How to decorate an apartment for the New Year?

The New Year is a bewitching holiday for adults and children alike. But literacy of the surrounding space is very important. The slightest mistakes in it can immediately devalue the upcoming celebration.
Choose themes and style
More precisely, we do not immediately choose, but first we cut off all unwanted options. A common mistake is the desire to decorate the whole apartment completely. If the dwelling is not planned to be used as a base for the agency of the New Year holidays, you should refuse to overload the space with thematic attributes. Anyway, it will look ridiculous and ridiculous.Another characteristic slip - the separation of the interior from the decor, they must be thought out in close connection.
Minimalistic surroundings are categorically incompatible with traditional Christmas trees. You should also not introduce an excess of red tone, because it is very easy to cross the line: instead of a romantic mood, it will provoke aggression or despondency. It is unacceptable as a merger of decorative objects with the situation, and visual conflict with it. In addition, sometimes it is better to abandon any decisions or stylistic preferences than to use too much decor, to put a tasteless-looking object. Another ban on the race for savings.
The classic tonalities of the New Year and Christmas celebrations are white, red and green colors. With skillful application, you can demonstrate your originality even within this range. It is advisable to apply shades, thereby avoiding the patterned appearance. To create a more enjoyable and modern format, it is recommended to apply chic-looking keys. All topics that include reflective details will look great,shine the colors of precious minerals.
You can create the feeling of “returning to childhood” Christmas decorations decorated with multicolored candy ribbons. It is not necessary to do something with your own hands, there are more modern solutions of a similar type. It is possible to approximate the internal appearance of the house to the fairy-tale samples, using flashy garlands. Some people will be pleased with the magnificent metallic decor, which harmoniously combines with tin, platinum and chrome tonalities.
The best case to use such solutions is when the interior is painted in gray tones. To create a deeper visual perspective, you need to apply gold and silver tones. It is recommended to supplement the composition with dishes with metal patterns. The optimal parts of the plot are crystal vases, decorative icicles. It would also be nice to use decorative elements that resemble snow.
But you can approach the matter differently by choosing a more fresh and natural format instead of the emphatically solemn filling the room. In this case, the recommended decorations should create the idea of a pristine forest.Green parts are combined with fragments of wood color, with splashes, decorated with gold. It is the latter that help to get rid of the sense of scarcity of colors. It is advisable that the tablecloth is green, and napkins are better to use a brown color.
We take into account the dimensions of the room
One room
Often, interior designers claim that you can decorate the room for the New Year in any of the styles. It should be borne in mind that the area of housing for many people is relatively small. And to fully implement on it extensive compositions will not work. The output is a special tricks that are invented for such cases. A good idea would be to turn greeting elements into decorative details.
Medium sized balloons are used to write characteristic wishes. The content of them is pointless to limit - here you have to come up with your original greeting, and not copy it according to a template. Balls with inscriptions neatly fixed in terracotta pots. But you can do it differently, using frames and ribbons with Christmas balls to decorate the windows.Another idea is to decorate pictures with sprigs of coniferous trees. However, it is worth considering that abstract canvases will not work, and individual plots can create a strange impression.
Next to the Christmas tree is usually placed and a festive table. And because it is appropriate to put on it:
- elegant vases;
- glass balls;
- garlands (only with the observance of all precautions, of course).
So that the walls in the apartment during the New Year and Christmas holidays do not seem to be empty, they are complemented with wicker vine, stuffed birds, dried bunches of berries, “rain” and other details. With an acute shortage of free space, you can make an improvised Christmas tree from a large coniferous paw and hang it on the same wall. But it will be much more attractive to see a small natural or artificial Christmas tree in the corners of the room. You can decorate it with the usual decor, albeit in a smaller volume than a full-length beauty. It is also worth trying to put the spruce in different corners and look at the result.
Often, making out an apartment of a small size, forget about the chairs and armchairs. And seating places also represent an opportunity to show their aesthetic tastes. They are decorated with garlands, ribbons and tinsel.Another possible way - decorating the space in red and white tones. Juicy colors on a white background will look luxurious and solemn.
Extensive studio space provides much more opportunities for designers than a small apartment. It is logical to use in such cases, high trees with cones, wild berries and LED decorations. It can be used to decorate toys from dissimilar materials, as long as they match each other in color. Edible decorating parts, collectible items will also be a good idea.
Table and floor compositions collected from flowers, fir paws and branches of deciduous crops, shrubs are becoming more common. You can make these elements of the most diverse in size, adapting a specific product to the situation. The use of light trees of large size is also possible, but the cost of such parts is very high. It is permissible to use LEDs of various sizes, colors and geometric shapes. The original look is created using:
- snowmen;
- columns;
- winter landscapes;
- figurines of graceful animals.
A very good idea is the use of garlands. To create a feeling of a pompous and elegant interior, fabric decorations and draperies are often used. Recommended the use of scenes with fairy-tale characters and Christmas-tree toys. Of the desktop elements gives good results chinaware. You can choose such parts at your discretion, but you need to coordinate them with the interior.
Color solutions
The colors should first be selected from among the sought-after classic combinations. These include:
- white-red;
- red and green;
- silver-white-blue color.
More original solutions - crimson, pink, purple and golden hues. No matter what color decision is made, it should be respected even at the level of small details. Yellow-brown and beige tones are allowed. If it is difficult to choose a suitable color for the tablecloth, it is worthwhile to stay on the classic white version. In the complete absence of ideas and thoughts, you should use ready-made prompts from fashion magazines - but they will have to be reworked so that the tones do not look ridiculous.
Decor of the New Year's table.If the decor is decorated with an abundance of golden shades, it is appropriate to use red decorative elements for the table. It can be:
- dishes and plates;
- napkins;
- tablecloths;
- candles;
- figurines.
The choice of option depends only on personal fantasy and on the appropriateness in a particular case. It is not necessary to use candles of the classical form. Experiments with geometry, with different flavors can bring considerable benefits. Napkins spread often not just like that, but twisting them in an intricate way. It is foolish to refuse such a method of decorating a New Year's table as the use of mandarins.
Usually they are put in the form of a slide on a special dish. But there is an alternative - the introduction of tangerines in fruit platter, along with grapes, apples and nuts. It is recommended to supplement the table with small spruce branches and cones of coniferous trees. It is very good to use rain, tinsel, festive balloons and so on. If there are more glasses in the house than are needed for the celebrants, they can also be made the basis for the compositions. Bright and catchy step - putting on the table cookies of the original geometric shapes and colors. The logical solution is also to use:
- chocolate and sweets;
- lollipops;
- other sweets.
How to dress up a Christmas tree?
Making a Christmas tree is also extremely important. The key colors are red, golden and brown. They harmoniously intertwined with a rich color of needles. It is recommended not to use a brown tone excessively, because it can create a dark impression. Acceptable use of fruit and vegetable design elements. You can eat them later.
Decorating the Christmas tree can also occur in different styles. Country or Provence format is invariably accompanied by the use of household items, textiles. It is not bad to hang wooden figures on the New Year tree, the same cookies and other hand-made decor objects. Shabby chic was created by English designers who tried to use intentionally aged objects and “with history” objects for the festive decor. Finding finished products of this style is not difficult, but you can make them yourself. The fir-tree decorated in the spirit of shabby-chic is complemented by:
- lace details;
- tapes;
- bows;
- pendants;
- beads;
- the stars;
- flowers.
The Scandinavian approach implies the use of compact-sized trees, they are often placed in elegant wicker baskets. If they are not, you can put the Christmas tree in the pot of the usual kind, wrapped kraft paper. The trees are either left without decorative items, or they decorate 1 branch in the most original way. Alternatively, you can use toys and motifs that dominated in the 1960-80s. In this case, it is appropriate to apply vintage elements.
How to arrange the windows?
Taking care of decorating your home space for the New Year with your own hands, you need to think about decorating windows. The simplest option is to use snowflakes cut from paper. To glue them, they often use a solution of baby soap, applied with the help of wetted sponges. When later the moment comes to remove the elements of decor, you just need to pull over the edges. The original step is the application of stickers using PVA glue.
These details are transparent and do not interfere with the view of the street space. In the evening they are illuminated by city lights, flickering like ice crystals. What is good, stickers from PVA can be easily transferred to any arbitrarily chosen location.They will not come off on their own. It is possible to form stickers using syringes without needles and drawing stencils.
Beautiful examples
The photo below shows how to create a positive attitude before the New Year with the help of garlands hanging in different places and a brilliant Christmas tree. To do this, it was not even necessary to apply additional attributes - both the furniture and other furniture remained unchanged compared to the usual situation.
The usual recommendation “do not abuse red shades” should be understood correctly. There are situations when you can not do otherwise. A vivid example is shown in the picture below: the already red interior is supplemented with identical in color balloons and stars. But in order to dilute the composition and not to make it too aggressive, large white blotches are introduced.
Many people naturally have a desire to make the situation still less saturated and assertive in appearance. As practice shows, this does not interfere to achieve this holiday feeling. The photo below shows how to achieve your goal using decorative socks, a pair of snowflakes, color harmony and a Christmas tree decorated with balls.To complement the feeling helps the appropriate color of the furniture.
How to decorate the apartment in the New Year with their own hands, see the following video.