for quite a long time. But if the pine is already fed up, and the soul wants something new, then the choice today is very large. Festive trees are sold in a wide range, they differ in the size and structure of the needles, the shape of the crown, as well as the number of branches and shades of green.
The most affordable option - domestic spruce with short needles, they exude a pleasant aroma and literally fill the room with it, however, such trees begin to crumble, after only one and a half to two weeks. Pine habitual to us are in the middle price segment, while the price varies greatly from the size of the tree, but imported Christmas trees will cost a lot, but they are certainly worth it. Most often, we can find Nordman fir, which is better known in Russia as Danish spruce, its branches are located in small tiers, and Frazer fir, the crown of which is still interestingly conical in the nurseries. Moreover, both plants retain their color and do not fall off for quite a long time, but at the same time, Frazer fir has a stronger smell.
Decide on the desired size of the tree should be before buying it. To do this, you need to determine where you put it: the tree should be fluffy, but it should not interfere with movement and access to other interior items in the house. In a spacious room, the Christmas tree is often installed on the floor, in this case, its height is usually determined only by the owner’s personal tastes, but it is noted that trees look most solemnly, the tops of which do not reach the ceiling at 20–30 cm.Accordingly, you should keep in mind the height of the ceiling, as well as specify the size of the decorative top and stand.
If you decorate a small room, then you should prefer compact Christmas trees that can be installed on the table. If there is very little space in the room, then it is worth confining to spruce branches, and you can create a festive atmosphere with the help of garlands and Christmas wreaths.
How to choose?
To buy a New Year tree, it is better to choose the daytime, only in this case can you objectively assess the condition of the plant and the degree of its freshness.
- First, you should carefully examine the trunk of the tree: it is necessary that it be rough, without visible damage, traces of fungus, mold and rot. Keep in mind that the girth of the lower part of the trunk of a healthy tree is 6-8 cm.
- Examine the place of the cut: if it is light and covered with a layer of oily resin, this indicates that the tree in the bazaar is quite recent, otherwise the probability that it will begin to crumble in the coming days will increase sharply.
- Move the branches, they must be flexible and directed upwards.If they break easily, it is unlikely that such a tree will stay in the house for a long time.
- And, of course, an important factor is the color of the needles. Needles should be bright and saturated color, necessarily monochromatic and with a subtle pine aroma.
How to install?
Planting a tree in a room is a very important occupation, since it should not limit the freedom of movement of the household.
It is necessary to reduce to zero the risk that the tree will simply fall.
- It is optimal to put the tree near the window or under the stairs so that it is located as far as possible from the batteries, stoves and fireplaces.
- Before installing a Christmas tree, it is desirable to maintain it for a couple of days in an unheated room, for example, on a balcony or in a garage. Before installation, clean the butt with a sharp knife, freeing it from the bark.
- Place the cut to sprinkle with crushed coal or ash, and wrap the bottom of the stem with a wet towel.
- New Year trees are installed in special supports-crosses or in a tank with sand. The second option is preferable, because in this case, you can periodically water the tree with water and make the necessary additional feeding.
- At the cottage or outside the city, you can use the available tools to install a Christmas tree. For example, car drives hold wood well.
Useful tips
- In order for a lively Christmas tree to please you with its fresh look as long as possible, you need to properly care for it. To do this, irrigate it regularly with water, spray it with a spray bottle and rotate around its axis as often as possible, then each part of the tree will receive the necessary dose of sunlight.
- If the plant is standing in a tub with sand, you can enter the dressing (based on 1 liter of water):
- half a teaspoon of citric acid with 1 spoon of gelatin;
- 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 2 tablespoons of coal or chalk.
- It helps to maintain the freshness of the aspirin plant very well, as a supplement to the water you can use 1 crushed tablet with half a spoonful of granulated sugar. In this case, aspirin acts as an antiseptic that prevents the growth of bacteria, and sugar nourishes the plant. However, in the sand, you can add ready-made complex fertilizers intended for indoor plants.
- Some acquire a Christmas tree in a pot with an earthy lump, in this case, the tree can please you all year round.
These simple tips will help you keep your Christmas tree green and fresh for the longest possible time.
Beautiful examples
This Canadian pine is a classic in the New Year's decoration of the premises.
The second most popular New Year plant in Russia is the decorative blue spruce.
Firs, junipers and other conifers also look original.
Mini-trees are very atmospheric.
For live trees, see the next video.