Christmas tablecloths and napkins: how to choose and make yourself?

 Christmas tablecloths and napkins: how to choose and make yourself?

The new year is one of the most significant holidays, the organization of which largely determines the festive mood, as well as how the next year will pass. That is why both adults and children so diligently decorate their home. In this article we will talk about such an unusual decoration as a Christmas napkin, the necessary materials for its manufacture, and also tell you how to make it yourself.


Napkins for the New Year can be of different types: knitted, linen, embroidered, made of matting. At the initial stage it is necessary to decide on the material. Often for the manufacture of napkins used:

  • fabric (it is a question of both the variants having thematic coloring, and monotonous, which look great when combined);
  • thick colored paper;
  • regular thread, if it comes to the need to knit napkins or tablecloth;
  • acrylic thread or embroidery floss;
  • various auxiliary materials: beads, sequins, decoupage paper, glue.

Forms and sizes

Parameters and features of accessories used for New Year's decoration of tables depend on many conditions. Most experts recommend choosing tablecloths that follow the shape of the table (rectangular, oval or square). In such models, a small pattern can be placed along the edges, and in the center there will be a larger pattern. A versatile option can be considered a round-shaped tablecloth. A good idea would be a round tablecloth, on top of which a square copy is put. In most cases, such sets interestingly complement each other.

On the New Year's table looks great model, made in the form of a track. A peculiar addition is the main tablecloth, made in the appropriate color scheme, as well as a path made using contrasts.In some situations, this option is used in relation to napkins, in the case of a variety that is placed on the knees. As for napkins, in size they can be medium and small (such options are most in demand). Their use depends on the table setting. Allowed as a banal placement of napkins next to the cutlery, and the original table setting in modern trends.


The design of the tablecloths used for serving New Year's tables may be different, and its choice depends on the general design option. One of the most common options is when the main tablecloth is purchased in white (it is desirable that the patterns or embroidery applied to it are not very bright and aged), and smaller red and green versions decorated in an appropriate way, for example, are put on top of it. , with the active use of thematic prints.

Paper napkins used for serving the New Year's table, most often have either an initially printed pattern, or lend themselves to additional decoration using beads and sequins.

Fabric options can be revived with your own hands, using what is at hand. For example, through the use of special paints for drawing on the fabric, a winter pattern can be applied or images of New Year's fairytale characters. An alternative option would be a matching embroidery made with beads or ordinary threads.

Infrequently, you can see Christmas napkins with applique, as they are quite difficult to manufacture. However, it is these models that will make an indelible impression on the guests. An interesting decision would be to make several separate napkins with applications, and then combine them into a common plot.

No less original look and models made using fabric painting. The most successful choice will follow the themes of the Eastern horoscope.

How to choose?

In order for textiles used in the festive table setting to be sufficiently acceptable to use, it is necessary to approach their choice competently and responsibly. The so-called false napkins used to clean the lips and hands should be made from natural fabrics. As for large napkins that are spread on the knees, they can be made of synthetic fabrics, which will provide a more attractive and elegant look.

Similar selection criteria are relevant to apply in relation to the tablecloth. If we are talking about a magnificent feast to which colleagues or friends are invited, then in such a case it is important to apply things decorated with insignificant and not too catchy patterns, holiday inscriptions and wishes.

How to do it yourself?

The real owner prefers not to buy ready-made festive textiles, but to manufacture them independently. This approach gives both the opportunity to realize their own skills, and get the original thing at the output. For example, you can make a New Year napkin with three-dimensional patchwork elements.

You will need the following materials:

  • strips of cloth (it is better that they have an appropriate thematic focus) of rectangular shape of medium size;
  • the matter intended for use on the reverse side;
  • a piece of padding polyester or other dense fabric;
  • material required for processing edges;
  • scissors;
  • needles and threads of medium strength.

At the initial stage, the matter used as the inside of the napkin is placed face down on the working surface.If there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to cover it with temporary glue or, with the help of pins, to fix the lining on the wrong side. On the left edge of the face up put a piece of colored material, next you need to put another piece of the opposite side. It is necessary to perform such actions until the whole canvas is filled with them. In addition, all the patches can be stapled with a sewing machine.

Now you need to go to the design of the edges (optimally apply the fabric of the same color). Sew a strip, a little before reaching the corner of the napkin. After that, the frame strip is bent at an angle of 45 degrees, thanks to which a corner is formed on the canvas. The next strip is put on the canvas, and the next side is flashed. In a similar way is the design and other corners. By the time all the work is done, it is necessary to turn out the frame, and the napkin for the New Year's table will be completely ready.

As for the tablecloth, it can also be made independently using tapestry fabric.

For tailoring you will need:

  • tapestry fabric - the segment must fully comply with the size of the table;
  • a similar piece of plain fabric used as a lining;
  • satin ribbon for decoration;
  • scissors, thread in tone of fabric, needle

On the basis of measures, characterizing the table, allowances equal to 1 cm are added. Both parts are attached to each other by the front sides and fixed at the edges with the help of pins. After this, the edges are ground in such a way that a small area remains untouched for further turning over. The allowances on the corners are cut off, but at the same time there remains a couple of millimeters to the very line. The seams of the tablecloth are ironed from the front side, and both allowances are laid on the part from the main fabric.

In the next step, the allowances on the open area of ​​the fabric are carefully ironed, then coalesced, swept away, and ironed out as close as possible to the edges. A satin ribbon (as an alternative, a lace inlay acts) is attached around the perimeter, and the edges should be carefully processed. After all the actions the tablecloth is ready for use.

Serving tips

Since the use of napkins gives much more space for creativity, initially you need to pay attention to their design options. In order to create a festive mood, you can put them in the form of a Christmas tree. For this, it is permissible to use both paper and cloth napkins. It is most logical to take the green color options, but alternatively other colors can be chosen.

If we are talking about the use of napkins with a New Year's print, you can make a fan of them, the base of which will be fastened with a bright thread, and as a supplement to attach a not too big New Year's toy (made in the form of a ball, a Christmas tree or an angel). When large napkins are used, their middle must necessarily be fixed with the help of a special ring, which can also be made independently, using improvised means, for example, spruce cones or needles.

Beautiful examples

To understand how attractive can be tablecloths and napkins, made independently, you need to familiarize yourself with the following examples. To make such a decoration, you need to take the usual pastry napkins of white, red and green colors. Next comes the cutting patterns.To ensure an unusual effect, you need to use curly scissors.

Christmas napkins with applique - a win-win. For the basis it is quite realistic to use a ready-made basis. As for the figures, you can either buy them in a specialty store, or sew them yourself. The use of tablecloths with newfangled fairy-tale heroes is also able to please many. If we are talking about individual options, then they can be made almost entirely in the form of one or another character. Local decorating is also allowed. Thus, there are a significant number of options for the use of tablecloths and napkins in order for the New Year to bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

How to decorate the New Year's table napkins svomim hands, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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